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Alpha's Claim

Page 13

by 10 Author Anthology

  Nerissa’s father looked him up and down. “Just because you found a treasure does not mean you can keep it.”

  A low rumble worked its way up Jakob’s chest and out through his nostrils. I will keep my animal reined in, he thought, measuring his next words with care.

  “Treasures soon lose their sparkle if they are not kept in the right setting to make them shine.” While they battled with words Jakob’s other half was stamping at him in frustration, wanting physical action and, more specifically, to carry Nerissa off again so that it was just the two of them.

  Her father seemed inclined to argue. “Nerissa is one of the most beautiful treasures of the sea. It is not her setting; it is part of her, as she is part of it. The sea is where she belongs.” He spoke with pride and confidence.

  Pride cometh before a fall. Still gripping the other man’s hand Jakob lowered his head slightly, as if readying to charge, and took a step forward so that his chest was inches away from Nerissa’s father’s. “She belongs to me. Look at her skin. The pleasure I give her, gives her the sea wherever she is.”

  Nerissa’s father pulled back, and Jakob held his hand a moment before letting go. The other man looked towards where Nerissa stood with her mother, scrutinizing his daughter. When they had first arrived they had been quick to embrace, too quickly for Nerissa’s father to really see her. Now his face paled as he detected the signs of Jakob’s touch upon her.

  “She is mine,” Jakob said his tone implacable. “I am her home now, as she is mine, and if you do not respect that you will not be invited to visit.” Jakob folded his arms across his chest and challenged the other man with his stare. The other man could not hold his gaze and Jakob couldn’t keep the ruthless smile of triumph off his face.

  Nerissa and her mother came over to join the two men clearly sensing the tension. “Is something wrong?” Nerissa asked placing a hand on Jakob’s back, stroking him through his t-shirt. The fact that she came to his side and offered him her touch was enough to soothe the hairs down his back that had stood on end.

  “I was just about to tell Jakob what a lovely place he has here, so far inland.” Nerissa’s father spoke first, turning to face her. “It must be perfect for him, although I already feel a little homesick for the sea. You must be keen to get home, darling. Perhaps your mother and I can get a drink of water and freshen up, and we can be on our way.”

  Jakob growled, but before he could speak or act Nerissa stepped between him and her father. “But I’m not leaving, Papa,” she said.

  Jakob reached for her, pulling her to him, cupping her shoulders and holding her close, physically confirming both his agreement with her words and his possession. .

  “Not leaving, what by the sea do you mean, Nerissa?” Jakob winced at the shrillness of Nerissa’s mother’s voice whilst thinking with fierce pleasure, She meant exactly what she said.

  “You know that the reason Jakob found me is he heard my song. He heard my song when I couldn’t sing.” Each word was carefully enunciated as Nerissa spoke.

  Nerissa’s mother brought her hand to her mouth, a tear slipping from the pool of moisture that had been welling in her eyes since seeing her daughter again.

  “You can’t be away from the sea.” The set of Nerissa’s father’s face was stubborn.

  “Papa, I know you must be scared of losing me having only just found me again, and you may not want to hear this, but I don’t think I could bear to live by the sea again, just yet.” A look of pain crossed her father’s face, and Jakob admired Nerissa’s determination in continuing. “I couldn’t escape the sea for several months. I cannot stomach any more seawater. It no longer feels like my home. Jakob does. He is my song mate. I love him.”

  Jakob interpreted song mate to mean soul mate. It was how he already recognized Nerissa in his heart.

  However, having lived in a world shared with humans his whole life he was also thrilled to hear her say she loved him. He loved her after all.

  “I love you,” he said spinning her around in his arms so she could look up at him and see his heart in his eyes.

  Nerissa smiled her happiness back. Her mouth stretched wide before falling open as she laughed. She laughed so fully that Jakob began to wonder if he was missing the joke. Then he heard it, a humming in his heart, and he knew she was singing for him, even if it was a bit broken from laughing. The tune was recognizable, and Jakob could guess the words that were making Nerissa laugh: “Jakob and Nerissa sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g.” He couldn’t help bursting into laughter himself. A cough brought his attention to the fact that Nerissa and he had forgotten they had an audience. Forgetting other people around them could easily become a habit.

