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Splintered Fate

Page 8

by ylugin

  Kaiden heard the old man but made no move to respond. He stared at the still face of the Madonian he thought he would never see again, the face that haunted his darkest dreams, that caused him to react and betray his brother. He wondered why he had done what he did. His brother would have a hard time understanding everything. In this moment he almost hated the girl before him, for what he had to do to his brother because of her. He and his brother were not friends, but they were family, they grew up together, the were the only thing they had in this world. No matter how cruel or dark their relationship had been in the past, Garin was still his blood, and blood sticks with blood. That is the Rami way.

  A nudge at Kaiden’s shoulder forced him to look away, turning to the white wolf. Ardin eyed Kaiden, once he had his attention he looked to Donn and then to Lana. Kaiden assumed the wolf was trying to say something to him.

  “You want energy?” Kaiden asked and Ardin’s tail moved in delight to have been understood so quickly. Kaiden turned his eyes to the motionless body, he may as well help, he was in this mess now. “It will have to be slow. It has been years. I don’t want to harm her or you.”

  Ardin positioned himself next to Lana. Slowly Kaiden released energy into his hand and a ball of light formed in his palm. A small gasp came from one of the children, but he did not look at them to see which one. His eyes stayed on the light in his hands while he focused the strength into a contained sphere. He released the light over to Ardin and a soft glow came over the wolf and then Lana.

  A moment later Kaiden made another ball in his hand but a growl from Ardin stopped him.

  “What?” He asked looking at the massive wolf.

  Ardin eyed at the light in his hand.

  “You want more?”

  The wolf nodded a single nod.

  “Fine, if you blow up know that I warned you.”

  The first time Kaiden and Lana had learned that he could give her strength through Ardin was an accident. They were goofing off as children, not aware of what exactly they had done. Once Lana felt the strength that she was able to receive they began practicing regularly. There were many times that things ended up horrifically bad, with someone getting injured.

  For this to work, Kaiden had to exhibit control and Ardin had to be in a receptive state, which also meant he was vulnerable and completely defenseless. Over time they perfected the technique. However, all of that was long ago, time had passed and they were strangers to each other now.

  The concentration of the energy in Kaiden’s hand grew as he fed more strength into it and the light intensified. Carefully, he released it to Ardin. Watching the light travel between them, Kaiden held his breath, hoping that this would not hurt them. A glow came over Ardin and then flowed down to Lana.

  * * *

  Ugh my head. Lana’s thoughts were accessible to Ardin. He jumped up with a wag of his tail, resembling a massive pup.

  Donn came over to Lana Casteel, once more assessing her as her eyes fluttered open. She raised her hand only to bring it down with a smash on her forehead. Her head was pounding, her ears ringing, and her hand felt too heavy. Her body felt astoundingly sore.

  Lana pushed off the ground in order to get to a sitting position, hoping that her head would stop spinning if she sat upright. She opened her eyes in an attempt to get some understanding of where she was and what had happened. Ardin immediately came into her line of vision, bringing his face inches from hers. If you ever do anything like that again I will kill you myself. He lifted his lip with a low growl.

  “What happened?”

  By the grace of whatever powers be you were saved today Lana. I will not forgive you for this. Ardin snarled, hair standing on its ends around his neck. His eyes were piercingly sharp as he glared at her. A cold shudder ran down Lana’s spine at the thought of her last memory. The memory of her being held against the tree by her throat and feeling as if she were being ripped from within. She pushed away the thought, though she was still very confused on how she ended up getting away from the Rami.

  “No need to be so dramatic.” Lana replied, trying not to think about how completely helpless and afraid she last felt.

  Ardin growled in response.

  Lana raised her hand to touch the side of her Aorra’s face. He, however, ducked out of her reach.

  I am truly sorry Ardin. It was impulsive of me, I thought I could… well it doesn’t matter now. How did you get me out of there?

