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Cursed by Destiny (9781101597743)

Page 34

by Robson, Cecy

He walked inside, slamming the door behind him. Invisible fists struck my face with each step he took, each blow harder, magnifying my agony and making me scream. He broke my nose and bloodied my face without ever lifting a finger. My ears rang from the jolts and from the eerie call of howling wolves.

  “Do you think me merely a vampire or a Tribemaster you can so easily defeat?” he spat. “I am an Elder. I can summon the power of the pack and use it to my liking. I can kill Aric and anyone I wish from miles away. No one can stop me—and no one can help you!”

  My heavy lids widened. He was robbing the pack of its power just to come for me. Again, I tried to move my shoulders and pry free from the wall, but I barely managed to jerk my head.

  Anara lifted his palm and squeezed his fingers, choking me slowly from where he stood and ceasing my frantic attempts. Spots speckled my vision. I thought he would kill me, until he dropped his hand and released the pressure burning my throat. He paced in front of me, seemingly pleased with the amount of power swirling at his fingertips. I spit out blood and tried to speak. “You’re abusing pack magic. The other Elders will know.”

  “I’ve ensured that they won’t.” He closed the distance between us and leaned in close. “That half-breed Martin may lead as Alpha, but I possess his power.” He stopped smiling. “I’ll kill Aric, Celia. I will.”

  “Why?” I croaked.

  His hot breath stirred against my face. “I will not allow an abomination like you to taint his bloodline. He is a king among wolves and you are nothing but a whore. I’d rather see him dead than have you ruin what remains of our eminence!”

  His stare traveled the length of my body with the deepest of loathing. He lifted the edge of my sweater before yanking it down with disgust. “I never understood what he saw in you,” he scoffed.

  Anara’s hold continued as he stalked away. “My influence and control extend everywhere, Celia. I can manipulate anyone to do my will—just as I did Virginia and those she sent word of your power. I will know if you see Aric. I will know if you speak to him.”

  Virginia . . . the Tribe . . . the shape-shifters. Jesus, he’d deluded everyone—including his enemies—to view me as the threat. The realization struck me like a thunderbolt and washed my bleeding form with cold dread. Anara was the one who believed me the key to his destruction . . . and to all the weres he led.

  He stopped at the door, the muscles of his back tightening until they bulged against his red shirt. “If you dare tell anyone about this, your sisters will share Aric’s fate.”

  As a testament to his power, Anara didn’t release me until about an hour after he left. I crashed to the floor coughing and shaking. The only thought racing through my head was the need to protect Aric, my sisters, and the baby growing inside of me.


  acute bloodlust: Occurs when a vampire goes too long without consuming blood. Increases the vampire’s thirst to lethal levels. Remedied by feeding the vampire.

  call: The ability of one supernatural creature to reach out to another, through either thoughts or sounds. A vampire can pass his or her call by transferring a bit of magic into the receiving being’s skin.

  change: To transform from one being to another, typically from human to beast and back again.

  chronic bloodlust: Results from a curse placed on a vampire. Makes the vampire’s thirst for blood insatiable and drives the vampire to insanity. The vampire grows in size from gluttony and assumes deformed features. There is no cure.

  claim: The method by which a werebeast consummates the union between his or her mate.

  clan: A group of werebeasts led by an Alpha. The types of clans differ depending on species. Werewolf clans are called “packs”; werelions belong to “prides.”

  creatura: The offspring of a demon lord and a werebeast.

  dantem animam: A soul giver. A rare being capable of returning a master vampire’s soul. A master with a soul is more powerful than any vampire in existence as he or she is balancing life and death at once.

  dark ones: Any creature considered to be of pure evil, such as a shape-shifter or demon.

  demons: Creatures residing in hell. Only the strongest may leave to stalk on earth, but their time is limited; the power of good compels them to return.

  demon lords (demonkin): The offspring of a witch mother and a demon. Powerful, cunning, and deadly. Unlike demons, whose time on earth is limited, demon lords may remain on earth indefinitely.

  demon children: The spawn of a demon lord and a mortal female. Demon children are of limited intelligence and rely predominantly on their predatory instincts.

