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Trusting Bull: Savage Brothers MC

Page 59

by Marie, Jordan

  “I want to be here whenever you feed Dom, Mama.”

  “Not sure that’s practical, sweetheart.”

  “Fuck, practical. I need to be here.”

  “Dragon? Are you okay?”

  “Just when I think I’ve got to know how good life is with you Mama, something else happens.”

  “Drag…” She begins, while she moves our son from her breast and lays him against her chest and gently pats him. I don’t let her finish.

  “I’m not a praying man; I’ve seen too much and done too much. But every fucking day I want to get down on my knees and thank my maker for you. I was dead inside before you, Mama. Dead. You wouldn’t stop until you uncovered the bullet holes and patched them, made them go away. Now? Fuck, woman. The sight of you feeding our child… To see evidence of the way you completely love me and our son not just once in a while, but with every breath you take… I don’t have words. I don’t have a way to tell you what you are to me, Nicole. I don’t think the damn words have been invented. I love you is too easy, too small, to tell you what I feel. If I live to be a hundred and four there won’t be a day that I don’t need you to help me breathe.”

  My woman has tears in her eyes, when I finish. I don’t know what I said. I do know it didn’t say what I wanted it to. I’m too fucking rough around the edges to give her the flowery speech she deserves.

  She walks over to the crib and lays Dom down. When she’s done she comes to stand in front of me. Her hand slides against my face and her blue eyes shine with tears, but also with happiness.

  “I love you, too. Forever.”

  “Forever,” I promise, and it’s more than a promise. It’s a motherfucking vow.

  She pulls my lips to hers and whispers, “Home.” The words brush against my skin and I feel it all the way to my soul.



  Two Months Later

  My man is insane. He’s been after me for months. He wants a wedding. After the disaster of our first go around, you would think that he would have had enough. I know I have. If I never see another wedding dress, worry about bridesmaids, hear another bridal march, or ever see my man in a suit again that would still be too soon. I decided we should just go on like we are. I don’t need a piece of paper to tell me that Dragon and I belong to each other. He, however, refuses to go along with my plan. So after two months, he wore me down. I completely caved. Of course, I can admit that I did so after multiple orgasms. I lost count and maybe consciousness around number four. So, I agreed to anything he wanted. I only had one stipulation—one major stipulation. I told him it had to be the farthest thing from our first go around that he could find. I wanted nothing like that. I had regretted it way before the actual catastrophe at the church. Huge church weddings are not what Dragon and I are. I wanted the perfect ending to our fairy tale. What I didn’t realize at the time, was Dragon and I aren’t a fairy tale. We’re real. We’re bigger. We’re better. We’re a freaking never-ending story, and it’s epic.

  So when Dragon said not to worry. I left it in his hands. The plane ride to Vegas wasn’t a surprise. The fact that all the Savage Brothers came along, save for the prospects watching the place back home wasn’t a surprise. The fact that Dani is here and smiling? It’s good. It’s not a surprise because she’s been different since her and Crusher came home. I even see glimpses of that first beautiful girl who became my best friend years ago. The fact he has me pump extra milk so Dancer and Carrie can watch Dom tonight and part of the day tomorrow? Sweet, but not surprising. The limo ride to an all-night wedding chapel at eleven-thirty at night? Yeah, it didn’t even surprise me. Dragon having a dress waiting for me in the dressing room? Again, not a surprise. I’ll admit that when I saw I would be wearing a red leather dress, which was skin tight and ended barely below my thigh, a cut that said Property of Dragon, matching black stockings and a red garter clearly visible with my fuck-me boots? I might have been a teensy bit surprised. The fact that my bridesmaids were in matching ensembles, except they were all wearing black with red garters, might have shocked me. I can’t lie. Then again, I’m figuring Dragon doesn’t give a damn. I have to say all the girls are gorgeous and hot as hell, even Carrie—who looks like she might pop at any minute. Hell, I look hot. I admit it. Still, nothing has been a surprise (clothes not withstanding) and even though it is different, the very moment Dani, Carrie, Nikki, and Lips leave to join the men outside, I get scared. What if we’re pushing it? What if fate doesn’t want Dragon and me to get married? My heart starts beating like crazy, my palms go sweaty and I’m barely keeping it together. That’s when I hear it.