  It was not I alone who got you out of there. We were lucky today. Stupid luck, that’s what saved us.

  Lana stared at him quizzically, unsure of what Ardin meant. The wolf moved to the side, allowing for her to better take in the surroundings. She saw a man standing to the side, behind Ardin, previously blocked from her view.

  It was evident he was Rami. Her first gut reaction was to get away but recognition washed over her before she could react. She saw the eyes of a boy she once knew peering at her from the body of a man. This can’t be.

  Lana looked to Ardin for affirmation, afraid that she was perhaps seeing things, hallucinating.

  It’s him. Was Ardin’s only response.

  Lana’s wide eyes darted back to the Rami before her.

  He stood there looking at her, unsure of whether to approach her or not while Lana sat on the ground, looking up at him with wide green eyes. It was as if his whole body was somehow in her grip, he found that he could finally breathe when she turned away to her Aorra. When she turned back to him his muscles would tighten, making it a challenge to fill his lungs with air. Kaiden tried to shake the feeling, to regain control of himself. He was uncertain why he was feeling this way, unwillingly allowing for her to have this power over him.

  “Kaiden?” Lana asked softly.

  Relief washed over him, she remembered him. Kaiden walked a few steps towards her and knelt next to her. She was close enough that he could reach out and touch her if he wanted to. The thought made his pulse race. Hadn’t he just carried her? But she was not conscious then and having her eyes watching him was very different.

  “It’s been a long time Lana Casteel.” This was the first thing he could think of in response. He cringed at using her full name, it felt so formal, so distant. As if they were strangers. Kaiden stood and held out his hand to her.

  Lana eyed it a moment, as if wondering what to do with it, and then took it.His pulse quickened at her touch. This was real. The two of them standing together, existing, it was real.

  Lana managed to get to her feet but her head pounded back at her in protest. The world was doing somersaults in her head. She could feel Kaiden’s arms grab her in a strong but gentle hold, steadying her while keeping her at arms length. He helped her back down to the ground to rest against a smooth boulder. She obviously needed more time to recover.

  Ardin gently nudged Kaiden's hand, looking to Lana and back towards the Rami.

  “I can give you some energy if that is what you need.” The Rami said in a cool voice to Lana.

  Lana blushed at his offer, embarrassed to seem so weak, but nodded in response. The quicker she could fully function the better. Her hopes that the Rami who came onto their shores were refugees was false. Madonians were in danger. There was no doubt that Arkhip Dukran would use this to get the war he had always wanted. Lana needed to pull herself together, she needed to warn her father.

  A light erupted in Kaiden's hand. For a moment she looked at it with horror, being brought back to only moments ago at the Rami camp. Brought back to the feeling of having every cell in her body ignited by the energy forced into her, burning through her.

  He’s not going to harm you, it’s okay. Ardin reassured her, feeling her fear as he stepped between her and Kaiden. Kaiden sent the soft glowing light from his palm to Ardin who allowed for it to wash over the wolf and then Lana.

  Sweet relief washed away Lana’s pounding head. After a moment she gently rose to stand on her own. Her eyes met with Kaiden’s. Guarded and withdrawn eyes looked back at her, she couldn’t read
him, couldn’t tell what he was thinking.

  Her heart hammered against her ribs. He was standing in front of her, he was really there. The boy she still had dreams of.

  It was as if they were in some sort of a time warp. She felt like she had known him for all the time they had been apart, yet at the same time it was as if they were strangers. As she was staring into Kaiden’s blue eyes she understood why the Rami Lieutenant’s eyes seemed so curious to her. The joy flustering within her at such an unexpected reunion immediately settled down.

  “Thank you for saving me from… Who were those men?” She asked Kaiden, referring to the two Rami who had confronted her.

  “The shorter one was Seff and the other one, his name is Garin.”

  Lana looked down at the ground a moment in thought. She had heard him say that name before, a long time ago. She paused, “Your brother?”


