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Guarding Red Riding Hood

Page 10

by Rita Hestand

"I'm rather small there," She chuckled into his ear as her lips began to explore him.

  She blew in his ear and he nearly came off the couch.

  "Something wrong?"

  "It wasn't. But if you keep blowing in my ear, I will carry you to my bedroom and we will make love all night long. That's a promise."

  "And Tony?" She questioned breathlessly.

  "I'll lock the door; he'll know not to come in." Dan promised her.

  "You can't do that, that's what his father does." She raised up with sudden indignation. "If you are going to act like his father, you don't deserve him." She pushed him away suddenly.

  "You're getting mad for all the wrong reasons, honey." He said in a hoarse voice. "I think you protest too much. Do you really want me to stop?"

  She smiled and reached to kiss his jaw. "No, of course not. And I want you too, but not here, or now…" She said sitting up once more.

  "Then why did you wear that slinky thing and no bra?" He whispered in her ear as he kissed her cheek. "You went into your room to put your bra on, and you didn't do it. Instead you waltz out here in that slinky thing that makes a man want to crush you. You're playing games with me lady. And although I like games. I like you better."

  "I'm not playing games with you!" She sat up and pulled away, staring into his eyes. "I guess I wanted to be alluring for you. I’m sure you are used to alluring women. I wanted to know I could entice you. And I wanted to play. But I have no protection and I can't have sex with you. And I have a feeling you are a man who is used to getting exactly what you want. This isn't a good idea."

  His defenses were up. "I didn't say I wanted sex with you. I want to make love, there is a big difference in case you don't know it."

  "Making love is for people who are in love. Anything else is sex. And I'm not about to allow it without protection, of which I have none right now."

  Frustration lined both their faces.

  "Look I wasn't born yesterday. A man that hasn't known a woman long and wants in her pants, wants sex, no matter what you call it. I don't want sex. And when I find a man that wants to make love, I'll be ready. You’re a man who gets what you want. Not this time. I won't get pregnant by a man who barely knows me."

  "Sometimes women play games, whether they know it or not. They tease, and tempt a man to insanity. You want to play, but you also want to put the brakes on too."

  "I have no protection. That's a fact, not brakes."

  "You've been just as ready as I have…And, you can't exactly say that, we've been living together for three months, I know you pretty well. Probably better than that teacher friend."

  "I know, you are right. I think having sex with you would be wonderful, but, not without protection. And since we have no protection, we can't have sex. And I'm not really into sex. Making love is appealing. I guess," She paused. "It doesn't matter how you label it, though, if you aren't in love, you can't make love."

  He moved off the couch. She had him confused.

  She wanted him, wanted sex, but wouldn't have it because there was no protection. But she wanted a man to make love to her, that really meant it. He didn't understand her and it was too complicated to get into now.

  "I also like kissing you…" She smiled sweetly.

  "Thanks." He said simply, staring at her pink lips. He loved the way she kissed and that soft moan she made when he kissed her.

  "Well…. don't you enjoy kissing me?" She asked.

  "Very much." His eyes glittered.

  "Then why don't you?" She asked.

  "Why don't I what?"

  "Kiss me?"

  He moved toward the door to cool himself down. She was quickly tying him in knots. Maybe they shouldn't talk at all.

  "Kissing leads to other things. Things you don't want." He told her adamantly.

  She got up and moved toward him, "Then I guess we'll have to use our heads and cut it out. Won't we?"

  "Point taken Gabby!" He said and went to his room to close the door and shut her out. What in the world was happening? He was walking away from necking with her. Was he crazy.

  Restless he came back out. Pretending interest in getting another beer, he paused at the refrigerator.

  "Why don't we try being friends then." She suggested moving back to the couch.

  "You think we can go back once we've gone forward?" He frowned at her.

  "It's worth a try, I like you." She smiled.

  God, he wanted her! He didn't care what terms she had, he just wanted her.

  She was a teacher and a good one. He got her point even though it hurt his ego a bit. He was usually better at seducing a woman than this. Still, it was obvious she was no fool. She liked his kisses, she admitted that, but she wasn't game for total seduction.

  He knew what she was after, and he wanted no part of that. He didn't need marriage. He'd always gotten what he wanted without the commitments that few ever lived up to.

  Still, she was a temptress, in that black slinky outfit. She was like a spider with a web, and he wasn't about to get caught in it. This was one little temptress he'd have to cool it with.

  She was hot as a firecracker and just as deadly with a marriage certificate. No thanks, he didn't need it, he kept repeating in his head.. He'd been doing fine alone. At least that's what he told himself.

  Why did women always use the protection thing to say no? Naturally he didn't want to get her pregnant, but hells bells, he sure wanted her.

  There were all kinds of reason he shouldn't. She was a Senator's daughter. She was a witness. And he absolutely didn't need hang-up's in his line of work.

  So why was he fighting the urge to take her to his bed.

  She admitted she wanted him. So what was stopping him?

  He sighed, jabbed the remote and flipped through the channels resting on the war movie.

  But the guy in the movie was taking the girl now and that certainly didn't help him. He switched it off and laid back on his bed. He needed some sleep.

