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by Robert Hofler

  and the Stonewall Riots, 132

  and West, 181–82

  Crowther, Bosley, xv, 199

  Cruise, Tom, 289

  Cruising, 287

  Crumb, Robert, 228, 250

  Cukor, George, 75, 225–26, 256

  Culp, Robert, 88, 90–91

  Curry, Steve, 40

  Curtis, Jackie, 76, 144, 243

  Daily News, 154

  Dallesandro, Joe, 3–4, 75–76, 146, 199, 225–26, 256, 265–66

  Damiano, Gerard, 258–61, 263

  The Damned, 168, 203–4, 221, 289

  Danhakl, Haroldo Santiago (Holly Woodlawn), 145–47

  D’Arbanville, Patti, 76

  Darling, 19, 65, 71, 120, 172, 276

  Darling, Candy, 76, 148–49, 243, 265–66

  Davis, Bette, 24, 122

  Davis, Lorrie, 40–41

  Davis, Sammy, Jr., 65, 106

  De Laurentiis, Dino, 17

  De Niro, Robert, 243

  Death in Venice, 202–5, 219, 289

  The Decorator, 24

  Deep Throat, 259, 262–64, 267, 277–79, 282–83, 285–87

  Deliverance, 253

  Dell Publishing, 224

  Delon, Alain, xvii

  Democratic National Convention, 57

  Dempsey, Mark, 101–2, 114

  Deneuve, Catherine, 17

  Dennis, Sandy, 262

  Dershowitz, Alan, 263, 264

  Despair, 81

  Detroit News, 251

  The Devils, 171, 187–89, 205–8, 235–38, 288–89

  The Devils of Loudun, 187–88

  The Dick Cavett Show, 59, 169, 182, 274

  The Dictionary of Witchcraft, 206

  Dietrich, Marlene, 42, 152

  Dinner Key Auditorium, 104–5

  Directors Guild of America, 232

  Donadio, Candida, 57

  Donnet, Jacqueline, 241

  Don’t Look Now, 290

  the Doors, 61, 102, 103–5

  Dorothy Chandler Pavilion, 177

  Doty, Richard, 22

  Dr. Doolittle, 154–55

  Dr. Strangelove, 5, 183, 230


  and The Damned, 160

  and Flesh, 76

  and John Cabell Breckinridge, 15

  and libel threats, 138

  and The Maids, 35

  and Performance, 84

  and Sweet Sweetback’s Baadasssss Song, 185

  and Trash, 225

  and Vain Victory, 243

  See also transsexual and transgender persons

  Drexler, Rosalyn, 233

  Drive, He Said, 192–93, 231–32


  and Cannon, 90

  and Jagger, 84

  and Morrissey, 77–78, 146

  and Nicholson, 193, 233

  and Sedgwick, 201, 247

  Duke, Patty, 155

  Dunaway, Faye, 29

  Dundy, Elaine, 9

  Dunleavy, Yvonne, 222, 224

  Dunne, Dominick, 24–25, 26

  Easy Rider, 88, 146, 163–64, 192, 193

  Ebert, Roger, 155–56, 233

  Ecstasy, 115–16

  Eden, Anthony, 98

  the Eden (theater), 98, 108, 112, 117

  Ehrlichman, John, 217–18

  Elkins, Hillard

  and The Happy Hooker, 225

  and Levy, 99

  and Oh! Calcutta!, 73, 97, 100–102, 106–7, 112–13, 116–17

  Ephron, Nora, 263

  Esalen Institute, 89, 109

  Esquire, 93, 183, 263

  Evans, Robert, 166

  Evening Standard, 236–37

  Evergreen Review, 16

  Every, Mary, 240

  Everything in the Garden, 28

  Everything You Wanted to Know About Sex (But Were Afraid to Ask), 169

  “Exchanges,” 114

  the Factory, 2–3, 59–64, 76, 146–47, 197–98

  Faggots, 287

  Fanny Hill, xviii

  Far from the Madding Crowd, 19, 64, 65, 80, 173

  Fassbender, Michael, 291

  Fear of Flying, 284

  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 2, 4, 5–6

  Feiffer, Jules

  and Carnal Knowledge, 44–46, 190–95, 232–35

  on “fags” term, 202

  and language censorship, 32

  and Oh! Calcutta!, 1, 11, 99, 114–16

  and Vietnam, 54–55

  Feldman, Andrea (Andy Feldman), 265

  Fellini, Federico, 149, 197

  Fellini Satyricon, 149, 173

  female artists, 282–83

  The Female Eunuch, 235

  feminism, 233–34, 263, 283–84, 286–87

  Ferman, James, 236