  Lana only nodded in response to his affirmation. She was beginning to put things about the encounter together.

  “You taught him to control his power like that.” It was not a question. Lana knew most Rami had no true control of their abilities. They shot out energy with no finesse and little control, endangering everyone around them, including themselves. The only one, or so she thought, who was ever able to hold and control the power from within, so that it could be condensed into a sphere, was standing before her and the only reason he ever possessed such capabilities was because of her.

  In an instant she felt angry. Her time with Kaiden at Ucu had led to a vile Rami such as Garin having such great control of his strength. The Rami’s inability to control their powers was one of the Madonian’s main advantages against them.

  Lana turned to Donn. He and his grandkids stood in silence watching the exchange between Lana and the strange Rami.

  “Thank you for staying but you must go to safety. It has become too dangerous now. The Rami are combing through the forest around their camp. They are military men, not refugees. Take your grandchildren and get out of here.”

  “What will you and your friend do now?” Donn replied calmly.

  That’s when Lana noticed he was oddly comfortable around Kaiden. Most Madonian’s would run or try to kill a Rami on sight, at the very least she should be able to sense some unease from him. But Donn seemed fine, not at all distressed, and even called him her friend.

  “You’re not frightened of him?” Lana asked Donn.

  Donn chuckled before placing a hand on a shoulder of each of his grandkids. “Oh no, these little one’s seem skittish but they will get over it. I have been around many Rami people in my life.”

  Kaiden now seemed interested in the old man. “Where have you been around so many Rami?” he questioned.

  Donn turned to address Kaiden with an almost whimsical look, “In Alogrin, my boy.”

  Lana stepped closer to the old man, her eyes wide. “You have been to Alogrin?” She asked in disbelief.

  “I have,” was his only reply.

  I thought that place was a myth. Madonians have searched for years and it was never found. Can it be real?

  Ardin studied the old man along with Lana. I don’t know, but the stories must have come from somewhere.

  Alogrin was a place where Rami and Madonians once lived together, away from the troubles of the world. Where the great kings of the lands once lived and ruled over both races, under one single rule. The city’s location had always remained secret. Only the kings and their most trusted people lived in Alogrin, along with the golden army. The golden army was the highest caliber of the king’s forces, highly skilled and trusted. They protected their king fiercely.

  This was before the wars destroyed everything. After the fall of the last great king the golden army was never seen again. It was rumored that they fell into hiding in order to protect the unborn son of the late king, but those were only rumors.

  The public had no knowledge of how to get to the great city, besides for the few who took its location to their grave. Alogrin became a fairy tail that parents would tell their children. But even those stories of the once upon a time kings and talented fighters, stories of a peaceful time and a hidden city began to fade. But the stories never faded from Lana. It was a place she had desperately wished to be real.

  Donn moved his arms to cradle each of his grandchildren, pulling them a bit closer to himself. “That is where we will be heading. I have a home there, but for these little ones it will be a first time trip.”

  “I thought Alogrin was a myth.” Kaiden spoke what Lana was thinking. She peered at him, it seems that the stories of Alogrin were told amongst both races.

  “Oh it’s very real, I assure you.”

  “You live there?” Lana questioned, unsure if she believed him.

  “Ehhh, I have a home there, but haven't lived there long term. With the way things are, I figured it would be the safest place for the grandkids, for the time being.” Donn looked at them, all-staring back at him wide-eyed in disbelief. “I can take you there, though it will be tricky. They have never allowed a Council member through their gates before…”

  “Is it truly as great as the stories lead it to be?” Lana asked eagerly, her apprehension was being overwhelmed the possibility of Alogrin being real. There was a flicker of hope at the prospect of it. A grand city, one with a golden army, an army that could stand against this war. A place where Rami and Madonians can live without fear.

  “It is even more remarkable than the stories, my dear. Rami and Madonians live there without bloodshed, it is a small haven away from this cruel world.”

