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Masoul (Harmony War Series Book 2)

Page 33

by Michael Chatfield

  “Clear!” a second lieutenant called from inside the defenses, the sections coming out as platoons and companies formed back up.

  “Good work, troopers. We have resistance fighters needing assistance on floor twenty-one,” Nerva said through all of the troopers’ helmets.

  “Ammo and buddy check,” Warrant Noel said.

  More than one person patted Wiz’s back for the earlier save. Pedro, Hiet, and Cho were with the medics; everyone else was good, although low on ammunition.

  “Okay, I’m sending up an ammo request. Boxer, till later notice, you’re my second. See what the ammo situation is. I’m going to check on floor twenty-one,” Alexis said, and then turned and left for the stairwell, trusting her team to follow orders without her there.


  Moretti didn’t want to have to leave the troopers and their powered armor, but he knew it would be suspicious if he spent more than eight hours down there. Fighting was raging all across Landing City and Chosen were everywhere.

  The resistance might have been a small group, but they were a small group with grenades in a pitch-black city that they knew better than those they were attacking. They could turn the city into a living hell. Moretti looked over the fires that made the already stale air thick with smoke. He could smell the sewage and the fires that were raging untouched by Chosen or anyone else.

  There was no order to Landing City; order was created with a gun, and power was given to those with a flashlight.

  Interesting how the rules of power can change in an instant.

  Chosen ran at Moretti, their guns brandished.

  They didn’t even see the powered armor.

  “Put your fucking ha…” a repulsor from Moretti’s right went off. Sasaki lowered it; the three Chosen fighters hadn’t seen her in the shadows.

  Holm moved up, flames glancing off of his armor. What Moretti saw sent a chill down his spine.

  The blackened armor was framed by fire; it looked human enough, but its deadliness was clear, with armored plates, powerful servo motors, and scratches that showed use already.

  It wasn’t just the armor; the way Holm moved, the weapon in his hands, all of it served to show him as the fighter he had been molded into.

  “Let’s get to the command center,” Moretti said. Holm’s helmet tilted slightly in assent. As people saw the armor moving with Moretti, they gathered around and followed them, as if seeking their guidance.

  It didn’t take long to reach the command center, and with Chosen following them, no one else mistook Moretti’s identity.

  Holm moved up first. The enforcers let them and Moretti through, while the Chosen milled around waiting for orders. Enforcers acting as runners rushed past them, spreading orders to Chosen fighters to try and organize them all.

  The secondary command center didn’t have the offices and extra rooms of the primary center. Here there was what had been an auditorium, the stage now covered in screens as people worked consoles from the various levels. Some consoles were working, but in other areas, there were runners who rushed past the doors; some were returning to different areas, passing on their messages and preparing to run back out with new orders.

  It was a simple system, and working flashlights illuminated the area somewhat.

  Harper stood at an unpowered table at the rear of the auditorium.

  “Harper, what’s going on? I’ve come back from the research and development area,” Moretti said.

  Harper turned around. There were more lines on his face and his eyes darted to the armored door frequently. He was anxious, without the confident air he’d had for years.

  “Moretti, it is good to see you. I was scared that you might have been hit by the resistance,” Harper said. An explosion went off, dust falling.

  Everyone ducked, one person screaming out; a server bank had fallen on them.

  An enforcer stepped over to them.

  “We had one attack; most of the techs died,” Moretti touched Harper’s shoulder, his face grave. “Stan is dead as well, but most of the powered armor is functioning and working. Tony has secured the area. Seeing as I cannot pilot it and I would get a message to you the fastest, I told them to wait until they got word or wait another two hours before moving out,” Moretti said, removing his hand.

  Harper nodded, looking to the floor. Moretti could see the cogs working behind his eyes.

  He looked up to Moretti, a decision made.

  “I want you to order them to destroy all of the equipment other than their charging stations. I don’t want the EMF getting their hands on it,” Harper said.

  “What about helping out with the defense?” Moretti pushed.

  “I will send a runner,” Harper said.

  Moretti got closer and looked around to make sure no one could hear. Holm and Sasaki were far enough away to make it seem that they couldn’t hear. Moretti knew that their audio recorders would catch every word, though.

  A gunshot rang out, drawing everyone’s attention to the enforcer that had gone to help the person under the server bank.

  Moretti looked back to Harper, who looked saddened by the enforcer’s actions but understood it. Harmony didn’t have the capabilities to heal a person; better to put them out of their misery and get people back to work.

  Over the years the technology had broken down and people failed to pass on their medical knowledge. Most of them had been killed when Harmony came into power.

  “We have troopers in every tower; they didn’t take many casualties securing the landing pads.

  “They’re moving hard and fast, securing different routes into the cities. It looks like the resistance is helping them. They must have guides or something; it’s as if they know the layout of the entire city and all of the towers.

  “Combat shuttles have dropped all of their troopers. They continue to drop ammunition and supplies and take wounded back up to the carriers. We can only assume that most of the troopers that get to the carriers will be back to fight us in a short time.

