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Under The Hood

Page 12

by Juanita Kees

  Taking a steadying breath, he stood to drop the wrap around her shoulders and ignored the signals his body was transmitting to hers. It was going to be a long night sitting next to her, knowing what she had on under that damn tempting dress. Not to mention having to go to bed alone, tuned in to every movement she made in the room next to his.

  “Let’s get this show on the road,” he said as he strode out the door and down the steps to help her into the car. The problem with SUVs was that it was quite a leg up. Scott found himself closing his eyes and praying for strength as the ruffled skirt slid up her thigh to reveal the lacy top of her hose. He closed the door as soon as her feet were out of harm’s way.

  As he walked around to the driver’s side, he knew he was going to have trouble concentrating on driving. Perhaps he should have let one of the boys drive. It might be safer.

  Thirty minutes later, he negotiated the traffic into the underground car park of the Perth Convention Centre, no less aware of her presence because of the drive. Her perfume filled the cabin, her soft voice teased his ear as she leaned around between the seats for a pep talk on etiquette with the boys. With her legs angled towards him as she turned in the seat, his hand brushed her knee every time he changed gear. And since he never got out of third gear in the city traffic, it was far too often for his comfort.

  By the time they exited the tight confines of the lift, his forehead was beaded with sweat. He could blame the stuffiness of the small space, but with TJ pressed up against him, he had to be honest. He sighed with relief as they entered the hall and the cool blast of the air conditioning greeted him. His hand rested protectively on her hip as he steered her through the crowd.

  They gave their names at the door, and an usher led them to their table. Scott was tempted to switch name tags to rearrange the table so that he sat opposite her instead of next to her, but that would be too obvious, so he sat as she started to remove her wrap from her shoulders.

  “Perhaps you should leave that on. It’s a bit chilly in here. Can’t have you catching a cold and taking a sickie.”

  She draped the wrap over the back of her chair and glanced mockingly at him. “I work in a shop that’s like a wind tunnel in winter. The temperature seldom gets above 2 degrees Celsius for the whole season. I think I can handle a little air conditioning.”

  She sat down next to him. The chairs were tightly packed around the table for the venue to accommodate all the guests, so TJ and Scott had no choice but to sit thigh to thigh. He felt every wiggle and shift throughout dinner as he tried to concentrate on the conversation from the other guests at their table of eight. He wondered whether she felt anything at all.

  “They’re about to start with the awards, Marty,” she said leaning across him to touch Marty’s arm for what felt like the umpteenth time that night. Every time she did, she afforded Scott a tantalising view of her generous, creamy cleavage. “Are you ready?”

  “Yep! This is so cool.” Marty said.

  Scott fiddled with his tie. Cool was not how he’d describe it. Bloody hot if you ask me, he thought.

  “The MTA would like to show their appreciation to the flagship dealer, M & M Motors for their commitment to the Apprenticeship Rehabilitation Program this year. The Certificate for Commitment to Excellence is awarded jointly to Tiffany Stevens and Scott Devin as ambassadors of the program.”

  Scott was grateful that the lights had been dimmed or it could have been an embarrassing moment as he stood up behind TJ to make their way through the tables to the podium to receive their award. He made sure TJ was positioned in front of him as they were asked to stay up there until the next announcement was made.

  “The award for Most Improved Apprentice of the Year goes to Terence ‘Tiny’ Watts, who has shown commitment and endurance to his work over the last few months, achieving a 95% average on his practical tests.”

  They clapped as Tiny made his way to the stage, and Scott couldn’t stem the surge of pride he felt as Tiny’s face beamed.

  “And finally, we are pleased to announce that the Apprentice of the Year Award goes to Martin Petrowski.”

  “Sweet!” yelled Marty as he high-fived guests on the way through.

  Scott shook the boys’ hands as they stood for the group photo. This must be what it felt like to be a father. He wondered whether TJ wanted children of her own or was happy mothering troubled teenagers. He dodged images of her with a swollen belly. No, that was the last thing he wanted to think about right now, he thought, as his body stirred once more.

