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Wolf's Kingdom_COBRA Coalition

Page 30

by Amber Ella Monroe

  “I want you with every fiber of my being.” He bent and kissed her on the forehead. “Trust me on this.”

  She grabbed hold of his forearms. “Then tell me what’s wrong, so that I can understand.”

  He frowned, shaking his head. “I need time to think.”

  He turned this time, but she made no moves to stop him.

  “I’ll be back,” he said.

  When the door closed behind him, her heart fell to her stomach.


  Nick took his place to the right of Devin, who was seated at the head of the long table. The clock struck six thirty, indicating that it was time for them to begin discussions.

  He and Devin exchanged nods, and Nick acknowledged some of the other wolves in the room by doing the same. There were six of them on the Council. The number had been set for decades. With each new Alpha, there was likely to be a new set of Council members. Although some members were honored to sit more than once. It just so happened that Devin reappointed everyone that sat on his late brother’s Council. All except for Darius, of course, with Nick taking his place. They were all men leading very different lives. But they’d also chosen to serve the Caedmon people by being the decision makers on all issues regarding the pack.

  Nick had no doubt that Devin could and would lead them to greatness, but as Second-in-Command, he strived to live up to that important distinction. Having the ability to build a construction business from the ground up and ensuring that the Caedmon Pack did not fail were two different things. He thought so, at least.

  Dawson, Devin’s half-brother, was the next in rank. He always offered his intellect and had come to be known as the brainy one. He was accepted into the early entrance program of an Ivy League school at fifteen and a half years old, and was projected to earn his Doctorate’s in less than two years from now at the rate in which he studied and excelled in college.

  Then there was Blake and Aidan who’d officially only joined them a few years ago from other packs, but their loyalty and dedication had earned them great recognition. And there was Jayson, who’d been born and raised within the village. His father had served on the Council under Daniel’s reign. So, it was only natural when he stepped up. His family owned a bank, and Jayson served as an accountant and financial advisor for many in the community.

  Jayson…where was he anyway?

  As if on cue, Jayson burst through the double doors and took a seat at the other end of the table. He plopped his helmet down and ran his hand through an unruly mess of black hair.

  “What time is it, Jayson?” Devin spoke from the other end of the table, straightening in his chair.

  Everyone took their respective seats.

  “Don’t know.” Jayson shrugged. “Why?”

  “Look at your fucking wristwatch and tell everyone what time it is?”

  Devin was pissed. Nick could tell that by the way the other wolf gripped the pen in his fist. You could have heard a pin drop in the room, as Jayson lifted his wrist to peer at his watch.

  “Six thirty seven,” Jayson said.

  “The memo said six thirty, did it not? What prevented you from arriving on time?”

  “Nothing. I was a little late, my gods.”

  “And the last meeting we called, were you not a little late as well?”

  Jayson shifted in his seat.

  “Do you wish to serve or do you want to be removed?” Devin asked.

  “I’m honored to serve under your reign.” Jayson looked down at the table. “I apologize for my late arrival.”

  “From this day forward, you will respect the time of the five others who are on this Council. We don’t have time to waste. When I call meetings like these, the matters at hand are serious. If you’re late again without adequate excuse, you will be removed. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Yes, Alpha,” Jayson said between clenched teeth.

  “When this meeting is over, I need to have a private talk with you about your late father’s estate.”

  Jayson nodded. “Yes, Alpha.”

  Devin exhaled, and dropped the pen on the table. “Now, let’s begin.”

  He may have looked like the laid back and suave leader, but Nick knew Devin better than most anyone else at the table. He wasn’t a wolf anyone should cross.

  They had a long night ahead of them.

  Selene’s stomach began to growl the very moment the servers brought out platters of food. They came into the large dining hall with trays filled of breakfast items. Bowls of fruits, trays stacked high of pancakes, biscuits, scrambled eggs, dozens of bacon strips and sausage links, and an assortment of other dishes.

  She wasn’t surprised. Every meal at the Caedmon mansion over the last couple of days had been considerable. She’d gotten used to it. But the buffet before them that was probably adequate enough to feed twenty humans was intended for a party of only four. One thing she’d learned about both Nick and Devin was that they didn’t leave leftovers. They ate like their next meal wasn’t promised to them.

  Selene had no problems digging right in this time. She and Tamara served themselves with the help of the servers as Nick and Devin waited patiently. At previous meals, she found it strange that they waited this way. According to Tamara, they were acting on instinct. It was natural for Caedmon males to wait until the women were served before they indulged. A way to show love and sacrifice for one’s mate, she’d said.

  Devin and Tamara were mated. It was no surprise that he’d do something like that for her. It did not explain why Nick had done the same for her when they were imprisoned in a cell, in the hideout near the mountains, and while they’d had other meals alone.

  Selene glanced at him, and he smiled.

  Since he’d brought her to climax against the bedroom wall, nothing else that intense had transpired between them. That night had been difficult for her to get past. She’d felt used and unwanted at the same time. It wasn’t until last night, that she realized that his refusal didn’t have anything to do with her.

