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What the Fox

Page 15

by Emma Dean

  They’d both enjoyed it so much, why deny them?

  Part of her also hoped to walk in on them doing it one day. Especially considering how many times she’d been walked in on – and then suddenly it was a fucking party.


  “Have you guys ever done this before?” Kenzie asked, unable to look away from Ash’s face.

  Ash looked just as awed as she felt. Hunter wasn’t the touching, cuddling type. But…he also wasn’t against touch.

  Well. Looked like they all were going to learn how different things would be now.

  “Done what?” Ash asked. “Take down an asshole, or have sex together?”

  Why did that question make her blush? Kenzie wanted to cover her face and reconsider her life choices. One at a time was familiar. Ash and Finnick together felt natural. But somehow adding Hunter into the mix was throwing her for a loop.

  Maybe it was because they were still learning each other on their own. The ‘Hunter and Kenzie’ pairing was brand new. She was still figuring that out, but…

  She also wanted them all. Ever since Hunter had kissed Finnick like it was no big deal.

  Hunter hadn’t done it again and that had only made her want it more.

  “I guess both,” she finally said, enjoying the gentle touch of Finnick’s hands as he rubbed her clean, fingers brushing over every erogenous zone she had just to rile her up. That he kept the touch fleeting made her a thousand times more needy than if he’d started rubbing between her legs.

  “The three of us have never shared a sexual partner together at the same time,” Hunter told her, finger-combing her hair gently under the spray.

  Thankfully he had one of those fancy showerheads that covered almost the entire shower ceiling so no one was ever out in the cold. The bathroom was filled with steam again now that the door was properly closed and the glass fogged up so it felt like they were in a completely different world.

  “Oh yeah, you did sleep with Jenny after we did,” Finnick exclaimed. “I totally forgot about that.”

  Ash chuckled and started working on Hunter’s scalp. Hunter’s eyes went half-mast and Kenzie admired the way his golden eyes glowed in the steamy shower. “I’ve wanted to do this for a long time,” Ash murmured.

  Her heart started beating harder as Hunter actually smiled that sly, crafty smile that always made her question whether he was thinking about murder or pineapple on pizza. “I’ve never been particularly interested in any of the women you two have shared together,” Hunter confessed, reaching out for Kenzie. “But this one, she’s perfection.”

  Hunter’s hand went around her throat just like it had when he’d held her in the forest outside Samuel’s house. The reminder made her shudder. There was so much Kenzie wanted right then that she felt like she couldn’t say anything at all with it jumbled inside her head, overwhelming her senses.

  The three of them knew she was overwhelmed. None of them asked what she wanted. Ash held her gaze and leaned down to kiss Hunter’s throat while Finnick wrapped his arms around her, pulling Kenzie against him.

  The water made everything slick and Finnick’s hard cock slid through her legs, teasing her as it rubbed against her swollen pussy. His hand slid down her stomach as Ash bared his teeth and gave Hunter a love bite. Then Ash’s hand mirrored Finnick’s, sliding down Hunter’s abdomen to wrap around Hunter’s hard length.

  Kenzie gasped when Finnick’s fingers started gently rubbing her clit exactly as she liked. She pressed her ass against him, squeezing her thighs. Finnick groaned and bit down on her neck – a mirror to Ash.

  “I claim you, Kenzie.”

  The scent of blood filled the space and suddenly Ash’s eyes were glowing gold, and even though she couldn’t see Finnick’s she knew his were as well. Hunter’s…well, his had never stopped glowing.

  Hunter smiled and pulled her closer, bringing Finnick along since he refused to release her.

  When he pressed her up against him, Kenzie thought he was going to kiss her when he leaned forward, but Hunter went to Finnick.

  And kissed the blood from his lips.

  Kenzie was practically panting with the three of them surrounding her.

  Ash didn’t waste the opportunity. He reached out and held her face tenderly, leaning over Hunter’s shoulder to kiss her. When Ash’s lips met hers Kenzie breathed him in, relaxing under the spray, in the steam, surrounded by the three of them.

