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Arielle Immortal Passion (The Immortal Rapture Series Book 3)

Page 6

by Lilian Roberts

  It was early in the afternoon when they heard the guys coming back. They couldn’t believe they had spent so many hours just talking and enjoying the beautiful day.

  They met their guys in the foyer as they were coming inside from the garden. It didn’t take but a few short seconds for the guys to show their special girls how much they were missed.

  Sebastian wrapped his arms around Arielle and pulled her into his warm embrace. Lifting her face to his, she smiled wide. His lips brushed against hers and then, angling his head, he moved closer and deepened the kiss, sending Arielle’s senses into a different universe. Her whole body shuddered and she moaned softly.

  He reluctantly pulled back from the kiss, remembering where they were. He looked down on Arielle’s face and chuckled softly. Her eyes were closed and a blissful expression had spread across her beautiful face. Taking a quick look around, he saw their friends all involved in their own warm exchanges.

  Arielle opened her eyes and their gazes locked. He pulled her against him and she rested her head against his chest. Nuzzling her hair, he whispered, “I missed you, baby, how did it go?”

  Arielle exhaled deeply. She pulled back, trying to calm her nerves and slow down her erratic pulse. She coughed softly to clear her throat. “I told them, and it made no difference to them at all,” she said happily.

  “I told you it would be fine,” he said as he pulled her back into his arms and pressed his lips down on hers. The world around her faded away once again and there was only him.

  “Let’s all go down to the village to have lunch by the ocean, what do you think?”

  Troy’s suggestion snapped all of them out of their private thoughts and loving interactions.

  “Well, that’s a switch,” Eva said, looking directly at Troy. There was a hidden inquiry in her statement that escaped all except Troy and Sebastian. Gabrielle blinked and frowned, confused by her friend’s statement. Troy and Sebastian tensed because they understood that Eva had profound questions about both of them. Her special abilities were telling her that there was a mystery hiding behind Troy and Sebastian. Strangely enough, Sebastian could clearly see that she had made a list of things that were different about them somewhere in the back of her mind. It was true that neither Troy nor Sebastian had ever suggested that they go to a restaurant or any place that served food. Eva was on a steady mission to uncover their secret, or what she thought was a huge secret about them, but her motives were clearly understood by Troy and Sebastian. Yet, they were not ready to reveal their hand, not at this time.

  “What do you mean?” Troy said, feigning surprise.

  “It’s usually Gabby that makes the suggestions, not you,” Eva said blankly.

  “You’re right,” Troy agreed, his voice unruffled. “I want Gabrielle to make the decisions, because she has better taste in restaurants,” he replied evenly.

  Eva hesitated for a short moment, but decided to drop the subject. She was clearly not satisfied. Arielle could see that she wanted to get some answers to her questions about Troy and Sebastian.

  “So anyway, do you all want to go?”

  To Arielle’s relief, Troy’s voice brought them back to the original question. They all agreed and decided to go to their rooms and freshen up.

  Chapter 5

  ARIELLE FOUND HERSELF ALONE with Sebastian and his twenty questions. Her eyes wavered shut and her arms wrapped around his neck. They remained quiet for a long moment, savoring each other’s embrace. “I’m so relieved and so happy,” she murmured. “However,” she added. “Eva did ask a few questions about you and Troy. You heard her. She knows something is amiss, but of course I didn’t reveal anything. I thought what I had told them was quite enough for one day.”

  She saw a dark shadow cross his eyes, a look that passed as quickly as it had appeared. “Arielle, this type of secret can have grave effects on people,” he said. “So, we really try to keep a low profile. Immortals are very protective about that information, and we have to be very careful about who knows what. Fear can create panic, and panic can bring about horrible results.”

  “What are you talking about? Panic? Horrible results? Are you trying to scare me?”

  “No, not at all, but if people found out that we are immortals, we would have to leave Brighton, and I’m sure you wouldn’t want that.”

  “Why?” Her grimace was explicit.

  “You must be joking,” he said, looking surprised.

