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The Outlaw Lovers

Page 4

by Jan Springer

  Taking her away in the boat had been a spur of the moment selfish last-ditch effort to bring both of them some pleasure before he turned her over to those wicked men.

  Ah shit! Who was he kidding? He’d whisked her away because he’d been terrified. He wanted her safe.

  Deep in his heart, he knew there was no way in hell he could turn her over to the Barlow brothers even if it meant saving Tyler’s life.

  Narrowing his gaze, he noticed a ray of sunshine beaming far ahead on the ocean’s wavy horizon. Soon the sun would shine again and he would have to face reality. The reality was when he returned to shore he would set Cate free. The plan had been to talk her into pretending she would go with the Barlow brothers. They would get the information about Tyler’s whereabouts and then they rescue Cate before the men could do anything to her. But there was too big a chance for something to go wrong. They would have to figure out another way to get the information they needed about their brother.

  His heart felt heavy in his chest when an hour later the sea shone as calm as a mirror and Jude’s arms ached so badly he could barely lift his sleeping Cate off the captain’s chair. Bright sunshine streamed through the salt encrusted windows and bathed him in a warm glow as he carried her to the sleeping quarters.

  He was exhausted yet his cock stirred violently as he quietly stripped away her wet dress and admired her shaven pussy, her plump pink nipples and those luscious breasts that felt like silken globes when he held them in his hands.

  As if sensing his thoughts, she smiled and mumbled something but didn’t wake.

  Unzipping his wet jean shorts, his cock sprang free of its prison. His erection pulsed thick and hot and despite his exhaustion, he was ripe and ready for a good fucking. He flirted with the idea of kissing her awake or playing with her clit until she was so wet he could slide inside her and bring himself relief.

  He did neither. He didn’t deserve her. She was too good for him.

  He’d lost any future with her when he’d kidnapped her, tied her down and fucked her.

  Shoving his shorts off, he climbed into bed and spooned himself around her backside, his pulsing cock pressed between her ass checks and poked intimately against her back door.

  Sighing he draped the warm blankets over both of them and cuddled Cate’s sleeping body into his arms.

  She felt so right nestled against his body. How would he be able to live after she left him?

  His chest tightened with anxiety and it suddenly felt hard to breathe.

  “Darling, I have to set you free,” he whispered as he buried his face into her tangled damp hair and inhaled her sweet scent.

  Catching a sob in his throat at the horrible thought that this could very well be the last time he would hold her in his arms he forced himself to relax.

  There was nothing he could do right now. He needed to rest. Needed to think things over again, when he could think straight. Maybe there was another way out of this mess. Exhaustion soon overpowered him and he drifted into a restless sleep.

  Chapter Five

  Jude awoke to the dull throbbing of odd aches and pains in his arms and legs and also to an unusual tickling sensation prodding the feverish head of his cock.

  He grit his teeth to the killing pleasure and opened his eyes to find himself lying totally naked on the bed with Cate seated cross-legged between his own widespread legs.

  She wore nothing but the cutest little smile.

  The she-devil!

  Obviously, she’d been having her way with his cock while he’d slept. His arms and legs were tied to the bedposts and his erection was in full swing. Thick and hot, his shaft stuck up like a solid pole from between his legs.

  His entire body tensed as she fanned a plume across the rounded head of his pulsing penis.

  “Glad you could join me for the festivities,” she purred.

  Jude swore softly. The tables had turned and now he was at her mercy.

  “What are you up to, Cate?”

  Stupid question. He knew what she was up to.


  “I could tell you but I’ll show you instead.”

  Her eyes smiled as the feather tenderly crisscrossed the powerful weave of veins in his throbbing cock.

  Jude’s shaft twitched quite pleasantly and he smothered the need to groan.

  When she reached the thick base, she slid the plume lower brushing it to and fro across his bulging sack. Lust shot through his heavy balls, spreading upward and spiking his erection with such sweet pain he couldn’t stop the groan from escaping his lips.