  Then Ash bit her bottom lip hard, sharp canines breaking the skin. “I claim you, Kenzie,” Ash growled against her mouth.

  And even though it hurt she groaned, bucking against Finnick’s hand that had never stopped, pressing against Hunter’s dick where Ash’s other hand was.

  Her reaction set off a chain reaction. All three of them made guttural sounds that sounded like a cross between a growl and a purr. Then she suddenly had three mouths on her and Kenzie clutched onto them – not even sure which one at this point.

  Watching the three of them together, knowing they were enjoying each other as much as they were enjoying her, feeling all three of them around her…Kenzie was lost in a world of sensation, lust and love.

  And now all three of them had accepted the bond. All three of them had claimed her.

  Kenzie was open to all three bonds and all three different sets of emotions and desires in that moment.

  Finnick’s groan as Hunter slipped his tongue into his mouth was almost more than she could handle. She needed someone inside of her, she needed to watch, she needed to touch and hold.

  It was more than she thought she could handle, but just as she felt like she was floundering, Hunter refocused on her. He kissed her hard and he tasted like Finnick. Kenzie moaned as Ash started stroking Hunter’s cock. She could feel the movement every time his knuckles purposely brushed against her, adding to the small circles Finnick was rubbing into her clit.

  She was so lost in all the touching sensation and want that Kenzie didn’t think she would be able to come like this – not when it felt like she was already post-orgasm. Other than the ache begging to be filled she felt…satisfied—complete.

  All three sides of the triangle had finally come together, surrounding her in its perfect construction.

  Then Hunter pulled Ash’s hand away and fell to his knees. Kenzie couldn’t move as she watched him throw one of her legs over his shoulder. When his tongue penetrated her she practically shrieked, nearly collapsing. But Finnick and Ash helped her stand.

  Ash kissed her first and then he reached for Finnick. Finnick wrapped his hand around Ash and slowly started stroking, making the other fox groan.

  There was so much and still somehow not enough. Even as Hunter slid two fingers inside her, making her ride his face like the desperate, starving creature she was. Kenzie still needed more, but she didn’t even know what it was exactly.

  But they must have sensed it through the bond, because all three of them stopped at exactly the same time.

  Kenzie was left panting with her legs shaking as Hunter turned off the water. Finnick pushed her towards Ash who caught her, sweeping her into his arms like she weighed nothing, cradling her against his chest.

  “Don’t worry, Kenzie,” Hunter said gently. “We’ll take care of you.”

  Three pairs of glowing eyes ate her up and Kenzie had no doubt in her mind they would do exactly that.

  Chapter Seventeen


  The smell of Kenzie’s blood and her desire had stripped Finnick of any shred of his humanity. All that was left was the feral fox that demanded he take what was his. And this time, all three of them were his.

  Even Hunter.

  After the way Hunter had kissed him Finnick wanted to take the rest of him – Kenzie watching the entire time.

  There was nothing more he wanted in the world right at that moment.

  With Kenzie in Ash’s more than capable, deliciously strong arms he pushed Hunter the second they were anywhere near the bed. The smaller fox’s eyes flashed a molt
en gold in challenge as he landed on the bed.

  Finnick dared him with a grin. “You look good on your back, Hunter.”

  All three of them had taken him over an edge Finnick was normally so careful to stay away from. Hunter’s possessive kiss had shoved him over the precipice when he was already so close to falling with the taste of Kenzie’s blood still in his mouth.

  It crackled with a strange power he’d never come across before.

  Delicious on his tongue.

  “What’s the game, Finnick?” Hunter asked, watching as Ash carefully placed Kenzie on the bed, the gentlest out of the three foxes. “Tease Kenzie?”

  Finnick tilted his head as he studied Hunter – still on his back, just waiting for Finnick to direct him.

  His fingertips tingled at the prospect of taking Hunter. An alpha in everything but the bedroom it seemed. Finnick didn’t say a word as he placed one knee on the bed and then straddled Hunter with the other.

