Broken Halo: Fallen Angels Trilogy, Book One

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Broken Halo: Fallen Angels Trilogy, Book One Page 5

by Marcel, Zoey

  Frankly, Sonya didn't perceive how an undead creature that was damned deserved any respect, but she had the good sense not to say this. “Yes, Demornae.”

  Chapter Four


  After a bath, Sonya was dried off and adorned with the intimate apparel Jude brought back with him for her to wear. It was only some silk drawers and a corset. Unfortunately it wasn't one of the newer ones that were only half stays. This was one of the old fashioned ones that sucked the life out of its wearer.

  He asked if she could breathe, but when she told him yes, he ordered Demornae to make the laces even tighter. Sonya held her tongue while the corset was tightened so her well-endowed breasts were pushed inward and upward, unlike the modern stays which were more cup-like and merely lifted and supported the bosom while the busk separated them for a heaving look.

  She entertained thoughts of strangling the sadistic monster who took pleasure in her discomfort and near suffocating confinement in the constricting garment. The bastard wasn't even gracious enough to provide her with a shift to wear beneath it as was customary. Likely to enhance her discomfort and reveal more of her skin to his lecherous eyes.

  Demornae left and Jude commanded Sonya to clean the mansion. She smirked and told him to go to hell, which he failed to find as humorous as she did and took to strangling her until she agreed to obey him. Although she found it demeaning cleaning a house simply because the brute ordered her to, she was grateful for the distraction it provided her with as she tried desperately to contrive a plan of escape.

  The pervert sat in a chair ogling her with the steely quality of his intense eyes. The bulge in his britches became more and more noticeable as he continued to watch her while she worked. He eventually took to rubbing the material over the length, groaning softly as he felt her entire body with his eyes.

  She wanted to retch on him, but figured that would not be conducive to the continuity of breathing, so she decided against it. She was alarmed to see the tent in his breeches becoming more defined beneath his stroking. The thing seemed to be coming to life under his lewd ministrations and she half expected it to jump out of its confinement and snarl at her. God forbid.

  “Take off your drawers, Sonya,” he calmly ordered her.

  Her heart was in her throat. She had no intention of joining her body to his. “No.”

  His pale-blue eyes narrowed. “Come here, slave.”

  “I said no. If you want to kill me, then do so and spare us both the aggravation of keeping company with one another.”

  Jude stood – to decapitate her no doubt. His gait spoke of power and confidence. His countenance was that of a hunter out for blood - her blood.

  Sonya stood her ground, wavering only when he backhanded her.

  His tone was a thin sheet of ice, threatening to break at any minute. “If you had half of a brain you would realize that you damned yourself the minute you gave your body and soul over to me. If I kill you where do you suppose you would end up?”

  Her face fell. She had forced the truth from her mind endlessly since last night because it was simply too much to bear. She wished he wouldn't throw it up into her face like an obnoxious little troll. Well, he wasn't exactly little. He towered over her by a good seven inches.

  He hooked his finger under her chin and angled her face upward so her eyes met his. His touch made her shudder with dread and left her feeling defiled and vulnerable.

  “Your conscience may be in hell right now, but your soul is liberated. Your body is a free agent in a promiscuous playground. You have it good right now, Sonya. Enjoy it, because the real hell is coming and I don't mean the one after death. I'm talking about the perdition of your punishment and training.” Why did he have to look so excited when he said it? He took her hand in his. His eyes were brimming with sin and decadence. “Come,” he whispered.

  Sonya shivered at the look in his eyes. There was so much darkness in them, so much lust. She glanced down at their joined hands. She was holding hands with a soul devourer – a demon. She tried to pull free of his grip, but he yanked her down onto his lap so her stomach and crotch rested across his thighs. His hand came down hard and ruthless on her buttocks. The son of a bitch was spanking her.

  She had witnessed children being disciplined this way and even some spouses using this form of penalty as part of their foreplay in the bedroom, but never had she received one from anybody. It wasn't intolerable, but it wasn't exactly painless either. His strikes were deliberate and vicious, singing of his anger with her conduct and his quest to control and dominate her. He would never win. She wouldn't let him. She despised him.