  Festival of Light, 237

  Field, Todd, 289

  Fields, Freddie, 87, 88

  Fifth Estate, 277

  Fifty Shades of Grey, 289–90

  Film-Makers’ Cinematheque, xv

  Filmways, 69

  Finch, Peter, 174, 176–77

  Finkelstein, Mel, 154

  Fire Island, 26, 28, 30, 66, 71, 134

  Fisher, Jules, 40

  Flaming Creatures, 22

  Flavin, Dan, 197

  Flesh, 8, 75–77, 146

  Fonda, Jane, 1, 16–17, 93, 225, 282

  Fonteyn, Margot, 42

  Footlight Café, 141

  Ford, John, 155

  Forth, Jane, 76

  Forwood, Anthony, 204

  Foster, David, 192

  Fox, James, 83–85, 164–65

  Frank E. Campbell funeral chapel, 55

  Frankenheimmer, John, 232

  Frankovich, M. J., 88, 142

  Free Store Theater, 105

  Freedman, Gerald, 34–36, 38

  The French Connection, 222–24

  Frey, Leonard, 28, 29

  Friday, Nancy, 283

  Friedan, Betty, 235

  Friedkin, William, 132–34, 286, 287

  Fritz the Cat, 228–29, 250

  Fryer, Robert, 148, 150, 153

  Fuck, 3, 60–61, 79, 144

  Fudakowski, Jan, 221

  Funny Girl, 116, 132

  Futz!, 35

  Fyles, Lee, 207–8

  G. P. Putnam’s, 5

  the Gaiety (theater), 98

  Gamet, Steve, 40

  Gardner, Ava, 21

  Garfunkle, Art, 190

  Garland, Judy, 25, 131, 134

  Garrick Theatre, 144, 199

  Gay (newspaper), 145

  gay marriage, 290

  gay rights activism, 131–32, 182

  Gazzara, Ben, 226, 262

  Genet, Jean, 22, 35

  Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, 115

  George, Susan, 210, 213–14

  Georgia Supreme Court, 95, 285

  Georgiou, Paul, 106

  Georgy Girl, 125

  Gerber, Gail, 6, 92

  Gershenson, David, 252

  Get Smart, 7

  Gielgud, John, 286

  “The Gift,” 157

  Gilbert, Craig, 241–43, 245, 269–70, 273

  Gilbert, Selena, 208

  Giler, David, 150, 152

  Gilliatt, Penelope, 172, 174, 282

  Gimme Shelter, 165

  Ginsberg, Allen, xvi

  Girodias, Maurice, 61

  Glueck, Grace, 275

  Godard, Jean-Luc, 141

  The Godfather, 254, 255

  Golden Boy, 106

  Golden Globes, 168, 169, 171, 290–91

  Golden Rainbow, 39

  Goldstein, Al, 138

  Gone with the Wind, 154–55, 221

  Gorman, Cliff, 28–29, 32, 43, 133

  Gorme, Eydie, 39

  Gould, Elliott, 89–91, 142

  The Graduate, xix, 7, 46, 69, 210

  Graham, Billy, 102

  Grant, Cary, 90

  the Grateful Dead, 157–59

  Green, Abel, 115

  Green, Reuben, 29–30

  The Green B
erets, 222–24

  Greenwich Village, xv, 131, 287

  Greer, Germaine, 235

  Gregson, Richard, 25–26, 87, 89

  Griffin, Trevor, 288

  Grimaldi, Alberto, 254–55

  group sex, 264–65

  Grove Press, 144, 154

  Guare, John, 27–28

  Guccione, Bob, 262, 286

  Guevara, Che, 102

  Haber, Katy, 209

  Hailey, Arthur, 49


  banned in Boston, 139

  and censorship, 106

  and cultural legacy of the Sexplosion years, xi

  and Keller, 173, 175

  move to Broadway, 33–41

  and nudity, 1–2, 33–34, 36, 40–41, 96, 112, 137, 290

  venues for, 98–99

  and women in the arts, 282

  Haldeman, Bob, 217

  The Happy Hooker, 221–25

  A Hard Day’s Night, 80, 86

  Harding, Olive, 173–74

  Hardy, Thomas, 80

  Harlow, Jean, 138

  Harvey, Peter, 32

  Haskell, Molly, 278

  Hawaii, 55

  Hayes, Peter Lind, 115

  Head, Edith, 149, 152

  Head, Murray, 175–76

  Heat, 265, 266

  Heaven Grand in Amber Orbit, 145

  Hefner, Hugh, 44–45, 234

  Heinemann, 21

  Hell on Earth, 288–89

  Hellman, Jerome, 19–20, 64, 65–66, 80

  Hellman, Lillian, 54, 194

  Hello, Dolly!, 87, 155

  Hells Angels, 158, 163

  Help!, 80

  “Helter Skelter,” 163

  Hemingway, Ernest, 19

  Hemmings, David, xiii

