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After the Victorians

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by A. N. Wilson

  Sampson, Anthony, Anatomy of Britain, Hodder & Stoughton, 1962

  Sauter, Max, Churchills Schweizer Besuch 1946 und die Zürcher Rede, Schläpfer, Herisau, 1976

  Sebald, W. G., On the Natural History of Destruction, Hamish Hamilton, 2003

  Seil, William, Sherlock Holmes and the Titanic Tragedy, Breese Books, 1996

  Seton-Watson, Hugh, The Russian Empire, 1801–1917, Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1967

  Shaw, Stanford, J., & Shaw, Ezel Kural, History of the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1977

  Sherwood, Robert E., The White House Papers of Harry Hopkins, September 1939–May 1945, 2 vols, Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1948–9

  —— Roosevelt and Hopkins, Enigma Books, New York, 2001

  Shirer, William L., The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, Seeker and Warburg, 1960

  —— Berlin Diary, Sphere, 1970, incorporating Berlin Diary (1942) and

  End of a Berlin Diary (1947)

  Simon, Ulrich, Sitting in Judgement, 1913–1963, SPCK, 1978

  Sitwell, Osbert, Left Hand Right Hand, Macmillan, 1945

  Skidelsky, Robert, John Maynard Keynes 1883–1946. Economist, Philosopher, Statesman, Macmillan, 2003

  Smith, Vincent, The Oxford History of India, ed. Percival Spear, 4th impression, Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1985

  Snowman, Daniel, The Hitler Emigrés, Chatto & Windus, 2002

  Soames, Mary, Clementine Churchill, Cassell, 1979

  Spengler, Oswald, The Decline of the West, 2 vols, Allen & Unwin, 1922

  Squires, Michael, & Talbot, Lynn K., Living at the Edge. A Biography of D. H. Lawrence and Frieda Von Richthofen, Robert Hale, 2002

  Squires, Mike, Saklatvala: A Political Biography, Lawrence & Wishart, 1990

  Stafford, David, Roosevelt and Churchill, Men of Secrets, Little, Brown, 1999

  Steed, Henry Wickham, Through Thirty Years, 1892–1922, Heinemann, 1924

  Stephenson, Colin, Merrily on High, Darton, Longman & Todd, 1972

  Stevenson, William, A Man Called Intrepid, Macmillan, 1976

  Stewart, J. I. M., Eight Modern Writers, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1963

  Strachan, Hew, The First World War. A New Illustrated History, Simon & Schuster, London and New York, 2003

  Strachey, Ray, ‘Emmeline Pankhurst’, entry in Dictionary of National Biography, 1922–1930

  —— ‘Millicent Fawcett’, entry in Dictionary of National Biography, 1931–1960

  Symonds, Richard, Oxford and Empire. The Last Lost Cause, Macmillan, 1986

  Symons, Julian, Bloody Murder, Viking, 1985

  Taton, René, Science in the Twentieth Century, Thames & Hudson, 1966

  Taylor, A. J. R, English History 1914–1943, Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1963

  —— Beaverbrook, Hamish Hamilton, 1972

  Taylor, Charles, The Life of Admiral Mahan, John Murray, 1920

  Taylor, Christopher, Fields in the English Landscape, Dent, 1975

  Taylor, Fred (ed.), The Goebbels Diaries 1939–41, Seeker & Warburg, 1978

  Taylor, S. J., The Great Outsiders. Northcliffe, Rothermere and The Daily Mail, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1996

  Tebbel, John, An American Dynasty: The Story of the McCormicks, Medills and Pattersons, Doubleday and Co., New York, 1947

  The Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press

  Thomas, Hugh, The Spanish Civil War, Penguin, 2003

  Timmins, Nicholas, The Five Giants, HarperCollins, 1995

  Tindall, George Brown, America, A Narrative History, W. W. Norton, New York, 1984

  Toland, John, Adolf Hitler, Doubleday, New York, 1976

  —— Infamy: Pearl Harbor and Its Aftermath, Doubleday, New York, 1982

  Topham, Anne, A Distant Thunder: Intimate Recollections of the Kaiser’s Court, New York, New Chapter Press, 1992

  Torrey, E. Fuller, The Roots of Treason, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, etc. 1984