  The globes of her ass grew hot and sensitive from the abuse. The corset made it difficult to breathe normally in this position, so she endeavored to suppress her indignation over his gall in order to get this over with, though it irked her immensely.

  “Do you feel the pain in your ass, you bitch? The way it heats up at my command? You are a pain in my ass and you fuel my anger this way. If you had only listened I would be compromising your honor right now, but instead you leave me no choice but to punish you. You are a bad slave, Sonya.”

  She truly meant to keep her mouth shut, but his taunting turned her irate. “Let me go!”

  He ceased the spanking only to draw her laces tighter. She yelped at the sudden jerking on her stays and the way more air was forced from her lungs until breathing became next to impossible.

  “I can't breathe,” she managed to choke out.

  “Aw, now that is a problem, isn't it? And only a second ago you thought a spanking was the end of the world. But then what happened?” He swatted her fanny, demanding her answer.

  “You took my breath away,” Sonya gasped. She meant it in a literal sense, but the way his cock hardened and thickened beneath her told her he chose to interpret it in a sexual way.

  “It got worse, didn't it? Didn't I tell you it would? For example, I could be in my other form right now instead of graciously hiding in this shell to keep from scaring you senseless, but I'm not. I'm being merciful to you.”

  She snorted. “You know nothing of mercy and I'm not afraid of you.”

  She froze, eyes widening in trepidation when she saw a tail swinging slowly in a rhythmic dance from behind his chair. He was starting to shift.

  “Are you afraid now, Sonya? Does the thought of mating with me in my demonic form frighten you, or does it entice you? Because I can switch over if you find that arousing.”

  “Please don't.”

  “Then you agree I'm being merciful?”

  She sighed in exasperation, though the stays were equally responsible for sucking the air from her lungs. “Yes.”

  He jerked the laces tighter and slapped her ass again. It was difficult to determine which the greater cause of suffering was: the hellish fire flaring on her battered rump, or the loss of the ability to breathe.

  “Jude, I...can't breathe.”

  “If I am unmerciful then why should I give a damn?”

  “You are merciful.” She whined in protest when he drew the laces tighter still. If he persisted in cutting off her air supply she would pass out, “Please...stop.”

  “Are you begging?” He taunted, sliding her drawers down to expose her tenderized bottom.

  The humiliation of the exposure was drowned out in the frantic need to survive. “Yes.”

  “And why do you suppose begging will prove affective?”

  His fingers gently brushed her flaming globes. The light contact was a strange, soothing kind of pain in the aftermath of her spanking.

  “You...are...merciful.” She couldn't talk, nor could she feel any air filling her lungs when she inhaled.

  “You see now the power I have over you - the power to take your life, or spare it - the power to alter your beliefs in a moment of weakness - the power to deny air to your lungs when you need it most - the power to make you beg - the power to make a fallen angel call a demon her master. Do you see this power I have over you,
Sonya? Do you deny it?”

  She couldn't even hear her own gasp when he yanked on her stays. The infuriating words were lost in the haze of adrenaline. Nothing mattered but getting his hands off her and loosening her stays so she could breathe again. “Yes.”

  Something shoved inside her asshole. It felt like a finger wiggling up there, but she was too scared and helpless to identify and fight it.

  “You deny it?”

  “No. I accept it.” Her vision grew fuzzy and dark.

  All of a sudden she felt his hand ripping at the knot and loosening her stays. A rush of air flooded her lungs in a cool, brutal gust once the corset was loose enough for her lungs to expand again. Jude removed it, lifted her out of her drawers and lowered her onto the floor on her back. She was only half aware of him undoing his breeches and pulling out his member.

  “Eyes on my hands, slave. Watch me pleasure myself.” He worked the shaft up and down, making it swell in his grasp as his other hand rubbed his balls.