  It’s a scream, melodic but a scream none the less and then the guitar rift kicks in and the music starts. I stand for a minute trying to place the song. When I do, I throw my head back in laughter. Just like that, the nerves are gone and I leave the room anxious to see my crazy ass husband-to-be.

  I walk to a red silk covered aisle to the song ‘Heaven’s on Fire’, by Kiss. I’m still laughing, but when I look down at the end of the small runway and see my man standing beside what I can only assume is a Gene Simmons look-alike—with makeup, I lose it. I feel a touch on my arm and look up to see a very handsome Bull standing there with one single black rose. The color doesn’t shock me at all this time. How can it, when all of the Savage MC and their women are standing in front of me wearing leather and cuts. My man is standing tallest of them all, holding Dom in his hands. My baby is in pajamas that reads, I then a big red heart with mom under it. I take the flower and link my arm in with Bull’s and walk towards my future.

  When I make it to my man, he hands Dom over to Dancer. Dom protests just once before Dance produces his favorite squishy rattle. I give my rose to Dani and when I turn back around Dragon is staring down at me with this smile on his face and I get lost in the deep, chocolatey depths of his eyes.

  “You’re looking good, Mama.”

  “You are so crazy, Dragon.”

  “You asked for different, I aim to please.”

  “I love you,” I answer. I’m so happy, I feel like I might explode.

  “Are you ready to do this?”


  We turn together to face the…err…Gene Simmons?

  “Dear freaks and psychos we are gathered here tonight to celebrate the union of Dragon and Nicole, so let’s get this party started. Nicole, do you promise to always take care of Dragon’s Love Gun? Do you promise to worship at the altar of Detroit, Rock City, Forever? He asks, using titles of Kiss songs, which at this point doesn’t surprise me at all.

  “Love Gun?” I question Dragon and he is smiling as big as I’ve ever seen.

  “Hey, women like it when a man writes the vows, right?”

  I shake my head, taking the ring Dani hands me and slipping it on Dragon’s finger, “I promise to love you and stay by your side, forever.”

  Dragon kisses my forehead.

  “Dragon?” Fake Gene questions and I expect more silly song title vows, instead, Dragon’s gets serious and he caresses the side of my face.

  “Nicole, I was lost until you came into my life with that rocking ass and those sexy bare feet. I fell fast and hard and I’ve never looked back. You keep me grounded, Mama. You give me a reason and a purpose to keep going. You are my life. You are the air I fucking breathe, woman. I promise I will love you in this world and into the next. I promise that I will protect, honor and spend my life doing my best to make you and Dom happy. Forever Mama, for-fucking-ever,” he says quietly, sliding a simple gold band on my finger that has a D and N engraved on it with a diamond in the middle of the interlocked letters.

  I don’t even try to stop the tears that come.

  “I love you, Dragon. I love you so much.”

  “Does that mean I did okay?”

  “Well, I did miss the hokey song titles and all,” I joke through my tears.

  “Hmmm… I promise I will Lick It Up, and Uh! All Night. That better, Mama?”

; I can’t answer but then everyone around is laughing, so it’s not needed.

  “Alright! If I can have your hands?” Fake Gene asks and Dragon and I turn around to face him.

  Fake Gene takes our hands, places his over them.

  “Then by the power invested in me by the State of Nevada, I pronounce you man and wife! Time to kiss the bride!” He yells and starts wiggling his tongue like crazy.

  “Mama!” Dragon growls.

  “He really is just like Gene. I didn’t realize they made tongues that….What are you doing?” I gasp as Dragon picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. Everyone in the room is laughing.

  “Taking you back to our room to show you the only fucking tongue you’ll ever need.”

