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Page 10

by Cilika Kunovic

  Dominic came to and realized that Henry was still there and still willing to help; he knew then that this was for real.

  “Dominic, you will never stop loving your mother but at the same time you are now old enough to be a provider and therefore old enough to make some decisions on your own. I am sure Sasha would be very happy to see you achieve your goal.” They both stood there and contemplated life.

  “Speaking of Sasha: has she been talking to you about my grades? I mean, my schoolling?” He had suddenly jumped to a conclusion. He knew his sister very well and would not be at all surprised if she had. “Did she ask you for help?” Now he waited for an answer, not wanting to hear the truth.

  “Your sister has been very worried about you lately but had no idea what was on your mind, since you never gave her any answers to her questions. She had no idea that I ever contemplated offering you financial assistance — and if you don’t mind, we will not call it that. We will simply be rooting for you to become successful. Do we have a deal?” Henry shook Dominic’s hand and squeezed it so hard that it hurt. Dominic gave Henry a bear hug and then he shook his hand and thanked him profoundly.

  “I will not disappoint you!”

  “I know that, Dominic.”

  Now it was time to work hard and finish high school. He knew that he had the marks to qualify for acceptance at McMaster University; and he didn’t have to worry about the scholarship. He became more outgoing and less irritable about everything.

  Sasha noticed the change in her brother lately and she felt relieved. She did ask Henry if he’d had that talk with her brother, and Henry said yes but did not give an explanation, and Sasha did not pry. As long as things were going well, there was no reason to worry. However, Sasha did have her own plans once more. Her sixteenth birthday was approaching and she would qualify for being allowed to work part time while going to school, just like Dominic. She decided she wanted to work at the store. But how could she approach the situation?

  “Dominic, I would like to start working part time. Do you think the Millers would hire me? I would prefer working on cash but I could accept whatever they would offer me.”

  “What is all this about? First of all, you know very well that Mom will not let you go to work at your age. Secondly, you would have to ask the Millers, not me, if they would hire you. I suggest you talk to Mom first —”

  “Very well; I will. I can’t see it being right for her to stop me from working, since we all know that we need the money. Anyway, I will give it a try.”

  Susanne exploded. “What do you mean? I don’t want you to be out at night, sixteen or not. Anyway, what are those Millers thinking? They can’t just give you a job without talking it over with me.”

  “Mom, I haven’t even asked them yet. They have no idea that I want to work there.”

  “Oh, sure; they have something against me. They are setting you up against me as well.” Susanne was getting more and more agitated and refused to believe what her daughter was trying to tell her. This was exactly the reason why Sasha hadn’t wanted to discuss the job with her mother. At the same time, her mother wasn’t earning any money, and a young girl needs certain things in order to fit into society. Sasha dreamed of fine things but knew she would have to wait a long time in order to enjoy such treasures.

  “Mom, either you get a job, or I better. This lifestyle does not become us — or anybody else, for that matter. Don’t worry, I will keep up my marks —”

  But before Sasha could finish, Susanne grabbed a vase and threw it against the wall and sat shaking. Sasha had offended her.

  Sasha said, quickly: “No one said that you have to work at the store. Why don’t you get a job with Aunt Barb? She will need help pretty soon. She is getting settled in that office and she is bombarded with clients.”

  “Since when do you know so much about Barb? Are you running around after school? Even I didn’t know that.” But of course Barb had decided not to talk a lot about her work to Susanne, since she noticed Susanne seemed jealous of her success.

  “Mom, you know that I am right, so please let me go and ask about getting the job.”

  “Not a chance. We can do better than that. I will get a job somewhere and we will not need the Millers at all.” Then she started picking up the shattered pieces of the vase on the floor.

  “Will you really? Where do you think you could get a job?”

  “I don’t quite know yet, but you just wait and see.”

  Only that was not going to happen — not yet, anyway. Soon there were plenty of excuses as to why she was unable to work. Nothing happened except for plenty of yelling and accusations. Everybody and anybody was responsible for Susanne’s failures . . . So Sasha had another heart-to-heart talk with her brother.

  Nicole, who had been working part time at the local recreation centre as a lifeguard, was enjoying her job. Nicole was only fifteen but having had so much experience in swimming, she was allowed to work there. The more time she spent there, the more she knew what she wanted to do in the future. Sasha often came to keep her company, and the two of them were able to discuss things.

  “There has been a change in your brother lately,” Nicole mentioned to Sasha.

  “Yes, even when I told him about my fight with my mother, he hardly reacted. He seems to be content.”

  “What do you mean?” Nicole was alarmed about the fight. She believed that fights never solved anything. She was the type of person who would rather discuss a situation first and then decide on the solution. But she knew that Sasha was up against another kind of parent than were most of the kids. “What happened?” Then she regretted asking. “No, don’t tell me.” She didn’t want to know.

  “Anyway, I have made up my mind to go see the Millers tomorrow and give it a try; we’ll see what happens.”

  “Mr. Miller, I would like to ask you if you would let me work at the store part time. Do you think it would be possible?” She could tell that he was thinking it over. George was afraid of having confrontations with Susanne Lambert.

