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Fallen Gods II: Jaded Prey

Page 16

by Lorie O'Clare

  She spread her legs over his large frame, her inner thighs stretching while streaks of fire rushed through her muscles. Coming down on his cock, pressing her hands into the heat of his chest, she buried his cock deep inside her cunt.

  “Oh, hell yeah,” she sighed, feeling him fill her, stretch her.

  He stroked her inner walls, gliding through her moist heat with a surging fire that plunged deep inside. Humidity soared through her, soaking her skin while she slowly began riding his cock.

  “Come here, baby.” Merco pulled her to him, kissing her roughly while hands gripped her ass, stroking and caressing the sensitive tight little hole.

  Her rear end was exposed. Electric currents shot through her while fingers carefully prodded her ass, stretching the hole and soaking it with her own cum.

  Something cold and wet touched her skin, a lubricant spread over her ass making those magical fingers glide in and out of her tight hole with ease. She jumped from the unexpected sensation, her enflamed skin suddenly cooled by the smooth cream.

  “Shit. Oh, shit.” The sensations that rippled through her blinded her with pleasure.

  Merco’s swollen cock slid in and out of her pussy while experienced fingers prepared her ass for double penetration. This was something only read about in books, in those taboo magazine stories about fictional people. She was about to take two men in her. Holding her breath, she waited for the second cock to enter her.

  “Breathe, baby.” Merco’s order came at the same time he impaled her with a hungry thrust.

  His cock split her in two, her body shivering while another orgasm tore through her body.

  “Yes. Okay. Yes.” She couldn’t think.

  Her body writhed with the feeling of Merco fucking her hard, with an aggression she hadn’t known from him before.

  Then her legs were stretched more, Morph positioning himself behind her. She looked up, seeing Ace’s cock not too far from her face. He knelt to the side of them, stroking his long shaft with his fingers while watching the two cocks prepare to fuck her.

  The lubricant mixed with her cum, soaking her ass and pussy as the pressure built on her ass. Morph’s cock pressed against the tight opening, hesitating only a moment before slowly sliding inside her. Merco slowed his movement, allowing for the entrance while her insides stretched.

  She cried out, the shooting pain lasting only a moment before two cocks impaled her, filling her beyond a point she ever could have imagined.

  “Hell, yes.” Her voice sounded foreign to her, a woman crying out with pleasure most never got to ever experience.

  The two men began moving slowly, developing an unspoken rhythm as they stroked her insides from her ass and her cunt.

  Her breathing came in gasps, looking up through moist eyes to see Ace’s cock right there, throbbing in front of her. She couldn’t move her hands, couldn’t adjust herself for fear of falling and throwing the two men who fucked her off balance.

  Nothing could compare with the intense pleasure that rippled through her, the pressure surging through her with so much force she would explode. She closed her eyes for a moment, sucking in air through her mouth while she focused on the two men fucking her, filling her with smooth strokes that soothed an ache so savage she could die from it.

  Ace’s cock pressed against her lips before she realized he had moved.

  “Take it, baby.” Merco’s voice was rough, a harsh whisper coming in gasps while his body hardened underneath her. “Take all three of us.”

  She opened her mouth to allow Ace to slip inside. Three cocks filled her, gliding in and out of her while her body quivered on the edge of an orgasm too intense for her to handle.

  “I’m going to come,” Morph grunted from behind her.

  He began to move faster, sliding in and out of her lubed ass while he pressed his fingers into her flesh.

  Merco matched the movement, the two men fucking her with increased speed. Ace slid his cock back and forth against her lips, making her mouth tingle while she held her mouth in place, allowing him to fuck her with the same speed the others did.

  “Grr,” Merco growled underneath her, his cock swelling in her pussy right before he exploded.

  Morph grunted from behind her, gripping her ass while he aided in pushing the pressure inside her to a breaking point.

  She shivered, a shock wave plummeting through her as she came with more ferocity than she had before. Hot cum soaked her ass, filled her pussy, exploding inside her with a white fire that lapped at her with flames of incredible passion.

  Ace pulled out of her mouth, his own semen squirting from his cock. She lapped at the salty taste, suddenly overwhelmed with her own orgasm. Fiery rushes exploded from her soul, taking all of her strength.

  Naomi collapsed on top of Merco, soaked and tingling from head to toe.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Naomi rolled over in her bed, momentarily disoriented as she stared at the ceiling of her bedroom.

  What the hell was she doing here?

  It took a moment to wake up, get her thoughts organized. She had fallen asleep in Merco’s arms. She was sure of it. She didn’t remember coming home, though.

  Taking her covers with her as she rolled over, she stared at her quiet room, everything in order. She was very much alone.

  “What the hell?” she whispered, and then cleared her throat.