  The provocative sight was intriguing and appalling at the same time from her position on the floor beneath him. When he was close to losing it, he straddled her and his goods hovered only inches from her face. His face contorted with erotic pleasure and his hedonistic outcry filled her ears as he came. She closed her eyes knowing what he intended to do with his semen. In accordance with her theory, he ejaculated on her face. Once he caught his breath, his powerful eyes singed hers with a dark, sensual knowledge.

  “I want you to smear my seed all over your face and breasts. Run it through your hair as well,” he ordered.

  The idea sounded revolting, but his former threat on her life was still fresh in her mind and induced her to act. She coated her fingers in his cum and splayed them through her hair.

  His eyes sizzled as she smeared his creamy release all over her breasts and through her hair. “You are a shameless little harlot, aren't you?”

  She blushed at the insult, but the burning heat in her face seemed to be from more than just humiliation alone.

  He stood with a satisfied smile. “Now get on your hands and knees and crawl over to that cage.”

  The fierce fire in her cheeks drifted down to include her chest in its consumption. She kept her head lowered, so her hair flopped in her face and she wouldn't have to look at him as she carried out his orders. How degrading to crawl over to a bloody cage like an animal, though her debasement was undoubtedly his intent.

  “Your ass is the same luscious shade of red as a cherry,” he proudly informed her, “There are lovely welts and bruises on it now. Your ass sings of my authority over you.”

  She looked over her shoulder and glowered at him.

  “Unless you want your face to suffer the same fate, I advise you get in that cage and keep your eyes averted and your expression respectful,” he admonished.

  Sonya crawled into the cage and he locked it shut. She was trapped and her stomach growled fiercely, but he didn't show any signs of feeding her.

  “Look at you on your hands and knees, your ass blushing scarlet with marks of abuse and cum all over your face. You aren't unlike a bloody animal at the moment. And you will only continue to descend in your humanity, I can promise you.”

  She shuddered, head dropping in shame. The need to cry was overwhelming, but she dared not shed a tear in front of this monster, knowing he would only leap at the chance to prey upon her vulnerability.

  “I will wash you in the morning, but for now get some sleep. I want you rested when Nimbus comes to see you tomorrow.”

  She gaped at him.

  Jude grinned at this. “What? You thought I had nothing better to do with my time than torment a fallen angel; that with an entire world of human souls to feed off of, I chose a fat, little cherub like you to prey on? No, fool, you are quite desirable, but Nimbus was the one who devised the plan of your downfall. I was merely an instrument. Oh, I'm not complaining. Being an instrument has its perks, which I shall soon enjoy once he has filled your virgin pussy for the first time. And here you thought my self control was simply me being a gentleman toward you; that I was displaying chivalry for the damsel in distress. You flatter me, slave. If not for my friendship with Nimbus and the fact that I believe you would snitch if I compromised you before he did, I would already be buried balls-deep in your cunt.”

  She squeezed her vagina as if to keep the chattering varmint out of it.

  His smile was pure evil. “Sweet dreams, Sonya.”


  The next morning, Sonya was washed, but not fed. It was difficult to dwell on her unholy betrayal, or to despise Nimbus for setting a trap for her when her stomach felt so hollow and needy. She wished Jude would give her something to eat. Did he intend to starve her, or was he merely waiting for her to beg for sustenance?

  The day passed and she was left confined in the cage in complete isolation. No amount of pounding, clawing and crying out freed her from it.

  Jude returned in the evening with Nimbus. Sonya's eyes practically bugged out of her head when he came inside the large house. Her heart was crushed and exhilarated when she saw him. He looked rugged and beautiful as he always had. She had never seen him in his other form and wasn't entirely sure she wanted to. In this very human form he was five feet, eleven inches of solid, muscled structure, concealed only by the conventional ensemble of the era. Odd that he wore the latest human fashion. Probably to blend in with society for one reason or another; this was a disturbing thought.