  But Sasha waited patiently. She was aware of what the man was probably thinking about and she couldn’t blame him if he declined her request. “I would like to work on cash, but if you think you could use me somewhere else, that would be all right as well.” But since the man was not making a move, she panicked.

  Finally, he spoke. “First of all, we don’t really need anybody right now, but closer to Christmas we could use extra part-time help.” Sasha waited for him to continue. “However, if you start training right now, perhaps we could have you jump right in when the season opens. Let me have a talk with my wife, since she is in charge of the money end of the business.” He gave her a wink and stepped into the front entrance as if to dismiss her for now, but Sasha jumped toward him and gave him a big hug. Then she disappeared. She felt totally exhilarated and she couldn’t wait to tell her brother all about it.

  Later that day, Mrs. Miller told Dominic that she would like a word with him.

  “Are you aware that your sister wishes to work here at the store?”

  “Yes, Mrs. Miller; in fact, I am quite sure that she has been wanting to work here ever since I started.” He had hoped that their mother was going to discourage her from asking for the job. He was not about to tell the Millers what his mother thought of it. He felt it would be too hard on Sasha to work as well as going to school, not to mention the extras at home that were bound to develop. At the same time, he knew that his sister was quite determined and actually quite strong when it came to perseverance, if necessary.

  “Can I be completely honest with you?” Mrs. Miller asked him.

  “Yes, of course.” He was aware of what was on her mind.

  “What is your mother going to think if we hire your sister? I wouldn’t want to come between you and her. I don’t wish to cause any bad feelings. Your mother is a customer here and she deserves respect accordingly.” She was being polite to the point of creating uneasiness in Dominic. After all, Susanne had no
t shopped at the store ever since Dominic started working there; and, after the little incident between her and Anna Miller, she wished that her son would quit working there.

  “My mom can be difficult at times, but Sasha and I realize that we must take a whole lot of responsibility for ourselves, because Mother can’t do it. As for hiring Sasha; I can’t tell you what to do. It is your store and whatever you decide will be okay. Now, I have to finish a few things before I go home.” He was hoping to avoid more questions regarding his mother at school and at work. He carried the weight of his parents to school as well as to his work, all the time. His eyes filled with tears of frustration around the tragedy that plagued both him and Sasha. Mrs. Miller dismissed him with a nod and went back to her office.

  When Dominic got home that night, Sasha was excited and told him all about her talk with Mr. Miller. Dominic never mentioned the talk he’d had with Mrs. Miller.

  The next day, Mrs. Miller told Dominic to ask his sister to come in and if she still wants the job, she can start training after school or on the weekend. When he told Sasha, she cried happy tears. She ran to the store and right into Mrs. Miller’s office. She burst in and quickly thanked Mrs. Miller for sending the good news. She had already decided to work hard to prove herself to them.

  “Well, Sasha, we could use a friendly girl like you at the cash. So if you wish, you can start training this coming Saturday, while Marianne is on cash. She will show you all there is to know, and I am sure you can handle it.”

  In the meantime, Susanne, who was sitting in the front room by the window, saw her daughter running off somewhere. She asked Dominic what his sister was doing.

  Dominic had a hard time answering her question. Needless to say, that prompted Susanne to get very angry, without knowing whom to get angry with. Luckily, Sasha took little time getting back and she was bursting with pride for landing her very first job, ever. She told Dominic about it and, even though he was busy studying, he took the time to be happy with her.

  “Now all you have to do is tell Mom about it. Good luck with that. If you need any help, let me know.” He then proceeded to try to untangle a Canadian history quiz, which had to be handed in before the weekend.

  Susanne was by now upstairs in her bedroom looking for something in her dresser drawer.

  “Mom, do you have a minute? I have something to tell you, but promise not to get angry before you hear the whole story, will you?

  “You know how I always nag you for different things and you always answer how we don’t have the money —”

  “Sasha, don’t even go there.”

  “Mom, I asked you to please let me explain first, before you jump to any conclusions and discourage me for no reason. Mom, please!” She waited, but it was obvious that her mother was on the verge of one of her usual temper tantrums. Now, they both looked at each other tensely. “I have applied for the job at the store.”

  Susanne pretended not to hear her.

  “I wonder if you would let me work part time at the Millers’ store. They have agreed to hire me, but I’m sure they would be more comfortable if you didn’t mind.” Sasha quite expected to be slapped across the face for getting a job without her mother’s permission. But there was no getting anywhere with her mother; she’d had to try the hard way in order to start participating as a family member. Sasha often acted as a silly girl but she was actually quite grown up for her age. She just acted that way in order to keep the peace in the family. She had particularly changed after that visit to her father’s place. She realized that her father cared about them only when he needed them.

  A long time seemed to pass before Susanne spoke.

  “So, both of you have betrayed me.” She was shaking and had no answer for the moment and Sasha waited for more confrontation. “What makes you think they will want you, since you are my daughter?”

  Sasha was lost for the moment but refused to give in. “Mom, you haven’t heard a thing I have said, except that I want to work there. The Millers have hired me already. They have no problem with me being your daughter. So, do I have your blessing?” She looked at her mother with pleading eyes. “I promise to keep my grades in good order and I will be much happier.”

