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Confessions of a Wedding Planner (Bliss Series Book 1)

Page 14

by Michelle Jo Quinn


  She bent down to rummage through it. "He left an awful lot of crap here."

  I leaned over, remembering what I had thrown into the box. "A few personal effects for when he stayed over, and some clothes, just in case he got called in for emergencies at night." Jake had left three sets of clothes, an electric shaver, an electric toothbrush (which matched mine), a phone charger (which possibly had been actually mine at one point), three books I would never read, and a couple of DVDs I would never watch. Jake might be a world-renowned surgeon, but he had an appalling taste in movies.

  Most nights Jake had been too tired to read or watch, and would spend the night just sleeping beside me while I read or worked in bed. In retrospect, Jake and I hadn't had much time for each other. We both worked crazy hours and often received calls to go back into work to fix or mend something (in his case, someone). We ate takeout a lot. We made love often; but in hindsight, it had been more like an obligation—something a couple had to do to prove to each other that they were in a relationship.

  Jake had still been loving in his own way. If our relationship had gone longer, I would have gotten to know him better, and either loved him more or liked him less, knowing what I knew now.

  The trouble was, compared to a good chunk of women my age, I was still fairly inexperienced. Before Jake, there had been two other guys. Mavin, the guy I went to prom with, whom I had lost my virginity to (uncomfortably and laughably), and who promptly told me the day after we slept together that he was gay. It had caused me a lot of confusion back then. I had wondered if my callowness had affected his sexual orientation.

  Thankfully, I became smarter and knew better. Marvin and I remained good friends. Just last year, I had attended his wedding.

  Then there was Tony in college, who was shy, sweet, and polite. He had constantly assured me that my sexual performance was okay, that he had been satisfied, and who had profusely thanked me for it, post-coitus. After two months of comfortable dating, he’d enlisted in the army, got shipped to a war-torn country, and broke up with me through a tear-soaked letter. His tears, not mine.

  I believed in love, true love. And I had loved all three of them.

  I picked up the box and hitched it over one hip. “Let’s go get Tortured.” Chase grinned.

  * * *

  Once Chase had given up on her attempts to force me to ride behind her on her death machine/motorcycle, we rode in my car to Delicious Diego's Torture. I couldn't contain my excitement about finding out what the big event was, asking her the 'what' and the 'who' as soon as I car engine turned over.

  "Lautner and Brimley fired their planner. I found out last night, made a few phone calls, and got us an appointment. And by us, I mean you," Chase proudly announced.

  The Lautner Evans and Brimley Brixton Nuptials would be the wedding of the century. They were the Brangelina of the Bay Area. Wealthy, lavish, pretty people marrying. Anyone who was anybody in this universe would be on that guest list. This could be our ticket to the top.

  "When is the meeting?" I bounced happily on the driver's seat, taking a sharp left and barely missing a man walking his dog.

  "This afternoon, at the Brixton Estate, for tea," Chase replied...a little too quickly. And, she sounded way too ecstatic. She was hiding something from me.

  "Spill it," I said in a flat tone.

  "What." She didn't even form it into a question. She knew the jig was up.

  "What aren't you telling me, Chase?"

  She hesitated, and waited until I parked the car. "It's the same date as Jake and Sandrine's."

  "What? Chase!"

  She waved her hands wildly. "They're done, aren't they?"

  I pouted. I hadn't heard from either Jake or Sandrine. I had no idea if they had patched things up. What I did know was that doing the Lautner and Brimley’s wedding would be the opportunity of a lifetime.

  "Think about the media coverage, Nica. It's the big league. After that wedding, there will be no stopping us. They're desperate too, I could tell. The gossip mill was buzzing yesterday. Apparently, the saintly, supposedly virgin bride-to-be is expecting a little something-something." Chase patted her flat stomach. My eyes widened.

  I should do it. I owed it to myself. I'd pull out the big guns. Lautner and Brimley wouldn't know what was coming at them. But a little niggling thought punched me in the gut—my inherent sense of responsibility. We had a binding contract with Jake and Sandrine, something Chase had insisted on. I would have to review it and find a loophole.

