Broken Halo: Fallen Angels Trilogy, Book One

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Broken Halo: Fallen Angels Trilogy, Book One Page 4

by Marcel, Zoey

  Cassiel knocked the sword out of Nimbus' hand and swiped his own weapon across his face. The blade made contact with the bone above his eyebrow and he felt the gush of blood there. Nimbus clenched his jaw at the sharp, cutting pain and grabbed the place.

  Cassiel said nothing as he disappeared quietly, a calm, avenged expression written on his face. If the angel had been permitted to and if he knew the sort of things Nimbus intended to do to Sonya, Cassiel would have slain him on the spot.


  When Sonya opened her eyes, she tried to cry for help, but the cloth in her mouth smothered her scream. Her body was ensnared in chains, the end of which was welded into a bracket in the wall prohibiting her escape. The air felt cool against her naked flesh. Her naked flesh? Stars in the heavens, she was in the buff.

  Jude's voice startled her. “Glad to see you are awake.”

  He was clothed and seated in a chair. The light coming from the window proclaimed it was morning.

  Sonya wondered where her clothes were and whether or not he had deflowered her while she was unconscious. She hoped not. The mere thought made her shudder in revulsion.

  It was unnerving to see the villain in Jude Hemingway's body. His short, sandy hair and the familiar features of his face were only the shell of the man who once dwelt in it. The crystal-blue eyes were Jude's, but the sadistic nature housed in them right now, gave away the true nature of its diabolical occupant.

  “I took the liberty of removing your clothes while you were unconscious,” he told her nonchalantly, “I hope you don't mind. Oh, wait. I don't give a damn if you do or not. That's what it was.”

  She glared at him. He had to let her out at some point and when he did she would snap his neck.

  He stood, face as hard and determined as the face of an executioner. “Aren't you going to ask me how I'm fairing this morning after our little brawl last night? You did kick me in the groin, remember? I am quite well, thank you. But you wouldn't believe the words of a liar and I can hardly blame you. Perhaps it would be better if I showed you my healthy cock.”

  Sonya shrieked into the fabric of the gag, trying to move away from him as he approached her while undoing his breeches. She flailed in vain while he straddled her and held her chin still so she was forced to take his stiff appendage in her face.

  “Do you feel how well it is? How unaffected by the attack you made on it?” He rubbed his cock all over her face and swiped it across her nostrils as though it was an expensive cigar.

  The familiar scent of hard, aroused male overwhelmed her. He was erect and incredibly horny right now if his scent was anything to go by. The links in the chains made terrible creaking noises when she struggled beneath him.

  “My testicles are unharmed as well.” He crammed his scrotum against her septum, practically smothering her from the pressure of his hairy sac cutting off her air supply. She squealed wildly for fear of suffocating. He stood and tucked his prick away in his breeches again. “You are probably wondering how you will get out of here, or who will come to rescue you. Don't. There is no one coming to save you. If there was they would have been here by now. You are a renegade, Sonya. And now you are susceptible to my will. It is just as well. Had anyone come to rescue you, it would have proven to be a barrier between us and I do hate barriers.”

  Her spirit fell as the truth of his words sank in. No one was coming to rescue her. She was trapped. But why should she be saved when she had turned her back on the light? Her motives were pure, yet they led her to sin, to fall.

  “Do you know what else is a barrier between us?” He asked in a dark, silky tone.

  She tensed when he knelt by her crotch. He forced her legs apart and stared down at her pubic hair in a moment of long, awkward silence.

  “Your hymen.”

  Her eyes widened in mortification and she tried to close her legs, but he held them apart with startling ease.

  “It wants to shut my cock out, to keep me out of your body. It wants to hold onto purity and honor. It is a barrier, Sonya. I detest barriers. What shall we do to remedy it?” His evil grin scared her. She didn't want to lose her virginity to a vampire. “I am open to suggestions. Let me hear what your opinion on the matter is.” He removed the gag from her mouth so she could talk.

  “Please let me go.” Sonya was not accustomed to pleading with demons, or anyone else for that matter, but in this dire moment she didn't see that she had much of a choice.