  My man, he always has the best ideas.

  Turn the page for a sneak peek of my new book Captured. Coming your way, January 7th.

  Chapter One

  Five Years ago

  Raven Hills, Georgia


  I get what I want. If I have to work a little harder for it? It’ll be that much sweeter.

  I don’t know what it is about her. I fuck a lot of women. I’m serious, I fuck a lot of women. As President of the Devil’s Blaze MC, I have a stable of women. I don’t even particularly have a type. Skinny, curvy, firm asses, asses with some cushion to slap, big tits, a handful, small, it just doesn’t matter. I’ve fucked them all and enjoyed them all. Still, when I see her standing on the street in that summer-white sundress, with her shoulders bare and the white-gold, blonde hair lying gently on her pale skin, I’m bowled over. It’s like something out of a damned movie. The wind blowing just right, the way her hair slides along her face landing against those pale pink lips and just like that I am mesmerized by her.

  I have shit I need to be doing. The club has a major arms deal that is trying to go south. I need to have my head in the game, but one fucking look and I have to have her. So instead of working I find myself following her into a small coffee shop and internet café on the corner of Main Street. Raven Hills, Georgia is a small town, barely a blip on the radar and that’s what makes it so great for Devil’s Fire. Nothing comes in and out of this town that I don’t know about it. Well there might be a small exception, because I’ve never seen this woman before.

  I stand by the door, ignoring the hush that comes over when I enter. I’m used to that shit. Every person here knows who I am and what that could mean. I’m a twisted fucker, but I like it. Hell, I relish it. Empires are built on fear. She orders a coffee and cinnamon roll and then takes her order and goes to the main back of the room. My eyes never leave hers. She fails to notice me, then again she doesn’t notice that the whole damn room is watching her. There’s a few men here I may have to kill. I don’t care if I haven’t spoken one word to her yet. For now, she’s mine.

  I let her get settled, watch as she sips that first taste of coffee and closes her eyes in response. I want to see that look on her face when it’s my lips she tastes. She takes a bite of her cinnamon roll and I can almost hear the small sigh of pleasure from the taste. Her face looks as if she is in heaven from just one taste and right then is when I decide. I want that look on her face. That look when it’s my dick she’s tasting. I walk to her, because I can’t not do it. I stand by the table and she begins giving me her eyes. Holy hell, I didn’t even know they made eyes that color. Blue, but no blue I have seen before. The color of a summer sky in the heat of the day. Warm, crystal, breathtaking blue and I want them to stay on me.

  Her eyes move slowly up my body. I know what she sees. Scarred, inked, pierced, I have miles on me. Miles that have hardened, jaded and made me a cold bastard who hides behind an easygoing persona. My men see the real me. Some respect me, all fear me and I’m good with that.

  She’s a princess and I’m no one’s idea of Prince Charming, so there’s a small part of me that feels like I shouldn’t touch her. She’s pure, sweet and innocent. I watch as her hand comes up and she uses her finger to slide a small dollop of white icing that escaped to corner of her lips. She is not small, her curves move in all the right places and her breasts are heavy and I have the urge to slide my dick in between the valley that is visible at the top of her dress. So, yeah—I’m not walking away from her.

  “Hello,” her soft voice almost whispers. My eyes are drawn to the icing just sitting on the pad of her index finger. I want that to be me on her fingers—my cum she is currently sliding between her lips and sucking clean. Somehow, my dick grows even harder against the zipper of my jeans.

  “Mi cielo,” I answer sliding into the seat across from her.

  She looks confused for a minute and then a small smile breaks on her lips.

  “Have a seat,” she mocks, as I lean back and watch her. We’re quiet for a few minutes before she finally shakes her head and asks, “Can I help you?”

  “Just taking in the view.”

  “I see,” she sighs and looks unhappy. I don’t like her frowning, even as I admit that little indention she gets in her forehead is cute.

  “Is something wrong?”