  Arielle arched an eyebrow. She really didn’t know what he meant by that. He tilted his head and gave her a serious look. “You really don’t see the problem?”

  Arielle bit down on her lip and nodded, muttering a quick apology. “I’m sorry, I guess I just wasn’t thinking. But, is there something that prevents you from telling our best friends?”

  “No particular reason except that immortals are very protective of each other. It’s a secret society with a strong bond that will never break. For that reason alone, I’m glad you didn’t say anything. The other reason is that you never know how people will react to this type of revelation.”

  “But… but, Sebastian, they’re our best friends. How can we keep something like that from them? You told me never to be afraid to tell them my most private secrets.”

  “I guess what I’m saying is that I don’t think it is the right time to do that. Not yet.” He searched her eyes, as if looking for the path her mind was taking.

  Arielle felt a little uncomfortable with his answer. She remembered that he told her, a long time ago, about all the times he’d had to move away from places when people around him started to notice that he was different. She kept quiet as he continued searching her face, looking for some type of reaction.

  “Are you okay?” Sebastian asked.

  “Yes,” she whispered. Her voice fractured, and Sebastian pulled her closer.

  “What is it?” Lifting her face to his, he gazed into her eyes and saw the hurt that was pouring over her. “Arielle, what is it?” Sebastian pressed on, clearly concerned.

  “It’s nothing,” she turned to walk away. Sebastian moved quickly, and grabbing her wrist he spun her around to face him. Arielle’s heart accelerated.

  “There is something wrong, and you better start talking,” he said, his voice low but firm. “What in the world happened in the last few minutes to make you this unhappy. Did I do something wrong?” His arms snaked around her and pulled her into his arms. “Please talk to me, don’t shut me out.”

  She closed her eyes slowly fighting a surge of emotion. “I’m just… just…”

  “You are just what?”

  Arielle faltered and closed her eyes tersely. “Worried,” she said and drew a deep breath.

  “Worried!” he was alarmed. “About what?”

  When she said nothing, he shook her lightly. “Talk to me,” he pleaded.

  “It’s what you said back there. The fact that we will have to move away from Brighton since everyone around us will start getting older, including me,” she stopped and swallowed hard. “And you,” she waved her arm up and down his body. “You will remain young and beautiful way after I am gone.” Her voice broke at the last words and tears pooled in her eyes.

  Sebastian was astounded. He cupped her chin and raised her face until their eyes met. “When will you start trusting me?” he asked, frustration coating his voice. “You and I are linked together for eternity.”

  “But how?” She stared at him, stupefied.

  “Leave the how and when to me. Just trust me. Can you do that?”

  Arielle pulled her chin away from his hold and looked away.

  “Just trust me, Arielle. I spent over five hundred years looking for you, do you really think that I will let you go?”

  Arielle shook her head and turned to face him once again. His hand came up, and he ran his finger down the side of her cheek. “Arielle,” he said, “I love you.”

  She looked up at him and his arms snaked around her once again, pulling her hard against his muscula
r body. His mouth came down on hers and she moaned. Threading her fingers into his hair, she held him down to her with a desire that surged through both of them. Sebastian groaned at the feel of her soft, sensuous lips and pulled her even harder against him. The kiss turned passionate and she closed her eyes savoring his heated desire. The next few moments were a blur. Arielle’s breath rocketed out of her and she bit back a gasp when she found herself standing naked in the shower. Sebastian was watching her, a wide smile on his face.

  “What!” she yelled.

  He broke out into a hearty laugh.

  “Sebastian, you’ll have to stop doing that. One of these days I will have a heart attack,” she said, feigning reproach.

  “Do what?” he said, wrapping his arms around her and taking her mouth with passion, molding her against him. Arielle moaned at the sensation of his immortal scent—a blend of mystery and desire—and her lips parted, giving him access to the softness of her mouth.

  “Do you want to shower with me?” he purred.

  “Well, I guess so,” she said, chuckling. “What else is there to do in the shower?”