  Den: A school where young werebeasts train and learn to fight in order to help protect the earth from mystical evil.

  Elder: Werebeast clans are governed by three Elders, consisting of an Alpha, a Beta, and an Omega. The Alpha is the supreme leader. The Beta is the second in command. The Omega settles disputes between them and has the ability to calm by releasing bits of his or her harmonized soul, or through a sense of humor muddled with magic.

  exceptis: A male born every three centuries from the union of two witches. Possesses rare gifts. Often volatile, selfish, and of questionable loyalty.

  force: Emme Wird’s ability to move objects with her mind.

  gold: The element was cursed long ago and has damaging effects on werebeasts, vampires, and the dark ones. Supernatural creatures cannot hold gold without feeling the poisonous effects of the curse. A bullet dipped in gold will explode a supernatural creature’s heart like a bomb. Gold against open skin has a searing effect.

  grandmaster: The master of a master vampire. Grandmasters are among the earth’s most powerful creatures. Grandmasters can recognize whether the human he or she turned is a master upon creation. Grandmasters usually kill any master vampires they create to consume their power. Some choose to let the masters live until they become a threat, or until they’ve gained greater strength to therefore take more power.

  keep: Beings a master vampire controls, such as those he or she has turned vampire or acquired by destroying another master. They may also be humans the master regularly feeds from

  Leader: A pureblood werebeast in charge of delegating and planning attacks against the evils that threaten the earth.

  lone: A werebeast who doesn’t belong to a clan and therefore is not obligated to protect the earth from supernatural evil. Considered of lower class by those with clans.

  master vampire: A vampire with the ability to turn a human vampire. Upon their creation, masters are usually killed by their grandmaster for power. Masters are immune to fire and sunlight born of magic, and they typically carry tremendous power. Only a master or another lethal preternatural can kill a master vampire. If one master kills another, the surviving vampire acquires his or her power, wealth, and keep.

  mate: The being a werebeast will love and share a soul with for eternity.

  misericordia: A plea of mercy in a duel.

  moon sickness: The werebeast equivalent of bloodlust. Brought on by a curse from a powerful enchantress, and causes excruciating pain. Attacks a werebeast’s central nervous system, making the werebeast stronger and violent, and driving the werebeast to kill. No known cure exists.

  mortem provocatio: A fight to the death.

  North American Were Council: The governing body of weres in North America, led by a president and several council members.

  potestatem bonum: “The power of good.” That which encloses the Earth and keeps demons from remaining among the living.

  purebloods (aka pures): Werebeasts from generations of were-only family members. Considered royalty among werebeasts and carry the responsibilities of continuing their species. The union of two purebloods is the only way to guarantee the conception of a were child.

  shape-shifter: Shape-shifters are born witches. They sp
end years seeking innocents to sacrifice to a dark deity. When the deity deems the offerings sufficient, the witch casts a baneful spell to surrender his or her magic and humanity in exchange for immortality and the power of hell at their fingertips. Shape-shifters can command any form and are the deadliest and strongest of all mystical creatures.

  shift: Celia Wird’s ability to break down her body into minute particles. Her gift allows her to travel beneath and across soil, concrete, and rock. Celia can also shift a limited number of beings. Disadvantages include not being able to breathe or see until she surfaces.

  solis natus magicae: The proper term for sunlight born of magic, created by a wielder of spells. Considered “pure” light. Capable of destroying nonmaster vampires and demons. In large quantities may also kill shape-shifters. Renders the wielder helpless once fired.

  surface: Celia Wird’s ability to reemerge from a shift.

  susceptor animae: A being capable of taking another’s soul, such as a vampire.

