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Embracing Love

Page 5

by Delisa Lynn

  “Liam, I want you! I have no doubts about being with you. I want you now, right here. Please, Liam make me yours. Show me how much you love me.”

  I could feel my body aching and wanting him inside of me. I felt kind of weird. No one had ever seen me naked and here I was, completely naked. I thought I had an okay looking body but would he think it was okay?

  He started kissing me from the top of my head all the way down to my toes. “I want to taste every inch of your body beautiful.” He started kissing my breast and made his way down. He then spread my legs and started kissing my inner thighs. I could feel my back arching as he licked me inside and out. Yep, those sure are orgasms.

  I wanted to scream! It felt so good. “You taste so sweet and your body is more beautiful than I imagined.”

  All I could think about was him entering me. I noticed he managed to get a condom from somewhere. I was so ready for him.

  I wasn’t sure what to do though. So, I just tried to be very patient while he was putting the condom on. I was ready for him, all of him. When he entered me it hurt a little but it felt so damn wonderful.

  I think I had another orgasm as soon as he entered me. I thought damn I should have listened to the lectures in sexual education class. I’ve been missing out! I had no clue it felt this great.

  I was enjoying it so much I let out a very loud moan. “Am I hurting you L?”

  “No not at all, it feels so good.” “This is your first time isn’t it?” “Yes.” I shook my head. I wonder if he remembered I blurted that out to him months ago when he seen me with Ashton. Oh damn, get that image out of your head Lila. You are with a real man now.

  “Oh shit beautiful, I will slow down. Please tell me if you’re in any kind of pain.” There was just a little pain, but the pleasure I was getting made all the pain go away. “You okay beautiful?” “Yes, I’m fine. Please don’t stop.”

  I laughed, but I could feel the tears burning my eyes. Liam seen them and started wiping them away as he kissed my check. As I looked into his eyes I could see tears in his eyes. Oh damn he is crying. Is it because I’m bad or because he really loves me? I reach up and caress his face as I pull him in for a deeper kiss, letting him know that I’m perfectly fine.

  “This is exactly as I imagined it would be Lila. I have dreamt of making love to you for years! I will always be here for you. I never want to lose you.”

  I just smiled as I start kissing him again. He started moving faster and I was unsure if I was moving the right way. Just as I moved my hips forward he screamed my name and fell on top of me. “Damn. That was amazing. You are so beautiful.” Then he kissed me again. I laid on my side rubbing his chest and couldn’t stop smiling.

  We made love again that night, using different positions. I never knew how flexible my body was. It was wonderful. In a million years I never would’ve thought I would end up with Liam Anthony Ellis. I had fallen for him after all.

  I lay there watching him sleep. I was hoping that he wouldn’t be gone to the Army long. I know that I want to share my life with him, how could I if he was away? I had always dreamt of going to New York for college but I would stay here with him, if he asked. I had begun to fall in love with this wonderful man and I never thought I would.

  “Good morning beautiful, can you cook?” “Good morning. Depends on what you want. I can make some eggs and bacon?” “Sounds great my love.” “Okay, breakfast it is, but I want desert first.”

  “Oh, I can handle that beautiful.” I started kissing him and I felt like a pro at doing all the other stuff. We made love again, before I made breakfast. We cleaned up the beach house. My parents rarely came here but I better get rid of all the evidence. “Did you have a fun night?” I blushed as I answered his question. “I did, I hope we can have another night like that really soon.” I giggled.

  “I love you Lila Rae Carls and someday you will be all mine.”

  The next couple weeks flew by. Liam and I spent every minute we could together. I hated that he was leaving for the Army and not coming to New York with me.

  Addison and I went to get matching tattoos. It was something we had wanted to do and I kept backing out. “Lila, you know this will hurt and involve needles?” That’s the reason I kept backing out. I knew it was going to hurt really bad. But I needed to just do it. “Yes Ads, I know. Let’s get it over with before I change my mind.” I was getting a pink and yellow butterfly and Ads was getting a yellow and purple. They were so pretty. They sat right on our shoulder blades. It seemed like it took hours to get them. We laid side by side and held hands. Liam called me and wished me luck. He said it wouldn’t hurt that bad. Oh mother fucker, damn it! He surely didn’t know what he was talking about. It was the worse pain I have ever felt. “So glad we did this together Ads.” “Me to Lila. Nikki is going to be pissed though. We need to go see her on break.” She said.