  “You appear to be in distress,” she whispered.

  “Perhaps you should come to my rescue, Cate.”

  “Perhaps you should come…”


  She dropped the feather. Her lips tilted upward into a delicious smile. His body burned as he looked at her mouth. It made him think wild thoughts. Made him want her lips wrapped tightly around his cock, her hot little tongue licking his balls.

  He wanted to be loose, to ask her do these things to him.

  “Cate, I want…“

  Her hand felt soft and warm as she clamped it over his mouth silencing any requests. He noticed the soft dusting of freckles across her nose, noticed the seductive way her green eyes sparkled as she gazed down at him. His chest constricted at her natural beauty.

  “Shh, I’ve had five years to think of things I want to do to you too, Jude.”

  Her soft words made his body hum.

  Holding her hand tightly over his mouth, she reached out with the other hand and cupped his testicles. Despite his best efforts to keep himself under control, his body tightened with tormenting need.

  It wasn’t supposed to happen this way. He was supposed to be the one in control. The one who would make her beg him to fuck her and not the other way around.

  Gentle fingers kneaded his balls until a moan slid up his throat.

  He cursed softly when she let go of his scrotum and lowered her head. Taking a rock-hard ball into her hot little mouth her velvety tongue poked diligently and her sharp teeth nibbled at his flesh.

  His cock sparkled with fire. Heated blood shot through his veins until he felt as if his entire body might explode.

  Suddenly she let go of one ball and started in on the other. Within seconds, she had both his testicles on fire, his cock primed and his entire body shuddering with anticipation.

  The instant she lifted her hand, he hissed hoarsely “C’mon Cate, quit torturing me.”

  She smiled sweetly and he fought against the desires swamping his body.

  “You’re trembling like a man who hasn’t been properly fucked in years but I’m sure you’ve had your share of those women.”

  “I stayed true to you, in my mind,” he admitted.

  She grinned, obviously pleased with his answer. In the beginning, he’d tried to stay faithful to her but eventually sex had become a required part of R&R for a soldier. Some women had volunteered for the duty of satisfying the troops. Others had been conscripted, drafted by the homeland or even kidnapped by recruiting officers and trained as sex slaves. He’d always made it a point to seek out the women who’d come voluntarily. He’d learned so much from them.

  “They taught me things, Cate. How to please you in so many different ways. Besides, I didn’t hear any complaints from you earlier,” he growled.

  She laughed and winked. “And you won’t either.”

  Her bare breasts jiggled wonderfully as her blond head dipped again. She licked the underneath part of his shaft all the while purring sweet erotic sounds.

  Perspiration tingled over his flesh.

  Her moist tongue swept over one side of his bulging head and down the other side and then she whispered, “I wanted you the minute I saw you again.”

  She’d wanted him? A zip of relief shot through him and niggled away the guilt he’d been feeling at tying her down.

  “Don’t you remember how wet I was for you when you first slid your finger
into me down in the engine room? I haven’t worn any underwear since you left. Every time I thought of you all I had to do was reach down and pretend it was your finger...”

  She opened her legs wide allowing him to see her wet pussy. Allowed him to watch her slide her hand over her bare pussy, between her swollen labia lips. Her purple aroused clitoris all wet and gleaming and dropping past her lips.

  His cock pulsed with excitement and he groaned as her finger disappeared inside her tight slit.

  With a sucking sound, her finger slid out of her vagina. It looked moist and luminous in the sunshine.

  “I still love you with all my heart. I was just scared of this Claiming Law.”

  A dark uneasiness zipped through him. Maybe he should tell Cate everything. Tell her about the deal his brothers had made with the Barlow brothers.

  No, he wouldn’t tell her.

  It would be easier for her if she never found out what he’d contemplated asking her to do in order to help his brother, Tyler.

  “Change always scares people,” she continued. “At least it’s always scared me. But past experience has shown me that things don’t usually turn out as bad as I fear. A lot of times change brings better things.”