  Sebastian groaned and reaching around her he turned the water on. Bending down he ran his tongue over her lower lip and she moaned. The feel of her body was threatening his sanity. “Good God I want you,” he breathed. His hands moved slowly over her beautiful curves sending ripples of hot sensation across her body.

  Arielle lifted her eyes to meet his gaze, a smoldering green volcano that took her breath away. His mouth came down on hers and the pleasure was beyond anything either one could rationalize.

  His hands moved slowly, sending ripples of fire across her skin. Cupping her breasts, he kneaded feverishly, and she bowed into his grasp. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. His lips moved from her lips down to her breasts and his tongue brushed over her silky flesh. Her breath was suspended when he took an aching nipple into the heat of his mouth, and the sensation brought tears to her eyes. He took his time and paid great attention to every part of her body. By the time his lips came back to her mouth she was utterly witless, clinging to him for support.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “Mmmm,” was all she could say. He chuckled softly.

  His hands moved around her and over her lower back. He pressed her hard against him, his erection digging into the softness of her stomach. She gasped at the sensation and closed her eyes, savoring the warmth of his body.

  “Kiss me, baby,” he murmured, his voice hoarse.

  It was a plea layered with heat and desire, and she shivered. Swiftly, he grabbed her hips and lifted her to him, tipping her backward. “Wrap your legs around my waist, baby,” he purred, and she groaned. She locked her feet around his waist and he shifted, letting out a heated moan. Sebastian pushed into her and sent a toe curling sensation that spread fire through her veins. Her fingers dug into his back and her head fell back as sheer sensation took her breath away in stunted gusts. He leaned forward and set his hot mouth on her breasts, and she groaned ravenously from the intoxicating heat that was surging through her veins. She arched her back and pressed her hips against his and he thrust harder. The blaze was fed from their passionate desire and consumed every fiber, shearing their flesh. Their eyes locked as a fragmenting explosion shook them, sending waves of sensation through their veins, leaving them breathless and bringing them to a glorious climax. She threw her head back and let pleasure envelope her, leaving her limp and sated in his tight embrace. When she opened her eyes he was watching her, grinning like a little boy.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “I’m fine, and you?” she asked playfully.

  “Gloriously,” he chuckled softly and pressed a soft kiss on her lips. “Are you ready to take a shower?”

  She nodded and he let her slide down softly until her feet touched the floor. It was a while later when they finished dressing and left the room to meet their friends.

  The café was near the edge of the water. They ordered a round of drinks and their lunch. There was some talk, but mostly they sat quietly, absorbing the sun indulgently. Sebastian and Troy had chosen seats under the umbrella. Gabrielle and Arielle knew why they were avoiding the direct sunlight. Arielle looked at Troy’s hands, wondering if he too had some type of unusual ring, and sure enough, there it was. It didn’t look anything like Sebastian’s, but it was large and unique. She looked at Sebastian, and his face was tranquil. No person on this earth had the right to be so beautiful. When he caught her looking at him, he smiled, a happy gleam in his eyes.

  “Arielle!” It was Gabrielle’s voice breaking through her reverie.

  “Yes?” Arielle asked, closing her eyes and letting the warm sunlight caress her body.

  “Do you want to show us your parents’ house this afternoon? Then, we can explore this place tomorrow.”

  “Is that something you all want to do?” Arielle asked, still not opening her eyes.

  “I think that’s a great idea,” Sebastian said. “I’ve never been there either.” There was something in the tone of his voice that made Arielle’s eyes snap open. His face was sad, remembering that time long ago when he had broken his promise to Arielle to attend her parents’ party. Reaching over, he took her hand in his and pressed it warmly. Their eyes met and held for long moment. Her look told him that she understood his thoughts. Her face remained impassive, giving nothing away to her friends.

  “Great, then it’s all settled,” Eva exclaimed. Arielle just beamed.

  It was a delicious lunch, with fresh seafood excellently prepared. Arielle was happy until she heard Ian whisper, “Sebastian, today while I was riding, I saw the same girl that I saw yesterday up on the hill looking at us. She was there but for a second, and then she disappeared again before I had a chance to say anything to you.”