  “I will think about it. Now help me find your birth certificate. I have been looking for it for days, and there is no sign of it anywhere.” She appeared to be truly upset. Sasha was a bit taken with all this. Her mother hadn’t reacted to the news of her new-found job but was panicked over the loss of the certificate.

  What she didn’t know was that her father had been complaining about not seeing her. He had called Susanne and threatened her with exposing his suspicions regarding Sasha unless he had more rights over her. It was pretty obvious what Larry was all about. At the same time, Susanne tried to avoid the blackmail that Larry was threatening her with. Things were getting out of hand, and Barb Preston’s suspicions were being confirmed. She had long suspected that Larry had something on his ex-wife, or he wouldn’t be able to manipulate her as much as he did. No wonder Susanne was such a mess. It was not easy for her to deal with her illness as well as her past.

  It would appear that Susanne had hidden Sasha’s birth certificate for a reason, or she wouldn’t have to worry about it now, all of a sudden. Sasha tried to help but she was in too much turmoil. After all, the girl did try to do the right thing by asking her mother’s permission. Surely she deserved an answer? She managed to ask why the sudden interest in finding her certificate; on the other hand, she, too, wanted to find it in case she would be needing it at some point.

  “Mom, I promise to help you find it tomorrow but please answer me regarding this job.”

  However, the answer was not forthcoming; not that night. Sasha left the room and went to tell Dominic what had happened. She also told him about the lost certificate. To which, Dominic replied: “There is a mystery about your certificate. Mom and Father have had many arguments over it. You must be very special, which obviously does not apply to me.” He gave her a look of mock envy to put her at ease. Dominic had (in the past) heard some things that had made him suspicious but he was never to make a case of it. It was something he did not want to know about. He loved his little sister, and nothing was ever going to change that.

  Friday arrived, and Dominic handed in his finished quiz during his first class, and after that, he was able to relax. While Sasha still waited for her mother’s answer regarding her job, she felt very grown up, but the excitement was being tainted with anxiety due to her mother’s difficult temperament.

  After school, her brother told her to be patient, for her mother simply wanted attention. She needs to be asked once more; which Sasha did.

  “You will be sorry about rushing into a job while you are still in school. It is not easy to do both, you know. My advice is to continue your education and work later. But have it your own stubborn way!”

  “Oh, Mom, does that mean that I have your blessing?” And before Susanne could change her mind, Sasha was off and singing all the way to the store.

  “Hi, Mrs. Miller; what time do you want me here tomorrow?”

  “Eight o’clock in the morning,” Mrs. Miller answered with a friendly smile.

  “I’ll be here. Thank you again!” Then she was on her way, to tell everybody and anybody who would listen.

  The first was Henry: “I am very proud of you, my dear. You are going to be successful someday, because you don’t do anything halfway. You know what you want and you are not afraid to fight for it.” As she left to tell the others, Henry smiled, with some reservations: How is the poor thing going to handle school, as well as her job?

  “Guess what, Nicole? You are no longer the only girl around here to be working. I start at the store tomorrow. I can’t wait. And, my mother is not even against it.”

  “Hold that thought, Sasha. But I am very happy for you.” She gave Sasha a big hug of encouragement. Later, Nicole told Olivia about Sasha’s new venture. All she got back was: “Good for her.” Olivia
seemed to be concentrating on something else. She was known for being rude at times and she could not understand how anyone could possibly think of her that way. As far as she was concerned, she was much too important and busy to be bothered about other people’s problems.


  The Prestons had settled into a fairly nice routine. Sam and his brother-in-law were now out of any financial danger with the start of their new business. They worked hard and deserved good results. The only thing that could have gone wrong at the time was having some major problems with the trucks; but so far they had been lucky.

  Needless to say, Sam had missed quite a few of Trevor’s hockey games. But Trevor was so busy bragging about his father having a Big Rig that he forgot to complain about his absence. That meant Barb had to step in and fill her husband’s shoes. What else is new? The problem was, she was getting so overwhelmed with her workload at home as well as at her office that she needed help.

  “Olivia, do you think you could give me a hand with some filing? I have to have order, or things will be neglected and left behind. I can’t afford to get to the filing. My clients need me.”

  “Oh, Mom, I don’t like that kind of work. Office work is boring; at least for me.” She had quickly hidden something that she was looking at when her mother entered the room. She always had a streak of privacy in her. She called it being reserved. To the others, it was just weird. But there was some truth in it all. She was by nature somewhat reserved.

  “Well, Trevor, that leaves you to help me,” Barb joked.

  “What do you mean?” Trevor shouted. “I’m not a girl, to be working in an office and doing that kind of stuff.” He was quite comical by now. He was a man’s man, so don’t bother him about girl stuff. They all laughed at that one.

  Sam chipped in, “Livy, why don’t you give your mother a hand with her overload? After all, you are not exactly busy. Your mother is running out of energy, cleaning, cooking, helping with Trevor’s hockey, and on top of it doing full-time office work. Not to mention running a business.”


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