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Splintered Fate

Page 20

by ylugin

  Climbing out of bed, Lana cringed as her toes touched the cold stone floor. She made her way to her dresser and slipped on a clean tunic and pants and made her way out the door. Smoothly she weaved through the long halls, grabbing an apple along the way, and then through the gardens making her way to the Arena.

  It had been weeks since she had first arrived in Alogrin. The palace within the mountain was becoming almost a second home to her. The confusing hallways were becoming less so, each turn more recognizable. The people of Alogrin were becoming friendlier, saying hello with looks of sincere kindness as she walked past them.

  Kaiden was already in the Arena sitting against a tree, waiting for her.

  Over time Kaiden and Lana seemed to go back to what was normal to them, to what she could handle right now. The two spent a great deal of time together in Alogrin and Lana was happy to have a friend to explore the place with in the afternoons. In the mornings they continued their tradition of practice and training. Often they were joined by Clyte.

  Both Zorin and Donn would stop by frequently and help by giving input during training, however never together. Lana quickly picked up that the two had a rather thick distaste for one another but she never asked either of them about it.

  On a few occasions even Rika came by and join practice with them. Though Lana had the feeling Rika only came to keep an eye on Clyte, either way it provided a new person to spar with. Rika had a fiery personality that matched her red hair. Apart, both she and Clyte seemed like strong Rami women with tough exteriors. However, whenever they were together Lana would catch small glimpses of their softer sides with each other.

  Whenever she wasn’t sparring Lana spent a lot of time with Nadina and Alex. She taught them things that she had learned from her mother, happy to have the opportunity to pass the information along to eager minds. Tricks to survive in the forest, which berries to eat and which to stay away from. Lana took them swimming in the warm pond that she had discovered on her second day in Alogrin.

  Kaiden had made Alex a new bow, made of silk thread, and had him practicing making wooden arrows and shooting with the bow. Alex had finally begun enjoying the skills he had as a Madonian, though he had not fully admitted it yet.

  Lana loved watching them together, it made her think of how Kaiden was when they first met, as a child. There was something so boyish about him when he ran around with Alex and that bow.

  Alex was introduced to Jakobe, the Rami boy Kaiden had met his first night in Alogrin. At first the two didn’t seem to be very fond of each other. Everything appeared to always be a competition between the two of them. But that quickly faded. Alex provided an endless supply of perfectly made arrows and Jakobe helped him to further fine-tune his skills.

  While Kaiden continued to teach Alex archery, Lana began teaching Nadina how to throw knives. Nadina still had much to learn of her Madonian strength and how to control it, to form artifacts that she could hold on to. She was unable to use her gifts for what Lana had planned on teaching her. So Lana had Donn acquire a few small silver blades for Nadina.

  Lana continued to try and befriend the council and their advisors, though she found it difficult. Her father had always been the diplomat, the one who tried to see everyone’s way and to connect with all. He was able to reach people, to influence minds. Lana had always preferred to stay out of the light and not think too much about why Valdor did the things he did. Though now she often thought of her father, doing what she assumed he would in similar situations.

  She had yet to gain the full support of the Alogrin council against Arkhip Dukrans looming threat. Clyte seemed to be coming around the most. She was always a warrior and Lana played to that side of her. However, Micah was more challenging to reach and Cale was someone who Lana pretty much avoided if possible.

  “No Clyte this morning?” Kaiden asked when Lana approached.

  “No, she has been busy over the past few days and whenever I try to talk to her she has somewhere else to be.” Lana replied with a frown.

  Against all odds, Lana and Clyte became fast friends. For a while the three of them would meet every morning and practice attacks and sparring together. They would practice individually or in teams, sometimes Ardin would join them. That was until a few days ago when Clyte seemed to completely remove herself from them.

  “I am sure she is busy.”

  “But with what?” Lana said plopping to the ground beside him.

  He shrugged.