  "I know what you're thinking. You don't need an out. They broke up. The wedding is not happening." Chase opened the car door, ready to face Torture.

  Considering everything that had happened... "Okay," I began. Chase's made-up eyes brightened. "But we'll have a look at the contract. I don't want to deal with a lawsuit."

  "Yes, I'll get on it, right after Delicious Diego...who is staring out the window right now. Shit, we're late!" Chase jumped out of the car, as did I. No one wanted the wrath of Delicious Diego.

  * * *

  After the gym, we head straight to work. As soon as Chase and I were in front of our office building, Jewel burst through the main doors, huffing and puffing.

  "I've been trying to reach you, both of you!" She was clearly spooked.

  I shot Chase a worried glance. She waved a dismissive hand. "I guess I forgot to check my phone. We were at the gym. What's going on?" I took out my purse and the floral breakup box from the backseat of my car and carried them with me.

  "They're here," she stated, trying to catch up with my usual fast pace and Chase’s long strides.

  "Who?" We asked simultaneously, but we didn't need an answer as soon as we were inside and spotted the couple waiting in my office.

  Chase grabbed my arm, carefully twisting me to face her. "Are you going to be okay with this? I'll be there with you the entire time."

  I touched the hand on my arm, keeping my eyes trained at my office. "It's okay, Chase. I'll be fine on my own. New me, right? And the new me isn't a pushover." Even though I heard the words come out of my mouth, I didn't believe them.

  I stepped forward, but Chase hadn't let go. "Wait..." My gaze met hers. She was concerned, and rightly so. Heaving out a sigh, she continued. "Whatever your decision is, I will support you one hundred percent." Exhale. "All right, fine.” She threw her hands in the air. “Maybe not one hundred. A good ninety-eight percent at least."

  I patted her hand, trying to reassure her I was more than capable of handling whatever hail and brimstone were coming my way. Having her support was enough to encourage me. "That's more than I could ever ask for." She finally released my arm. Taking deep breaths and squaring my shoulders, I braced myself to meet the guests waiting for me.

  They both turned around when I swung the door open. Sandrine was seated on a chair facing my desk, and Jake stood behind her. His hands were on her shoulders, and one of hers was on top of his. From the door to my desk, I took in the mood.

  I set my purse and the box aside, placed my steady hands atop my desk, and threaded my fingers together. I hoped they didn’t notice my knees trembling as I sat. With a deep breath in and a slow breath out, I greeted the picture perfect—well, nearly perfect—couple in front of me.

  "Jake. Sandrine...I see you've managed to patch things up." It hurt to smile, physically and emotionally, but I did it anyway.

  They both appeared nervous. Sandrine squeezed Jake's hand before speaking. "Yes, we 'ave. We apologize for intruding. We know 'ow busy you are..." This was usually the time when clients tell me that my services were no longer required. In a way, I was relieved that they were doing this now. I still had the chance to present to another possible, and much bigger, client later in the afternoon.

  "I don't mind at all." Smile. Smile. Little nod. Smile.

  "We're just gonna come right out and say that we appreciate the work you've done for us, and fully understand and accept your decision. In light of things, we are wholly grateful for
the dedication you've shown..." Jake started to explain.

  "Oh, for Pete's sake, just say it." My porcelain exterior cracked. I flattened my hands on the desk and inclined toward them. "Are you guys getting married or not?"

  They were shocked at my outburst, and frankly, so was I. Hey, new me, right?

  "We are getting married," Sandrine answered with a smile.

  "Well, good.” Brushing my dress over my lap, I settled back into my chair. “Now, I am more than happy to pass on the reins to whoever you're going to hire. I will keep the deposit, of course, and send you a detailed invoice on expenses that weren't covered. The vendors will also keep their deposits, and I can..."

  Jake interjected, "Wait…Wait! Are you breaking up with us?"

  That was one way of putting it. "Well, I thought you two were..." I waved a hand at them.

  Sandrine and Jake shared a look. "We fully intend to continue with you."