  “I’ve heard that they are great warriors.” Kaiden stated.

  “The best.” Donn said with a wink, as if he knew a secret about their warriors.

  “Why do they stay hidden away? Why not come out and be known and help the people of our lands? Where is Alogrin?” Lana began asking, her mind racing with questions.

  “They have their reasons and opinions.” Donn replied lifting an eyebrow while he watched her. "As for where they are, that is a complicated answer. Alogrin is in the mountains by your lands, Ms. Casteel. The city is hidden amongst the Selvirian mountains."

  Lana looked down in thought. To go to Alogrin would be amazing, but what of everything in Selviria, everything in all of Madonia? She would have to talk to her father. “I cannot leave my people and--” Lana was cut off from finishing her thoughts by Donn abruptly turning away from her. He looked towards the forest behind him.

  “It has started,” the words hauntingly left his lips.


  Ardin too now turned, his ears up and pointed.

  What is it? Lana asked her Aorra.


  “WHAT? What do you mean war?”

  “It seems a battle has started outside of Abder.” The old man spoke while scratching a small balding spot on top of his light grey head. “It seems we have luckily somehow avoided the Rami moving towards Abder.”

  Your father, Ardin said as he began running through the woods, knowing Lana would have sent him anyway. Kaiden and Donn both turned to her in question of Ardin’s disappearance.

  “My father is there. Ardin is going to go find him.” Lana spoke as she walked over to the white horse, pulling her sword from the mare and strapping it to her waist while panic began creeping in. “Donn, may I borrow her once more?” Lana asked urgently, regarding the horse.

  “She is all yours, you can keep her.”

  Kaiden gently grabbed Lana’s arm forcing her eyes to meet his. “You should not go. You were just attacked.”

  “And now I am all better, thanks to your donation of strength.” She owed him her life yet she felt betrayed that he taught his brother things from their past. Things that she thought were only between the two of them. She turned to get on her horse.

  Kaiden held his grip on her arm. “I only gave enough for you to feel better not fight a battle.”

  “Every moment I am here discussing this with you another one of my m
en is being killed. I am a part of the Madonian council. I disobeyed my father’s wishes and he is probably only a part of this in his attempt to find me. If anything happens to him… I must go”

  His hand dropped from her arm. “Let me go then, I’ll find him.” It was a preposterous proposition.

  “No. Madonians will try and kill you on sight, besides you have no idea who to even look for. I must go. Keep an eye on Donn and the kids, please. I’ll return once this is over.” Lana quickly swung a leg over and gave her horse a sharp kick, taking off before Kaiden could oppose again.

  Her heart raced in her chest while the horse carried her in the direction Ardin instructed. Fear nipped at her heel and she gave the horse a kick, as if trying to outrun it. She had to be strong, fearless, if she wanted to dive into whatever was going on, to find her father. In her gut she felt that something was incredibly wrong. It was more than the fact that Rami and Madonians were coming to blows on the outskirts of the city of Abder. Something had been wrong since the moment the day had started.

  It was not long before Lana came across a battlefield. Taking cover near a tree and some brush, she observed the mass of men fighting in a small opening within the woods between Abder and the Rami camp. She could see the silver of Madonian armor and the tanned flesh of the Rami moving in the clearing. Sounds of screams, groans, and clashing steel drifted through the air.

  Where is he! Her inner mind shouted to Ardin as she scanned the scene in front of her. Blood raced through her veins faster and faster with every moment that passed. Flashes of fiery light lit up the space as Rami and Madonians fought. Amongst the ringing of steel swords, the Rami would release bright sparks which the Madonians and their Aorras would block.

  I am looking, Lana. I am trying to get something from the other wolves but there’s nothing, it’s very odd.

  And Earmon? Lana scanned the horizon near a tree where the two sides fought. There was no sign of him. She searched from the center where she assumed he might have been, but again saw nothing. ARDIN!? Lana called out.


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