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Scarred: A Mountain Man Romance

Page 29

by J. R. Ryder

  The elevator doors closed with a muted thud. Now, we were stuck in this small space for 34 floors down to the garage.

  Already, I could sense the excitement in the air, practically tasting her lust. There was no doubt that she wanted me – that she wanted something to happen from this encounter. I should have figured it out sooner. Life would have been so much easier if I had paid attention to the sexy woman in front of me all along instead of chasing skirts.

  I wasn’t going to make things easy for her.

  I stood against the wall, a casual expression on my face, pretending like the sight of her body wasn’t driving me wild. Subtly, I stole a glance down her shirt, drinking in the sight of her perfect cleavage, large and delicious.

  “Um… are you sure this is a good idea?” She spoke up, looking at me with those blazing green eyes of hers. I wanted nothing more than to take her by the cheeks, pull her close, and kiss her lips – to taste just how sweet she was.

  “Yes,” I answered. “We both need the company.” Gently, I pinned a strand of hair behind her ear, fingers lingering on her skin. “Besides, how can I sleep with myself knowing that I allowed a beautiful woman to go home by herself?” I leaned forward, watching the slight shifts in her face. Cheeks painted in red. Eyes widening. Her whole body tensed, breath hitched in her throat, just waiting for me to make a move.

  We both wanted this.


  as soon as the doors opened, I grabbed her hand and guided her toward the garage. We walked in silence, her heels clicking against the asphalt. Her palm was hot against mine, and I could almost feel the pulse of her heart through her skin.

  What was I doing? I wondered. Tanya was my best employee. If I messed this up, I’d be up a creek without a paddle. Yet, I couldn’t stop myself. We had delayed this much too long. It would be impossible to stay away – I couldn’t wait until the Christmas Ball. I couldn’t keep pretending that there was nothing between us.

  Once we arrived at my car, I opened the passenger door for her, easing her into the seat. She reached up to grab her seatbelt, but I beat her to it. Our hands collided, electricity sparking between our fingers as our eyes locked, faces gravitating together like a couple of magnets. I nearly succumbed to the pull but managed to keep my head. Not yet. I needed to play this just right…

  Slowly, I buckled her in, allowing myself to tease her just a bit as my fingers danced across her exposed thigh.

  Still looking up at me, her legs spread, hip thrusting upwards ever so slightly. I don’t even think she was conscious of what she was doing. Her body wanted me that badly.

  I smirked.

  Oh, this was going to be fun.

  Eventually, I pulled away, rounded the car, and got behind the wheel. A second later, I sped out of the garage now eager to get her into my home. The things I wanted to do with her – to her – were already buzzing around my mind like a swarm of gnats. I had no doubt I’d make her scream by the end of the night. My smirk deepened, imagining her in an array of different positions moaning and squirming with pleasure. I’d be the man she’d never forget.

  As I drove, she looked out the window but now and then she snuck a look in my direction, thinking I wasn’t looking. She bit her lip, fingers tightening around the seat as I weaved through traffic.

  I never adhered to the speed limit. It would be a travesty to keep a Lamborghini at an agonizing 65. Fuck that. If I’m not pushing the limits of what my engine can do, I’m not going fast enough.


  “Hmm?” I looked over at her, tilting my head in question. “Is something wrong?”

  “You just passed the exit to my part of town.”

  “Of course I did,” I answered, voice smooth, one hand comfortably on the steering wheel, the other on the transmission. I thought about resting a hand on her thick thigh, to give it a little squeeze just to see how she would react at the same time, I did not doubt that she was already nice and wet underneath that skirt of hers. Hell, I could practically smell her lust, fogging up the air, making it as thick and sweet as nectar. I considered pulling over to the side of the road and having my way with her right then and there. I could nearly taste her on my lips. How much longer would I be able to resist this burning lust inside of me?


  “Did you forget that we would be spending the night together?”

  “No… I… just didn’t think you were serious.” She gulped.

  “Do you want me to bring you home?” I asked even though I knew there was a threat she would say ‘yes’ and ruin the plans I had for the night.

  She hesitated, looking down at the floor to avoid eye contact.

  Damn, she was sexy as hell when she did that. If she kept it up, there was no telling what I’d do…

  “No.” She finally answered, face red with the implications of her answer.

  I smirked. “Good.” This time, I moved my hand onto her thigh, watching her tense at my touch. She looked at me, uncertainty in her eyes but desire written everywhere else. It was obvious that she was having a hard time accepting that I wanted her but she would have no doubt about my intentions by the end of the night.

  One way or another, this girl would be mine.

  as I continued to drive, I passed even the exit to my own home. I had a better idea brewing in my mind.