  Trudhilde Radinka (aka Destiny): A female born once every century from the union of two witches. She possesses rare talents and the aptitude to predict the future. Considered among the elite of the mystical world.

  turn: The rare ability to transform a human into a werebeast or vampire. Werebeasts pierce the heart of a human with their fangs and transfer a part of their essence. Vampires pierce through the skull and into the brain to transfer a taste of their magic. Werebeasts risk their lives during the turning process as they are gifting a part of their souls; should the transfer fail, both the werebeast and the human die. Vampires risk nothing since they’re not losing their souls, but rather taking another’s and releasing it from the human’s body.

  vampire: A being who consumes the blood of mortals to survive. Beautiful and alluring, vampires will never appear to age past thirty years. Vampires are immune to sunlight unless created by magic. They are also immune to objects of faith such as crucifixes. Vampires may be killed by the destruction of their hearts, decapitation, or fire. Master vampires or vampires several centuries old must have both their hearts and heads removed, or their bodies completely destroyed.

  vampire clans: Families of vampires led by master vampires. Masters can control, communicate, and punish their keep through mental telepathy.

  velum: A veil conjured by magic.

  virtutem lucis: “The power of light.” The goodness found within each mortal. That which combats the darkness.

  Warrior: A werebeast possessing profound skill or fighting ability. Only the elite among weres are granted the title of Warrior. Warriors are duty-bound to protect their Leaders and their Leaders’ mates at all costs.

  Werebeast (aka were): A supernatural predator with the ability to change from human to beast. Werebeasts are considered the Guardians of the Earth against mystical evil. Werebeasts will achieve their first change within six months to a year following birth. The younger they are when they first change, the more powerful they will be. Werebeasts also possess the ability to heal their wounds and can live until the first full moon following their one hundredth birthday. Werebeasts may be killed by destruction of their hearts, decapitation, or if their bodies are completely destroyed. The only time a were can partially change is when he or she attempts to turn a human. A turned human will achieve his or her first change by the next full moon.

  witch: Born with the power to wield magic, they worship the earth and nature. Pure witches will not take part in blood sacrifices. They cultivate the land to grow plants for their potions, and use staffs, amulets, and talismans to amplify their magic. To cross a witch is to feel the collective wrath of her coven.

  witch fire: Orange flames encased by magic, used to assassinate an enemy. Explodes like multiple grenades when the intended victim nears the spell. Flames will continue to burn until the target has been eliminated.

  Are you just discovering the Weird Girls?

  See where it all begins with Cecy Robson’s

  Sealed with a Curse

  Available in print and e-book from Signet Eclipse.

  Sacramento, California

  The courthouse doors crashed open as I led my three sisters into the large foyer. I didn’t mean to push so hard, but hell, I was mad and worried about being eaten. The cool spring breeze slapped at my back as I stepped inside, yet it did little to cool my temper or my nerves.

  My nose scented the vampires before my eyes caught them emerging from the shadows. There were six of them, wearing dark suits, Ray-Bans, and obnoxious little grins. Two bolted the doors tight behind us, while the others frisked us for weapons.

  I can’t believe we’re in vampire court. So much for avoiding the perilous world of the supernatural.

  Emme trembled beside me. She had every right to be scared. We were strong, but our combined abilities couldn’t trump a roomful of bloodsucking beasts. “Celia,” she whispered, her voice shaking. “Maybe we shouldn’t have come.”

  Like we had a choice. “Just stay close to me, Emme.” My muscles tensed as the vampire’s hands swept the length of my body and through my long curls. I didn’t like him touching me, and neither did my inner tigress. My fingers itched with the need to protrude my claws.

  When he finally released me, I stepped closer to Emme while I scanned the foyer for a possible escape route. Next to me, the vampire searching Taran got a little daring with his pat-down. But he was messing with the wrong sister.

  “If you touch my ass one more time, fang boy, I swear to God I’ll light you on fire.” The vampire quickly removed his hands when a spark of blue flame ignited from Taran’s fingertips.

