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Arielle Immortal Passion (The Immortal Rapture Series Book 3)

Page 9

by Lilian Roberts

  Arielle’s heart was overjoyed to see Sebastian and Troy being able to share something of their lives with the girls. They seemed so happy and relaxed, just enjoying getting to know each other. She thought that this would have been the perfect moment for Troy and Sebastian to tell Ian and Eva the truth about themselves, but she didn’t bring it up.

  Troy pulled Gabrielle into his arms and, bending down, he pressed a sweet kiss on her lips. When he finally pulled back he announced that he and Gabrielle had decided to take a long walk on the beach. They all chuckled as they watched them walk away in each other’s arms.

  A long moment passed before Ian rose to his feet and took Eva’s hand, pulling her toward him. “Let’s swim out to that platform,” he said, pointing to a square platform several hundred meters out in the middle of the water. “Are you game?” he asked again, pulling her in for a kiss. Eva giggled, and pulling back she took off running toward the water, leaving Ian startled for a short moment. Then, he took off after her, laughing blissfully.

  Their laughter was heartwarming and Arielle laughed out loud as she watched them trying to beat each other to the platform. Once there, they fell into each other’s arms and lay down to soak up the sun in what seemed to be their own private little universe in the middle of the ocean. Arielle sighed, and turning toward Sebastian she found him watching her attentively. Their gazes met, blue eyes against green, and locked. “What?” she asked softly.

  His lips curved, and leaning in he took her mouth in a scorching kiss. She closed her eyes and her body quivered. “What’s that for?”

  “That’s because I love you,” he breathed into the kiss. “And that’s because you are the most beautiful creature on this earth, and you make me happy,” he added joyfully.

  “Oh.” Arielle feigned surprise and teasingly ran her tongue over her lower lip in a slow, painful motion. Sebastian’s eyes went wide and she chuckled.

  He shook his head and excitement flared in his eyes. “Did you arrange this with your friends?”

  She raised her shoulder in a nonchalant shrug, “Whatever do you mean?”

  “I mean this,” he said, chuckling and pointing first in the direction Troy and Gabrielle had taken and then toward the platform in the water where Ian and Eva were sunbathing.

  “Oh, nonsense,” Arielle said and waved her hand dismissively.

  Sebastian snorted. “Um, let’s say that I believe you. What do you want to do now that we’re alone?” he asked, and leaning in, his voice draped over her senses like a hot promise as he brushed his lips against her ear. She heard his soft chuckle, and her heart raced as heat flickered across his eyes.

  “I guess we just enjoy being together,” she said, for lack of having anything better to say. She lay casually on the beach towel and reaching up, she ran her finger down Sebastian’s beautiful jaw line.

  Sebastian gazed down and couldn’t help himself from admiring the girl that was going to be his wife. The thought made him giddy.

  His finger traced a circle around her breasts, trailed down, and stopped below her flat stomach. Pleasure poured over her and she moaned quietly. Her eyes fluttered open and met his gaze filled with pure emotion. Reaching up, she ran her fingers through his hair and pulled him down for a kiss. There was no resistance, just desire. Their lips met, and they sank into each other with hunger, with unrestrained lust. Their pleasure made their thoughts scatter into oblivion. Pulling back from the kiss he let his gaze sweep over her body, savoring the sensation that was overwhelming every nerve ending in his body. “You look awfully sexy in a bikini,” he said. She giggled softly. When his mouth found hers once again, she parted her lips and he thrust his tongue against hers. He licked her sweetness like a hungry man. She moaned, and he let out a low sigh.

  “What are you doing to me?” he gasped, and wrapping his arms around her he pulled her tightly against him, enjoying the mind-numbing sensation that her body heat was providing.

  “What’s wrong?” Arielle managed to ask.

  “You’ll be the death of me,” he sighed, again. It was his favorite sentence every time they were intimate with each other.

  She giggled and he squeezed tighter. “You’ll pay for this later,” he added breathlessly.