  Toughill, Thomas, A World to Gain, Cal Cal, Gibraltar, 1999

  Trefusis, Violet, Don’t Look Round, Hutchinson, 1952

  Trevelyan, Humphrey, The India We Left, Macmillan, 1972

  Trevor-Roper, H. R., The Last Days of Hitler, Macmillan, 1950

  —— (ed.), Hitler’s War Directives, 1939–45, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1964

  Usher, Roland, Pan Germanism, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 1913

  —— Pan Americanism, The Century Co., New York, 1915

  Valentine, Ferdinand, Father Vincent McNabb O. P, Burns & Oates, 1955

  Van der Kiste, John, Kaiser Wilhelm IL Germany’s Last Emperor, Sutton Publishing, Stroud, 1999

  Vaughan, W. E. (ed.), A New History of Ireland VII. Ireland Under the Union II, 1870–1921, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1996

  Venkataramani, M. S., & Shrivastava, B. K., Roosevelt, Gandhi, Churchill, Radiant Publishers, New Delhi, 1983

  Verrier, Anthony, Francis Younghusband and the Great Game, Jonathan Cape, 1991

  Victoria Louise, Duchess of Brunswick, The Kaiser’s Daughter, ed. R. Vacha, W. H. Allen, 1977

  Vidler, Alec, A Variety of Catholic Modernists, Cambridge University Press, 1970

  Watson, James D. The Double Helix, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1968, revised 1997

  Waugh, Evelyn, The Life of Ronald Knox, Chapman & Hall, 1959

  —— The Diaries of Evelyn Waugh, Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1979

  Webb, Beatrice, My Apprenticeship (first published Longmans, Green & Co., 1926), Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1971

  —— The Diary of Beatrice Webb, ed. Norman & Jean MacKenzie, vol. 1, 1873–1892, Glitter Around and Darkness Within, Virago in association with the London School of Economics and Political Science, 1982; vol. 2, 1892–1903, All the Good Things of Life, Virago in association will the LSE, etc., 1983; vol. 3, 1903–1924, The Power to Alter Things, same publishers, 1984; vol. 4, 1924–1943, The Wheel of Life, same publishers, 1985

  Webb, Sidney & Beatrice, A Constitution for the Socialist Commonwealth of Great Britain (with an introduction by Samuel H. Beer), London School of Economics and Political Science, Cambridge University Press, 1975

  Wedgwood, Josiah, Essays and Adventures of a Labour MP, Allen & Unwin, 1924

  Weil, Simone, The Simone Weil Reader, ed. George A. Panichas, David McKay Company Ine., New York, 1977

  Weinberg, Gerhard L., Germany, Hitler and World War II, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1995

  Weizsäcker, Ernst von, The Memoirs of Ernst von Weizsäcker, Victor Gollancz, 1951

  Welch, Frances, The Romanovs and Mr Gibbes, Short, 2002.

  Welles, Benjamin, Sumner Welles – FDR’s General Strategist, Macmillan, Basingstoke, 1997

  Welles, Sumner, The Time for Decision, Hamish Hamilton, 1944

  Wells, H. G., The New Machiavelli [1911], Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1985

  Wheeler, Burton K., Yankee from the West, Doubleday, New York, 1962

  Whitecross, Roy, Slaves of the Son of Heaven, Kangaroo Press, East Roseville NSW, 2000

  Williams, Charles, He Came Down From Heaven, William Heinemann, 1938

  Williams, Trevor I., A Short History of Twentieth Century Technology, c. 1900–1950, Clarendon Press, Oxford, Oxford University Press, New York, 1982

  Wilmot, Chester, The Struggle for Europe, Collins, 1952

  Wilson, A. N., Hilaire Belloc, Hamish Hamilton, 1984

  —— The Victorians, Hutchinson, 2002

  Wilson, Edmund, To the Finland Station, Seeker & Warburg, 1941

  Wilson, John, CB. A Life of Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman, Constable, 1973

  Wilson, Sir Henry, The Military Correspondence of Field Marshal Sir Henry Wilson, ed. Keith Jeffrey, Bodley Head for the Army Records Society, 1985

  Windsor, The Duchess of, The Heart Has Its Reasons [Michael Joseph, 1:956], Sphere Books, 1980

  Woods, Oliver, & Bishop, James, The Story of the Times, Michael Joseph, 1983

  Woodward, Sir Llewellyn, Great Britain and the War of 1914–18, Methuen & Co
. Ltd, 1967

