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Henry Page 8

by Cilika Kunovic

  “Olivia, I hope you will tell us if you are in too much discomfort.” Henry was worried.

  “Yes, Henry, I promise. If I make us go home at this point, not one of them is ever going to forgive me for it. You know what I mean, don’t you?” Even she had to laugh.

  “Yes, I know what you mean but nothing is ever going to stop us from coming back, so don’t worry about it.” He was half serious, half joking.

  On Saturday night, they were sitting by the fire and enjoying toasted marshmallows. They even sang a bit but they were a bit shy, in case Henry was getting a bit lonely for his beloved Lily. Out of respect, they didn’t want to overdo things. There would be plenty of time for that later.

  On Sunday morning, all the guys went fishing. They didn’t catch any fish, but the art of casting and/or practising was interesting. Olivia had a good book as well as a bit of homework to do, while Sasha and Nicole went for a swim. So, with the others being happily occupied, Barb and Susanne finally had a chance to relax. It was heavenly . . .

  “Do your children ever talk with you about their future?” Susanne cautiously broached the subject. “What I mean is, do you know what they want to be when they grow up?”

  “Yes; we often get into those discussions but we hardly ever get very far on the subject.” Barb took a good look at her friend to see how much it meant to her in order to continue. “What about yours? Do they talk about their future?” Now she was wondering how much she should ask.

  “You know my Dominic; he never says much, but I know that he has big plans. Whether he can ever succeed or not is another matter. As for Sasha: she is bound to become a public speaker — because we can never shut her up. She means well but can’t stop talking.” They both burst out laughing.

  “Nicole seems to be ready for a change. I think all the swimming hassles are becoming a burden to her; and yet, she enjoys swimming very much. To tell the truth, I can see her getting into becoming a swimming instructor, or something like that. Who knows? Olivia will most likely end up as an actress.” They laughed again. They both knew how much of an actress she was — the Drama Queen.

  “So, there is nothing wrong with that,” Susanne commented. And Barb was thinking: yes, of course she would say that — after all, Susanne is another one of those.

  On a more serious side, Olivia did want to become known on the stage as a diva.

  Dominic often talked about becoming a doctor. He knew that there was very little chance of ever getting there, as there was no money to pay for his education. He worked hard, but that money was needed for the family. So he wanted to do well enough to get a scholarship. He even contemplated joining the army and getting a degree that way. However, with his mother’s mental issues, which had plagued them for years, he wished to become a psychologist or even a psychiatrist. He felt there had to be an answer to that kind of behaviour. Too many people suffer, when a person imposes that much discomfort on herself, as well as others. So he was determined to at least try and get some answers.

  “So let’s not leave out Trevor. What about him?” Susanne asked.

  “Well, Trevor is probably the only one who knows what he is going to be when he grows up.”

  “What do you mean?” Susanne was now truly interested.

  “Trevor is going to drive a truck, and that is that!” There was nothing else Trevor ever talked about when someone asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up. End of story.

  Susanne said, “You know what? I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up.”

  Before long, it was time to have brunch, and after that, the guys got busy repairing the tool shed, which needed a few new planks. Animals had gotten into the shed during Henry’s long absence. They also replaced the lock on the shed, as well as on the cottage. This was something that Henry had long believed in: to change locks often.

  On the whole, the place seemed to be in good shape after they had finished with the cleanup. The view helped as well. Another thing was also a plus: the next cottage was located a bit to the left around the bend and was facing away from Henry’s. There was plenty of privacy.

  The time had come to go home. Barb was in charge as usual: “Okay, everybody, let’s get everything together and packed so that we can give the men the chance to close the place. Olivia, you will have to wait in the car; or, if you wish; under the tree at the table. I’m glad your leg isn’t giving you too much trouble. Trevor, you get Serge and give him a bit of exercise before we leave. Nicole, can you take a look if we forgot anything in there?”

  “Yes, Mom,” Nicole responded and off she went.

  It took about an hour and they were on their way home.

  Olivia had her leg checked out, and it turned out to be a mild sprain. She was soon better.

  There were quite a few of these trips up north, but by now, school had resumed, and the leaves were changing quickly. For Thanksgiving, Henry invited everybody for a turkey dinner. His housekeeper had a good time preparing it. He was usually quite handy in the kitchen, but after the accident, he had to use his common sense and take it slowly. As long as he was able to drive, he didn’t complain.

  After Thanksgiving, things turned in another direction. The dog walking continued, and Serge was enjoying extra company. Henry was often invited to the Prestons’ for dinner, and at times the Lamberts were also present. However, as the winter approached and the days got shorter, Susanne went back into her usual depression. Winter can do that to many people.

  Dominic had hoped their mother had beaten her depression, although he knew better. He was aware that one can’t turn off those kinds of problems just like that. He was working hard to make up for the break during the summer but he soon found that his school marks were getting lower — and lower than they should be to qualify for a scholarship. He was worried, and his temper seemed a bit short.

  “Dominic, are you all right?” Henry was curious but was trying not to pry.