  “Want to practice?” Kaiden spoke as he formed a small sphere in his hand. A dangerously playful smile on his lips.

  Lana cringed, “No way.”

  They had practiced, Kaiden giving Lana energy without the use of Ardin, the way Zorin and his wife were able to. Their practice was unsuccessful. It left Lana with glimpses of pain that reminded her of when Garin had her in his grips. After a few days of practice, which was more like torture, Lana called it off.

  Kaiden laughed and threw the ball of energy into the air. Quickly Lana formed a dagger in her hand and threw it at the moving target. When her knife hit the sphere it popped violently with an electrifying bang and the dagger glittered away into dust.

  “You are getting better at that.” Kaiden complemented.

  “Getting better? Don’t you mean I am awesome?”

  “You are as awesome as I have taught you to be.”

  “Whatever, I surpassed you a long time ago.”

  They both laughed at each other’s teasing. It was so easy with Kaiden, easy to talk to him, to be around him, to joke with him. Even his smile was easy.

  “Where is Ardin?” He asked.

  “What no rebuttal? No use in fighting the truth I suppose… and no idea. He was gone when I woke up this morning, I figured he may be with Donn and the kids somewhere.”

  As if her Aorra had heard himself being called, Ardin’s voice entered Lana’s mind.

  Lana, you are wanted in the brown room by the council.

  The room we were brought to when we first came here?


  What for?

  Just come. If Kaiden is with you he can join too.

  “We are being summoned by the council,” Lana said jumping to her feet.

  “Where?” Kaiden joined her.

  “Ardin said we are wanted in the brown room.” She shrugged.

  “What do they want?”

  “Beats me, Ardin tells me nothing. Maybe they have come to a decision about helping our people in this war?”

  “Isn’t Ardin supposed to be your soul mate or something and tell you everything?”

  “I have an untrustworthy one I guess.” She grumbled.

  I heard that.

  A small smile touched Lana’s lips at her Aorra’s reply.

  * * *

  Lana and Kaiden entered the room to the three Alogrinian council members, their advisors, and Ardin.

  "What's going on?" Lana asked, shocked to have such a grand audience. All of them were watching her from the moment she entered.

  "A Madonian warrior has been wandering the mountain for a week now." Micah answered. "At first we thought it was an accident or he was looking for the Rami warriors, but he has been deliberately avoiding them. We think he may be searching for you."

  "Who?" Lana asked, not sure what to think.

  "A Council member.”

  “Which one?” Lana asked in wonder. Maybe it was General Flynn, but he isn’t a council member. Perhaps it was the Maddox’s. They were friendly with Valdor, and maybe after her disappearance they have been looking for her. But then they would most likely send people to look for her and not come on their own at a time of such turmoil within the lands. But then Micah said it was a warrior, maybe it is one of the Laderic brothers? Though why would they be looking for her? Lana was not sure what to think, who this mystery Council member looking for her was.

  “Kirill Dukran." Micah answered.

  Lana simply nodded in response. A million questions seemed to enter her mind. She looked
over to Ardin as he silently came to stand beside her.

  "What are you going to do?” She asked the council before her. Eyeing Clyte, who wore an expressionless face, and was particularly hard to read despite how close they had become.

  "We were wondering your opinion on this, seeing as you know him better.” Micah spoke.

  "I don't really know him anymore.”

  "Do you believe that he can be trusted?" Clyte asked.

  "I don't trust him," Lana quickly responded.

  He did save your life and told us about Arkhip. Ardin voiced to Lana.

  You really think he can be trusted?

  The council deserves to know the facts, let them make their own decision.

  Micah looked at Ardin, realizing that Lana and he were communicating.

  "What does your Aorra think?" He asked Lana. In that moment Lana made it a point to start practicing talking to Ardin in a subtler manner.

  "Kirill saved my life the day my father's was taken."

  "Another man who saved your life, princess," Cale sneered.