  It took nothing to flip him over.

  But Hunter wasn’t a sub – he was a lot like Finnick in that way. He was a power bottom – able to take control from a submissive position. So Hunter climbing up on all fours wasn’t necessarily a surprise, but him pressing his ass back into Finnick’s hard as a rock dick was.

  “Kenzie, I want you here,” Hunter said, tapping the space underneath him. “Ash’s dick in your ass. Then Finnick can have what he wants.”

  When Hunter sat up, pressed against Finnick’s chest – he nearly lost it.

  He was feral after all – barely more than an animal. Pretending to be human was his biggest game and he excelled at it most of the time. But right now, he wanted to fuck the shit out of all three of the people he loved.

  All three of them.

  He could be patient though. They had all the time in the world to explore each other and the new dynamics of their relationships.

  Finnick ran his hand down Hunter’s chest, grabbing his neck with one hand to hold him in place and the other held Hunter’s dick, squeezing the hard, massive length of him. Fuck, Finnick had never realized until just now how badly he wanted this.

  He and Hunter both watched as Ash looked to Kenzie for permission for what had been suggested.

  This way no one would be left wanting.

  But it was up to their mate and she looked lost as she glanced between them, breathing heavily with her skin flushed a nice rosy color. The bite marks were still there and Finnick felt a thrill of pleasure and satisfaction knowing they would be for a while.

  She was theirs.

  “Come on, gorgeous,” Finnick murmured, working Hunter slowly as he kissed the alpha fox’s neck. “We’ll be careful.”

  Kenzie licked her lips, unable to look away from Finnick’s hand stroking Hunter. “I’ve wanted this for a long time,” she confessed.

  That confession nearly ruined him and Finnick bit down on Hunter’s neck with a growl, pressing up against his ass. Fuck he needed this. He needed them to ground him in this world and remind him of what he was.

  Not just a feral bastard – but a person who could be more than just a fox.

  Finnick couldn’t do it without them though. Each anchored him in this reality in different ways.

  When Hunter gasped at the feel of sharp teeth, Finnick could have sworn Kenzie’s blue eyes glowed just as brightly as theirs.

  Kenzie grabbed Ash in one of her holds and flipped him over her. Ash’s surprised look when he landed on his back was something Finnick would cherish for the rest of his life. He grinned as Kenzie put herself between Ash and Hunter.

  This was going to be the new best night of his life. Finnick could feel it.

  He and Hunter both watched their mate turn and give Ash a kiss full of so much love it was poured into the bond and overflowed to the rest of them. Finnick knew Hunter could feel it as well by the way the alpha fox stiffened in his grip.

  They were going to remake this lovely, beautiful psycho into a brand new kind of crazy.

  And Finnick couldn’t wait.

  When Kenzie turned back around to Hunter, Ash wasted no time positioning himself against her ass.

  “Kiss him here,” Finnick whispered, caressing the column of Hunter’s throat. “Then I want you to bite him as hard as he bit you.”

  Those words made Hunter press back into him and Finnick nearly bent him over right then and there. But he didn’t just want the alpha fox; he wanted Kenzie to take everything she could too.

  His mate leaned forward and Ash watched, mesmerized, as she first kissed their alpha and then gave him a little lick. Kenzie’s grin when Hunter quivered underneath her touch was a reflection of his own – and that right there was how Finnick knew his mate was a fox in witch’s clothing.

  Kenzie bit down hard and fast – a sharp contrast to the kiss she’d just given him.

  Finnick felt Hunter’s dick harden and he released him, sensing how close that pain made him. This was pain they would all be able to read – and it would be full of pleasure instead of suffering when they looked.

  It would be more delicious than all the other pain in the world combined.

  Ash had used the time to slick lube over his dick. When he pressed into Kenzie, she gasped and Finnick couldn’t wait until it was his turn.

  Time seemed to slow as Ash wrapped an arm around her chest; hand splayed over her neck, and then pulled her down to lay on top of him. The throne of pillows propped them both up and Finnick pushed Hunter forward, licking his lips in anticipation.