  Shayna, conversely, flashed a lively smile when the vampire searching her found her toothpicks. Her grin widened when he returned her seemingly harmless little sticks, unaware of how deadly they were in her hands. “Thanks, dude.” She shoved the box back into the pocket of her slacks.

  “They’re clear.” The guard grinned at Emme and licked his lips. “This way.” He motioned her to follow. Emme cowered. Taran showed no fear and plowed ahead. She tossed her dark, wavy hair and strutted into the courtroom like the diva she was, wearing a tiny white minidress that contrasted with her deep olive skin. I didn’t fail to notice the guards’ gazes glued to Taran’s shapely figure. Nor did I miss when their incisors lengthened, ready to bite.

  I urged Emme and Shayna forward. “Go. I’ll watch your backs.” I whipped around to snarl at the guards. The vampires’ smiles faltered when they saw my fangs protrude. Like most beings, they probably didn’t know what I was, but they seemed to recognize I was potentially lethal, despite my petite frame.

  I followed my sisters into the large courtroom. The place reminded me of a picture I’d seen of the Salem witch trials. Rows of dark wood pews lined the center aisle, and wide rustic planks composed the floor. Unlike the photo I recalled, every window was boarded shut, and paintings of vampires hung on every inch of available wall space. One particular image epitomized the vampire stereotype perfectly. It showed a male vampire entwined with two naked women on a bed of roses and jewels. The women appeared completely enamored of the vampire, even while blood dripped from their necks.

  The vampire spectators scrutinized us as we approached along the center aisle. Many had accessorized their expensive attire with diamond jewelry and watches that probably cost more than my car. Their glares told me they didn’t appreciate my cotton T-shirt, peasant skirt, and flip-flops. I was twenty-five years old; it’s not like I didn’t know how to dress. But, hell, other fabrics and shoes were way more expensive to replace when I changed into my other form.

  I spotted our accuser as we stalked our way to the front of the assembly. Even in a courtroom crammed with young and sexy vampires, Misha Aleksandr stood out. His tall, muscular frame filled his fitted suit, and his long blond hair brushed against his shoulders. Death, it seemed, looked damn good. Yet it wasn’t his height or his wealth or even his striking
features that captivated me. He possessed a fierce presence that commanded the room. Misha Aleksandr was a force to be reckoned with, but, strangely enough, so was I.

  Misha had “requested” our presence in Sacramento after charging us with the murder of one of his family members. We had two choices: appear in court or be hunted for the rest of our lives. The whole situation sucked. We’d stayed hidden from the supernatural world for so long. Now not only had we been forced into the limelight, but we also faced the possibility of dying some twisted, Rob Zombie–inspired death.

  Of course, God forbid that would make Taran shut her trap. She leaned in close to me. “Celia, how about I gather some magic-borne sunlight and fry these assholes?” she whispered in Spanish.

  A few of the vampires behind us muttered and hissed, causing an uproar among the rest. If they didn’t like us before, they sure as hell hated us then.

  Shayna laughed nervously, but maintained her perky demeanor. “I think some of them understand the lingo, dude.”

  I recognized Taran’s desire to burn the vamps to blood and ash, but I didn’t agree with it. Conjuring such power would leave her drained and vulnerable, easy prey for the master vampires, who would be immune to her sunlight. Besides, we were already in trouble with one master for killing his keep. We didn’t need to be hunted by the entire leeching species.

  The procession halted in a strangely wide-open area before a raised dais. There were no chairs or tables, nothing we could use as weapons against the judges or the angry mob amassed behind us.

  My eyes focused on one of the boarded windows. The light honey-colored wood frame didn’t match the darker boards. I guessed the last defendant had tried to escape. Judging from the claw marks running from beneath the frame to where I stood, he, she, or it hadn’t made it.

  I looked up from the deeply scratched floor to find Misha’s intense gaze on me. We locked eyes, predator to predator, neither of us the type to back down. You’re trying to intimidate the wrong gal, pretty boy. I don’t scare easily.


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