  Sebastian and Arielle exchanged looks, and Arielle saw Troy and Gabrielle do the same thing. Arielle immediately felt uneasy. Clearly, something was going on. Arielle wasn’t sure what it was, but she was pretty sure that Annabel was watching them.

  “Let’s go,” Sebastian said. The beautiful spell that had held Arielle in a moment of total happiness was gone.

  This time, they all rode together in a larger car. The ride to her parents’ vacation house was quiet, but Sebastian held Arielle’s hand as he always did, reassuring her that he was there and that he loved her.

  The house was just as lovely as it was when Arielle was there with her family. The grounds were beautifully tended, and the flowers were in full bloom, making everyone beam with pleasure.

  “The last time I remember, I drove past this place several times, but I was afraid to come in and ruin the party,” Sebastian said with a chuckle.

  “Afraid of what?” Eva interjected. There was another hint of curiosity in her question.

  Sebastian’s gaze found Arielle. Their fingers intertwined and he drew her a little closer. His voice came out, utterly unruffled. “Oh, my crazy old girlfriend was following me, and I didn’t want to create any problems for Arielle and her family.”

  “Yes, I remember you saying something about that last year,” Gabby said.

  “Is she really crazy?” asked Ian.

  “No, but she might as well be. She doesn’t seem to want to leave me alone—or anyone who wants to be with me.”

  “She sounds like a stalker, you should report her to the police,” Ian said.

  “I’ve done just about everything I know to do, but she won’t go away.”

  “Do you think that the girl we have seen now twice might be this girl?” Ian asked.

  “I don’t know, because I didn’t see her. But I wouldn’t be surprised.”

  “Don’t worry, Arielle. There are six of us, and there’s only one of her,” Ian smiled, noticing Arielle’s discomfort.

  Arielle smiled back at him. “Thank you, Ian.” She knew that if he knew how bad the situation really was he would be getting a good dose of fear himself. But she just kept quiet and let
everyone enjoy her parents’ house and garden.

  “You aren’t going to find the excitement or the history in this house that you did in the Gaulle residence,” she laughed. “This is just a beach house that hasn’t had to weather the storms of centuries, and no noble families have lived here. It’s only about twenty years old, there’s no history at all.”

  “It’s a lovely home, decorated in wonderful taste. And what breathtaking views,” said Troy, and the others agreed.

  Sebastian took her hand as he leaned over and whispered, “This is a wonderful place, and the fact that you live in here in the summers makes it even more desirable for me.” He kissed her cheek softly and they walked out onto the huge balcony.

  “This is where I stood waiting for you the night of the party,” Arielle whispered. She smiled, remembering all the terrible thoughts about Sebastian that had gone through her head that night.

  “But I’m here now. And I’m not going anywhere unless you are with me,” he said and pulled her into his warm embrace. She nodded, stopping the recollection of bad memories from a year ago.

  “I guess we’ll do the exploring tomorrow, right, Sebastian?” asked Eva, as she stepped out onto the balcony.

  “I’m ready when you are,” he said, turning and dazzling her, making her lose her balance. Troy, who had walked outside right behind her, grabbed her and steadied her, laughing. Arielle shot a meaningful look at Sebastian and he winked at her, letting her know he had done it on purpose.

  “It’s not fair when you do that, Sebastian,” Eva protested. “And don’t think we haven’t noticed that you can do it anytime you like.” She smiled to soften her words. Leaning close, Sebastian gave her an affectionate peck on the cheek.

  Troy wanted to drive back to the house, so Sebastian relinquished the keys and he and Arielle cuddled snugly in the back seat of the van. Arielle closed her eyes, savoring his warm embrace, and rested her head against his muscled chest. Sebastian nuzzled her hair and tightened his arms around her. Troy and Gabrielle had fallen into a heated conversation about horseback riding rules. Ian and Eva listened to their discussion and chuckled at Gabby’s vigorous nods and her frustrated outcries, while throwing her hands up in the air. It was quite obvious that Troy was egging Gabby on, just to hear her hilarious outbursts.


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