  “Ladies and gentlemen,” said the presenter as they filed back to their table, “we hope you’ll enjoy our entertainment for tonight. Dessert and coffee will be served soon. While we wait, please take to the dance floor and enjoy.”

  Scott watched a few minutes later as TJ danced energetically with the boys and really wished her skirt was ankle length. Her shoulders glittered under the flashing lights. This was the first time he’d seen her let her guard down completely as she danced and laughed with first Marty, then Tiny.

  Even Tiny was smiling again after a week of grunting and sombre looks. It was at times like this that Scott held out hope that they had indeed helped him turn a corner. But it was TJ that held his gaze, her face alive and her body doing things in time to the music that had him shifting uncomfortably in his chair. Enough, he thought. He pushed through the crowd on the floor and stepped in between her and Marty.

  My turn, he mouthed, knowing he’d never be heard over the noise. Marty nodded and found someone else to dance with. The tempo slowed as Scott took her in his arms. Perfect timing. With only the slightest hesitation, she placed her right hand on his shoulder and her left hand in his.

  They could do little more than sway on the crowded floor, and he held her tightly against him, her hand anchored against his chest. The top of her head only just reached his shoulder even in those impossibly high heels. They did great things for her legs, but how did she walk on the damn things, let alone dance in them?

  His arm tightened. She fit against him like a tailored glove and, this close, she’d know by now how much he appreciated it. Her eyes were fixed on his shoulder as she held herself stiffly, minimizing contact as much as possible in the cramped space. Rhythmically, he stroked her back until she relaxed in his arms.

  God, that felt good, he thought. No one had ever felt as if they belonged in his arms quite like TJ did. With each brush of her body against his, he wished they were alone somewhere where they could enjoy this sensation that flowed between them.

  She turned her head to meet his gaze and the look shining in them like hot coals sent what little blood was left in his brain all the way south. Her lips parted and he saw no reason to waste the opportunity as he lowered his. Sipping, savouring the tender sweetness as he pulled her closer.

  Someone bumped into TJ from behind, breaking the contact. “Sorry!”

  Scott lifted his head and froze. Serena Snow stood less than a foot away, her cold glance snapping between them.

  “Well, well, well! It looks like the great Scott Devin is still up to his old tricks. What did he promise you, love? A car, a house, a … raise?” Serena’s words dropped loudly into the silence as the band went to announce a break. The innuendo rippled through the crowd, whipping heads in their direction. Confident that she had their attention, she eyed TJ critically. “Not quite up to your usual standards, Scott. This one’s a little on the small side.”

  “That’s enough, Serena.” Scott’s voice was low but the edge in it sliced through TJ. It had no effect on Serena.

  “Wait! Let me guess. She’s the one heading up the apprenticeship program and you’re scoring brownie points by funding it. Or maybe she’s putting out in return for a little funding.”

  Scott’s hands went to TJ’s shoulders to move her out of the line of fire, but she dug her heels in.

  “It’s okay, Scott. I’ll get this round.” TJ turned to face the svelte, Nordic blonde, eyeing her with the same disdain she’d dished
out. Before she could speak, Marty pushed his way into the fray.

  “TJ! It’s Tiny. He’s gone.”

  “What? Where?” Anger evaporated as her stomach plummeted.

  “I dunno. He said he was going to the loo, but when I went to look for him, he was gone.”

  “Damn it!” She shoved Serena out of the way.

  Scott had only a split second to enjoy the moment as Serena stumbled over a chair before TJ took off at a run. She stopped only long enough to remove her shoes as he followed closely behind.

  TJ burst through the doors of the Convention Centre and out onto the paved walkway. There was no sign of Tiny.

  “Give me your phone!” Manners fled as panic took hold. The sinking feeling she’d had since the black sedan had approached Tiny at work was now a full blown churning in her stomach. She snatched the phone from Scott’s hand and dialled Mark Johnson’s number. “Tiny’s missing. It’s going down,” she hissed when he picked up.