  Lana dug her nails into her palm in order to not react.

  Micah turned to Cale, "Enough, this is not a time for petty foolishness."

  Lana continued talking to Micah. "Kirill and I used to be very close as children. Then I went to Ucu and when I came back we seemed to be different people. He used my mother’s death as a reason to kill more Rami. He was greedy for glory and Rami blood. No longer was he the boy I trusted. Then he saved my life in Abder. During my struggles to get to my father, Kaiden helped by fueling Ardin and myself with energy. Kirill saw Kaiden, but did not pursue him. He is also the one who lead Ardin and myself to believe that his father is responsible for Valdor’s death."

  All eyes were on Lana as if weighing her words. A moment of silence passed over the room.

  "What are you thinking?" she boldly asked Micah.

  "We have to kill him or bring him in." Cale answered.

  "We can not just leave him be?"

  Clyte was the one to answer Lana. “No, he has gotten too close. Plus he has been getting in the way of our hunting parties. Between him and the Rami’s searching for you it has been difficult to find windows for our men to leave without risk of running into anyone."

  Lana nodded in response. She hadn’t given it much thought, how her being in Alogrin was affecting their daily lives. Having people looking for her over their walls wasn’t making it easy for the Alogrinians.

  "What are you choosing?" She asked the three council members.

  "He would not be welcomed here like you are.” Micah answered.

  So they are leaning towards bringing him in.

  We should try and talk to him, see what he has to say. Ardin shared his thoughts.

  “Does he have an Aorra?” Micah asked. “We have been watching him but have not seen one.”

  “No, it has always been just him. He played it off as he had one but I believe it was just an animal his father had created.”

  Micah nodded and turned, about to speak to his council before Lana interrupted.

  "Who will be bringing him in?"


  Lana turned to look at Bredin a moment. He stood off to the side, casually listening to the conversation with his hands in his pocket. He stared back at her from beneath his shaggy brown head of hair. His hawk Aorra sat perched near him.

  "May I go too? Ardin can go up ahead so Kirill isn’t on edge of people approaching. He is a skilled fighter and not very trusting. If he is coming here in search of me, it is best I be there so no one gets hurt."

  Micah nodded in agreement.

  “I will go too,” Clyte interjected.

  Lana looked to Clyte, happy to have her be a part of this. Clyte’s features softened, and a slight smile now pulled at the corners of her lips.

  “Must I wear the blind folds?” Lana asked the council.

  “No” Clyte replied with a wicked grin.

  Lana glanced over at Cale who appeared to be very displeased. When he caught her looking at him he spoke.

  “If you betray us, we will move the entrance to Alogrin, it will be a pain but something that can be done. Then we will hunt you down no matter where you run. I will kill you for your betrayal and threatening the lives of those I protect.”

  “I have no intentions in bringing harm to any of the people here.” Lana replied to his threat calmly.

  Just like that, the conversation was over.

  Lana was given a horse. Kaiden decided to join too. Lana wasn’t too sure why but she supposed it was partially to protect her. Whatever his reasons, she was happy to have his company.

  Breiden and two of his men met up with Lana, Ardin, Kaiden, and Clyte near what was the passage leading out of Alogrin. Once everyone was up and mounted he led them out of Alogrin, towards Kirill Dukran.



  Just get close enough so he knows it's us coming, but stay at a distance. Lana warned Ardin.

  I'll be fine. He reassured her with a playful flick of his tail as he took off into the woods.

  The party rode in silence, which Lana broke only to inform them when Ardin had found Kirill. The otherwise lack of conversation was not only welcome but necessary. Lana had a frenzy in her mind to control, racing thoughts that ran too fast for her to catch. Biting the inside of her cheek, her hands squeezed the reigns in a mixture of nerves and fear.