  “And how will that effectively take care of the hymen dilemma, Sonya? You are only thinking of yourself. You aren't thinking logically, or about what I want. That will change. Now try again.”

  Her eyes stung. “I know you hate angels now. You could beat me if you are so inclined, but please don't shame me. It isn't right.”

  “My delusional woman, do you really think I care about what is right? If I did I would still be in heaven. And so would you if you truly gave a damn about honor,” he added with a wicked smile, eyes delighting in her ruin.

  Her eyes welled with tears. “Please don't mock me. You tricked me. I -”

  Jude stuffed the gag into her mouth. “You are wasting my time and yours. I have no intention of letting you go. Since you obviously are too stupid to answer my question regarding your hymen, I shall just have to contrive a solution on my own.”

  He parted her labia, felt around for her entry and rammed two of his fingers up into her vagina. Sonya screamed into the cloth as sharp, biting pain tore through her chamber. It felt as though delicate flesh had been torn and replaced with brutal fire. She lost her hymen to a devil. The knowledge plunged her heart into despair and she wept silently.

  His face bore the evidence of his satisfaction. He raised his fingers which were soaked with the blood of her deflowering. “There now, the barrier has been removed. Now nothing shall keep my penis out of your virgin body. Doesn't it please you to know that there are no longer any divisions between us; to know that we will soon be one in flesh and spirit? Think of all the wild, illicit sex we shall have, Sonya. Doesn't it thrill you to know that we will share a passion worthy of damnation? I'm utterly tickled that you decided to join us.”

  She was scared senseless by his words. She could taste vomit slightly, but swallowed to keep it down.

  He stood with a smug look she wanted to knock clean off his intriguing, despicable face. “I'm sure you hate the male gender right now, so I will leave you with a female friend of mine. You remember Demornae, don't you?”

  She turned her head to see Demornae entering from the other room. She was five feet, four inches tall like Sonya, but the rest of her appearance was altered since she now occupied a human body. Her curly, brown locks fell gently over her shoulders and framed the attractive maturity of her face. The body's previous owner had likely been around forty when she died.

  Aside from these mortal attributes, her blood-red eyes betrayed the vampire she was. Sonya had heard that a vampire's eyes only changed to unnatural colors during feeding, or moments of rage and sexual arousal. She was afraid to know which of these culprits was responsible.

  Her full lips were the rich color of purple plums now. The same shade as the silky purple of the empire-waist gown she wore. It was a flattering color for her complexion.

  “It is very nice to see you again, Sonya.” Her voice was the same sultry rasp it had always been, giving her an air of familiarity that was like being greeted by an old friend. It was disconcerting to hear that warm, cordial voice from the past, while her eyes shimmered like wine and her lips were stained as with the blood of grapes. Sonya knew Demornae was a sanguinary vampire now, but it was still disheartening seeing how a formerly angelic being had claimed the empty shell of a corpse and become undead because of it; doomed to feed off the blood of humans for the rest of her days.

  “I expect her to still be alive when I return,” Jude said, “I trust you had the good sense to feed before you came here.”

  “Fear not. She will still be breathing when you return,” Demornae assu
red him.

  He smiled. “I knew I could count on you. Now, Sonya, be good for Demornae while I'm gone. It would be a pity to have to discipline you on your first night with me. I'm off to buy you a present, my pet.”

  The information baffled her. A present? She wasn't his pet; she was his prisoner and apparently his sex slave. What was wrong with him? Why her?

  He left and Demornae looked down at her. “Are you thirsty?”

  Sonya nodded reluctantly half expecting to be kicked, or receive some other act of cruelty, but to her relief, the vampire simply provided her with a glass of water and removed her gag. The cool liquid proved refreshing as it washed over her parched tongue and surged down her esophagus. She was so thirsty she felt its cold, steady descent into her stomach. “Thank you.”

  Demornae seemed pleased by her gratitude as she set the glass on the table and knelt beside her again. “What a polite prisoner to be so kind to her captors. If you are thankful for a glass of water, I imagine you will be positively weeping with delight when you taste of carnal gratification.”