  “Yes, Henry; I am just fine.”

  “Then why are you acting so strange, if I may ask?” He was hoping for a positive answer but received none. “Is your mother all right? If there is anything I can do, I would be very happy to. I know that you are in your last year of high school, and things can turn ugly at times.”

  But before Henry could say any more, Dominic tried to assure him that everything was fine.

  “You are being very stubborn, young man.”

  In the meantime, Dominic and Sasha were having quite a few disagreements regarding their father. Larry had returned and was being more and more demanding with regard to his right to see the children.

  “Dominic, you must go and see Daddy. I am not allowed to go by myself without an adult, but she refuses to go there.”

  “Dad has had plenty of time to come and visit with us if he so chose but he hasn’t.”

  “I know that, but now he is ill and he needs us.” Sasha sounded desperate. “I just want to see if he is really very ill. Can we go, please?” Dominic sensed a hint in that statement: his sister was growing up and was perhaps not as vulnerable as she used to be.

  “I will go with you but I am not going in. Do we understand each other?” He meant it.

  “Yes, Dominic, I am fine with that.” This was the best she could get, so she was willing to accept it. She was a clever girl. So when the weekend came, the two of them first went to Henry’s place to walk Serge; and then they planned to go and get the visit to their father over with.

  They encountered Nicole, who wanted to join them for a walk but she found herself in a tense situation. She sensed that something was wrong between the two siblings.

  Nicole, being who she was, came right out and said: “Okay, get it out, you two, and tell me what is wrong. Come on! I am not going to go away until you tell me all about it. Is it all right if I go along for the walk?”

  “That’s an excellent idea. I promised Sasha I would take her to see our father. She wants to go, but I don’t. Having you along might just be the best thing. So would
you go with us, after we take Serge for his walk?” With Nicole’s agreement to his request, Dominic felt much better about going now.

  So, all three of them ended up at Larry’s place, and he was happy to see his daughter. He never stayed long anywhere. The place was a mess, but he didn’t seem too uncomfortable — as they all suspected, without saying much to each other. The visit was short, and Sasha felt better for it. But somehow she didn’t seem too upset leaving her father. He never even mentioned Dominic, so Sasha did not need to provide answers on the subject. However, she resented him for not asking about her brother, even though he was happily waiting outside.

  Susanne was anxiously awaiting their return in order to find out how Larry was. “So, how is your daddy? Is he in a lot of pain? I hope you don’t expect me to look after him; I have problems of my own. After all, he was the one who left us and not the other way around —”

  “Mom, you can relax and not worry about Daddy. He is fine except for his apartment, which needs some cleaning, but I didn’t offer to do it.” (Sasha never mentioned this to her brother on their way back. She was too embarrassed to acknowledge it in front of Nicole, who was trying to humour both of them on the way back.) “I just want to go to my room and study for my Monday exam.” But in reality, she wanted to be alone to figure out how she and Dominic could have ended up with such parents, who cared only about themselves and not about their children. At least she had Dominic, who was and always would be her best friend. She would make sure that he got his wish to go to university; to get that degree because he deserved it.

  When they got back, Henry had asked Sasha if she was all right. He wished he could talk to Sasha privately, but how to do it?

  But Sasha had a plan of her own. Sunday came, and she asked her brother if it would be all right if she took Serge for his walk for a change, since he had to work. She had taken him before and she enjoyed his company.

  “That would be great, Sasha. I want to go to work a bit earlier so I can come home sooner. I have a load of homework for tomorrow.” He had felt quite a bit of stress lately. He was getting really worried about his marks. The pressure of all the responsibilities that lay on his shoulders was getting to him.

  “Good morning, Henry! Would you mind if I take Serge for his walk this morning?”

  “Why, Sasha! What brings you here all by yourself? Where is your brother this morning?” Then he suddenly felt awkward for asking. “Not that I don’t want you here but I can’t help feeling that something is wrong. Your brother has changed lately. I don’t mean to interfere — I am simply worried about him. I hope you understand.” Henry had happened to notice lately how thin the boy had become.

  “Oh, I have been meaning to talk with you about him. I don’t mean anything against my Mom but I can’t talk to her, and Dominic refuses to tell me what is wrong. That is the reason why I am here today. Can we talk, please?”

  “Well, how would you like me to come along with the two of you, and we can all get some fresh air? Would that be all right with you?”

  So, off they went, as soon as Henry had locked the front door. It was a lovely morning and it took very little time for Sasha to open up to Henry with her big problems. She knew Henry was a good listener, so it was easy for her to talk to him.

  “I can’t stand seeing Dominic so stressed out lately. I don’t know if it’s the school or our parents . . . Daddy is telling Mom that he is very ill, but I went to see him, and he didn’t look that ill to me. I know my brother is very tired because he works a lot, and after school he has plenty to study; but something is on his mind, and he won’t talk about it.” She was in tears by now. “I would talk to Mrs. Preston, but I don’t want too many people to know about our problems. Mrs. Preston would want to help, but I would rather not have Olivia know about it because she might talk about it at school. You mustn’t say anything to Mom because she can’t handle things that are stressful. Would you talk to my stubborn brother and find out what is bothering him?”

