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Splintered Fate

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by ylugin

  Splintered Fate

  Aorra Series

  Book One

  Yelena Lugin


  Copyright © 2015 by Yelena Lugin

  All rights reserved


  The blazing sun was cloaked by the lush dark vegetation overhead, providing a cool shelter for the creatures of the forest. Gigantic ancient trees covered with bright moss and flowing vines surrounded Eveline Casteel and her men. One would think that such growth of the vines would weaken the timeworn trees, however, the trees seemed to endure the beautiful vermin vines without difficulty. It was a shame that more Madonians would not witness this vast ancient forest out of fear of its proximity to the border.

  Eveline fingered the bark of an old tree while following the course of a vine with little purple flowers along its length. The sweet honey scent of the flowers filled her lungs with every breath. She adored these lands and the small little town of Gorthyn that was nestled within. This was her original home and where only brave Madonians lived.

  The Madonian and Rami were ancient races; each had unique gifts setting the two apart. In the forgotten times of the past the races used to cohabitate and work together, living together in harmony under the rule of a great king. But those times had long been forgotten. Years ago a bloody war waged by anger and jealousy of a few, ended with the division of the lands. Now each race lived apart from the other, filled with fear and hatred of the other.

  The town of Gorthyn never had any problems with the Rami people despite its location. The town was small in size, well nestled in between the mountains, and under protection of tree cover causing it to be easily hidden from any threat. Still people from outside towns were troubled by the proximity to the Rami and very few ventured into the town, or the wilderness that surrounded it. Eveline always thought it a true shame that such a majestic place would go unappreciated by so many.

  A small break in the canopy above allowed for a ray of light to touch a patch of moss on the ground and from the center of the patch grew golden chanterelles. Eyeing the golden patch, Eveline reached down and picked the mushrooms that the forest seemed to courteously point out and tossed them in an already filled brown leather bag that hung from her shoulder. She turned to Victor, her personal bodyguard, and indicated that they make the hike back to Gorthyn, pleased with the amount of chanterelles she had been able to collect.

  Victor was a tall man with strong broad shoulders and a weathered face accented with deep hazel eyes. He was an older man with a strong silent wisdom that flowed through him, more than making up for his lack of youth and vitality. Victor and Eveline had traveled together for many years, he had given an oath to watch over her and protect her ever since her Aorra was taken away from her.

  Aorras are mystical creatures that took the form of an animal and were forever bonded to their person. It was not known where exactly Aorras came from, it was simply the way it was. Not all Madonians were gifted with an Aorra, but those who were were truly blessed with a soul mate.

  A Madonian and their Aorra had the ability to communicate through thought. The Aorras helped to shift the flow of energy that naturally flowed through every Madonian, allowing their person to better wield various forms of power. Aorras could be killed, such as Eveline’s was, for they have a mortal form. However, if they were allowed to live in peace that an Aorra would only cease to exist when its Madonian did.

  After Eveline’s Aorra was ripped from her life she was forced to accept Victor as her guard. He would lay down his life for hers. She hadn’t liked the man much at first, finding his constant silent presence a little unnerving. She hated that he was willing to take such an oath for her, someone he didn’t even know. However, as time went on she had learned to understand Victor. His silent presence became a welcomed one, and over the years they had built a strong friendship.

  “It’s beautiful here, don’t you think?” Eveline casually spoke to Victor as they began their walk back to Gorthyn.

  “I guess, if you find thrill in wandering about deadly and dangerous woods… Though I find it senseless, if you ask me.” Victor replied, keeping his guarded hazel-eyed gaze on the surrounding forest.

  Eveline rolled her green eyes before snapping them to Victor. Her blond hair whipped around her at the sudden turn of her head.

  “Senseless? Don’t offend the magic of this place. I used to play in these woods when I was young; there are no other forests quite as enchanting. Maybe you aren’t as wise as you think you are old man, to miss the entire beauty of it.” There was an edge to her words, laced with a hint of sarcasm that only Victor knew was there.

  As soon as Eveline entered Gorthyn she was provided three Gorthynian guards to protect her along with Victor during her time in the small city. The three men silently followed behind her and Victor as they strolled through the woods. The guards shifted uneasily, unaccustomed to the nature of Eveline and Victor’s relationship. They could never imagine speaking so freely to a Council member as he did, to call her senseless. It was not a way people would ever speak to her.

  Taking notice of the tense guards and seeing a chance to alleviate boredom Eli, Victor’s black beast of an Aorra, took the opportunity to growl, a low and vicious sound, in an attempt to increase their unease. As if to voice his distaste in the councilwoman’s words towards his Madonian.

  Eli always reminded Eveline of her husbands Aorra. He had bright jet black eyes and large ears that stayed on point, always alert. Just like Victor, Eli was weathered and wise. He had a distinct battle scar that wrapped around his ear and down his right rib cage. His fur was coarse with greying edges that only intensified the menacing look of the beast. His piercing eyes peered back at the three guards behind as he grumbled. Eli certainly was a fierce looking beast. If Eveline didn’t know any better she would fear such a big wolf like creature.

  The snarl worked.