  I stared at the both of them. "Why didn't you start with that?"

  "You were kind of intimidating when you came in," Jake explained as he took a seat beside Sandrine. "I've never seen you like that before." He almost sounded proud.

  "Oh, well, I'm trying out a new health regimen." I pursed my lips, deep in thought while catching the surreptitious glances these two were shooting each other. Clearly, they were still very much in love. They wanted to get married. And they wanted to retain my services. All great things.

  But it also meant I wouldn't have the chance at the big leagues. I would have to pass on Lautner and Brimley. I searched for Chase beyond my office door and found her standing by Jewel's desk, staring right at me, arms crossed over her chest. We shared a look. Her previous words rang right through me. She wasn't clairvoyant, but she was smart, and I could tell that she had guessed that something like this would happen. Shrugging, I returned my attention to the couple.

  They kept quiet the entire time, letting me make my decision. Their hands were intertwined between them, as they gave each other silent support.

  I didn't know Lautner and Brimley personally. I had no way of knowing if they were truly in love and in it for the long haul. These two in front of me clearly were. And the romantic in me couldn't ignore that. And I couldn't ignore the prospect of a wedding meant for true lovers. I was a twenty-five-year-old woman who believed in fairy tales.

  "Alright, let's do this." My answer wasn't merely for them, but also for myself.

  "Ç'est fantastique! Thank you! Thank you!" There was a tear in her eye.

  I raised a finger, stopping them from saying anything else. "Provided you guys tell me everything, and I mean everything there is to know. I don't want any more surprises. No more ex-fiancés lurking about." I looked pointedly at Sandrine. "And no fighting of any sort." I squinted at Jake. "I’m all for it, but I don't like getting blindsided."

  "I promise nothing of the sort will happen again." This came from Jake. He had a faint bruise under his left eye and a small scar near his lips. The scar might stay forever, a token of his love for his future wife, for the one he had fought for.

  "Are we keeping the date?" I flipped open my MacBook. They nodded, and I proceeded to read through their wedding checklist. "Venue is still good. I will contact the vendors and check in with them, confirm any other appointments we have. Have you received a lot of responses from the invitations?"

  Again, they nodded. This was going to be easier than I thought. "I'll have my assistant confirm any flights and reservations for that weekend. I'll contact you directly. We have less than a couple of weeks left. It will be a gong show from now on."

  " W e understand," they said simultaneously.

  It was freaky. I couldn't help but think if there was something else going on. This was way too easy. They were too eager and willing to do what I asked of them. They could still find a decent—not as great as me, but functional enough—new planner, considering they were willing to drop a large amount of money into this wedding.

  Keeping my fingers hovering over the keyboard, I stopped typing and gave them my full attention. "Is there anything else you want to add?"

  "Yes. My parents are no longer attending," Sandrine said.

  Her parents not coming to her wedding was a big deal, but I let it slide. "Anyone else?"

  Jake shook his head. Sandrine opened her mouth, closed it, and opened it again to speak. "My Papa might still try to attend. It will depend on 'ow he can 'andle my mother, but everyone else we've invited is still far as we know."

  "Good." I typed out the details in their file.

  "And Isobel is still our maid of honor. I hope you haven't changed your mind on being a bridesmaid." Was Jake kidding me? After all the hard work I'd been through this week with the boot camp and drinking a green smoothie? I intended to rock that dress! The only reply he received from me was a small nod. "And Levi is still the best man. But don’t worry, you won’t see him much since he’s still in France." Now it was their turn to look pointedly at me.

  I continued typing, but I bit my lip. Damn. His name hadn't been mentioned around me for a while. I exhaled slowly, trying to keep my wits together. So he wasn’t even in the US yet. I wondered what was keeping him in Paris. Or maybe he was in Bordeaux with his grandmother. My heart ached thinking of him.

  The wedding, I could handle. Levi, on the other hand, was an altogether different story. Keeping my eyes on my screen, I managed to pretend that Jake's revelation hadn't affected me.