  Her ocean green eyes sparkled. Her hot velvety hands slipped around the root of his shaft and she lowered her head again kissing the tip of his bulging penis with her warm pink lips. Jude closed his eyes as a white-hot fire raged down his shaft and rumbled through his balls. He could feel his sperm building. Could feel his love for her swelling inside his chest.

  “I want to come back home with you, Jude. I want to be claimed by the Outlaws.” Her hot breath caressed his swollen flesh. He could barely hear her soft whisper as the heated blood roared through his ears.

  He should tell Cate the truth. Tell her she couldn’t come home. He wouldn’t allow it. Wouldn’t allow her to be claimed by his brothers or do what they had suggested that she should do concerning the Barlow brothers. If his brothers had truly cared about Cate, they would never have even thought about putting her in harm’s way. Hell, if he had truly cared about her, he should never have even considered that idea. Not for a minute.

  He sucked in a harsh breath as her satiny soft lips fastened over the head of his cock making all coherent thoughts vanish.

  Ah hell, he would tell her about his deception. She needed to know what an asshole he was. He’d do it. Later.

  Arching his hips, he pressed his swollen aching flesh deeper into the velvety depths of her hot mouth.

  He groaned as her teeth scraped his sensitive skin. Her tongue lashed his shaft and the tip of his aching cock touched the back of her throat. The insides of her satiny cheeks pressed intimately against his engorged flesh as she eagerly suckled him.

  His body tensed wonderfully and he slid quickly to the sharp edge of a climax.

  She withdrew her mouth and then she pushed in over him again.

  “Oh, Cate! You’re so damned good!”

  Once again, her succulent mouth tightened around him. Her hot tongue branded his cock.

  She sucked harder.

  He growled as the arousal built to a feverish pitch, threatening to explode at any second.

  He groaned and pulled on his restraints wanting to be free. Wanting to grab her by her shoulders. Aching to push her down onto the bed so he could mount her. So he could take her over and over again until they both screamed with arousal.

  Her hands slid off his shaft and he inhaled sharply as her fingers curled over his swollen balls.

  His abdomen tightened.

  Her mouth released his cock again.

  “Come for me, Jude.” Her hot breath whispered against his penis before she slid her lips over his shaft again.

  He groaned.

  Her warm fingers squeezed his aching balls in a gentle motion. The pressure inside his scrotum doubled and built to an intoxicating ache until he thought he’d surely explode.

  The sweet warmth of her mouth enveloped him again.

  “Come for me, Jude,” she whispered as she released him.

  His entire body trembled and tensed as she drew him in and sucked harder.

  “Oh God!” He shouted his warning and lost control.

  The orgasm shot through him like a scorching bolt of lightning. Forking through his veins, blazing down his shaft into his balls and crashing through his body in mind-numbing explosions.

  His limbs trembled against his bonds. His lungs labored for air. His cock shook valiantly and he released his hot load into her beautiful waiting mouth.

  She sucked on him hard. Real hard. Draining him of his sperm until he was bone dry.

  When she finished, she rested her head on his thighs, her fingers still curled around his pulsing balls.

  He wanted to lift his hand and touch the blonde tangles of her hair. Wanted to reassure her that he would return the favor but he needed to recuperate from the fantastic orgasm.

  Instead, he smiled and closed his eyes.

  Damn but she was good!

  * * * * *

  “I hope you’ve learned your lesson, Jude Outlaw,” Cate mumbled as she untied the bonds from the sleeping man’s ankles and wrists.

  A soft snore answered her.

  Damn him!

  She’d gotten herself all hot and bothered sucking his cock, bringing him to climax and now he’d fallen asleep on her.

  Her drenched pussy quivered and wept against the sheets.

  She sighed in frustration and sat cross-legged between his widespread legs frowning at his semi-erect cock. Veins bulged and pulsed up his entire length and his balls were hardening again.