  He needed to quit being a playboy and get back to his job. He had to forget she was a beautiful woman, and get back to his work.

  That's what he told himself, but it didn't make him feel a bit better.

  Chapter Twelve

  The next morning, he woke up with a better attitude. Gabby had been right; they didn't need to get involved. They could be friends. He didn't have to put the make on every woman he protected. Naturally that's what he told himself when he was cold sober and not in a horny mood.

  The three of them had breakfast together and settled into the routine again. Gabby must have done some thinking too, because she was back to being friendly and not seductive.

  But finally he got some word from his boss. News that changed everything.

  "Harry, so how are things going down?" Daniel sighed into the phone.

  "Not good."

  Daniel tensed immediately and went outside to finish the discussion. "What's going on?"

  "Beaton's dead." Harry told him.


  "He was trying to pull a swindle on them and they were on to him. They went to the apartment to get the kid, and found him gone. Do you have him?"

  "Yes, I do."

  "Good. But things are bad now. They've been to the school to find out about the little school teacher too, Gabby?"

  "Yeah, that's right."

  "You're going to have to move."

  "I figured. Got any recommendations?"

  "Not your home, Dan. It's way too dangerous. But I got an idea. An it's not bad."

  "You remember back when we took Holden down?"


  "He's got a cabin, nice place too. I've talked with the owner and it's empty. I want you to take them both there and lay low. I do mean low. Understood. Get you a load of supplies and groceries. And stay down until you hear from me."

  "Yeah, understood. What do I tell the kid?"

  "Nothing yet. We got our fielders out and once we catch them you can bring those two in."

"Harry, I want to adopt Tony."

  "What?" There was a dead silence on the other end.

  "You heard me, check into it for me, will ya?"

  "Are you sure about this?"

  "I am. Will you do it?"

  "Alright. I hope you know what you are doing?"

  "I do. And tell the man, that Gabby is fine."

  "Will do. The only thing is, if you get wind that they are on to you at any time, move and then call this number, leave a coded addy and stay low."

  "Alright, thanks."

  "Talk to you soon."

  Daniel went back inside. How could he possibly face Tony with this kind of news. Harry told him not to tell him. But Daniel found it hard to even look at him now.

  "So they contacted you? Are we going to get back to normal now?" Gabby asked with a slight twinkle in her eyes.

  "N-no, we're moving."


  "Yes, moving. Get packed up. We'll leave this afternoon."

  "Something's happened?"

  "Yeah…. but save your questions for later. We have to move and now."

  Just the way he said it, made both of them alert. This wasn't what either of them hoped for, but the expression on Dan's face was enough to tell Gabby that this was not the time to ask.

  They both went to their rooms and started packing.

  Dan watched them.

  He could see the slump in their shoulders and feel the tension within. There was nothing he could do about their disappointment.

  Beaton being dead was a new problem Dan hadn't figured on, but his bosses were different. They ran things like a small mafia and they meant business. They were after both Gabby and Tony now. Mainly because these two had seen too much. They'd waste them at the first opportunity and Dan had to stay one foot in front of them to keep Gabby and Tony safe. A new tension filled him. He couldn't let anything happen to them.

  Dan switched to protective mode.

  This was his job and it had just gotten more dangerous. Dan knew what he had to do now. He moved to check his gun.

  Gabby saw him and her mouth opened to say something, but because of Tony, she didn't.

  She followed his orders and kept quiet.

  Dan was grateful. He didn't want to get into any lengthy explanations right now. He just needed them to cooperate.

  "Pack up as much of the groceries as you can. We'll need them. We'll also need to stop at a store and get more. Anything you need write it down. Anything, because I can't be going to the store regularly. I'll buy in bulk as much as I can. No talking to any strangers, we've got to move and move fast." Dan's voice had gone into order mode and both of them seemed to pick up on it.

  Dan knew all the rules, all the expectations. What he hadn't figured on was Beaton dying. It rattled his calm reserve right now. He couldn't tell Tony yet. And there were so many things that this involved. There would be no funeral, and poor Tony would never see his father again. That was rough. But Dan knew too that his own attitude had to change now. He was on high alert and relaxing wasn't part of his job. If he didn't do his job they could all three be dead.

  Things had just changed to serious and he knew the routine.

  Adopting Tony had been a top priority, but now that things had changed and keeping him alive was at the top of the list. And Gabby was a concern too. If they knew she was a teacher and had gone that far, it wouldn't be long until they stumbled on the fact that she was a Senator's daughter too.

  Caution and precaution were one and the same right now.

  Gabby and Tony seemed to understand. How he didn't know.

  After they packed they headed for the new location. About twenty miles from the destination, they stopped for supplies. He glanced at them both, "Anything not on the list you better speak up now."

  "I wrote what I need on your list." Gabby told him.

  "Me too."

  "That's all?"

  "Yeah," they both nodded now. "Okay either of you see something you want, grab it. We don't have a lot of time to dally, but the same routine as the last time. We don't know how long we are going to be stuck here, and we need to get everything. Understand?"