  “Yes, I will have that chat with your brother one way or another. He may not like it, but one must do what feels right, sometimes. Am I right?” He gave her a wink, and she gave him a hug. Seeing her skip forward right after that episode, Henry felt relieved, and the walk ended with an apple for Sasha and another hug for Henry.

  That summer would always be remembered as a great one; especially for Henry . . .


  “Barb, this is Dino; you asked me some time ago to let you know when the office above the barber shop would be available to rent, and I promised to call you.”

  “Oh, yes, Dino. I am so grateful that you called. I was hoping that you wouldn’t forget about our little chat. How are you?”

  “I am well and I haven’t forgotten.”

  “So, is everything ready to go?” Barb was happy but apprehensive at the same time. She’d had very little time during summer to concentrate on her own work, while she catered to her family’s good times.

  “Yes; are you still interested in renting the place?”

  “Yes, I am still interested; that is, if I can afford it. What is the rent going to be?” She was afraid to hear the answer, in case she couldn’t handle it. She waited anxiously. If they had improved the place, they would likely increase the price.

  “We will work something out.” He could hear from her voice that she was excited. “So, when do you wish to see the place?”

  “Oh, any time. I can come today, if you can show it to me. I have to come and see Emma at the pharmacy, and maybe we could take a look at it together? My appointment is at eleven, so how about ten o’clock?”

  Henry had approached his property manager shortly after Barb asked his advice regarding possibly renting the place. Barb had no idea who owned the premises; she was simply hesitant about getting into something that might jeopardize her finances. At the same time, Henry did not wish to disclose his position on the matter.

  That settled that. Barb could not believe what had just happened. Her Monday morning was starting great; let’s hope the rest of the week will be at least half as good.

  Ever since Sam and her brother John had started their rather risky business, she had prayed that it would turn out to be successful for everybody’s sake. And the boys had not disappointed her; they were happily working very hard, and it was paying off. So, all she needed was their support, and they could all be happy. She also wanted to tell Henry about the call from Dino.

  “Oh, Dino, this is lovely. What made you go to this much trouble?” Secretly, she wished they hadn’t done so much because, at this stage, she was just a bit intimidated and worried about the rent.

  “Well, that is no mystery. There was not enough insulation, so we found it hard to rent for any length of time. Every winter, we were getting all kinds of complaints about the lack of heat; and in the summer, it was too hot. So now we have taken care of both problems by insulating the place and rerouting the heating / air conditioning system.” Then, after a pause, he asked, “So do you think you want it?”

  “How much will you be charging per month?”

  “You just get yourself organized and move in. The landlord is willing to go easy on you.”

  “What do you mean?” Now she was really scared. “Who is the landlord?”

  “Don’t ask me; I am just a messenger. You know what they say — don’t shoot the messenger.” Then he burst out laughing. “As you know, I work for H.D. Holdings. I manage this plaza and another one on the west end. I look after any and all construction improvements, as well as the rentals. But the final decisions are made by the owners. You can ask Emma, when you see her.”

  “I shall do that; and thank you, Dino, for your input. See you later.”

  “Don’t you want the keys to the office? Maybe you want to talk it over with Sam? If so, then let me know when you wish to move in.” Then he turned around and started walking away in the other direction.

  “Wait! Are you serious? Why can’t you tell me the price?”
  “It will be what it was before, no change; after all, you were doing the books for them. The price is the same now. Perhaps they feel guilty for all the problems in the past.”

  “Great! Give me the keys and bring me the papers to sign tomorrow, because I will be moving in first thing in the morning. Okay?” She accepted the keys and took off with her mind racing so hard that she completely forgot about her appointment with Emma. She stormed into the house and then remembered her appointment. Luckily, no one was home to wonder if she was crazy. She turned around and went back to meet with Emma.

  The first thing she did was to ask Emma how much she knew about the landlord of the plaza. However, Emma had the same answer as Dino.

  “It’s a holding company that we rent from. They are quite fair. Why do you ask?” Emma was curious.

  “I just rented the office over the barber shop and Dino said the rent would be the same as before, even after they did all the renovations. What do you say to that?” It was puzzling her but she didn’t want to make a big deal out of the whole situation. Sometimes it is good to leave well enough alone. So she had decided to do just that.

  “I am happy for you, Barb,” Emma replied. “Don’t complain — just settle yourself in. This way, you won’t have to run back and forth. You deserve a break, so enjoy it. By the way; what does Sam think of it?”

  At that point, Barb realized just how overwhelmed she was with the whole situation. “I will have to tell you later how Sam feels about this because it has happened so quickly that I have not had the chance to tell him about it. I will let you know tomorrow.”

  She ran home, hoping somebody would be there so she could tell them all about it. But nobody was home. She sat on a chair in the living room, and tears poured down her cheeks out of sheer happiness.


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