  It had the guards trailing behind shuffle uneasily, one of which made the slightest yelping sound.

  Victor glanced at Eveline, even though he didn’t speak, his eyes did. And they said, such a brave bunch of lads you have protecting you. Then he released a mighty laugh at the guards’ expense. It was a sound that was quite rare and oddly beautiful. It boomed through his entire being and out, spreading to all that was near. It was the most contagious sound.

  Trying her hardest to suppress her laughter, Eveline attempted to show some form of authority and grace in the situation. A council member, her fierce bodyguard and a dangerous looking beast were toying with those poor guards who had no Aorras of their own. How inappropriate, she thought.

  The rest of their hike was mostly silent as Eveline took comfort in the beautiful surroundings. Enjoying the memories of where she grew up as a child. Everything about the woods felt right to her, from the way the earth felt beneath her feet to the fresh scent in the air. She loved everything about it.

  Victor and Eli trailed close behind Eveline, allowing for her to lead them through the woods. They gave her enough room to enjoy the freedom of the forest, but Victor never took his eyes off of her and their surroundings. The three other guards traveled closely behind them.

  Tonight was expected to be a special night. Eveline envied her husband for being able to greet her daughter on her arrival day, but she reveled in being able to cook her daughter’s favorite meal. Her stomach fluttered with excitement and anticipation. One moon cycle away was truly too long of a time for a mother to be apart from her child, especially at such an important time of a child’s growth.

  She found herself day dreaming about what it would be like to hold her daughter again, how tall she must have grown, what she had learned, what it would be like to have her family whole again.

  The thoughts of their happy future cam
e to an abrupt end as screams ripped through the air. Coming to an immediate stop, Eveline didn’t dare even breath, not sure if what she had heard was real. As the air around her calmed another horrendous scream cut through the stillness, sending a sickening kick to her stomach. Her eyes met with Victors for only a second. Her heart sank and she began running through the forest towards Gorthyn.

  Eli immediately took the lead, running a few steps ahead of Eveline. The forest blurred in her peripheral as she raced through the woods. Sudden fear seeped in and she began chastising the false feelings of safety she had felt only moments ago. She should have never left the town in the first place.

  Eveline had been obligated to attend important council meetings in Gorthyn, which originally prevented her from being able to accompany her husband to get their daughter. She had to stay behind as a representative of the Selvirian council to overlook papers being written for the creation of a small army quarter in Gorthyn. Of course she should have been on high alert, especially being so close to the border. However, her adoration for this place and comfort with the surrounding forest caused her to misjudge the dangers lurking near by. Her feelings of home and safety forced her poor decision.

  They all ran as hard as they could, but to Eveline it felt incredibly slow. With every passing moment something horrible was happening to her people, she just knew it. It was a feeling in her gut, those she swore to protect, those who she loved were crying for help. Yet she was not there to help for they were beyond her reach. Uselessly she pleaded for her body to go faster.

  Eveline could smell the burning of Gorthyn before she saw it.

  By the time she and the guards broke through the forest, Gorthyn in the valley below, was ablaze. The sight caused her to stumble back a few steps, the image sending a kick to her gut. Mindlessly she placed a hand over her stomach as she and her guards took in the scene.

  Homes were infused with angry flames that engulfed the wooden structures as they climbed the trees around thirsting for more. She could hear the gruesome sounds of men, women, and children all being viciously cut down by blue flashes. There were snarls and howls as those with Aorras bravely fought a losing battle. The small quaint town was now a hot blaze of fire and lightning with columns of black smoke rising from it. It made for a horrific scene. How could this have happened?

  Feeling the energy pulling from her core, Eveline drew it into her palm as a simple silver dagger formed in her hand. Could I have been any more careless she thought, cursing herself for not even bringing something to defend herself with.

  As the blade solidified its presence in her hand she made her way down the hill to the town, hair blowing behind her in the suddenly bitter wind. Lines formed across her forehead as she approached the town. Apart from the angry flames still licking their lips, the town suddenly seemed too still, too quiet.

  Victor now stood at Eveline’s side, sword drawn as he took in the gruesome scene. His Aorra stood a few steps ahead, bearing his razor sharp teeth and the three Gorthynian guards encircled them from the back, swords drawn. They stood in silence awaiting direction from their councilwoman.

  Eveline noticed that the house that was her living quarters for her stay in Gorthyn, a cottage under a grand tree, seemed untouched. Something was out of place. She took a step towards the house as Victor’s hand went out in front of her.

  “We need to get you to safety.” His words were urgent, almost pleading.

  Turning her gaze to him, she shook her head. “No” she simply said and he understood, this was her home.

  Lowering his hand, the two of them walked towards the cottage together, followed by the guards. The scent of fire burned their noses. None of them made a sound as they moved, even the guards, whom this town was home too didn’t dare speak.

  Swallowing her unease, Eveline forced herself to keep moving. This was where she had grown up as a child and her family was heading right for it. There was no way she would turn her back on Gorthyn and flee, risking her husband and daughter arriving to danger. She had no choice but to move forward.

  Fires still burned a few of the town’s structures. Eveline and her men avoided the flames, keeping their distance from the dying fires, yet their skin still stung from the heat. Making their way to the house they passed the bodies of those who had perished.