  Tanya did not say a word.

  Neither did I.

  The air around us thickened with our unspoken emotions.

  Soon, I got on an off-ramp that led to the northern part of town. I navigated through the streets with ease, finally arriving in front of a large iron gate that loomed overhead like an ominous monster. With a press of a button from my phone, the gate opened, creaking loudly. I would need to get the maintenance man to oil the hinges.

  “Where are we going?” Tanya asked, squinting at the sign posted on the gate.

  “Just wait.” I grinned at her curiosity. If she wasn’t careful, she might get hurt, especially around a man like me.

  Even Tanya could not sit still. She shimmied to the edge of her seat, hands on the dash, looking out the windshield with awestruck eyes.

  As soon as the water came into view, her eyes widened, mouth hanging agape in disbelief.

  I’ll admit, the view is truly spectacular, especially with the moon hanging overhead, turning the waves into a chariot of racing stars that crashed into the wet sand. To the left was a small cottage, tastefully decorated with Christmas lights, reindeer on the roof, and of course, a wreath on the door. The trees on either side of the entrance housed sparkling ornaments that shone brighter with the headlights.

  “Is this where you live…?” She asked in disbelief.

  “No.” I chuckled. “This is where I come to relax. Welcome to my private beach.”

  “You have a private beach?” She spat, looking at me, eyes bugging out of her skull. “You’re kidding me.”

  “Why would I?” I leaned forward, hand cupping her cheek. “I thought you might want to enjoy this little Christmas getaway. I never get to share it with anyone else.”

  “But… why me?” She glanced at the cottage, fingers tugging at a loose thread in her skirt. “I don’t understand why you would bring me here.”

  “You deserve it,” I answered without hesitation. “You’ve worked hard for me for many years. It’s about time I show you my… appreciation.” I purred the word, gauging her reaction.

  Almost on cue, her cheeks turned a shade darker as her gaze fell to her lap, a bashful expression painting her face. I loved how this woman could be fiery one minute and shy the next. It made me want to keep her in my arms forever – to learn her ever tick and kink – to make love to her – to make her scream.

  I was getting ahead of myself. One thing at a time.

  I got out of the car, opening her door and helping her to her feet. Without thinking, I laced our fingers together.

  She squeezed my hand, following me toward the cottage. Silence wrapped around us like a warm blanket
. Typically, when I was alone with a woman, she filled every moment of quiet with incessant chatter, but Tanya was different. She seemed to be soaking in the scene, taking in everything with those bright green gems she called eyes.

  God, it seemed like every time I looked at her, she managed to become even more beautiful.

  How was that possible?

  Soon, we were on the back porch. It was built like a pedestal that overlooked the ocean, making anyone who stood there feel like royalty. “Do you want anything to drink?” I asked, arms wrapped around her waist, bodies pressed together as we leaned against the railing. I don’t know how we ended up in that position, but it was a natural progression, like two puzzle pieces that came together by accident.

  My lips were close to her neck, tempting me to lean down and leave behind a trail of kisses. Her scent wafted up to my nose, sweet and intoxicating. Between my legs, my dick came to life. I wondered how long it would take Tanya to notice and if she would say anything in response.

  “N-No…” She whispered.

  “Are you sure? There should be a couple of wine coolers in the fridge. Don’t be shy. I don’t mind if you drink. We aren’t at work anymore. Just relax…” I tightened my grasp around her waist, loving how curvy she was. Holding a woman with substance was nice. It sure beat the model-thin girls I had dated – or rather, fucked – in the past.

  “I’m fine.” She said, voice soft and shaky.

  “Do you want me to let go?”

  “No.” This time, her answer was immediate.

  I smiled, resting my head on her shoulder, looking out at the water.

  If this had been anyone else, we would have been in bed by now, but with Tanya, things felt different. I wanted to make her comfortable – to make the night unforgettable and… romantic.

  I didn’t know where this impulse had come from but being alone with Tanya made me feel like a whole new man – someone who wanted to please and impress.

  “You know, I used to come here when I was a teenager. Whenever my father would upset me, I’d sneak over the gates and sit by the water. As soon as I could afford it, I bought the property from him. It’s still my private hideout.”

  “Why’d you bring me here?”

  “I already told you.”


  I turned her head, so we were looking at one another, noses touching, eyes locked. “Because I wanted to.” My answer was simple but true.

  There was just something about her that made me want to hold her a little tighter, to show her the world, to make her heart pound.

  I had a plan for her, but it was starting to be so much more than that.

  At that moment, something inside me changed.