  Sonya flinched when Demornae ran a palm down the length of her body. Her touch felt both soothing and invasive at once, but there was nothing she could do to escape it since she was fettered in these chains. “What will he do to me?”

  “Whatever he wants. You have fantastic breasts by the way.” Like Jude, Demornae's hands were cold as they enclosed over her tits, “They are at least as large as mine, if not bigger. I can't even cover them with my hands. Does this feel good, Sonya? Do you like having your breasts played with?”

  Sonya winced at the defiled sensation the woman's hands provoked on her skin as she massaged her bosom as though they were lovers. She stifled a gasp as Demornae rolled the nipples between her thumb and index finger, evoking a wealth of pleasure that sent a spark of electricity down to her cunt.

  Demornae's eyes flashed and suddenly became cold and unfeeling as she pinched her tit and twisted it into a burning pain. “I asked you a question, slave. It would behoove you to answer it.”

  Sonya yelped at the pressure and thought of nothing but relieving it. “No.”

  Demornae released her bosom. “I think you are lying. I would punish you for it, but deception means you are learning to become one of us, so I will overlook it this time.”

  Sonya panicked at her words. “I'm not one of you. It felt nice, but I don't want you to touch them.”

  She smiled wickedly. “That wasn't so hard to admit, was it? Jude was commanding and forceful with you. I want to show you the gentle, loving touch of a woman. Your first time should be slow and intimate to relieve your nervousness and gain your trust.”

  Sonya trembled as much as her confinement permitted her. “What are you doing?”

  Demornae's head lowered and her mouth latched onto one of her nipples. Sonya jerked against the restraints like a madwoman as the vampire suckled her tit like a decadent truffle. Her wrists were bound behind her, making her even more uncomfortable when she struggled, since it meant the metal ground into her skin and pinched it.

  Demornae moaned against her breast tissue while she sucked. The erotic sound sent a wave of heat over Sonya. The sound, like this bonding act, was very private and it did things to her body. Wonderful, terrible things it shouldn't be doing. “Oh, please stop! We shouldn't be doing this! It is three different sins being committed simultaneously!”

  Demornae threw a palm over her mouth to silence her. Sonya mewed in protest and then in desperation when her body responded by heating up even more over being forcibly silenced.

  Demornae's tongue lashed at her chest, leaving no place untouched by her skill. Sonya's right breast felt tight and swollen now that Demornae had abandoned it. The nipple was pointed and prominent like a salacious mountain, bold and unashamed of its naughty appearance. The skin was wet from the saliva coating it and the morning air felt cool on the sensitive flesh. The woman's mouth was on her other tit now, determined to make it as heavy and affected as its overcome twin was.

  Sonya flailed when she felt a long, slender finger stroking her clitoris. She shrieked into her hand and wailed when Demornae slapped her pussy as a penalty for her struggling.

  “Hush now. We know you like this. Your quim is getting damp. You would be wise to be good to me, considering I'm the closest thing to mercy you will ever receive from now on.”

  Her words brought despair as equally as they nurtured a sudden dependency and need. Jude was cruel and Sonya had a feeling any other man would be just as brutal and unfeeling if they got their greedy hands on her. Demornae was tender and soothing like a balm on a wound. She would be good to her and give her comfort.

  Sonya couldn't believe what just happened. For a few fleeting seconds she put her trust in Demornae – a vampire. The cunning trick had worked. No. It would never work. These demons would never prevail.

  She fought against the delicious fire that crackled in her clit and set her pussy ablaze with molten heat. She must not climax from a woman's touch - from a vampire's caress. She gnawed on the woman's hand, but couldn't get a good hold on it.

  Demornae nipped at her breast with her teeth and brought her palm down onto her mons again.

  Sonya's scream of pain melted into a cry of ecstasy. The pleasure-pain the strike evoked was shocking and very stirring.