  Eveline tried not to look at all the faces of those burned and butchered in the streets, trying to stay strong. She couldn’t help but notice the little fingers of a child’s hand from underneath rubble. It was such a small hand. Her heart constricted and she forced her eyes forward, gluing them to the cottage.

  The door to the cottage was still shut. The scene did not fit in with the rest of the smoldering town. It was oddly disturbing that the cottage seemed completely untouched, as if frozen in a different time. She reached for the door but Victor’s large arm grabbed her wrist, stopping her.

  “Better I and Eli take the lead,” He spoke, sadness lingered in his eyes, deep behind his fury.

  Nodding in acceptance, she allowed him to step in front of her. It tore at her, she hated putting her friend in harm’s way especially when she felt responsible. She should have never gone out into the woods.

  Eli let out a grotesque growl. Anger fueled both him and Victor as they fed each other with strength and rage. A feeling and a bond Eveline had once had in an Aorra and a loss she will never cease to mourn.

  Pushing the door open, Victor and Eli entered with Eveline and the guards following closely behind. The small common room was untouched. Victor made his way around the corner, sword in hand and Eli at his side.

  The hair on Eli’s back raised and Victor’s grip on his sword tightened. Eveline felt him tense before he turned, whispering, “Wait here.”

  Through the time she had spent with Victor and Eli, she had learned to read when the two spoke to one another. Something was wrong and it infuriated her that they kept her out of the loop. Despite Victor’s request to stay put, she followed them around the corner to the kitchen, the three Gorthynian guards following her.

  There at the table sat a large muscular man drinking a glass of ale. His hair was an unnatural shade of fiery red. He wore a brown vest that hung open without a shirt or any form of armor. This was the way of the Rami. They liked to show off their physical strength, as if muscles could possibly be an indicator of true strength. They were the more primal of the two races.

  “Welcome! It took you some time to return to this little ash pile of a village.” The Rami said with a disturbing smile.

  Eli snarled, showing his teeth as he paced back and forth between the Rami and Victor. Eveline stepped forward, tightening her grip on the dagger while using her strength to keep a hold on its. She had to concentrate on its form, to keep it from falling to silver dust in her palm. Her green eyes analyzed the Rami in front of her before she spoke.

  “Why have you come here? This is a break of our treaties.” She said with an essence of authority, trying her best to stay calm and confident.

  “Oh Eveline, I was invited. Besides who follows those trivial treaties we have anyway?”

  How does he know who I am? Eveline tried to suppress the shudder that went down her spine. A feeling of danger slithered through her, coiling in the pit of her stomach. This man repulsed her more than anyone she had ever met.

  Eli snarled again, picking up on Victor’s similar feelings towards the Rami.

  “You seem shocked that I know who you are, oh powerful and respected council woman of Selviria.” He said in a mocking tone. “I must say, for a Madonian woman, you are much prettier than I had imagined.” The red headed brute grinned, attempting to provoke them.

  “You said you were invited. May I ask by whom?” Eveline was doing her best to remain composed.

  The Rami’s smile widened into a laugh. “Wouldn’t you like to know. Sadly, I mustn’t speak of it. I can tell you this, you probably won’t live long enough for it to matter.”

  “If you think that I will not live long enough
, then what is the risk in telling me?”

  The Rami shrugged. “Rules are rules. It is a shame to have to kill you though. I would have enjoyed a few moments alone with you.” His demeanor was calm, there was no fear behind his eyes. Eveline found his calm terrifying.

  “ENOUGH!” Victor bellowed. “Children play with words when they are too afraid to make a move, so I suppose I have to show you how adults handle little red maggots such as yourself.”

  Just as Victor finished speaking the Rami let out a bright bolt of lightning from the palm of his hand. In a flash Eli interfered, blocking the electric shards from them with an invisible shield. “Huh, your dog seems to have mastered the art of protection from little sparks. Sadly…”

  There were gasps from behind, followed by three thumps as three bodies fell to the ground. The red head continued as he rose to stand from the table. “Sadly, those fools you have guarding you, council woman, were too curious with that was going on up front to pay attention to what was going on behind.” The Rami said with a bright smile.

  “Aorraless FOOLS!” Victor let out, dropping to Eveline’s back while Eli stayed in front with her. This way Victor could keep an eye on what was going on within the whole room. Eveline glanced behind them where there stood three Rami, all well-built men with the same shirtless brown vests. They were cornered. These men were not the only ones around, Eveline was certain of that.

  As if her thoughts summoned them, three more men entered through a door behind the Rami. Pulling on her strength, Eveline allowed the blade in her palm to grow bigger, into a full sword. It was difficult to concentrate on holding the energy. Her head lightly spun from the effort. Ever since her Aorra’s death, Eveline had nearly stopped using her power, until now.

  Without a word the Rami men charged all around them. Eveline’s sword fought off the blue fire from the palms of the men surrounding them. Victor stuck his blade into one of the Rami’s guts, but as the one fell three more entered the room and then three more. They were vastly, hopelessly outnumbered. This was going to be a slaughter.


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