  Liam and I were going to spend the last night in the guest house together. I know my parents knew it was him, with me and not Ads. We had diner and watched a movie.

  “Lila, I love spending all my time with you. I wish I had known all this was going to happen months ago.” “Me to Liam, me too.” I climbed on his lap. I started kissing him and I could feel his erection. “Um, sorry, he has a mind of his own.” I laughed as I reach down and started rubbing him. “Damn beautiful, I am turning you into a sex monster.” “Rawr!” I growled. “That was sexy as hell baby.” I continued kissing his sexy lips.

  He took my shirt off, and then my bra. He checked out my new tattoo and laughed at how girly it was. He started rubbing my breast. “Oh my go-gos-gosh Liam. Fuck me right here, right now please.” He had this look on his face. ” “My love, I will never fuck you. I will always make love to you.” “Well make love to me right now, please.”

  Damn I guess I shouldn’t have said fuck. I have a bad habit of talking too much when I am nervous. I always say the wrong things. “I want you so bad. Please don’t make me wait any longer.” He laid me on the couch and pulled my shorts off. Then he teased me through my panties. I think I came about three times. He pulled my panties off, then he slid one finger inside of me. I was squirming so damn bad.

  “Liam please, please!” He laughed at me. How the hell can he laugh? I am dead serious. “Lila, you look so damn cute when you beg. You are so fucking wet. Are you sure you still want some?” “Liam please!” Finally he climbed on top of me, and put on a condom. I wondered what it would feel like without one but I wasn’t on the pill yet, so I’m glad he had them. As he entered me I felt a tear roll down my face. I loved this man. I fucking loved Liam Anthony Ellis.

  Addison and Ashton came to say goodbye. I hadn’t seen Liam yet. He was leaving for the Army in two days. I didn’t tell Addie what happened between Liam and I. Of course, she probably already knew. Liam and I had been spending as much time together as we could.

  “I’m going to miss you so much Lila Rae!” cried Addie. “I don’t think I will ever make it without you.” “I’ll miss you too Ads.”

  “I am going to be so lonely without you! You are the bestest friend ever.” Said Addison. “Thanks, so are you.” I was really going to miss her more than she knew. We had never been apart longer than a day or so. “I better be considering someday we will be family. I know about you and Liam!” I just laughed at her and hugged her tighter, as I whispered take care of my little brother sister-n-law. She just laughed and said always. I hoped Liam hadn’t told her anything. I don’t think he would but they’re really close.

  Ashton walks over to me. “Good luck babe, I’m sorry for everything I put you through. You know I’m a fucking jerk. I really care about you and wish you and Liam the best.” “Thanks. Yes, you are a dickwad but I forgive you.” I gave him a hug and I heard him take a deep breath in and sigh. Did he really have feelings for me I wondered?

  I walked to the car hoping Liam would show up before I left. “Hey beautiful, you didn’t think I would let you leave without a hug did you?”

  I ran
into his arms. I could feel my tears as he whispered in my ear, “I love you my sweet L.”

  I wanted to say I love you too. But I didn’t. “I will take you to the airport if that’s okay with your parents.” “That’s fine Liam, take care of our girl.” my father said as he reach out and shook Liam’s hand.

  “I will always take care of your girl, Mr. Carls.” I saw a blanket in the back seat and wondered what he was up to. “How much time do we have before your flight leaves, beautiful?” “I still have a couple hours.” “Great, I have a surprise!”

  He drove to the beach and we laid on the blanket as we lightly kissed each other. I wanted more, but we didn’t have much time. He still fucking teased my horny ass. I wanted to climb on top of him and make love until we were both worn out.

  I couldn’t imagine my life without him. “Lila, I can’t wait to see you again! I am going to miss you so damn much.” Only if he knew I would miss him just as much, if not more and that I was dying inside knowing I wouldn’t see him for months. I wanted to tell him how much I loved him.