  Henry, Buck, 7, 8, 92

  Hepburn, Katharine, 144

  Herlihy, James Leo, 19, 62, 64, 118–19

  Hill, George Roy, 83

  Hilliard, David, 215

  Hitchcock, Alfred, 225

  Hitler, Adolf, 251, 252

  Hoffenberg, Mason, 5, 92

  Hoffman, Dustin

  and Midnight Cowboy, 63, 67, 69–70, 73, 117

  and The Nice Jewish Boy, 46

  and Straw Dogs, 210–11, 213–14, 227

  Hoffman, Kristian, 157–59, 239–40

  Hoffmann, Janet Susan Mary (Viva), 2–4

  Hogan’s Goat, 29

  Hollander, Xaviera (Vera de Vries), 221–25

  Hollywood Foreign Press Association, 168

  The Hollywood Hallucination, 14

  Holzer, Baby Jane, 145

  homophobia, 29, 67–68, 79–80, 101, 272–73

  Hompertz, Tom, 4

  Hoover, J. Edgar, 2, 5–6, 18

  Horner, Jackie, 246–47

  Howl, xvi

  Hudson, Rock, 287

  Human Sexual Response, 44

  Hunt, Helen, 291

  Huston, John, xiii, 150, 152

  Huxley, Aldous, 187, 237

  I, A Man, 60, 61

  I Am a Camera, 13

  I Am Curious (Yellow), 152, 153–56

  I Spy, 88

  Ibbetson, Arthur, 210

  If. . ., 94, 230

  The Importance of Being Earnest, 83

  Incest, from a Journal of Love, 14

  Inge, William, 23

  interracial marriage, xix

  Inter/View magazine, 138–39. See also Andy Warhol’s Interview

  Isherwood, Christopher, 13–14, 17

  J. W. Butler Paper Company, 34

  Jabara, Paul, 63

  “Jack and Jill,” 114–15, 116

  The Jackie Gleason Show, 166

  Jackson, Glenda, 120, 127–28, 172, 188, 205–6

  Jagger, Mick, 37, 80–86, 158–59, 163, 165–66, 197

  James, E. L., 289–90

  Janni, Joseph, 19, 65, 173–74

  Jarrott, Charles, 171

  Jeffrey, Howard, 24

  Jennings, Billy “X,” 215

  The Jewboy, 46

  Joanna, 147, 148

  John Paul II, Pope, 237

  Johnson, Lyndon Baines, 54

  Johnson, Virginia, 44

  Johnston, Jill, 235

  Jong, Erica, 283–84

  Jorgensen, Christine, 15

  The Joy of Sex: A Gourmet Guide, 264–65

  Joyce, James, 45

  Joyce, Paul, 288–89

  Julian, 13, 18, 22

  Kael, Pauline

  on Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice, 143

  on Deep Throat, 263

  on Last Tango in Paris, 267–68, 274–75, 278

  on Straw Dogs, 227–28

  on Victim, 100

  Kaiser, Charles, 22

  Kaplan, Donald, 23

  Karloff, Boris, 134

  Kassner, Herbert, 264, 277

  Katzenbach, Nicholas, 54–55

  Kauffmann, Stanley, 23–24, 43

  Keller, Hiram, 173, 175

  Kelly, Katie, 135

  Kennedy, Bobby, 138

  Kennedy, Jackie, 42

  Kennedy, Teddy, 134

  The Killing of Sister George, 32, 121–23, 152

  A Kind of Loving, 65, 172

  The King of Hearts, 125

  Kinney National Services, 163

  The Kinsey Report, 18

  Klute, 225

  The Knack, 29

  Knapp Commission, 224

  Knopf, Inc., 1–2, 48

  Kopechne, Mary Jo, 134

  Kramer, Jonathan, 42

  Kramer, Larry, 119–30, 125–26, 172, 286–87

  Kray, Reggie, 80–81, 83

  Kray, Ronnie, 80–81, 83

  Krieger, Robby, 104

  Kroll, Jack, xvi–xvii

  Kubrick, Christiane, 284–85

  Kubrick, Stanley

  and A Clockwork Orange, 183–84, 186–87, 189–90, 228–30, 249–51, 284–86

  and Dr. Strangelove, 5

  and Lolita, 288

  on sex scenes, 93

  Kuumba Workshop, 216

  La Cage aux Folles, 287

  La MaMa, 99, 139, 243

  La Tourneaux, Robert, 30

  Lamarr, Hedy, 115–16

  Lancaster, Burt, 202

  Lansbury, Angela, 149

  Last Tango in Paris, 253–58, 267–68, 274–77, 277–78, 282–83, 289

  Lawrence, D. H., 48, 119, 122, 123, 234

  Lawrence, Lawrence Shubert, Jr., 98

  Lawrence, Steve, 39

  Lear, Norman, 218–19

  Leary, Timothy, 39

  Leg Show, 288

  Lennon, John, 11, 99