  Hmm! The man appeared to be aroused in his sleep. Perhaps she could use his semi-erect cock to her advantage. A partial erection was better than no erection.

  No, she wouldn’t take him while he slept. She wanted him wide-awake. She required the full power of his strength as he pistoned into her.

  In the meantime, she’d use her vibrator.

  Cate grinned. She never went anywhere without it. It had become her best friend over the past few years while Jude had been away.

  Until he decided to awaken, she’d amuse herself. Just like old times.

  Reaching overhead, she popped open a compartment and drew out the trusty old friend she’d stashed up there when she’d stolen The Outlaw Lover.

  The plastic vibrator felt smooth in her hands and a tingle of excitement zipped up her spine at the thought of masturbating right here in front of Jude while he slept.

  She was so hot and bothered, so on the edge that she knew it only would take a few quick thrusts deep into her aching channel with the built in clit stimulator rubbing against her clitoris and she’d be riding the rod into a climax in no time flat.

  Her finger slid onto the switch and her body hummed in anticipation. She was just about to flick it on when a strong hand clamped over her wrist.

  “Not so fast, Cate,” Jude’s strangled whisper curled around her sending shivers of excitement zipping along her nerves.

  He sat up on the bed, his hair all ruffled and damp with perspiration, his blue eyes flashing brightly with lust, his lips puffy from their earlier kisses.

  “You’re awake!”

  “I’ve got something better than masturbation planned for you.” He grinned and took the vibrator away from her.

  “Turn around. On your knees. Ass in the air. Face into the mattress.”

  Cate swallowed. Excitement knotted her belly as she spied his cock fully erect and primed for another delicious fucking.

  “What are you up to Jude Outlaw?”

  “If you want to find out, you’ll do as I say. And don’t forget to spread your legs wide for me.”

  Feverish heat flared inside her. “You can be a demanding fellow can’t you?”

  His dark eyes locked with hers. “Years without my woman can do that to a man.”

  “Years without her man can do that to a woman too,” she breathed.

  Turning around on th
e mattress, she got onto her hands and knees and wiggled her bare ass in the air for him.

  “Your face all the way down, Cate.”

  At his soft command, her face heated. Placing her arms down against the mattress, she nestled her face sideways against the cool sheets and spread her knees wider.

  “Fuck me, Jude. Fuck me hard and fuck me now,” she demanded.

  Cream dripped from her channel. Her heart crashed against her chest as the bed moved and he got into position behind her.

  She heard the vibrator hum to life.

  Here we go!

  Her eyes widened as the tip of the vibrator sunk into her vagina in one quick fluid motion.

  “Not wasting any time are you?” she gasped as he slid the plastic rod out of her and thrust it into her again. Every muscle in her body tensed as the clitoral stimulator on the machine massaged her clit and the vibrator shivered against her pussy walls. Her vaginal muscles, already stimulated from her earlier session of orally pleasuring him, clenched tightly around the plastic object. The scent of her arousal pierced the air.

  “I’m sure we’re both too impatient this time around,” he chuckled as he withdrew again.

  It was true. This would be the first time they were both free of their bonds and she was just as eager as he was to get quick satisfaction this time around.

  She massaged her sore nipples against the soft bed sheets, imagining it was Jude’s roughened tongue lapping at her.

  He withdrew the vibrator again. This time though he slid it intimately between her ass cheeks. Her legs trembled with the realization he wanted to take her anally with the vibrator.

  Her pulses skittered as he dipped the moistened tip inside her ass. He eased the plastic object into her slowly, carefully, every soft stroke going deeper into her ass. She forced her muscles to relax. Forced herself to keep calm. To float with the odd sensation of being filled like she’d never been filled before. By the time he stopped the insertion, she was shivering and poised on the edge of something untamed and new.

  “I’ve wanted to do this to you for as long as I can remember, Cate. I’ve wanted to be the first to double-penetrate you.” he whispered as he eased the hot tip of his cock between her drenched labia lips and entered her too tight sheath.


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