  “Why did you wait until now to want to be with me?” “We are together now and that’s all that matters.” I said. “Yes it is, beautiful.” I gave him my address and he promised to write as soon as he was able.

  When he dropped me off at the airport, I could see the tears in his eyes. “I love you, Lila Rae.” I just kissed him and went on my way, I wanted to break down but I couldn’t. I had to stay strong. It took everything I had not to cry and show my emotions. What the hell? I still didn’t tell him how much I loved him.

  On the plane ride, all I could think of was Liam. My parents had driven out last week to bring my car and decorate my dorm. When I picked up my car, I had an emotional melt down. I was in this big ol’ city all alone. I wanted my Liam. I didn’t want him going to the Army. As I tried to pull myself together, I headed to campus. I got my schedule and drove to my dorm. I heard it was more of a townhome than a dorm and it was off campus. I liked that they were separate. My mom said it was beautiful. It had two master suites, a full kitchen, and a living room. I knew they paid a lot of money for it. My father wouldn’t let me work to pay for anything. He said he wanted me to focus on school and that they would take care of everything.

  I had no clue who my roommate was and that made it worse. Was I going to like her? I hoped she wasn’t a slut or a weirdo. I can normally get along with anyone, but my luck she would be another Savvy. I pulled in the parking lot and look up at the townhome. It was really nice. It looked huge from the outside. I texted Liam telling him I was there and I would call him later. I was nervous as I walked up the drive way and onto the porch.

  I opened the door and I saw her. “NIKKI!” I squealed. “You bitch! I thought you decided to stay in Ohio.” “Nope, I wanted to surprise you. I figured Eric would have told you by now!” “No, I had no idea! So you’re my roommate?”

  “Yes I am, for the next year anyway.” “Your parents are the ones who suggested it.” “This is great, Nik!” “Okay, what’s been going on? What the hell happened with Ashton? You never fully explained.”

  “He was cheating on me and I caught him in the act!” She had this really pissed off look on her face. “That dirty fucker, I never trusted him after what he—well anyway. I was only nice to him because he’s Addison’s brother. Did Eric beat the crap out of him?” Nikki asked. “No. I asked him not to get involved, considering they are good friends. But Liam did! Nik, what ever happened with you and Ashton at camp that year? I know you were upset, but you never told us.” She had another sad look on her face. “I can’t believe him, so since you didn’t give in to him he went elsewhere? What did you say? Liam kicked his ass?” She still didn’t answer my question. “Yep.” “Nikki, I slept with Liam!” “You did what? Who? The cousin of your ex? Who just kicked your ex’s ass?” “Yes, he is amazing!”

  “He is leaving for the Army in a few days.” “Lila, you slept with him because he is going to serve our country?” “No silly, because I really like him, I actually love him! He is great, I don’t know why I didn’t realize it before now.”

  “You love him already? This must be serious because you don’t say that word unless you mean it.” “What does Addison say about all this?” “I haven’t told her. I think she knows but I haven’t said anything. I think her and Eric are hooking up and not telling me for some reason.” “I knew they would end up together.”

  “Let me see that tattoo. I can’t believe you bitches went without me.” “Oh, it hurt! I will go with you if you want to get one but I am not getting another one, well not anytime soon.” “I will think about it. I’m a chicken, I would probably freak out.” “Okay Nicole Paige, what happened with you and Ashton?”

  I could see the unshed tears in her eyes. “It was him, Lila. The guy who screwed me and took my virginity, then just left me laying there as he walked away. Then the next day I overheard a couple girls saying the one had slept with Ashton the night before. I never told anyone who I had sex with. I didn’t want you or Ads mad. I knew you liked him and I felt bad for doing what I did.” By now I was crying with her. “Oh Nik, that fucking dickwad. I can’t stand him either. You could’ve told me, doll. I would’ve never been mad at you. I was with Will at that time anyway.”

  “Let’s go get lunch. I’m starved!” Nikki suggested. “Pizza or Mexican?” “I think I could go for pizza,” I said. As we walked into the restaurant we seen these very hot guys sitting in the corner.

  I was trying not to look as I knew they were staring at us. They didn’t look like they were New Yorkers. There was just something about the taller one that caught my eye. He was very attractive. He smiled at me and I blushed as I flashed him a smile back.