  The Leopard, 202

  Levine, Joseph E., 190

  Levy, Jacques, 99, 100–101, 107–9, 111–12

  libel lawsuits, 138

  Liberman, Bill, 97–99, 107, 113, 115

  License to Kill, 287

  Lichtenstein, Roy, 147

  Lichtenstein, Stuart, 144

  Lieberson, Sandy, 81, 85, 163, 165

  Life, 165, 227–28

  Lindbergh, Charles, 18

  Linden, Jennie, 127

  Lindsay, John, 59, 139, 142, 224, 264

  The Lion in Winter, 144

  Lions Love, 138, 143–45, 165

  LiPari, Marjorie, 39

  Little Big Man, 210

  Little, Brown and Company, 1, 19, 21

  Little Children, 289

  Little Murders, 32, 45

  Living Theatre, 102–3, 105, 112

  Lolita, 93, 230, 288

  Lollipop, 5

  London International, 25–26, 87

  Lonesome Cowboys, 3–5, 75, 77, 79

  Look, 135

  Loos, Anita, 115

  Los Angeles Times, 119, 216

  Losey, Joseph, 83

  Loud, Bill, 200, 240–41, 244–45, 268–69, 272–73

  Loud, Delilah, 245

  Loud, Grant, 269

  Loud, Kevin, 274

  Loud, Lance

  and Altamont Free Festival, 157–59

  and An American Family,
239–47, 269–70, 271–74, 281

  and Cinema Verite, 291

  and Sedgwick meeting, 200–1

  and Warhol, 2, 59

  Loud, Michelle, 245

  Loud, Pat, 241–45, 268–70, 272

  Love Story, 214–15

  Lovelace, Linda (Linda Boreman), 258–62, 287, 288

  Loy, Myrna, 30, 177

  Luce, Henry R., 18

  Luckinbill, Laurence, 28–29, 132–33, 136

  Lyne, Adrian, 288

  Lynn, Diana, 24, 27

  MacDermot, Galt, 33–34, 36–37, 39–40

  MacGraw, Ali, 214

  MacLaine, Shirley, 116, 221

  Magic and Myth of the Movies, 14

  Mahler, Gustav, 202, 220

  The Maids, 35

  Mailer, Norman, 14, 54–55, 234–35, 275, 277–78

  Malina, Judith, 103

  The Maltese Falcon, 150

  A Man for All Seasons, xiii–xiv, xviii, 28, 172

  Mankiewicz, Joseph, 155

  Mann, Katia, 202

  Mann, Thomas, 202, 219–21

  Manson, Charles, 156, 163

  Manzarek, Ray, 103, 104

  Marchak, Alice, 256

  Marcus, Frank, 32

  Margaret, Princess, Countess of Snowdon, 239

  Margotta, Michael, 232

  Marquand, Christian, 6

  Marquand, John, 55

  Martha’s Vineyard, 53, 54

  Martinson, Margaret, 47, 55

  Marx, Groucho, 42

  Mason, James, 25

  Masters, William, 44

  masturbation, 46–47, 50

  Mattachine Society, 182

  Matthau, Walter, 7

  Max’s Kansas City, 144, 197, 265

  Maysles brothers, 165

  Mazursky, Paul, 87–91, 141, 142–43

  McCabe & Mrs. Miller, 192–93

  McCarthy, Joe, 108

  McClure, Michael, 138, 165–66

  McDowell, Malcolm, 94, 229–30, 249–50, 286

  McKechnie, Donna, 97

  McNally, Terrence, 27–28

  McNamara, Robert, 54–55

  Mead, Taylor, 138

  Melnick, Daniel, 213–14, 226–27

  Menninger Clinic, 99, 108, 109

  Metalious, Grace, xviii–xix, 284

  Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), xiv, 15, 64–65, 217

  Meyer, Russ, 154–55, 182

  Michener, James, 55

  Midnight Cowboy

  and the Academy Awards, 177–79

  casting and filming, 42, 62–69

  and censorship issues, 153

  critical success of, 119, 168, 171, 177–79, 239

  and cultural legacy, xi–xii, 289

  and Hoffman, 210

  opening of, 117–19

  party scene, 109

  production green lit, 1

  studio screening of, 79–80

  and Vidal, 19

  and Viva, 143–44

  and Warhol, 62, 74–75

  Miles, Sylvia, 146–47, 265, 266

  Miller, Geri, 76, 77

  Miller, Henry, 48, 166

  Millett, Kate, 234–35

  Mirren, Helen, 286

  Modern Family, 289

  Moes, Wladyslaw, 221

  Monroe, Eason, 217

  Moore, Liz, 229

  Moore, Robert, 27–28, 30, 132


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