  “I’m looking forward to your promise,” she whispered seductively.

  They lay quietly for a long time, enjoying the sun’s warmth and the sound of the waves lapping the edge of the shoreline.

  They must have dozed off because Ian’s voice startled them awake. “This has been the best vacation ever!” he exclaimed, shaking water over Sebastian and Arielle. They both shrieked and sat up laughing. “I can’t believe that we only have a few days left. I don’t know how to thank you, Sebastian. But I’ll try to find a way,” he said. Eva was already perched next to Arielle, chatting away.

  “It’s my pleasure,” Sebastian replied. “I’ve had a great time as well, and I owe that to all of you.”

  Troy and Gabrielle returned as the sun began to set. The sky looked like a huge fireball had started to move slowly towards the edge of the water and slip away. It turned first orange, then red. There were no words to describe this beautiful miracle that happened right before their eyes and caused their breath to stop for a millisecond. When the sun went down, twilight arrived and the sky turned gray. They decided to leave.

  It had been a wonderful, sentimental ending to a gorgeous day. As they were walking to the car, Sebastian put his arm around Arielle’s waist. He leaned over and whispered to her with a low chuckle, “I haven’t forgotten.” She feigned inquisitiveness, but finally she just giggled happily.

  They had a wonderful dinner and talked for a while, not wanting to let the day end. But eventually, fatigue took over and they all went to bed. Arielle was so tired she could hardly keep her eyes open, but Sebastian indeed hadn’t forgotten the beach and the desire that had sparked between them, and he didn’t let her go to sleep. He seemed to be tireless, and she was sure she could never keep up with him even if she tried. She surrendered to him and then slept in his arms, as she did every night, completely sated and satisfied.

  With just five more days left of their stay, Arielle was determined to explore the house before leaving. She had wanted to do so since the first time she had set foot inside the magnificent place. It had been like a magnet that kept pulling her to embrace all the secrets it had held for centuries.

  She knew that Sebastian would not like her request based on Annabel’s last attack, but she didn’t care, she was ready to do it.

  They were still in bed when she asked him if she could stay behind that day and explore the house while the others went out. “I need to find out all I can about a place you’re saying will be mine one day,” she said.

  He was quiet for such a long time that Arielle thought he hadn’t heard her.

  “Sebastian, did you hear me?”

  “Yes, I did. And this is your house now, but I don’t feel good about you staying here alone after what happened the last time you remained behind.”

  “I won’t go outside. I’ll stay inside. And maybe Eva would like to stay with me. You can go horseback riding with the others. I would just love to become more familiar with this house.”

  Sebastian wasn’t happy about the plan, but he wasn’t going to argue with her. He could see that she was determined to stay. He rolled on his side to face her and his eyes were serious. He pulled her close, so close that his mouth was touching hers. “All right, then. I’ll stay here with you, and the others can go and explore on their own.”

  “No!” she protested as his mouth landed on hers and stopped her from talking. She tried to pull away and complete her sentence, but his hand held her firmly and didn’t let go. It didn’t take long and soon she gave in to his warm kiss, delicious scent, and hot, toe curling desires.

  When they finally lay spent, she smiled, savoring his love, glowing in the idea of this stunning man being hers and hers alone. She regained her wits slowly, and when she was able to spea
k again she protested. “You are not playing fair,” she whispered. “You are my fiancé, not my bodyguard,” she added. Meeting his gaze, she saw a slow smile curve his gorgeous lips, and she almost forgot what the conversation was about.

  “I’m not just your fiancé,” she heard his soft voice saying. “I’m the man who is determined to keep you for eternity. I’m the man who wants you safe, just the way you are right now. You have bewitched me body and soul, and I love you, Miss Lizzy.” He laughed softly, and she couldn’t help laughing with him as he quoted Pride and Prejudice. She pressed a hot kiss on his lips, and pulling away, she sat up on the bed.

  “Where do you think you are going now that you’ve got me going?”