  “Tell me.” Mark thankfully didn’t waste time with useless words.

  “We’re at the Convention Centre. He went missing about five, maybe ten minutes ago. Said he was going to the loo. I’m out looking now.”

  “Is someone with you? I don’t want you to go looking. Stay where you are until I get there. I’m on my way.”

  TJ heard a rustle and the jangle of his keys down the line. “Well, you’d better hurry because I’m not waiting for you to get here. Marty will be waiting for you at the entrance. Scott’s with me.”

  “Jesus, TJ! Can you please listen for once? You have no idea what you’re dealing wi—”

  TJ snapped the phone shut on his words and tossed it back at Scott. And there, in the middle of the road, she unsnapped her suspenders, rolled off her stockings, balled them up and shoved them in his jacket pocket.

  “No point ruining a good pair of stockings!” She took off at a sprint, not caring whether he followed her or not.

  A quick search of the nearby train station and building alleys delivered nothing. She ran back and down into the basement car park. There were only two exits, so she headed for the main one. As she ran towards the security booth, she saw the tail lights of a familiar black sedan disappear through the boom gate. Too late. Her only hope now was the security camera footage which Mark would ask to see when he got there.

  Scott caught up seconds later. “Any luck?”

  TJ shook her head. “I missed them. The black sedan was here,” she puffed.

  “You couldn’t stop him anyway. You know that. If you had tried, they would have got you too.”

  “Yes, I know that. I should’ve been keeping a closer eye on him.”

  “You can’t watch him 24/7. He’s eighteen now, an adult.”

  Bitterness swept through her as she remembered how they’d celebrated his eighteenth birthday and how happy he’d been. No one had ever baked him a cake before, so the red toolbox cake she’d made had gone down a treat. He’d even hugged her briefly in thanks. Now that memory lay churning in her stomach as dread replaced it in her heart.

  “They’ll kill him.”

  “No they won’t. Come. Mark said he’d meet us upstairs.”

  She rubbed her arms as gooseflesh crawled up them. When Scott’s arm came around her, she didn’t argue.

  “That was quite a shove you gave Serena.” A measure of pride edged his voice as he guided her to the stairwell.

  “Oh, God! Is she really pissed at me? I didn’t mean to shove so hard.”

  Scott considered for a moment. “I think it’s fair to say you have a few more admirers amongst the MTA members tonight. I think there were a few of them that would have done the same.”

  TJ smiled through the fist around her heart. “She’s got a mean mouth on her.”

  “Unfortunately, I don’t think we’ve heard the end of it either.” He let go of her shoulders to slide a hand down her arm and take her hand to help her up the steps. “Your feet must be sore after that sprint.”

  She grimaced. “A little tender, but nothing a good soak won’t fix when we get home.” It sounded so intimate, so normal. But they’d be going home without Tiny.

  “Want me to carry you?”

  She laughed. “I’m not a princess, Scott. I can walk just fine, thanks.” Even if she was limping a little.

  “No, you’re definitely not a princess, but you’d make one hell of a knight in shining armour!”

  They walked out of the stairwell to where Mark stood interviewing witnesses. He spotted them and swiftly finished his round of questioning to meet them halfway.

  “Any luck?” he asked.

  TJ shook her head. “But there should be something on video surveillance.”

  “I’ve got one of the guys looking into it now for us. If he can get a clear look at the registration plate, he’ll run a check, but my guess is they’ll be stolen plates. You okay?”

  TJ nodded. “I’m fine.” Marty came over with her shoes and wrap. “Thanks, mate.”

  Scott placed the wrap around her shoulders as she continued to hold her shoes.

  “We’ll find him, I promise,” said Mark.

  “I know you will. I hope you find him before it’s too late.”

  “We’ll do our best. Go home now. I’ll call you as soon as we have something.”

  TJ nodded, but her stomach churned as a cold chill crept up her spine. She rubbed her arms as Scott led her and Marty back down the stairs to the car.