  A rueful look on his face, Nerissa’s father tapped her on the shoulder and opened his arms to her. Still laughing she stepped into them as he said, “I guess your mother and I will have to find somewhere to rent nearby.” Over Nerissa’s head he glared a Jakob.

  Given that he had won Nerissa Jakob didn’t care if the other man remained vexed with him. He would just have to learn that Jakob and Nerissa couldn’t be separated and that Jakob was now the one that had Nerissa’s loyalty.

  “I am so pleased for you both,” Nerissa’s mother said, seemingly oblivious or choosing to ignore any lingering resentment her husband might feel. Her tears of happiness were free flowing as she took a turn hugging her daughter.

  “Besides, Papa,” Nerissa said looking over her shoulder. “Do you not want to stay close so that I can show you the man that caught me? The man that imprisoned me as if I were no more than a pet.” Bitterness laced Nerissa’s tone despite the fact she teased her father. She clearly had not forgotten her desire for revenge.

  Well neither had Jakob. He had a plan, or he would have as soon as reinforcements arrived. “Come, let us sit down and talk about these matters.” As long as Nerissa’s father respected Jakob’s authority they could all be civil.

  In fact, Nerissa’s father looked like he could do with a drink of water to take the red from out of his cheeks, so being a good host Jakob led them over to the breakfast bar and poured them all some water before he spoke “Last night I made a call to the head of the EDP. A meeting will be convened for later today. Jon Liselle will pay, but he is a powerful man with friends in places higher than those he himself occupies. We will need to tread carefully, and we will need help.”

  Jakob looked at Nerissa as he held a stool out for her to sit on. “Are we agreed?” He wanted her to have her freedom, but where it concerned her safety she would need to listen.

  “Yes.” She nodded, before smiling up at him, reassuring him with her acquiescence. “We creatures of the sea are not impatient. We are content to watch the infinitesimal changes wrought by the tide. I endured my captivity, and it was worth it to be rescued by you, Jakob. I am happy to take the time to plan Liselle’s demise, even if it is from a distance, especially as there may be other creatures at risk. I doubt I was the only one he kept.”

  Jakob chose to stand behind Nerissa’s seat rather than taking his own. “You are probably right. I have head last night’s party was cleared quickly after alarms went off in the building. They are saying someone tried to break into Liselle’s safe, and that no one, not even the police, are allowed access to the building while they make sure it is secure and investigate. If there were any more captives in that building I suspect they will be moved soon enough. Liselle has multiple properties.”

  “They will not target you?” There was a quiver in Nerissa’s delicate voice.

  “Maybe.” Jakob didn’t want to be anything but honest with Nerissa. “But the EDP will offer us protection, and we will do nothing that further endangers you.. You must listen if I say it is important to do something.”

  “Of course, and my family will do whatever they can to help.”

  Nerissa looked expectantly at her father, who nodded and said, “As long as I am sure you are safe.”

  Jakob nodded at Nerissa’s father when he looked at hi
m. At least they were all agreed that Nerissa’s safety was the most important thing. Her safety first and foremost—then revenge. The desire for revenge may not be a pretty emotion, and you could dress it up as justice and protecting the vulnerable, but ultimately Jakob would break Liselle for capturing and hurting Nerissa.

  As he had already told Nerissa there was nothing he would not do for her. He would pledge his life to protecting and loving her.

  And as soon as her parents left to find somewhere to stay, which he would be strongly encouraging them to do next, he would be taking Nerissa straight back to bed, to show her his love. Revenge could wait ‘til the afternoon and the scheduled meeting. Loving Nerissa could not.

  In fact why wait for her parents to leave when he could simply pick her up off the stool and carry her straight back to bed?

  “Jakob, what are you doing?” Nerissa gasped when he scooped her up ready to follow through on his unvoiced intentions.