  “Be serious, Sebastian, we just made love. I need to discuss this with you.”

  “Do you keep a log of how many times we make love?”

  “No, but I know what you’re trying to do. You’re trying to change the conversation. But I’m not going to change my mind. Are there any secret rooms here that I need to know about?”

  Sebastian shook his head as if in surrender and said, “I’ve no idea, honestly. I’ve never taken the time to explore this house from one corner to another. I’m sure there must be places that I have never seen and there may be secret rooms. I just don’t know. Most of the rooms are locked, but the keys are on the tops of the door frames so they can be unlocked as needed.”

  “I have read so many Gothic books,” Arielle said in a low voice. “I’m sure there are hidden places, and I’m determined to find each and every one of them.” Her face shone with pure excitement and wonder. Sebastian pulled her down into his arms, a huge smile on his face.

  “You look like a child in Wonderland.”

  “And that’s just exactly the way I feel,” she giggled.

  “So I have to go another day without you by my side?”

  In answer, she pulled herself closer to him and was startled when he pulled her on top of him. Her heart raced as hard muscle pressed against her body. Sebastian drew a deep breath. Wild temptation and fevered anticipation swept every other thought away from his mind. Arielle shivered with excitement as his tongue licked her lips and his mouth encircled hers in a soft, hot kiss. The slow, sensuous movement of the kiss spread passion in her veins. Clearly he was ready for another round, and she surrendered, savoring every moment until blissful glory embraced them and raised them to blazing ecstasy. She felt a surge of lust coursing through her that made her shudder as she reached a stage of oblivion.

  “What are you doing to me?” he murmured, completely out of breath.

  “I’m not sure I know what you’re asking…,” she chuckled.

  “You’ll be the death of me,” he sighed.

  “Mmm-hmm, that’s my plan,” she said and bit back a yelp as he rolled and took her with him, landing on top of her. His breathing became uneven and hard and she laughed with exhilaration.

  “I’ll never understand how I can lose control every single time I’m in bed with you,” he said, his voice soft and dazed.

  “Only in bed?” she asked and squirmed beneath him, making him laugh.

  “No, but it’s a puzzle for me.”

  “Sebastian, will you let me stay back and explore the house today?”

  He nodded his head in agreement, his lips curved into a soft smile.

  “Okay. I’ll let you, but only if Eva stays with you. I’m not going to leave you alone. Are we in agreement about that?”

  “All right. I’ll go along with that.”

  They had agreed to sleep in and enjoy some time alone that morning. They had spent every day doing something exciting. It wasn’t like any holiday Arielle had ever had, and she knew it was the same for her friends. She could read their minds and knew the excitement they had experienced during every little thing they had done together.

  The trip had made the six friends even closer than they had already been, if that were possible. The guys had developed a close bond that meant a lot to Sebastian and Arielle, knowing the circumstances of his existence.

  Oddly, Arielle felt a jolt of fear move through her body, and on her face was a look of bewilderment.

  Sebastian sensed her uneasiness. “Can you tell me what you’re thinking?” he asked.

  “Sebastian, my friends have been taking pictures every day, everywhere for almost two weeks. Can you and Troy even be photographed?” Her voice was shaking and her mind was racing, trying to imagine how she and Gabrielle would explain it if their boyfriends didn’t show in any of the photos they had taken.

  His laughter made her snap back to reality. “What on earth would make you think of something like that?” he asked.

  “I read about vampires, that they don’t photograph,” she said, not seeing what was so funny. “So I was wondering if it was the same with you.”

  “Arielle, first off, I told you there is no such thing as a vampire, but even if there were, I’m not a vampire. They are things made up to make humans fearful of the unknown. I can be photographed like any other person. I’ve never liked photos of myself, but that’s another problem,” he grinned.

  “Well, thank goodness for that!” She smiled, and her mind went back to the thought of exploring the house.