  It wasn’t Kirill that she feared, but the information that he may bring. The weight that he may add to her shoulders with his words, was something she feared she wasn’t ready to hold. If his presence didn’t add to her burden, it at the very least brought the deafening sound of time slipping away to her attention. Lana was suddenly too aware of how many mornings she had spent behind the safety of the Alogrinian walls. Time that she had let slip by while her people suffer.

  When they approached the area where Ardin and Kirill were, Lana was the first to see him. His blond hair was pulled back out of his face and his clothes dirty. He sat leaning against a tree, an arm casually wresting on one knee, while Ardin sat several yards away from him, watching.

  "What are you doing here?" Lana asked when she was close enough for Kirill to hear. She dismounted her horse and took a few strides towards him, careful to keep some distance between them.

  His silver eyes steadily watched her, full of something other than hate or anger. Not once did he look at the others, not once did he take his eyes off of her.

  "To get away and join you I guess." He said after a moment.

  "What, killing got too mundane for you?"

  Clyte glanced at Lana, finding such a remark odd coming from her. Lana understood why Clyte looked at her in surprise, she only knew Lana as kind and never so outright cold. This was different territory. Lana wasn’t trying to impress the council or trying to be nice. She was talking to a cruel and dangerous Madonian.

  Kaiden and Clyte exchanged momentary glances at one another but remained in the back, allowing Lana to speak to Kirill without interruption.

  "That wasn't really me. I just didn’t know it." Kirill murmured.

  “Right... What of my people?"

  "They are fine for now. Your general is a good leader he keeps your people as safe as possible, though Arkhip tries to control everything.”

  Lana nodded, she wanted to know more but perhaps now was not the time. Once he was secure in Alogrin, then she would question him on what was truly going on in their Lands. Kirill stood up, his eyes meeting hers.

  "Lana" He reached out, touching her arm and she stepped out of his reach. "That day... I never meant the things I said about your mother." Kirill spoke lowly, so that only Lana and a few others who strained to hear heard. A sharp stab of pain hit her with the memory. The day that Kirill disrespected her mother, the day his father caused her fathers death. "It wasn't me... It was wrong. I am ashamed for the way I spoke to you. For everything that happened. I am here to make it up to you in any way that I can."

>   Lana looked him in the eyes, it seemed that his steel eyes had lost some of their edge.

  “How did you know where to look for me?”

  “I’m a good tracker. And I figured you might retreat to your lands after what happened. Plus, there aren’t many places you could go due to your friend over there.” Kirill’s eyes glanced to Kaiden a moment before returning to Lana.

  "Why did you save me?" It was almost a whisper. Lana played the scenarios out in her head over and over. Kirill and Arkhip could rule over all of the Selvirian lands if she too died. During turmoil there would be no time for a vote for a new Council member for her lands, they would most likely be given over to the Dukran family. She would have been killed were it not for Kirill. They could have had it all. But he saved her.

  "You were the only true friend I had in my… childhood". he hesitated.

  "I keep getting reminded of that, but we had stopped being friends long ago."

  Kirill had no response.

  "Could you have saved him?" Lana said even softer. Kirill knew she was talking about her father. Lana had to struggle to keep her composure, but she looked him dead in the eye, she wanted to see him when he responded.

  "No, I didn’t know until it was too late."

  "How did you find out it was Arkhip?"

  Kirill sighed “…I just knew."

  He's hiding something Lana shared with Ardin.

  I agree, but everything else seems sincere. We can learn more once we get him back to Alogrin

  Clyte approached Lana and Kirill. "If you come with us you must be blindfolded... and you will not be free to roam around." This was Clyte's kind way of telling Kirill that he would be in confinement.

  “It would be no worse than the prison I came from." Was his only reply before he was blindfolded. “Where are we going anyway?”

  “You agree to come blindfolded before you even know where you are heading?” Kaiden spoke to the now blindfolded Kirill.

  “Like I said, I am coming from a prison. It doesn’t really matter where I am going, just curious.” Kirill replied with a shrug.


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