  We placed our order, then sat down to eat and talk. “So Lila, how was it?” “How was what?” “Sex! I know you’ve been waiting to do it forever. Was it everything you thought it would be?” “Oh, it was amazing!”

  “Should’ve figured. Out of the three of us, you would have the romantic fireworks, flowers, and shit your first time. What a great experience.” “I’m sorry Nikki, we don’t have to talk about it.” “Don’t be silly, of course I want to hear all the details. Just because the first two I slept with sucked donkey balls, doesn’t mean I don’t want to hear about your amazing lover boy. How is his package? And his kisses? Did you climax?” She had the biggest smile on her face. “Oh my God, it is huge and his kisses are amazing! And yes, about twenty times.” “Ugh bitch, you are so lucky.” I just laughed at her, it was wonderful being with one of my best friends again.

  I forgot about the guys in the corner, when the waiter approached us saying, the gentlemen in the corner was paying our tab.

  I looked over and smiled then they both came walking over. “Hi ladies, are you new to the area?” “Yes,” Nikki replied. “I am Nicole Lassiter but you can call me Nikki and this is Lila Carls.” The tall guy said, “My name is Evan Martin. This is my buddy, Brody Lewis.”

  Evan was really tall. Had dark hair, kind of messy on top, very tan, muscular and attractive. I could see a tattoo on Evan’s arm but couldn’t see what exactly it was. There was also one I could see peeking out of the tight NYU T-shirt he had on with a pair of tight jeans and cowboy boots. He was definitely a country guy.

  Brody had blondish brown hair and was kind of short. He was cute, definitely Nikki’s type. I could tell that she was already drooling over him. They looked nothing like Cali guys.

  “Do you guys go to NYU?” I asked. “Yes we do, we’re both studying law and are in our second year,” said Evan. “That’s terrific. Nikki and I are studying law as well.” “What are you ladies doing tonight? There is a party around the corner, you ladies want to meet up there?” asked Evan. I looked at Nikki and she smiled and said yes. “Great, we will see you around eight o’clock,” said Brody.

  “Holy moly, they are cute as hell. We are going to party with college guys. I’m so excited.” She clapped her hands. I just laughed, I wanted to
party with my Liam.

  “Let’s go get a new outfit for tonight,” said Nikki, as she slapped my arm. “Of course Nikki, I knew that was coming.” “Oh come on, you know you’ve missed shopping with me.” I just laughed, actually I had.

  We headed to the nearest mall. I got a pair of jeans and a cute shirt. Nikki got a dress and a new coach purse. We decided to get manicures and pedicures while we were there. Then we got our hair done. I just got mine trimmed and styled, so did Nikki. She had gorgeous hair already. She and Addison had no problem with their hair. I on the other hand, was a frizz head.

  I didn’t realize my phone was on vibrate, holy crap. I have missed a text from everyone.

  Mom: Okay pumpkin, how is everything? Was Nikki there when you arrived? Love Mom.

  Addison: Lila Rae, you bitch. I miss you already. Call me <3

  Liam: Hey beautiful, I hope you are settled in. I miss your smile, your face and well, every inch of that body.

  Before I could call anyone back, Liam was calling. He was worried about me because no one had heard from me.

  I told him about my childhood friend being my roommate and we went to lunch and shopping. He said that he was leaving in ten hours and just wanted to hear my voice.

  “Beautiful, I hope you aren’t out there finding a man.” I just giggled and couldn’t stop smiling. As we were hanging up I said, “I love you, Liam.” “I knew it, I love you more though, Lila!”

  Finally Addie called back. She was worried. She already knew about Nikki because Eric had told her. She was very excited and said she wanted to come see us soon. “Eric says hello.” I didn’t question why she was with my brother, but wondered when the hell were they going tell me they were a couple? After all my calls, I finally finished getting ready.

  I felt very uncomfortable going to this party. We didn’t know anyone. Finally, we saw Evan and Brody. Evan walked up and hugged me. I felt really awkward and I think he noticed because he apologized. “It’s okay, Evan.” I smiled. “You look beautiful, darlin’.” I know he saw my cheeks blush. I wanted to yell I have a boyfriend. But I just said thank you.


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