  His flaxen-blond hair looked so soft and inviting. She imagined her fingers running through it with his head on her lap and then inwardly cursed herself for the naughty thought. Surely she hadn't become so wayward in such a short time? Was Nimbus slipping subtle thoughts of depravity into her mind? Had she really been weakened enough to become susceptible to his cunning mind tricks?

  His slanted, olive-green eyes darkened with perversion when he caught sight of her trapped nude in the cage. The look was one of raunchy pleasure and a strong sense of cruel vengeance that threatened to eclipse the tender affection she knew he had for her. His lewd, sadistic smile married the soulless predator trapped in the depths of his alluring eyes – a truly ominous, hypnotic union.

  There was a thin scab on the brow-bone over his right eye and the skin just below the corner of his eye as though he had been slashed there recently. It would probably scar.

  Sonya swallowed in apprehension of his strength and her own unbidden weakness, her mouth going dry in the damnably telling moment of truth. She moved her long, black hair in front of her to cover her heaving chest and sat on her knees with her back to the wall to partially hide her rump from his invasive gawking. Her hands covered her mound and she summoned every ounce of courage and loathing simmering inside of her. She wanted to wring the monster's neck for executing such a heartless scheme on her. Vengeance was one thing, but tricking someone into selling their soul to the devil?

  “Hello, Sonya,” there was far too much excitement in his voice for comfort.

  “Hello, you incorrigible ass.” She had never sworn before, but deemed it appropriate this once in light of all he had done to her and figured Nimbus could take it since he was likely used to a good deal of profanity by now.

  Jude looked pissed off by her audacity at insulting his friend, but Nimbus only chuckled at this. “I see you saved the duty of breaking her for me as well. How generous.”

  “She is a spitfire. You would do well to break her neck. The sight of her disgusts me,” Jude said with obvious contempt. “I can't even look at her without seeing the beings we once were. What are your wings doing exposed, wench? I told you to keep them tucked away.”

  She stared at him defiantly.

  Nimbus stood and backed away from the cage, eyes locked with hers. His irises flashed to black and then briefly merged into a neon yellow before melting into a blazing orange fire that opened her eyes to the creature he truly was rather than the sweet memory in her past. His mouth opened and a glaring orange light sailed across the
space between them and landed inside the cage with her in a bundle of fire that burned hotter and only increased in size once it touched her flesh and wings. She screamed in agony and rolled, trying to put it out, but the flames would not be beaten.

  The men spoke to each other, but their voices were a haze in the background as though she was steadily growing deaf. All at once a wave of cold water splashed onto her, dowsing the vicious fires of brutality on her body.

  “Are you all right?” Nimbus asked.

  Did he even care, or was he simply being a smart ass?

  “I asked you a question, Sonya. Unless you want to feel an even hotter fire scorch your attractive figure, then I suggest you answer me.”

  “I'm...I'm fine.”

  “Put your wings away, now,” he ordered in a tone that brooked no disobedience.

  Sonya obeyed, though the effort proved painful in lieu of the singed plumes. How wrong she was to have supposed he cared for her. Demons weren't capable of loving, not true love anyway. She lost him the day he left – the day he turned forever. How wise Cassiel was to hold her back when she had been tempted to follow in her state of blinded stupidity. She wished now she had taken that wisdom to heart and not pined after humanity and her secret, shameful lust for flesh.

  “I want you to join us for supper.” Nimbus unlocked the cage and swung the heavy door open, “Get out.”

  She crawled out and stood on wobbly legs, but he shoved her back down.

  “I didn't say you could stand.” He fisted his hand in her hair, so the knuckles ground into her scalp and gave it a tug as he took a step forward, “Follow me on all fours, pet.”

  Her face burned with the embarrassment of crawling nude on all fours like an animal over to the table with him leading her by the hair as though it were a leash to control her by.

  He scooted a chair back and patted the cushion of the chair. “Up here, girl.”

  Irritation coiled in her stomach, but she climbed up onto it and sat on her knees, awaiting further instruction. He released her hair and stood beside her chair towering over her like an overbearing ruler looking down upon his unruly subject.


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