  Muscles throughout her body screamed in retaliation as she moved. She was damp in between her legs, her only proof that she hadn’t dreamed the previous night.

  “I don’t even have a phone number.” She was instantly grouchy, climbing out of bed and hitting the cold floor with her bare feet.

  But what would a god need with a telephone? Furthermore, what would he need with her?

  Her grouchiness grew as she traipsed to the bathroom, starting the water and letting it run until it was hot. She climbed into her shower, simply standing there as the pellets of water rushed over her, soothing her tender body. As confused as she was, she couldn’t get herself to believe that Merco had used her last night.

  Somehow being with the three of them had given her insight. It would be easy to accept the fact that Merco, with his playboy reputation, had gotten what he wanted and was now done with her. It would make sense. Waking up alone, obviously transferred by some feat of magic while she slept. He hadn’t told her he would bring her home, there’d been no mention of it. But try as she would, wanting to fall into her own pity party, she knew there was another reason she had awakened alone in her apartment. Now to figure out what that reason was.

  She sulked while lathering her hair and then rinsing. Her mood barely lightened as she toweled off and then dressed in a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt.

  “Why did you bring me home?” She looked around her silent apartment, feeling foolish.

  But this would be how she would contact Merco, right? Just the thought that he could read her mind no matter where she might be overwhelmed her. That is, if he wanted to know her thoughts.

  It dawned on her as she went through the motions of preparing coffee that she hadn’t given thought to the demon for almost a day. She had Merco to thank for that. If he had in fact just used her, as Bridget warned might happen, then she could at least give thanks that he’d offered her a bit of sanctuary—a respite from her extended nightmare.

  “Of course, all he did was use you. What else are you good for?” The slowly hissed words of the demon made her jump.

  “Leave me alone,” she sighed, already too weary to fight with the nasty creature.

  “Leaving you alone is the last thing I’ll do.” His serpent-like voice sounded clearer, louder than usual. “I’ve been contemplating your punishment for being such a slut without my consent.”

  Her tummy turned with fear while an unwelcome shiver tore through her. Something was different about the demon. She stared at the black liquid drip slowly into the glass pot, its rich smell no longer doing anything for her. Licking her lips, she fought for the stren
gth to tell the creature to go away, leave her alone.

  “You don’t own me. Get out of here before you are the one punished.” Her heart beat so hard she could hardly hear herself think. Please don’t let the creature know how desperately terrified she was.

  Long bony fingers gripped her shoulder, flipping her around with more strength than she would have imagined him having.

  Naomi shrieked when she turned to see the demon leader standing in her kitchen, now facing her. He was taller than she, and so gaunt every bone in his body protruded from the paper-thin skin that hung on him. Hideous. Repulsive. He towered over her, his back hunched while bones protruded from his shoulders when he reached for her.

  The demon wore no clothing, and a long, too thin cock protruded in a warped angle toward her. His cock head was shriveled, disgusting. Everything about him disgusted her. He was worse than she could imagine death looking. Pale and a gray-green, veins visible under his flesh. She gulped in air that reeked of him, unable to think, to do anything other than stare in complete terror.

  “Your little stunt last night has given me strength. No more will you do anything, or anyone, other than who I say.” His lips barely covered his teeth. And the stench.

  His body reeked so terribly her eyes watered while her stomach turned.

  “Merco!” She screamed his name, the first word that came to her lips.

  The demon laughed, a despicable raspy sound that made his rib cage expand and his stomach appear more gaunt than before.

  “He doesn’t care about you. You’re a slut. You put out for him and his friends and tonight it will be a different lady. Everyone knows that about him. Don’t you read your history books?”

  His hands were on her, pinching her skin while he pulled her to him. “And now you will give me everything that you gave them, bitch.”

  “Fuck you!” Her mouth was almost too dry to speak. She shook beyond control, while her breath came in hard gasps.

  Terror had her incapable of fighting him. He was stronger than she imagined, or else she was too stupefied to react. But he pulled her to him, her body slamming against his slimy skin.

  “Merco!” she screamed again.

  He had to hear her. There was no way he would allow this to happen. He would save her. Dear God. Please.

  “Get your fucking hands off of her.”

  She heard him before she saw him.

  Merco appeared behind the demon, grabbing him, pulling him backwards, and throwing him into the living room as if he were no heavier than a bag of potatoes.

  “No!!” The hideous scream of the demon leader would wake the dead, and everyone else in the apartment complex.

  Suddenly Ace and Morph were in the kitchen, too, crowding her so that she could no longer see anything but the three men, the three gods. Strong, powerful, her saviors.

  “Merco,” she said on a sigh, the shakes still consuming her body but relief flooding through her faster than her heart raced.

  “Let him in your head,” Merco said, gesturing to Morph.