  “What’s going on, Marty?” she asked as Scott turned the key in the ignition. “You won’t get into trouble and we won’t let anything happen to you. If you know where he’s gone, you really need to tell us.”

  “I swear I don’t know. I told Detective Johnson everything I know. Tiny told me this guy had come to see him at work. No name, an old guy.” Marty paused as his breath hitched. “He wanted Tiny to do a run for him. Tiny told him no.”

  “So what happened tonight?”

  “Like I told you, he said he was going to the loo. He never said anything else, I swear.”

  “It’s okay. I believe you. What was with the look between you two when I mentioned Luke and Connor coming to stay a couple of weeks back?”

  Marty sighed. “It’s just a feeling we have, TJ. About Luke’s dad.”

  “What about Luke’s dad?” Scott prompted.

  “Well, you know how Luke’s always got bruises and stuff? His mum does too. Everyone knows his old man has a temper, but there’s something else too. Like he’s dodgy, you know?”

  “Dodgy how?”

  “We think he might be a supplier.”

  “Jesus, Marty! Have you told Detective Johnson that?” TJ spun around to face him where he sat in the rear between the two front seats.

  “No. If he is and they find out I’ve dobbed, I’m dead.”

  “Is that who you think might have come to see Tiny?”

  “Jeez, I dunno.”

  A thought struck like a lightning bolt. Would a crime boss be that arrogant though? Quite possibly, if he thought he was untouchable. “What car does Luke’s dad drive?”

  “A black one, I think.”

  His words fell like a ton of rock into the sudden silence.

  It took a while for everyone to settle when they arrived home. Scott removed his suit jacket and lit the fire in the stone fireplace. The peaceful flicker of the flames warmed the cold lounge room.

  He settled into the armchair that stood beside it as TJ stretched out on the couch. Sarge wandered in to curl up next to Marty on the floor where he sat with his back against the couch and TJ’s comforting hand on his shoulder. Silence stretched between them as they all reflected on the events of the night in the soothing glow of the fire. Marty wandered off to bed around midnight with a solemn promise to TJ that he wouldn’t run away too.

  “I’m done with it, I swear. I wish Tiny was too,” he said as he disappeared through the door and up the corridor to his room.

  “Coffee?” asked TJ, sitting up to swing her legs to the fl

  “Good idea. I’m guessing sleep is going to be hard to come by tonight.” He picked up his discarded jacket off the arm of the chair and pulled her stockings out of his pocket. “I believe these are yours?”

  She smiled, tiredly. “Yes, unless you have something to confess.”

  He stood to drop them into her outstretched hand with a laugh. “Why don’t you go and take that dress off?”

  “If I was in a better mood, I could take that as an invitation,” she joked. She rubbed Sarge’s ears, sending him into a blissful state as he stared at her adoringly.

  “At any other time, it would be, but right now, coffee and PJs are sounding great.” His body disagreed but he figured pyjamas would be a lot less tempting than the dress and the suspenders she still wore under it. Hopefully her pyjamas were granny style, flannelette that covered her from head to toe. “I’ll put the kettle on.”

  TJ stood and stretched, sending the skirt hiking up to a tempting level. Scott sighed and added a heavy velour dressing gown in an ugly shade of green to his mental image of TJ’s totally unsexy pyjama ensemble.

  He put the kettle on before following her up the corridor to change into his least sexy pair of track pants and comfortable, well-worn college hoodie. When he walked back into the kitchen, she was already there and, although they weren’t flannelette, her pyjamas were boringly decent. Much to his discomfort, Scott found them to be sexier than if she’d turned up in diaphanous negligee.

  She held out the steaming coffee, and he took it gratefully, wrapping his hands around the mug. He followed her back into the lounge where they sat side by side on the couch, sipping silently on their coffee.

  “That was quite a scene Serena caused,” TJ said after a while.

  “I’m sorry she was so rude to you. I had no idea she’d be there.”

  TJ shrugged. “She picked the perfect moment to stage her little drama.”

  “Yes. She’s good at that.”

  “Will her showing up here cause trouble for you with the press?”


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