  “I was enjoying my breakfast. No offense, I don’t really want company.”

  “No offense taken,” I return easily sitting up a little straighter and putting my arms on the table, leaning in so our faces are closer together. I smile as her eyes dilate.

  “This means you should leave?” She says it like it’s a question and I grin.

  “But, mi cielo, I am not just company.”

  “You’re not?” She asks, watching as my finger moves to her roll. I twirl my finger in the glazed icing. Her forehead creases again, showing her irritation. I was right, it is cute.

  “Of course not.”

  “Then what are you?”

  “I am your future,” I tell her honestly, bringing my finger to my mouth. My eyes lock with hers as I let my tongue slide around to lick off the creamy confection. I use just the tip of my tongue dragging it slow and teasingly along my finger, my eyes watching her the entire time before I finally suck the digit completely in my mouth, letting a moan of appreciation hum softly.

  She bites into her lip and I can tell through the thin white dress she’s wearing that her breathing has picked up. She’s not immune to me and that pretty much decides her fate.

  “I was eating that,” she grumbles, pushing it away. She tries to sound pissed, but in her voice I detect a note of excitement and it’s that sound that calls to the animal in me I keep hid.

  “I can give you something else to eat,” I tell her and we both know I’m not talking about anything on this table. I can see the moment recognition flares in her eyes.

  “Do you know who I am?” She asks, her face tilting to the side.

  “Not yet, but I will.”

  “Be careful what you ask for,” she says cryptically and it makes me smile. She’s a sweet little lamb baiting the big bad wolf and she doesn’t even know.

  “I think I can handle anything you send my way.”

  “Are you always so….”


  “Asombroso?” She repeats, slightly butchering the Spanish word with her sweet, southern accent.

  My madre was Spanish. I look nothing like her or her family, with the exception of my dark hair. I am my father, the fucking bastard made over. Still, having been raised by my mother, words slip out from time to time. The woman in front of me inspires them. Spanish words are more lyrical, more soothing and that is what she reminds me of. She soothes something inside of me.

  “The man of your dreams,” I paraphrase.

  “I hate to rain on your parade Casanova, but I have to leave. I’m late,” she says getting up and gathering her trash in her hands. I take it from her, I’m no one’s idea of a gentleman, but I have my moments.

  “And where are you off to? Is there a man I should know about?”

  “A man?” She asks and then it as if a light goes off and she smiles. “And if there were?”

  “I’d have to have
him taken care of,” I tell her honestly. I leave it to her to wonder what that means. If I tell her that no one gets in the way of what I want? What would her reaction be?

  “You’re just a tad over the top creepy, aren’t you?” She says, moving away from me. I let her go. I can see the curve of her ass sway under her dress, as I follow her out onto the street.

  “Same time tomorrow mi cielo?” I ask when it becomes apparent she is intent on ignoring me. My question makes her stop and she turns around to look at me.

  She studies me for a minute and those damned blue eyes are sparkling with laughter. I’d like to keep that look on her. A second later I decide I really want to know what those eyes are like when I’m slipping deep inside of her, her legs wrapped around me. I definitely want to see that look.

  “Sure knock yourself out,” she shrugs and turns to walk off again.

  “You better be here Dulces,” I tell her and there’s no mistaking the order in my voice.

  She turns to fully face me. On the street in the middle of the day it as if we are having a show down and perhaps we are, but I’m going to win. She needs to accept it.

  “And if I’m not?” She asks and I like the spunk she’s showing. A woman with fire will warm a man at night.

  “I’ll come find you,” I answer deadly serious.

  “You don’t even know who I am.”

  “Doesn’t matter.”

  “You could be asking for trouble.”

  “I like excitement.”

  She studies me for another few minutes and then, much to my surprise gives in. “I’ll be here.”

  I like that she gave in, I do not like the note of sadness in her voice. I’ll have to replace that with moans of excitement. I watch her until she walks out of sight and then turn back in the direction of my bike. She’s going to be a challenge. I can’t wait.

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