  “Our weapons are cutting them down, but the resistance has the same weapons; they’ve made rolling turrets, moving carts down hallways and firing onto barracks. Somehow they were communicating to the EMF, as they’ve got grenades and explosives that don’t rely on electronics.

  “I never knew that there were so many that had strayed from the path,” Harper said, shaking his head sadly.

  From the path, give me a fucking break. You told them to do what you said or you’d have them tortured. You thought that people were good, that those who were kept at the bottom, given the power of those at the top and weapons to secure it, would be happy. Moretti remembered the first weeks where the CEOs and those in higher positions that lived on Masoul Actual were captured by the Harmony forces.

  The lucky ones had died right away; the unlucky ones had been used by the Chosen, discarded, or kept around for amusement. Harper hadn’t believed the reports. When he came near places where they were keeping the CEOs or their families, the Chosen would kill them. Saying that they had ‘strayed from the path’.

  Moretti had known a number of them. Out of mercy, he had killed as many as he had found; those in his Chosen forces that did the same thing were summarily executed.

  Moretti might have had blood on his hands, but he would happily do it again. The companies weren’t the greatest, but they gave stability. They did not depend on leaders that swayed groups with words and were in turn swayed by the words of liars and scum.

  “Don’t worry, retribution will come, swift and terrible,” Moretti said. Harper nodded, but Moretti wasn’t talking about it coming down on the resistance that he had nurtured into being.

  “Yes it shall, and Harmony will come out victorious,” Harper said, holding to his idiotic beliefs.

  “What about the systems that were broken? Can we get power on - the air or the sewage?” Moretti said, pressing Harper for every piece of information he could get.

  “Those systems are lost, that explosion from ea
rlier was a result of the broken sewage systems. Our lower floors are filling with water; we have already lost five in central. The ninetieth floor with your powered armor will take some hours before it is flooded. Here on the hundredth floor, we have two hours until the water reaches us. Our air is becoming thin, and we will have to change to re-breathers and tanks soon enough,” Harper said, sighing. “If you do not hear word from me within four hours, you are to attack the trooper lines. There’s not enough oxygen for us all, and the fires are only helping with that. Either we will push through them or it will be up to our brothers and sisters in Osdal to take up our gauntlet,” Harper said, holding Moretti’s eyes.

  Moretti couldn’t stop the shock registering on his face.

  He had never thought that Harper might name those that were pulling his strings and the real backers of Harmony.

  “They believe as we do?” Moretti said, his voice low.

  “Yes, they are the originators of Harmony, though they are far from the only system. Fear not; even if we die here, Harmony’s systems will rise up and strike down the corrupt companies that call us workers in name but use our brothers and sisters as slaves.” Harper seemed to grow; Moretti didn’t think the message was just for him. No, Harper was saying those words to strengthen himself.

  Moretti didn’t push to get more information, that would only have looked odd. Instead, he was supposed to be inspired and relieved that no matter if he died or not, they would win out.

  Moretti stepped back. “For the sake of Harmony,” he said solemnly, swearing to himself that it was the last time he would fake the salute. Dan Moretti would not be claimed by this planet. No, he would be the thread that unraveled Harmony.

  “For the sake of Harmony,” Harper said, repeating the solemn salute.

  Without another word, Moretti turned and started to leave the room. As he did, he saw an enforcer runner coming in.

  “Get word to my Chosen: they are to meet me at the research and development area on the ninetieth floor in three hours,” Moretti said.

  “Sir,” the runner said, turning back around and running ahead of Moretti.

  Holm and Sasaki were in front and behind him.

  “Go, bring the fight to the troopers and show them the abilities of Harmony!” Moretti yelled to the Chosen around the command center.

  Cheers rose from people as they rushed off to get into the fight.

  Moretti felt bad. More troopers would die, but the crucial part of his plan was even more critical.


  Tyler, Obe, and Ali removed the grate from the air vents. They sat back, watching the vent, and staying out of sight.

  Tyler checked the time; the resistance was supposed to be there already. But he was used to timings getting fucked up.

  Finally, Jolie’s head appeared.

  “Holy fuck!” she said, turning back.

  “Jolie, is that any way to greet a friend?” Tyler asked, grinning. Then he sobered up; they had a job to do. “Need those grenades.”

  There were a few tense seconds and then Jolie’s head came back out, looking at Tyler, Obe, and Ali.

  “How the hell have you got light on in here?” she asked, not getting out of the vent.

  “Well, we did engineer this attack, so we took precautions to make sure we didn’t fuck ourselves over. You got those grenades?” Tyler asked.

  She seemed to weigh something in her mind.

  She sighed and got out of the vent, a bag in her hand. Tyler looked inside and grinned; there were tubes about the size of a water bottle with string out the bottom of them.

  Tyler grinned, and then turned and started walking away from the vent. “Bring all of them, we’re going to need them,” he said, walking out from under the catwalks, through the machinery, into the open area where the powered armor and the rest of the troopers waited.

  The adjustments had been made. A few people were sleeping; others were playing games, and more stood on watch.