  —— British Foreign Policy in the Second World War, HMSO, 1972

  Wragg, David, Signal Failure: Politics and Britain’s Railways, Sutton Publishing, Stroud, 2004

  Wright, Robert, Dowding and the Battle of Britain, Macdonald, 1969

  Wykeham-George, Kenneth, & Mathew, Gervase, Bede Jarrett, Blackfriars Press, 1941

  Yeats, W. B., The Poems, revised, ed. Richard J. Finnerman, Macmillan, 1989

  Young, Desmond, Rommel, Collins, 1950

  Young, Filson, The Trial of Hawley Harvey Crippen, William Hodge & Company Ltd, 1920

  Young, Kenneth, Arthur James Balfour, G. Bell & Sons Ltd, 1963

  Younghusband, Francis, Among the Celestial, John Murray, 1898

  —— India and Tibet [John Murray, 1910], Oxford University Press, Oxford, Hong Kong, New York, Melbourne, 1985

  —— The Epic of Mount Everest [Edward Arnold, 1926], Pan Books, 2000 (Mallory’s expeditions)

  Ziegler, Philip, Osbert Sitwell, Chatto & Windus, 1998

  Zinn, Howard, A People’s History of the United States, Longman, 1980


  The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest.

  For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.

  Abdication crisis (1936)

  Abdulhamit II, Ottoman Sultan

  Abdullah I, King of Jordan

  Abyssinia: Italy invades

  Acheson, Dean

  Action française, L(newspaper)

  Acton, Sir Harold

  Adenauer, Konrad

  Admiralty Arch, London


  Afghanistan: bombed by British

  Afrika Korps (German)

  Aga Khan

  agriculture: decline

  Ahmed, Selim (‘Dahoum’)

  Aiken, Conrad

  aircraft: developed

  Aitken, Max (Beaverbrook’s son)

  al-Afghani, Jamaluddin

  Alamogordo, New Mexico

  Albert, Prince Consort

  Albu, Austen

  Alexandra, Queen of Edward VII,

  Alexis, Tsarevich of Russia

  Aliens Act (1911)

  Aliens Bill (1904)

  Allenby, General Edmund Henry Hynman (later 1st Viscount)

  Allingham, Helen (née Paterson)

  Allingham, Margery


  Altrincham, Edward Griggst Baron

  Amadeus Quartet

  American Revolution


  Amritsar massacre (1919)


  Anastasia, Grand Duchess of Russia

  Anderson, Elizabeth Garrett

  Anderson, Sir John

  Andrew, Prince

  Anglicanism see Church of England

  Anne, Princess Royal


  anti-Semitism ,

  Anzacs: at Gallipoli

  appeasement policy


  in First World War

  and Jewish homeland

  T.E. Lawrence romanticizes




  and education

  as ruling class

  as stabilizing force in Edwardian Britain,


  Armageddon, Battle of (1918)

  Armenia: massacre (1915)

  Armistice (1918)

  Armstrong, William Henry Watson-Armstrong, 1st Baron (of Craigside)

  Arnim, Elizabeth von

  Arnold, Matthew

  Arnold, Thomas


  Englishness in

  and modernism

  and philistinism

  Arts and Crafts movement

  Askey, Arthur

  Asquith, Lady Cynthia

  Asquith, Herbert Henryst Earl of Oxford and Asquith


  on Arab ‘rebels’

  background and character

  Beaverbrook and

  on Bonar Law’s burial

  on Chinese labour in South Africa

  Churchill serves under

  and constitutional crisis (1909–10)

  and Easter Rising (Ireland)

  forms coalition government in war,

  ignorance of war

  Asquith, Herbert Henry, (cont)

  introduces Old Age Pensions

  and Irish Home Rule

  and Liberal Party split

  loses premiership

  Northcliffe and

  and outbreak of First World War,

  private life


  and women’s suffrage movement

  Asquith, Katharine

  Asquith, Margot, Countess of Oxford and Asquith

  on Edward VII

  on outbreak of war

  view of Lloyd George

  Asquith, Lady Violet (later Bonham Carter)