  "All good, guys. You can go on your merry way. I’ll shoot you an email of upcoming appointments with the florist, and a final walk through at the venue. I’ll check in with the photographer and the band. Sandrine, you still have to send me your stylist's info, and I will need to know when the dresses and tuxes are coming in." A long breath out gave them time to take it all in. "Now go, before I change my mind."

  We all got on our feet. Sandrine thanked me profusely, showering me with kisses. Jake gave me a great big hug and told me I looked fantastic and healthy. Before they left my office, I picked up Jake's box and shoved it in his arms. We shared an unspoken understanding.

  He was happy. He looked relieved. Jake leaned over and gave me another parting kiss on the cheek. "Thank you, Nica."

  I bade them farewell and reminded them that I would be keeping in touch.

  Chase traipsed in as soon as they left. She slouched on the sofa, and I sat ramrod straight beside her.

  "Sorry, I couldn't say no," I told her.

  Chase crossed her long legs and leaned back. "Nica, if you had said no to them, it would mean you’ve completely changed. I like the little changes in you; you're much stronger. You're fiercer. You kick ass in your own ways. The rest…well, you're who you are, and I love you no matter what."

  "Now, you're scaring me," I joked.

  "I'm well capable of love. I'm not all android in here." She tapped her chest with a finger. "What I am worried about is how you will handle being around you-know-who."

  I sighed. "Me too, Chase, me too."


  The Bachelorette

  Sleep had been impossible these last few days. Work began to pile up, and it was starting to take a toll on my body. Levi had taken up residence in my mind night after night. I contemplated calling him, but I changed my mind. I did that several times last night when I received a one-line text from him.

  Tu me manques.

  A quick search translated it to “I miss you.” My heart clenched, but his absence since the fight at the St. Croix’s home remained in my mind. Where had he been? Why did he disappear? By the time I had enough courage to grab my phone, it was four a.m. I didn’t even know where he was, whom he was with. What if he wasn’t alone? What if he made a mistake and didn’t mean to send me that message? I groaned at the unknowns.

  When Chase came to join me to head to Torture, I was waiting in the car. She was surprised by my readiness to exercise, but she could tell that I wasn't in the mood to talk and kept quiet the whole drive. When we arrived at the gym,
she reached over and gave me a hug. Chase was not a hugger, and this freaked me out. Without a word, she stepped out of the car.

  Diego looked like his usual delicious self that morning. His greeting was short and sweet. I, of course, returned a 'g'morning' and walked to my spot at the back of the class where I could look like a fool in gym shorts and a yoga top, away from the rest of the more limber girls.

  After another rigorous workout, I stepped out of the locker rooms; Diego was chatting with Chase.

  "There she is! Ready to go?" She handed me a smoothie.

  "Yup." I turned to our tantalizing trainer. "Great class today. Did Chase tell you we won't be able to make it Sunday? We have an event."

  Diego nodded. "She did. I hope you ladies have a great time." His expression turned serious when he leaned closer. "How are you doing? Any progress with…" Brows furrowed , I wondered what he was going on about. I waited ‘till he continued, and the breath was sucked out of me when he said, "Levi? You’re with him now, aren’t you? Chase said you were in Paris with him.”

  I glanced at Chase, who suddenly was too busy to join in on the conversation. “There’s nothing to say, Diego,” I told him, sipping my smoothie.

  “That’s surprising. Are you sure? It seemed to me that you were on your way to having a great relationship with the man.”

  “Nah.” I lowered my eyes to the floor. “I would know if I was in a real relationship.” I think.

  “But he told me…”

  I stepped back and raised a brow. “Told you what?”

  Unexpectedly, Diego stepped closer gave me a soft kiss on the cheek. “You’ll figure it out soon.”

  * * *

  The rest of Friday and Saturday found me running around like a lunatic in four events, including one I wasn't even supposed to be involved in (thanks to a slightly disorganized Chase). And thanks also to my convoluted, anxious self, my normally structured timeline and systematic methods went bye-bye.

  No, this was all Levi's fault. Levi and all the things he did to make me feel for him, want him, miss him.


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