  “I hope it will become clear,” he whispered in her ear, teasing her, before speaking in the direction of her parents, who were still seated and wearing gratifyingly astonished looks on their faces. “It was lovely to meet you. Let yourselves out. If you want to come back for the meeting at two this afternoon, do. We’ll be a little bit busy ‘til then.”

  To Nerissa he said, “You, my treasure, are coming with me. I need to show you how much I love you. It has been far too long since we were skin to skin and I was inside you.”

  Holding her carefully in his arms Jakob strode to the bedroom with purpose.


  Nerissa breathed a sigh of contentment and anticipation. What else was there for her to do?

  “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Mathew 6: 21

  The End


  Elyzabeth M. VaLey

  Copyright© 2014

  Chapter One

  Markus Topponiem tugged at the cuffs of his white shirt, adjusting it. He crossed his right leg over the left, resting the ankle on the knee. His hands on his lap, he waited. His gaze slid around the room, and his cock twitched in expectation of what he hoped was to come. His heart thundered in his chest, following the lead of his male organ and anticipating the thing that could change his life forever.

  However, even though nerves danced across every pore in his flesh, he played the part of calm and relaxed. No one who saw him could have guessed that he was on the verge of breaking down. Naturally aloof, as was usual among his species, he had been taught from a young age that expressing emotions openly was risky. His mother’s early death had made him unnaturally cold, and his ability to remain poised and under control in any situation had, not surprisingly, earned him nicknames such as “Ice King” or “Cold Hearted”. Animals didn’t hunt by being rash and irrational; they sat and waited. Everything in life, including the building of financial empires, did well to follow the same rule. Sit, wait, and strike when the prey was weakest. With that in mind, he conducted business in what some called a ruthless, heartless way. Perhaps that was why he was single. He hadn’t found the woman who stirred his predatory instincts. Until today.

  Markus glanced at the round bulb on the panel before him. His teeth ground almost painfully. He usually had an immeasurable amount of patience. Unfortunately, tonight it seemed to have worn thin. Once he set his sights on something he wanted, he pursued it relentlessly until he achieved it. He knew what it was he wanted in this dreaded place, but he couldn’t pursue it further, at least, not until he confirmed the thread of doubt dangling in his mind.

  Where was she? Why was she taking so long? Had the greasy man at the counter taken advantage of him? His eyes narrowed, and the sound of his teeth clashing seemed to echo in his head. Abruptly, the little light shone green. His muscles tensed, and perspiration gathered on his brow. She was there.

  Markus hesitated. As he took in a deep breath, the smell of stagnant air, smoke, and God knew what else, caught in his lungs. Bile filled his mouth as he wondered how many men had ejaculated before him in the same filthy chair he sat on. How many had taken their fill of her? How many had she entertained? Swallowing down the bitter fluid, he pushed the unsavory thoughts away. This was no place for her. This was no place for him. This dump in the worst part of the city was not his usual choice of venue when he had the need for entertainment. There were better places. Places that smelled of roses and had leather chairs not broken down ones.

  “Easy, Markus.”

  He closed his eyes and willed his limbs to relax. He still wasn’t sure that it was really her. Yet, he could feel her behind the glass window and the closed curtain. His beast prowled inside of him. If he listened carefully, he could hear her heart. Her pulse was slow and steady. Clearly, she had done this countless times. Markus’s eyes snapped open, a growl of distaste sticking in his throat.

  He needed to see her and make sure. Reaching for his wallet, he picked out a coin. Running his index finger over the edge, he leaned toward the electric panel and inserted the coin. The machine whirred and clicked as the coin slid into place. The panel lighted up asking him to pick his song of choice. Having browsed through the song booklet earlier, he punched in the number of one of his favorite tunes.

  Little by little, the gaudy red curtain spread apart. His breath hitched, and he felt the twitch in his jaw go off. A bright spotlight shone on the stage in the room behind the glass. She leaned against the dancing pole nonchalantly, blue hair hanging over her face like a curtain, restricting his view of her face. His animal didn’t need to see her features, though. It was pacing, pulling against him in frenzy at the sight of her. She was it then. She was his girl.

