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Confessions of a Wedding Planner (Bliss Series Book 1)

Page 20

by Michelle Jo Quinn

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  W ith only the moon to light my path , I made way t o a small, hidden garden , taking off my shoes and carrying them with me along the way. The stone path w as covered with arches of Pierre de Ronsard roses, which led to a lone wooden bench.

  Sighing with relief as I sat, I steadied my breathing and listened to the ripples of water in the small pond facing the garden. In the quiet, my insight was clearer. It was about time I gathered up my courage—grew a backbone, as Chase said—and let Levi know how strongly I felt for him, regardless of his plans for departure, regardless of the ache he would inflict upon me.

  I fiddled with the hem of my dress as I ran the words through my head, picking the right ones to say. I would have to tell him tonight, after Jake and Sandrine's sendoff. I sighed and promised myself: Levi would know how I felt, but I would not ask him to stay.

  A soft breeze whistled past carrying the scent of roses. I hugged myself against the chill , but it stayed even as the breeze died down.

  Under the clear night sky, as stars twinkled and the moon shone, Levi stepped forward, with his hands fisted at his sides. His hooded eyes beckoned. My heartbeat sped as I waited for him to reach me.

  This was the chance I had waited for, and this time, there was no running away.


  The Sendoff

  His stride was slow and deliberate. His main objective was right in front of him: Me.

  With shaky legs, I stood and waited for it to happen.

  From a distance, I could hear the band play Etta James' At Last.

  When he reached me, I breathed him in, much as I did when we were dancing. My memories of his scent had been lacking. Levi smelled more delicious, more achingly appealing, more masculine, sweeter yet sexier.

  I dared not look him in the eyes as he pressed his whole body against my own. Shivers ran down my spine and heat flowed throughout my veins.

  Levi's hands cupped the back of my head, and he threaded his fingers through my hair, making my head tilt back, and my lips part.

  "Veronica." His voice was as soft as the wind, whispering a sigh against my lips, pleading.

  I gazed into his azure eyes, and with the rays of the moonlight that slipped through the small spaces of the rose arch, I could see his pupils dilate, and I let myself get lost in them.

  Levi whispered my name once more before his lips covered mine.

  It was a kiss that claimed. An all-consuming, primal connection. A passionate caress. A touch full of promises.

  My skin hummed. Desire flooded my mind.

  I felt light-headed, dizzy from his spell, dependent only on the breaths we both shared. My hands reached for him of their own accord, tugging at everything that would deepen our connection—the collar of his shirt, the nape of his neck, the hair that curled around his ears.

  I wanted more. I needed more. It was as though without him life would cease to continue.

  Levi trapped my bottom lip between his lips, and his teeth nibbled lightly at it, causing a jolt of electricity down to my core before he let go.

  Our labored breathing was in tune with the hammering of both our hearts.

  I kept grasping at his shirt, afraid that if I didn't, my legs would fail me and I would fall flat on the ground.

  My eyes were still closed as he nuzzled my nose with his, as he spoke against my lips, "You have no idea how much I've been aching to do that. My sweet Veronica, I have thought of you for so long."

  I let out a choked sob. How could he say that, knowing that our time together would soon end? This little piece of heaven would soon cease to exist.

  My head shook. "But you're leaving." I was afraid to open my eyes, afraid that I would see the truth in them.

  Levi sighed, and once again, he kissed me. This time, his lips were softer, a simple caress against mine. "I thought I was."

  My eyes popped open, and I found him searching mine. "What do you mean? Last night, I heard Tristan say..."

  "I know what you heard." He touched my cheek with the back of his hand. Instinctively, I leaned against it. "And up until yesterday, my decision to leave was final. Then I saw you..."

  A pained look replaced his emotions. "And you said goodbye."

  I moved my hands down to his chest, feeling the errant thumping underneath.

  "I thought it was the right decision. Every time I thought I'd see you, my heart filled with anticipation. And each time I did, all I received was cold indifference."

  "You could hardly fault me for that," I protested.

  "I know. I blame no one but myself." Levi scoffed at his own words. "That first time I saw you after Paris, I saw the change in you. It was so clear to me that you’d moved on. You didn't need me. You didn't want me. And I wanted to get away from that. I wanted distance from you because I felt there wasn't a chance I could ever be with you."

  "With me?" My voice faltered.

  "With you. To kiss you." He pressed his lips against mine. "To touch you . ” His hands feathered over my arms, creating a sizzle all the way down to the tips of my fingers and my toes . “ T o love you."