  She looked over at Merco’s friend, who watched her, a calm expression on his face.

  “I can protect you better in your thoughts.” His mouth hadn’t moved. He was already in her mind.

  “Yes.” She sunk backwards, giving Morph her attention for only a moment before looking back at Merco.

  He smiled warmly, a reassuring grin, but there was a fire burning in his eyes. She didn’t miss the outrage that made his expression hard, determined. He was out for blood. And she didn’t feel one bit sorry for that hideous creature.

  “Just relax. You’re safe now.” Morph spoke to her in her thoughts.

  Ace was by her, too, the two gods providing a shield that prevented her from clearly seeing Merco turn and move into the living room after the demon.

  “You no longer exist,” she heard Merco say, using a tone she prayed she would never hear out of him again.

  The demon leader screamed. She could only imagine what story she would have to come up with to satisfy the neighbors when they came pounding at her door. She wouldn’t worry about that until it happened. Too much was going on around her.

  “From this point forward, your existence has ended. There is no more hiding, no more torturing, you are done.” Merco sounded so fierce that she doubted anyone could be more powerful than he was. The man was invincible, and he was hers.

  Naomi’s heart soared, a peace easing through her allowing her to catch her breath, once again hear the coffee brewing behind her. Ace took her arm, his touch warm and reassuring while his body blocked the view into the living room. Morph also stood next to her, although she knew he was in her mind, ensuring her safety should the demon try to return there.

  No more. Her torture session had ended. Merco had saved her, and captured her heart.

  When silence fell around the apartment, the calm quiet so typical of her early morning, she felt a peace settle through her that she hadn’t known in months.

  It was over. Her nightmares would no longer haunt her. When Merco turned, appearing over the shoulder of Ace, she looked up at him, seeing the possessive protector staring down at her.

  “It’s done,” he told her simply.

  She hadn’t even realized she had moved when she was in his arms, feeling his strength, the warmth of his body and the strength of him wrapping around her.

  “I love you,” she whispered, unable to help herself, and knowing it was true.

  Maybe she’d closed her eyes, maybe he’d used more magic. But when she looked up at him, staring into that beautiful face, it dawned on her that they were all alone.

  “Naomi.” He said her name like he was praying.

  Or at least it sounded that way to her. Never had she felt more cleansed, more at rest, more happy than she did right now.

  “Yes?” she asked, her heart suddenly heavy in her chest with anticipation.

  She wouldn’t be able to bear it if he scolded her for confessing her emotions, or politely told her she was overreacting to his rescue of her. There were no doubts. Merco was different, unlike anyone she ever could imagine. But it was his manner, his calm reassurance, the way he stood tall next to her, willing to battle for her. He was more than a knight in shining armor, more than a god, he was a person, a man. Whether or not he had pushed his way into her life, informed her she wanted him when she thought she hadn’t, his cockiness and self-assured attitude simply added to the beauty of him.

  Yes. Beyond a shadow of a doubt she loved him. And she was up to the challenge of keeping him in line. And what a challenge that would be. She smiled at the thought.

  “You better tell me that you love me, too,” she muttered, gliding her hands over his hard body, muscles protruding under his shirt, hard and hot against her fingers.

  Merco laughed, wrapping his arms around her, sweeping her off her feet and spinning her around the kitchen.

  “Woman. I am head over heels in love with you. And I never thought anyone would make me feel this way.” And then he lowered his mouth to hers, holding her tight, her feet hanging above the floor.

  She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, holding on tight, while his body pressed hard against hers, bringing her to life.

  They fit against each other perfectly, as if it were always meant to be.

  About the author:

  All my life, I’ve wondered at how people fall into the routines of life. The paths we travel seemed to be well-trodden by society. We go to school, fall in love, find a line of work (and hope and pray it is one we like), have children and do our best to mold them into good people who will travel the same path. This is the path so commonly referred to as the “real world”.

  The characters in my books are destined to stray down a different path other than the one society suggests. Each story leads the reader into a world altered slightly from the one they know. For me, this is what good fiction is about, an opportunity to escape from the daily grind and wander down someone else’s path.

Lorie O’Clare lives in Kansas with her three sons.

  Lorie welcomes mail from readers. You can write to her c/o Ellora’s Cave Publishing at 1337 Commerce Drive, #13, Stow, Ohio 44224.

  Also available Lorie O’Clare:

  Fallen Gods: Tainted Purity

  Full Moon Rising

  Lunewulf 1: Pack Law

  Lunewulf 2: In Her Blood

  Lunewulf 3: In Her Dreams

  Lunewulf 4: In Her Nature

  Lunewulf 5: In Her Soul

  Sex Slaves 1: Sex Traders

  Sex Slaves 2: Waiting For Yesterday

  Things That Go Bump in the Night 2004 anthology

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