  The girl in question began swaying her hips seductively as the song he’d picked began to stream over the audio system. Her skimpy black latex outfit hugged her body in a vise as she moved to the electric rhythm. He tried to catch a glimpse of her face, but she kept her head down, moving it from side to side as she danced with wild abandon. On cue, she altered her dance moves, walking around the pole like a cat on the hunt. Markus uncrossed his legs, the position becoming uncomfortable as his cock filled with blood and hardened. Nimbly, the woman surprised him by bringing her arm around the pole and lifting her body in a sort of inverted V pose. She threw back her head, her hair falling back and giving him an unimpeded view of her face as she turned it toward the window.

  “Shit,” he swore. His erection grew stiffer, the pull on his loins a sure signal.

  He kept his eyes on her as she rotated around the pole and gracefully slid down. Her hips twisted from side to side as the last chords of the song blasted through the speakers. She leaned against the pole, her hair covering her face once more as the song ended. Markus blinked. Adjusting his cock, he sat there for a few minutes in stunned silence. She had to know as he did. If he could feel her presence across the window, so could she. After all, with those icy blue eyes she had to be a snow leopard like him.

  That would explain why he’d followed her to this hell-hole. He had no need for dank, stinky rooms and women dancing like caged birds. All he had to do was make a few calls and he could have any woman he wanted dancing in his apartment on his living room floor. His lip curled in displeasure. No, not any woman would do. Only she, and he had the distinct impression that if circumstances superior to them did not bind them, she would have declined such an offer. At least, that’s what her stage name suggested. After all, you didn’t call yourself “Frost Princess” for nothing. She had to do something to deserve such a frivolous name, but what? It wasn’t her dancing. Her movements were a far cry from cold and stiff. On the contrary, she reminded him of fire: graceful, sensual, hot, wild, passionate. She had fire in her veins that burst into untamed flames as she danced. His cock jumped as he wondered where else she was untamed. In bed, he hoped. A sly smile crossed his face as the green light bulb went off again. She was ready for dance two, and so was he.

  Picking out anothe
r coin, he quickly dropped it into the machine and chose another song. His heart contracted, and his skin crawled with excitement. Markus clenched his teeth, fighting back the animal. Not yet.

  The curtain slid to the side. His fangs popped out at the sight of her. Like a wanton leopard, she was on all fours, her flawless face so close to the glass he could see the dilatation of her pupils. He knew that she couldn’t see him, yet her impressive blue eyes seemed to bore into him. Markus shivered as his fingers brushed the cool glass. Frost Princess rolled to one side, the spell disappearing as the music took over the rooms. She arched her back, creating a bridge, lifted her leg up high in the air and twisted, coming to her feet with barely any effort. Mesmerized, Markus followed as she executed several complicated moves on the pole without breaking a sweat.

  She teased him, running her hands over the swell of her breasts, over her flat abs and down to her crotch. He growled. Her breasts were a handful, her nipples already hard and tight, ready for his mouth. She crouched, spreading her legs wide. He couldn’t tell from this side of the glass if she was wet. He sure as hell hoped she was as aroused as he was. Bringing her legs back together, she rolled into all fours. Like a cat stalking its prey amid long grass, she crawled toward the window. Markus’s breath hitched.

  “Look up, princess.”

  The final drum beat and she lifted her head. Markus hissed. Her eyes had contracted and narrowed to a slit like point, the blue fading into an almost pale grey.

  Passion coursed through every cell in his body. Calmly, he brought out a third coin. One last song and he’d fetch her. It was three songs per customer, and then they had to split. He did not intend to leave, at least, not without her. He’d made sure of that when he had thrown a wad of bills at the guy at the front desk and asked to have the blue-haired girl at his disposal all night.

  Inserting the shiny silver coin, he picked another favorite tune. This one started out fast and then slowed to become a ballad that spoke of loss and surrender. The curtain rolled to the side.


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