  My heart swelled at those last words.

  Levi cupped my face, making me lift my eyes to his. Not only did I see intensity, I saw hot passion, pure desire, and unfettered honesty. "I love you, Veronica. I have ever since the first time I saw you."

  He smiled against my lips.

  "You can't possibly, Levi."

  "I can. I have, and I do. Veronica, I meant every word I said in Paris about wanting you to love me. I can't pretend to know how you feel about me, but know that what I feel now is what I've felt for a very long time."

  "I..." My legs weakened more from his proclamation. "I have to sit down." Everything around me felt real: his touches, the smell of roses, the distant sound of music. But to hear him say those words was beyond my imagination.

  He helped me lower myself down on the bench, and instead of sitting beside me, Levi knelt in front of me, his face tilted up to mine.

  Levi touched my lips with a thumb, kissed them and touched them again. It felt as though he couldn't get enough of me. And I felt just the same.

  "You're not leaving?"

  "I am not."

  "And you love me?"

  "I do. Veronica, I do."

  Levi closed his eyes and feathered his lips over mine.

  "You want to be with me?"

  "More than anything. If you'll have me." Levi opened his eyes, and we gazed at each other. My hands were clasped in his. "Life with me will not be easy. I cannot promise that it will always be smooth and perfect, but if you let me, I will love you more than I have ever loved anyone." His eyes crinkled at the corners with a smile. "I am far from perfect, but with you, I feel whole."

  All those times, I had wondered what he had been thinking, what he had been feeling. And he had opened up and offered himself to me. Was I dreaming?

  I lifted a hand to his face and felt the soft stubbles on his jaw. He was real. He was there with me. And he loved me.

  My heart was so full. Elation thrilled me. I let out a soft laugh. How did one respond to such an honest and unexpected declaration of love?

  I pinned him with my eyes and nodded because I didn't trust that my words were enough.

  "Is that a yes?"

  "Yes." I leaned forward and kissed him with all the emotions surging through me. "That's a yes."

  "I love you, Veronica," he whispered against my lips.

  Levi straightened and reached up, plucking a rose bud from the arch. He tucked it behind my ear as he sat on the bench. He lifted me up by my waist and pulled me onto his lap. My arms wrapped around him as he continued to devour me with his lips. His hands roved all over my body. He held me and pressed me closer to him.

  I could stay in his arms forever.

  "You're shivering," he said, as he ghosted his lips from the tip of my shoulder, over my collarbone, and to the hollow of my throat.

  I was, but not from the cold. Even so, he leaned
back, took his jacket off and covered me with it. My head swam as his scent, and the warmth of his body , enveloped me. I rested my chin on his shoulder as he continued kissing me, nipping at my sensitive skin, and tasting me.

  At the moment, there was nothing else to say. It was enough that we basked in each other.

  * * *

  Levi's hands made their way to my back, lightly rubbing over my dress when I felt a buzz in his jacket pocket.

  I kept my head leaning against his when I spoke, "I think your phone is vibrating."

  He hummed, and it resonated deep within me. "I'm sure it's nothing important. I'm here with you, and that's all that matters."

  I smiled at what he said. And let it be.

  "Tell me...when did you start wearing glasses?"

  "When I was eight."

  "You've always worn them?"

  Levi made a noncommittal grunt as a reply. "Only when I'm reading. I don't like them."

  "Why? Because they make you look like a sexy librarian?" I teased.

  He chuckled, "Only you pull off that look, which I am a big fan of."

  I felt the vibration against my chest, and it took a moment to realize it was coming from his phone again.

  "Ignore it," he told me, as he flicked the tip of his tongue against the skin behind my ear.

  "It's not my phone." The buzzing continued. "I think they're calling you again."

  The real world had intruded, and I realized that there was still life outside our little cocoon. Friends who were most likely wondering where I'd gone, where he had gone. A couple to whom we would have to say our farewells.

  "You want to go back now?" Levi read my mind.

  I hesitated but nodded. "I suppose we should."

  Before we faced reality, Levi hugged me again and kissed me senseless. I was breathless when he pulled back. It felt dangerous to let him have this power over me, but it thrilled me nonetheless.

  He helped me slip my shoes back on my feet, rubbing my calves as he did before we both stood. We walked back with our hands intertwined. I was giddy, and I knew it showed. But I didn't care.