  Although the windows on his car were highly tinted, he didn't trust them staying in the car. He'd feel safer with them with him. So he took them in. "Look, if there are some things you want, grab them and help me get all this stuff as we go down the aisle. I want to make this a fast, but seemingly normal trip. Anyone asks, you're my wife and kid. No exceptions. Since we are miles from home, I doubt you'll run into friends around here. So that is good, but don't talk to strangers. Don't call attention to yourselves at any point. And don't look directly into store cameras. You got it?"

  "Got it!" Tony smiled.

  "Good, let's go, don't rush or act anything but normal. We're just a family out to get groceries."

  "We understand." Gabby told him.

  He looked at her closely, "Good. Let's go."

  They went inside the supermarket and Tony and Gabby both helped him gather the supplies. Dan was sure to buy things that a normal family might need too. So nothing they did would call attention to them. But on impulse, Dan stopped to pick up some condoms, just in case.

  Gabby and Tony were a big help and they got in and out without too much trouble.

  They packed the car with the groceries and Dan headed for the cabin.

  It was dark when they got there. Dan had never been to the place so he wasn't sure what to expect, but it was an upscale cabin with all the modern conveniences and had four bedrooms, one of which had been turned into a computer room, minus the computers.

  There were two bathrooms and a good size living room.

  The kitchen was clean and equipped with the latest appliances. It even had dishes and pots and pans. Gabby told them she'd have to wash them because no telling how long it had been since anyone used them. Dan agreed.

  There were no close neighbors and Dan was thankful of that.

  After they put all the groceries away they all claimed a bedroom and Tony and Dan would share one bathroom while Gabby got the biggest and best bedroom and a bathroom all her own.

  "Well this is home for a while, so get comfortable with it. The same rules go here as before. If anyone comes to the door the story is we are leasing the place for the winter and we're a family. No more information to anyone. No letting service men in the house, no one comes in. No one goes out. We don't pick up the mail, nor the papers."

  Gabby seemed to have questions but she didn't verbalize them yet. Dan was grateful for her silence. Tony found the move exciting and was up for it. He was so upbeat and Dan hated to think what he needed to find a time to tell him. If he told him.

  Still the dark cloud that hung over Dan now seemed to move in on him. How to tell Tony, or whether to just keep it to himself to a while. The kid had every right to know, but he had to keep them safe and an emotional disturbance could cause problems. He'd wait a bit to talk to him. He couldn't take a chance on Tony wanting to run out.

  Gabby fixed supper and Tony realized there was a Gameboy he could hook up.

  Dan saw it and approved, "Just no sharing on line of any kind. But you can play all you want."

  "Thanks," Tony perked up.

  Gabby seemed to realize the tension in Dan had changed and although she looked as though she were going to bombard him with questions, she kept silent and kept things going along peacefully.

  But that night as Tony went to play games in his room though, Gabby sat on the couch with Dan. He was unusually quiet and although he appeared relaxed, she seemed to pick up on the tension.

  She noticed he didn't open the curtains or blinds, he locked all the doors and checked the windows.

  "Something's wrong, isn't it?" She murmured almost under her breath.


  "Can you talk about it?" She asked, seeing the strain on his face.

  "No…not now. Just listen to me and follow my orders."

  "I will," she reached for his hand. "We both
will." She assured him.

  He hadn't expected that, his head jerked so he stared into her eyes. His eyes strayed to their hands, but he didn't react. It wasn't the time now. He had to keep his wits about him and not get distracted. Even though these two had come to mean something to him, he had to start thinking like a cop again. He knew his job. He also knew the dangers, and right now, danger was more important than either of them could know.

  "Want me to rub your shoulders, you look awfully tense?" she smiled with understanding.

  "No…" He clipped shortly.

  She moved her hand away. Obviously he'd been too curt with her.

  "Fine, I think I'll take a bath and go to bed."

  He nodded but said nothing.

  Tony came out and got a cold drink. He saw him sitting in the dark in the living room and came to stare.

  Strangely Tony picked up on his mood and he went back to his bedroom quietly.

  It wasn't the time to talk.

  He sighed with a frustration he couldn't quite understand. He hadn't planned on Joe Beaton getting knocked off. He hadn't thought there would be much to this assignment. He was wrong. Gabby and Tony were in a vulnerable position and they didn't know it.

  He needed to tell Tony, but then, the kid could go ballistic on him. But the truth was always better than lies, he reasoned. If he kept it from him, he really might throw a fit.

  He had to tell Tony.

  If they understood the danger, they might cooperate fully with him and things wouldn't be quite so tense. Just keeping the news to himself didn't help much.

  He knocked on Tony's door.

  "Come on in," Tony called.

  Dan walked in, saw him playing a game and watched for a few minutes.

  "Something up?" Tony asked.

  "Yeah, I gotta talk to you." Dan told him.

  Dan sat at the end of the bed and looked at Tony. "Can you turn that off for a bit."

  "Sure…" Tony switched the game off and waited.

  "Tony, you know I want to try to adopt you, don't you?"

  "Yeah, sure that's what you said. Have you changed your mind?"

  "No, no I haven't."

  "Then what's up. I knew something had changed after that call you got."

  "Yeah…something's changed."


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