  Astor, John Jacob

  Astor, Nancy (née Langhorne), Vicountess

  Astor, Waldorfnd Viscount

  Astor, William Waldorfst Viscount

  Ataturk see Kemal, Mustafa


  Athenaeum Club, London

  Atholl, Katharine Marjory Stewart-Murray Duchess of

  atomic bomb see nuclear weapons

  atomic theory see nuclear physics

  Attlee, Clement (later 1st Earl)

  on Churchill’s election defeat

  and Indian independence

  opposes Jewish state in Palestine

  as post-war Prime Minister


  social reforms

  and state-controlled system

  wartime broadcast to Germany

  Auden, Wystan Hugh

  Augusta Victoria, Empress of Wilhelm II of Germany


  Australia: women’s vote in

  Austria (-Hungary)

  and Anschluss with Germany

  armistice (1918)

  collapse (1918)

  in First World War

  intellectual life in

  and Serbian nationalism

  succession states

  Awdry, Revd William

  Ayrton, Michael

  Azaña, Manuel

  Babi Yar, Kiev

  Baden-Powell, Robertst Baron

  Baghdad railway

  Baillie, John

  Baird, John Logie

  Bairnsfather, Bruce

  Baker, Ray Stannard

  Baldwin, Stanleyst Earl

  and Abdication crisis

  appeasement policy

  on bombers ‘getting through’

  and economy

  and European dictators

  and Kipling

  loses 1924 election

  in National Government

  on power of press

  as Prime Minister


  and Wall Street Crash

  wins second 1924 election and forms government

  Balfour, Arthur Janies (later 1st Earl)

  belief in occult

  and Chinese labour in Africa

  on Curzon’s second marriage

  Declaration on Palestine

  dislikes Curzon

  and Egyptian unrest

  and fate of Russian royal family

  as First Lord of Admiralty

  on Middle East railways


  succeeds Salisbury as Prime Minister

  and tariff reform

  visits Washington in war

  and wartime debts to Britain

  and Weizmann’s Zionism

  Balkans: unrest in

  Ballets Russes

  Ballikinrain Castle, Stirlingshire

  Banbury (of Southam), Frederick George 1st Baron

  Bank of England

  Bankhead, William

aptist Church

  Barr, Sir James

  Barrington-Ward, R.M.

  Barth, Karl


  Bateman, H.M.

  Batista, Fulgencio

  Battle of Britain (1940)

  Bauer, Georg (Georgius Agricola)

  Bax, Arnold

  Beachcomber see Morton, J.B.

  Beaton, Sir Cecil

  Beatty, Admiral Davidst Earl

  Beauvoir, Simone de

  Beaverbrook, William Maxwell Aitkenst Baron

  approves of Wallis Simpson

  on Birkenhead

  in First World War

  friendship with Churchill

  as minister in Second World War

  opposes Labour Party policies

  supports Bonar Law.

  and wartime broadcasts from Berlin

  Beckett, Samuel

  Beeching, Dr Richard (later Baron)

  Beerbohm, (Sir) Max

  ‘Ballade Tragique in Double Refrain’

  Begin, Menachem

  Beit family

  Belgium: invaded (1914)

  Bell, Adrian

  Bell, George Kennedy Allen, Bishop of Chichester

  Bell, Robert

  Belloc, Hilaire


  declines to stand in second 1910 election

  economic ideas

  exposes Marconi scandal

  on General Strike

  and McNabb

  on modernist priests

  in Parliament

  on social snobbery

  visits Mussolini

  on working man’s freedom

  The Servile State




  Bennett, Alan

  Bennett, Arnold

  supports Marie Stopes

  and Swinburne


  The Old Wives’ Tale

  Bennett, Air Vice Marshal Donald

  Bennett, Frank Selwyn Macaulay, Dean of Chester

  Benson, Arthur Christopher

  Benson, Edward Frederic

  Bentham, Jeremy

  Bentley, Sergeant Robert

  Benz, Karl

  Berg, Alban

  Bergson, Henri

  Berlin, Sir Isaiah

  Berlin-Baghdad railway

  Berning, Bishop (of Osnabrück)

  Berzhkov, Valentin

  Bethmann Hollweg, Theobald von

  Betjeman, (Sir) John


  on Father d’Arcy

  on ‘great men’

  religious belief

  schooling in Oxford

  taught by Eliot

  Bevan, Aneurin

  Beveridge, Sir William (later Baron)


  Bevin, Ernest

  Bible, Holy: and Protestantism

  bicycles and bicycling

  Birkenhead, F.E. Smithst Earl of

  Birmingham: and free trade


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