  "Finally." Chase threw her hands up in the air as soon as she saw us, not batting an eye at our connected hands. "I thought I'd have to send an army to look for you. Bouquet toss. You're up." She pushed me toward the dance floor. "Come on, bridesmaid."

  "No, no, no." I tightened my grip on Levi's hand, looked back at him and pleaded with my eyes to not let me go. Levi showed me his achingly charming smile before placing a kiss on my knuckles.

  "Go get 'em, darling," he said as he let go.

  I gaped, and my eyes narrowed, but I could see the playfulness at the corners of his lips. I shrugged off his coat and handed it back to him before trudging my way to the middle of the pack awaiting that toss. I crossed my arms and shot a gaze at Levi.

  Jake had joined him, and they were both grinning at me. The groom clapped a hand over his best man's shoulder and said something. Levi nodded, and they shook hands. I'd have to ask him about that later.

  Later. The thought of having that conversation, any conversation with Levi later , warmed me. He was staying. He'd be with me. He'd tell me again that he loved me.

  We still had a lot to learn about each other, but I believed that what I would learn would only make me love him more.

  Levi waved and signaled for me to look forward. And, as I did, I saw the bundled bouquet of purple and yellow flowers in mid-air coming right at me. I didn't know what to do. I uncrossed my arms, lifted them, thought better of it and dropped them to my sides, but at the last minute, I lifted them again.

  Before the bouquet hit my hands, two pairs of hands flew my way, grabbing the flowers. Isobel and Natalie wrestled for them. Eventually, Isobel won. She stood and lifted her hand in the air, with the bouquet as her prize.

  I made my way back to Levi, and he welcomed me into his arms. "Looks like you'll be planning another wedding soon."

  "Let's hope not. They just met." I glanced at Isobel, grinning at her boyfriend, who seemed perturbed by the offending bouquet.

  "My sweet Veronica, when you know, you just know." He held me tightly as he wrapped his coat around me once again.

  * * *

  Levi and I joined the group in front of the main building to see the newlyweds leave for the night. The cloudless sky boasted twinkling stars. A breeze whistled past every now and then, but I was comfortable in the warmth of Levi’s presence.

  Jake spoke to Levi as Sandrine hugged and thanked me. She held me a t arm's length and smiled. "I couldn't thank you enough for what you've done.” She surreptitiously looked at Levi. “And I'm so ’appy you've finally made a decision.” She hugged me again. “ ’E will take good care of you.” I didn't doubt it one bit.

  Sandrine kissed both my cheeks before switching places with Jake.

  “Nica,” Jake began, "I'm glad you're giving him a chance. You both deserve to be happy. Take care of him, okay?” Jake kissed my cheek. “We’ll see you in a month.”

  They moved on to say goodbye to other people before getting into a classic Rolls Royce decorated with roses and a “Just Married” heart-shaped sign.

  Levi hooked his arm over my shoulders, letting me lean my head against his chest, and I wrapped my arm around his waist.

  "Would you like some champagne?" he asked as we made our way back to the main tent.

  I shook my head, and replied, with pride, "No, thanks."

  “No?” We paused in our steps. Levi turned me to face him. His eyes brightened with barely hidden excitement.

  "I am staying sober tonight." I tilted my head up, pressed my palms on his chest, and planted a kiss with a smile on his lips. "I don't want to forget anything. I want to remember every single second with you."

  About the Author

  Michelle’s love for writing blossomed when her father gave her a diary. Instead of recounting her daily life, she wrote stories of fictional people. Like most of her characters, she believes in Happily Ever After. Naturally, she finds harmony in writing romance.

  An unabashed, self-proclaimed foodie, Michelle loves to try new food whenever given the chance. She loves to travel, enjoys an unhealthy amount of coffee daily, and would rather spend money on paperbacks than shoes. She relaxes by watching foreign films and reading a swoon-worthy books.

  Her story, Revenge of a Jilted Bride, won a Wattys Award in 2015, out of 45K entries worldwide. Michelle is an active member of RWA and several of its chapters. She lives in Ontario, Canada with her husband, two kids, and a morkie named Scarlett.

  Connect with her at:

  http:/ /

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  Also from Michelle Jo Quinn:




  Coming September 2016

  Levi and Veronica’s story continues in…

  The Bachelor’s Perfect Proposal

  He has the ring.

  He has the girl.

  All he needs is the perfect plan…

  And family secrets to stay hidden.

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