  He’d joined her in the bed last night and embraced her until she’d fallen asleep, but she could tell that he made certain not to touch her in any intimate places.

  There was something serious on his mind. Something other than the fact that their Pack was in danger. Her persistent nature to solve virtually all problems had not subsided with the car crash that ultimately brought them together. But would her persistent nature lead her into trouble yet again?

  “Oh, these pancakes are so good,” Tamara exclaimed, as she stuffed her mouth.

  “Not as good as yours.”

  She grinned. “You’re just saying that.”

  “Oh yeah.” Devin dropped his fork on the plate, turned, and grasped Tamara about the waist. “I’d much rather eat yours.”

  Completely ignoring the fact that she and Nick were still seated at the table, they kissed deeply for what seemed like minutes.

  Selene’s heart warmed in that instant. It was the feeling she got when she’d learned that one of her clients had found peace. Tamara deserved this life, and she deserved Devin.

  Nick cleared his throat.

  “So, um…Nick and I have been talking about moving our construction business headquarters into town,” Devin said.

  “You have?” Tamara smiled. “That would be great. I know it’s been rough for you trying to handle two things at once from two different locations.”

  “Yep, we’ve already been talking to the employees.”

  “It will be a good move,” Nick added. “Most of our suppliers are out east anyway.”

  “Does that mean you’ll stay in the town permanently too?” Tamara asked Nick.

  Nick nodded. “That is my plan.”

  “And Selene tells me she’s leaving soon.” Tamara frowned and looked across the table at her. “I really wish you would stay a little longer. Devin swears that it won’t always be this hectic. Things died down a bit after he took the leadership role, and then…well you know.”

nbsp; “I wish I could, too,” Selene said. “But, I have a life back at home. A career where I have people who really depend on me.”

  “I know.” Tamara’s shoulders slumped, and then her face brightened. “Did I tell you that you’re going to be my maid of honor? So there’s no easy out.”

  “You’ve set a date?” Selene asked, surprised.

  Tamara stole a glance at Devin. “It’s not set in stone because of all the mess that needs handling, but we’ve been talking about it. And yes…we want to exchange vows in a month.”

  “Wow, Devin,” Nick said. “When were you going to share the news?”

  “We haven’t told anyone else yet,” Devin said.

  “I’d love to be in your wedding, Tamara.”

  “Elisa has been helping me plan the details and the guest list.” Tamara nearly squealed in excitement. “I can’t wait.”

  Selene couldn’t help but to share in the other woman’s excitement. It was a dream come true for her. Her mind suddenly ran on the email she’d received from her supervisor yesterday evening. “I have some other good news, Tamara.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Brad Thatcher has been sentenced as of three nights ago.” Selene smiled. “The biggest charge was thirty years with the possibility of parole.”

  Tamara smiled meekly. “I’m happy that he won’t ever hurt another woman again.”

  “That’s not all.” Selene shook her head. “Karma is a bitch.”

  “What do you mean?” Tamara asked. “Of course, it is, he’ll spend major time behind bars to think about what he’s done.”

  “He’ll spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair. While he was being transported to a prison, the van he was in an accident. They were ambushed by a pack of animals. The injuries left him paralyzed from the waist down. It’s kind of a funny coincidence. The investigators say the attackers were most likely wild wolves.”

  “What!” Tamara frowned, and fixed her glare on Devin. “Did you do it?”

  “Yes, I did, Tamara,” Devin said. “Everyone will be certain the coward will never raise his hand again to anyone. He’s lucky I let him live.”

  Selene gasped. Her mind raced as she put the pieces of the puzzle together.

  “That night you left me…and didn’t return...” Tamara’s voice grew louder with anger.

  “Yes,” Devin simply said.

  “How could you?” Tamara stood. “I told you not to get involved.”

  Devin stood too, and scooped Tamara up in his arms. “Excuse us. We have something to discuss. Enjoy the rest of your breakfast.”

  He carried Tamara out of the dining hall, kicking and screaming.

  “I guess me and my big mouth just ruined breakfast.” Selene put her fork down and glanced at Nick.

  “It’s okay,” Nick said. “I’m sure they’ll talk it through.”

  “I hope so.”

  “Why don’t we go for a walk to catch a breath of fresh air?”

  Selene smiled. “I certainly need to work off some carbs after this meal.”


  Selene nibbled on her bottom lip as she registered the information on the computer. There was one bus scheduled to leave the town in two days, and not another one for nearly a week.

  She regretted that she’d have to leave Nick so soon.

  A group of wolves had been sent to retrieve her car. It was found half a mile away from the roadside, which indicated that someone had moved it. Maybe Darius and his followers had done it in an attempt to prevent law enforcement from finding her after they’d kidnapped her. None of her belongings were in the car. No credit card. No identification. Her purse and suitcase were gone. She knew all that stuff could be replaced when she returned home. What she did worry about was what could not be replaced when she did?

  “Are you still on the laptop?”

  Nick’s voice scared her from behind.

  “Yes.” Selene knew her credit card number by heart. What was keeping her from ordering the ticket?