  Chapter 7 (Tanya)

  We looked at each other for a long time – so long that it felt like the entire world had come to a screeching halt. My heart had even stopped, my lungs burning for air as I held my breath.

  I was so sure that he was going to kiss me, but all too soon he pulled away.

  “Everett, be honest with me,” I spoke with a level voice, trying to appear confident despite the confusing swirl of emotions inside of my head.


  “Is it just me or is there something going on here?”

  He smirked, his devilish blue eyes sparkling like a pair of diamonds I’d never be able to afford. “I was wondering when you’d say something.” He leaned forward, lips pursed for a kiss, but at the very last moment, he turned his head, pressing his lips against my neck instead.

  I gasped, a surge of electricity firing through my spine, settling right between my thighs.

  His lips lingered there for a moment before moving to my ear, nibbling on the lobe.

  I shivered, feeling his hands settle on the small of my back.

  Was this really happening or was I just inside a dream?

  “I need something from you.” He whispered, voice silken and seductive.

  I nearly fell for it, but I managed to keep a grasp on reality. He needed something. Of course. I should have seen this coming. All this teasing and flirting was just a leeway into a favor. Everett didn’t want a girl like me.

  “What is it?” I asked, almost afraid of the answer.

  “I need you to have my baby.”


  I blinked, waiting to wake up in my bed but I never did.

  Somehow, this was real.

  it couldn’t be.

  “Um… What did you say?” My lips felt incredibly dry as I asked him to repeat himself. Certainly, I had just misheard him.

  “I need you to have my baby.” He said once more as if it were the most normal thing in the world.

  “You’re kidding, right?” Quickly, I pulled away from his hold, fleeing to the opposite side of the porch.


  I shook my head. “That’s crazy. You have to be joking.”

  “I'm serious.” He stood up straight, adjusting his cufflinks.

  “What the heck. Where did this come from?”

  “Look. I’m not getting any younger, and I want to continue my legacy. I’m not going to wait any longer for the right girl to walk into my life. At this point, I don’t even know if that’s possible.” He sat down, a dark shadow passing over his features, lips pressed into a hard line. “ I need a donor.”

  My head spun. Surely, this could not be happening. Was he downright insane?

  “ what do you say?”

  I ran my fingers through my hair, taking a deep breath to try and steady myself. “I just don’t understand…”

  “What is there to understand? You’re capable. Attractive. From the looks of it, you have childbearing hips.”

  “Childbearing hips?” I repeated. I couldn’t believe we were having this conversation.


  I stared at him. “How long have you been planning to ask me this?”

  “For a while now.”

  Slowly, I lowered myself onto a nearby chair, legs turning to jelly.

  “Does it bother you?”

  That was the problem. The idea was crazy and yet, a part of me felt pure joy at the thought of carrying this man’s baby. What the hell was wrong with me?

  “No…” I admitted, blushing deeply. “I just don’t understand why you’d pick me. I mean, you’re a billionaire. You could pay anyone to have your baby. You could find someone better…” Before I could continue, he cut me off with a kiss.

  It came so suddenly that it took me by surprise. One second, we were sitting on two different chairs and the next, he pulled me onto my feet, his lips dancing against mine. His grip was tight on my arms, holding me close as passion radiated between us, getting hotter and hotter with each passing second.

  My head turned to mush as I melted against him.

  Damn. I never thought anything could feel this good. My heart was beating so hard that it threatened to burst from my chest at any moment.

  Just when it felt as though my lungs were going to give out, he pulled away, looking deep into my eyes. At first, he didn’t say anything. He just continued to look at me as if I were the only girl in the world. For a second, I thought that maybe, just maybe, there could be something real between us.

  “I want you and no one else.” He said, voice firm.

  My heart skipped a beat.

  This was more than just a favor. I was sure of it.

  “I’d pay you handsomely.”

  And then, my daydream shattered.

  What was I thinking? Everett was just making an efficient business choice. As his assistant, I was a perfect choice. He could check on me and make sure everything went as planned. That’s all it was: convenience. Emotions had nothing to do with it.

  I shook my head. “I don’t know…”

  “Would a million be enough?”

  I nearly choked on my tongue. What? Did he just say a million?

  “Of course, I’ll pay for any medical expenses.”

  I just stared at him. What the hell was I su
pposed to do? It felt wrong of me to accept such a lump sum for having someone’s baby – let alone my boss’ baby – at the same time, that kind of money would be more than enough to pay off my student debt. I’d even be able to quit my job as an assistant and pursue my passion for the arts. I thought of my mother. She had always told me to follow my dreams, to never put my paintbrush aside for work I didn’t love. what would she say in this situation?


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