  Tyler looked back to see Jolie and fifteen resistance fighters look around the area in confusion. Nearly all of their eyes fell on the powered armor and the troopers no longer wearing their dusters but bearing armored plates and weapons.

  It made them look less like bully boys and more like the professionals they were.

  “Ali, show them the armory, let them take whatever they want. Obe, watch the vent, just in case,” Tyler said.

  “Got it, boss. You two, hand those bags off and follow me,” Ali said, pointing at two stronger-looking lads and heading for the armories in the walls.

  Obe simply nodded and jumped up on some kind of conveyor belt, holding his rifle.

  Tyler continued on, the resistance fighters, nothing more than children and teenagers that were able to fit into the city’s vents, looking around in awe.

  He glanced back as they exited the catwalks that looked over the testing area and the powered armor cradles.

  “Holy shit, how?” Jolie asked, pausing. Everyone stopped with her, looking at the powered armor and the troopers wearing enforcer clothes and armor.

  Tyler could see her mental gears turning and her eyes go wide.

  Tyler watched, wondering if she would reach the right conclusion or jump to the wrong one.

  “You lied to us!” Jolie said, and weapons appeared in a flash.

  “Tell them they better put those away,” Mark said, leaning off of the catwalk and looking menacing as ever. Jerome cleaned his nails with the daggers Tyler and Mark had given him.

  “Get down here and show them your tats,” Tyler said, looking to Mark.

  Mark clearly didn’t think it was a good idea, but Tyler’s head-twitch and flick of his eyes apparently convinced him.

  He didn’t take the stairs. instead jumping off from the second floor. Lower gravity meant he landed softly. Jerome followed.

  Tyler saw the other troopers looked like they didn’t care about the exchange, but the distance between their hands and weapons reduced and their eyes glanced over casually.

  Mark pulled down his shirt, revealing the EMF tattoo with a split red line, to show that he had gone into combat under a No Reinforcement order, and then displayed the one showing M&T over a V.

  Jerome showed his as well and started cleaning the nails on his other hand.

  “Okay,” Jolie said, lowering her pistol.

  “Fuck, that’s nasty in there,” one of the two boys sent to grab ammo and weapons said, as they and Ali walked back to the group.

  “Hmm?” Jolie asked.

  “They killed all of the tech people, including Stan. The lunchroom is nasty as hell,” the boy continued, looking pale.

  That seemed to seal the deal, and the others lowered their pistols.

  The doors to the research and development area opened, Holm and Sasaki returning with Moretti.

  The pistols came up once again.

  “The fuck are you working with that piece of shit for?” Jolie said.

  Moretti’s head swiveled over and locked on Jolie. He walked towards them, and Holm and Sasaki adjusted, following.

  “I’ll let him explain,” Tyler sighed.

  Jolie and the others held their fire as Moretti approached.

  “Hello, Jolie, how’s the leg treating you? It’s been some time since I sent you the message and medical supplies,” Moretti said, stopping.

  Jolie’s eyes went wide and her face drained of blood.

  “No fucking way.” Her shock turned to anger. “You couldn’t be…”

  “The Hand? Oh, well, I most definitely can. Why do you think you got warning about the latest raids, and people sent to you that were good with fighting but pissed at Harmony? I’ve kept far away from you lot. You’re passionate but not exactly the best at controlling yourselves. Look at what Dasan did,” Moretti said.

  “I guess that kind of makes sense,” Jolie lowered her gun for the second time.

  “Now let’s get to using my Chosen to blow these fuckers up. Those grenades good to go?” Moretti asked, look
ing to the bags.

  “Yeah,” Jolie said hesitantly.

  “Then let’s get this show on the road. Got three hours before the dumb fuckers show up, four before we’re deployed, unless Harper sends us word before. If we get it before then, the troopers are being stopped or advancing too fast. Either way, the Chosen will be piled up trying to get to the front lines. I just hope we have enough ammunition to get through the lines,” Moretti said.

  “We’ll make it,” Tyler said.

  Moretti gave him a small smile.

  “I wish I had your optimism, Tyler. I’ve seen too much shit down here to be overly optimistic,” Moretti said.

  Tyler saw the shadows move behind the other man’s eyes.

  “Alright, I’m going to get something to eat. If you have any questions about Hand things, ask me. Pretty proud of you lot. Had to deal with a lot of shit, but you came out of it stronger than ever before. After all of this, contact me,” Moretti said, looking to all the resistance fighters. They didn’t all look convinced, but it mattered little if the plan worked out.

  Moretti smiled; it was a sad thing.

  Tyler thought he understood it. Moretti had played the devil in order to get where he was. He’d played the position well, and even those that he had directly helped couldn’t see him as their greatest aid when they’d only seen him as their second greatest enemy.

  Moretti wandered off to the ongoing euchre game.

  Holm and Sasaki walked off to get out of their powered armor.

  “We’ll have all of our spare grenades to you as soon as possible,” Jolie said, looking confused by everything that had gone on.

  “Thanks, we’ll be here. And take whatever you want from the stores; some of the grenades should work here, to make up for yours. We just need something that they won’t think of as grenades and will work no matter what,” Tyler said.


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