  Nick sat next to her, freshly showered. No amount of almond scented body wash could hide the springy, pine smell that was so uniquely his. She’d come to recognize it within seconds whenever he entered a room. She’d even come to crave it.

  “You found the Greyhound website.” He leaned over to glance at her screen. “You’re expected back to work in a few days, right? Anything come up on the schedule?”

  “There’s one.”

  “When does it leave?”

  “In two days.”

  “Oh.” He almost sounded regretful.

  “We’re only just getting to know each other, Nick.”

  “Selene. I know, but we want what’s safe for you.”

  “I know what will happen,” she said, wringing her hands in her lap. “I’ll return home and never hear from you again. You have no intentions of contacting me after I’m gone, do you?”

  He took her hands. “That’s ludicrous. You’ll return in a month for Devin and Tamara’s wedding. Everything will be settled by then.”

  She frowned. “You plan to make me wait that long.”

  “Of course not. We’ve sent a messenger to Darius and his followers. We want peace in this town once again, and if that means allowing him his part of the property, we’ve voted for it. More than likely, I could visit sooner than you think.”

  Selene pulled away. “After everything’s settled…then what?”

  “I’ll come for you.”

  “Tell me about the woman who betrayed you.”

  “She’s not worth bringing up, Selene,” he replied softly.

  “Is she the reason why you won’t trust me?” She had to know.

  “That’s just it. I trust you. I want you so badly that I would do anything to have you and that scares me to be honest.”

  “I want you, too,” she admitted.

  “I refuse to bind you to this type of life.”

  “What do you mean? Don’t I get a choice?”

  “The ways of the wolf are different from those of the humans. We have no choice when it comes to true mates.”

  “Tamara told me already. She told me that Caedmon couples are mated and bonded for life. She also said that there can be sex without bonding.”

  Selene felt ashamed for admitting that she needed him in that way.

  “Tamara is not wolf. She has genuinely accepted the Caedmon spirit, but she doesn’t understand how difficult it is to control an animal who knows his mate by scent.”

  “You should know then,” she alleged, sternly. “Am I or am I not your mate?”

  “There are signs…”

  “…but you’re afraid to find out.”

  “You might want this now, but once you return home, things will be different. You will continue your work, and maybe even forget about me. I want what’s best for you and that may not be me. You may very well decide that you want to live a normal human life with a human male.”

  “I will never forget about you now that I’ve met you and all that we’ve been through. There is no other man for me.”

  “Buy the ticket. If we are true mates, not even distance will keep us apart.”

  “You’d rather us prove this the hard way?”


  “I’ll buy the ticket, but promise me something…” She typed her credit card information into the input box on the website.


  Selene clicked the submit button, and didn’t even wait for the confirmation screen to appear before she closed the laptop. Standing in front of him, she let her bathrobe slip from her shoulders and down her naked body before saying, “Show me again what you desire from me. This time, I don’t want you to stop until you’ve taken me.”


  She straddled his lap and kissed his protest away. Her body set fire in passionate bursts the moment he laid his hands upon her bare skin. The taste and smell of him began to erode her senses. His male pheromones and pine scent were undenia
ble. He pulled her closer into his chest against his rapid heartbeat. His tongue tangled with hers and set a consistent, demanding pace.

  He dragged his lips up and down the column of her neck, and she lifted her chin to give him further access. “Your smell is intoxicating.”

  She peeled away his robe to reveal his chest, and then bent her head to kiss him there. His moans encouraged her and she used her fingers to commit every curve to memory, as well as her tongue to remember his taste. Her hand brushed against the top of him, and he seemed to pulse against the confines of his briefs. His palms slid down her back to grab her hips and pull her closer into him. Her pussy throbbed over him.

  Nick kissed along her neckline and past her collarbone to find the sensitive mounds of her breasts. He suckled her nipples, taking his time on each.

  She couldn’t stand it anymore, and needed the release that only he could give her. Her hips moved in a slow sensuous rhythm above him. He grew harder still against her.

  He stood with his hands still gripping her by the ass. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he carried her toward the bed. He laid her down gently and came down over her.

  “Once this happens, there is no going back,” he whispered. “You will be mine.”

  “I don’t want to go back. Not unless you’re right there with me.” She made her point by pulling him down for a kiss.

  He explored her, sliding his hot lips over her body. She shuddered with pleasure as he licked and nipped lightly at her skin. He made a hot trail down the center of her body, stopping just above her pussy. Smoothing a finger across her neatly trimmed mound, he lifted his gaze to make contact with her.

  “You want to come again, don’t you?” He asked.

  She nodded. It was the truth. She’d been thinking about the last time he brought her to orgasm like a scene of a movie set on replay. Her pussy trembled in need whenever she daydreamed about it.

  Nick coaxed her legs apart with roaming kisses against the insides of her thighs. He opened her with slow strokes of his tongue, pressing his mouth into her slick pussy. Her legs fell back even more as he took long laps at her like a cat would relish a fresh bowl of milk. She couldn’t hold back her moans because they came from deep within, much like the heightened sensation warming at her core. Still he refused to pay attention to her much-needed center. The core of her desire.


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