  Demornae's tongue snaked downward in a spiral of seduction to her navel. She traced a slick circle around it before wiggling her tongue in her bellybutton. Sonya bucked and let out a squeal. The contact tickled. Demornae smiled at this and paid homage to her body in a series of delicate kisses on her belly and nips at the skin on her waist.

  Sonya panted and fought to stay in control. She struggled for understanding in all of this. Why did Jude kidnap her specifically? Why was her body responding to Demornae's touch like a brazen hussy?

  Demornae moved the chains aside whenever they tried to inhibit the assault of kisses she lavished on her defeated body. Sonya tensed, going breathless when the woman's lips journeyed down her inner thigh. She knew where this was going and it couldn't, it mustn't. “Please don't.”

  “One more protest out of you and I will delve you a bite that will change you forever,” Demornae threatened.

  Sonya snapped her mouth shut and lay back as the woman parted her labia.

  “I'm glad I get to be the first to taste you; the one to wash away the blood of your purity.”

  She stiffened. Not only was this wrong, but also quite dangerous. Once Demornae tasted her blood there was a good chance she wouldn't be able to stop.

  Sonya let out a savage gasp and arched her back when she felt the cool tongue swipe through her creamy vulva. It was so gentle and wet, so thorough and intimate.

  “Oh Sonya, you taste so good, so sweet and innocent.”

  Sonya whimpered when Demornae dragged her tongue up to her swollen, pulsing bud and jabbed a finger into her twat. She loved on her clit, sucking and licking it as though it was her mouth. Her fingers thrust in her cunt, mimicking the penis Jude had threatened to shove up there.

  Sonya became bombarded by feelings of violation and desire. These mixed emotions confused her, left her ashamed, scared and strangely aroused. The slurping noise when Demornae's mouth retreated from her clit sounded wet and dirty. She felt like a whore lying naked with her legs spread to another woman's will. Her pussy was soaked with need and saliva. This knowledge made her feel used and disgraced, yet her body blazed with lust, lacking the guilt her conscience was currently racked with.

  “Would you like to finish, Sonya?” Demornae asked.

  Sonya longed to know what an orgasm felt like. She had to know. She had to stop this. “No, thank you.”

  Her grin exposed the vixen within. “Oh, I insist.”

  She buried her face in Sonya's bush again and pumped her fingers faster inside her while she laved her bulging nub. Her senses heightened the more the vampire licked her. Beads of either sweat or her nectar trickled down her leg. It was probably both fluids fus
ing together. Her body was burning up and she grew dreadfully horny in spite of her shame and disgust with both herself and her temptress.

  Where her heart fought the sensuality, an invisible wall of resistance was knocked down in the treacherous region of her snatch. A flood of volcanic heat erupted in her pussy as bolts of electricity ignited in her bud of nerves. She gasped in shock when her orgasm hit and she was showered with wave upon wave of ecstasy. Her cunt squeezed the digits positioned inside of her and soaked them with the juices of her release.

  “Oh, gosh! Demornae...stop!” She moaned as the impact of her climax took her breath away. With her eyes closed, an image of Nimbus flashed in her mind. Her eyes flew open and she blushed in shame at having fantasized about the monster while a woman touched her. That was the other thing – a woman touched her. A vampire kissed her and brought her physical satisfaction. What had she done? She was utterly damned now.

  Demornae seemed as pleased by her release as she was. Her fingers trailed up and down Sonya's body, making her quiver as the aftershocks of her climax sent tiny tremors of completion through her overcome body.

  “Beautiful. Now let's get you unchained and washed before he gets back. I should warn you ahead of time that if you try to escape I will break your other wing and if that fails to teach you, then I will make you undead like me. Are we clear?” Her cold eyes waited for a reply.

  Sonya nodded.

  Demornae glowered at her and slapped her mound.

  She yelped in pain and then groaned at the sparks buzzing on her clit from the blow. How could pain become pleasure? How could fear become desire? Was it possible for such negative emotions to evolve into such wondrous sensations? Could pain and fear be an aphrodisiac? She prayed not. Pleasure was difficult enough to contend with.

  “You will address me as either mistress or Demornae. I don't really care which so long as you render me the proper respect due to me.”


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