  Slowly Ash slid in and out, letting Kenzie adjust as Hunter used his fingers to spread her slickness all over her and then all over his dick. Finnick reached over and did the same, using Kenzie’s desire as lube.

  Penetrating Hunter with his mate’s essence was somehow so perfect.

  They were all strange pieces who somehow managed to fit together perfectly. And Finnick was done waiting.

  His hands gripped Hunter’s hips, feeling the moment he filled Kenzie completely, but Finnick could see it in her eyes as well. They were glazed over and full of desperation and desire.

  The three of them would make sure their mate was properly taken care of – for the rest of their lives.

  Finnick had never felt more human and somehow more feral than he did in that moment – as he slid inside Hunter and all four of them were connected by flesh, the mate bonds, and their need.

  It took a bit to find the right rhythm as Hunter whispered quiet words of encouragement, murmuring how well she was doing, how she should stay still, to take what they gave her so no one would get hurt, but especially her.

  The level of care and emotion he could see in Hunter right then was more than he thought the alpha capable of…until they had met Kenzie. Something about seeing it though made him lose whatever small shred of control he had left.

  Finnick took Hunter hard, losing himself in the sensation and the tightness, knowing he didn’t have it in him to hold back. “Fuck,” he muttered. “I’m going to come.”

  The others’ reaction to those words shocked him. Suddenly it was a frenzy, and the desperate movements amid the loving touches had him falling right over the edge. He cursed as he came, pressing hard into Hunter.

  Every sensation had him trembling, holding onto the other fox while he took Kenzie. Ash came next, gripping her hard and pressing deep – no doubt the sensation of Hunter sliding across his dick deep inside their mate…

  Finnick thrust again as the orgasm seemed to go on forever, milking him dry until Hunter roared, taking Kenzie’s mouth as she screamed – devouring that sound like it gave him sustenance.

  Kenzie’s pleasure permeated Finnick’s entire being as she came. They could feel it through the bond and all three of them groaned as that pleasure of hers seemed to suck the energy right from their very souls.

  It took all he had not to collapse on top of Hunter and Kenzie. Finnick rolled to the side, not giving a shit about the mess he was making. One of the other two could get the washrags for cleanup this ti

  No one moved though, not even Hunter. Their alpha simply lay between Finnick and Kenzie on his back, completely calm and satisfied for the first time in his life that Finnick had seen. Kenzie rested her head on Hunter’s chest.

  Finnick smiled and ducked under the alpha’s arm, doing the same on the other side as Ash wrapped his arm around all of them. Kenzie blinked and smiled back before giving him a kiss.

  As he watched her fall asleep, Finnick suddenly realized he didn’t feel the need to hide behind his sarcasm and humor anymore. He didn’t have to joke to disguise how empty and different he was – how unhuman.

  No one else in the world mattered besides Kenzie – besides Hunter and Ash. And those three had always seen right through him.

  He no longer felt pressured to hide.

  Finnick closed his eyes and smacked Ash’s ass. Definitely the best night of his life.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Here they were again – standing before Takahashi with the entire coven present.

  After sending the video, before her date with Hunter, to the High Priestess with everything Kenzie had on Brad, including his recorded confession to poisoning Selene…well, let’s just say Takahashi couldn’t refuse this hearing.

  Two hunters had been sent to bring Brad in when he’d tried to run after the humans had set him free with a few slaps on the wrist.

  Kenzie held Takahashi’s gaze as they all waited. The High Priestess couldn’t deny Kenzie’s usefulness now.

  Brad was drug through the large, heavy doors and you could hear a pin drop despite how many people were currently sitting in that large room. Kenzie watched with a smirk as the hunters threw him before the High Priestess.

  This nasty piece of gum under her shoe was finally going to get what he deserved. And Kenzie had to admit, Edith had been right. This was far better and more satisfying than just killing him. She glanced over her shoulder at her grandmother, and Edith gave her a wink like she knew exactly what she was thinking.


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