  “You’re somewhere else again…” He half sang, half spoke the words. She focused again on his perfect features. She smiled at him and reached for him, to get closer to his gorgeous, naked body. He pulled her even closer, making it hard for her to breathe.

  “Sebastian,” she whispered. “Help, I can’t breathe!” He immediately loosened his grip on her and groaned, unbelievable elation on his face.

  “You drive me out of my mind, and I’m not sure what I can do about it. I can’t just lie next to you and not touch you. That’s absolutely insane! This has never happened to me before in five centuries. I’ve never been with anyone who I needed to touch every time I was near them.”

  “I’m sorry,” she smiled.

  “Oh, don’t be sorry. I’m a very happy man. I’m just bewildered.”

  “Sebastian, I love this house so much. I feel like I’m at home already. I want to know everything about it. I want to be able to talk about it the same way you do. I want to be part of your whole world, past and present. I want to build a bridge between the old world and the new.”

  “What a concept. Spoken like a true engineer,” he said with amusement. She had to agree that was a funny thing to say.

  Chapter 8

  SEBASTIAN AND ARIELLE GOT UP and prepared to meet the others. After a light breakfast together, they discussed their plans for the day. Arielle asked Eva if she would like to stay with her and explore the house while the others spent the day riding.

  “I’d love to!” Eva said, and it was settled.

  “Be careful, and don’t get into any trouble,” Sebastian whispered as they went out the door.

  “I will.” Arielle smiled and waved at them. She couldn’t wait to begin her exploration! Eva’s face was full of excitement. She loved to explore fascinating places. She too had a passion for Gothic stories, and of course her interest in spells and the unknown added to her interest in old places.

  “Let’s start on the top floor,” Arielle said as soon as the door had closed behind their friends.

  They checked every single room and every single corner of the house. Just as Sebastian had said, the rooms that were not open had keys on top of the doorframes. Inside the rooms, they discovered amazing antiques, tapestries, vases, and other objects that would make the heart of a museum curator skip a dozen beats. The treasures were locked up and had been left through the centuries to collect dust.

  After they had explored the top three floors, the girls went into the basement and made their way through long hallways, flipping light switches as they went in order to see the surroundings. There were poorly lit alcoves and some areas that were completely dark. The floor was cold, making them shiver, and they could feel the moisture and smell the thickness of centuries old air. The vau
lted arches were of Gothic design, giving the surroundings a spooky feeling, as if they had held dark secrets for centuries.

  Arielle wondered about the people who had lived there. The huge house held a treasure of memories, of life come and gone. Lives filled with love, hate, adventure, excitement—and finally death. She shivered at the word, but the mystery of the place was overwhelming.

  “I wonder how many people walked these dark hallways,” Eva whispered, as if she were afraid that someone was listening. Arielle was deathly quiet. It was evident that their imaginations were running wild.

  “This is kind of creepy,” Eva murmured uneasily. Arielle had to agree. They were on the west side of the house when they made a turn into a narrow hallway leading to a huge door. The door was locked, but they found the key easily and they were inside in no time. Arielle flipped the light switch on and they stared in awe. It was a beautiful bedroom, furnished with exquisite taste and beautiful antique furniture. It didn’t look dusty or smell the same way the rest of the basement did. It looked almost as if it had been recently occupied.

  Eva and Arielle looked at each other quizzically. The dresser drawers were empty but very clean. Eva walked to the other side of the room and opened the door of a magnificent freestanding armoire and let out a low cry. “Will you look at this?” she gulped.

  “What?” Arielle moved over to her side, then she too stopped and swallowed hard. The closet was full of beautiful dresses, absolutely brand new but from another era. They touched the fabric and they were struck by its softness. The dresses appeared made from costly, beautiful silk fabric.

  “Wow! I wonder who owned these beautiful clothes,” Eva said in a hushed voice.

  “I’m sure Sebastian would know,” Arielle replied thoughtfully.

  They closed the door and left the room, moving back in the direction from which they had come when Arielle noticed a corner that seemed to be leading somewhere else.


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