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Arielle Immortal Passion (The Immortal Rapture Series Book 3)

Page 21

by Lilian Roberts

  They neared the wooded area that had concealed their cars and were content that their adventure had ended well. They were all alive and Ian was unharmed. The drive to the house was filled with animated discussion about what had taken place at the cemetery. Sebastian’s friends enthusiastically engaged in an attempt to uplift his spirits. When they arrived at the house, they helped themselves to some cold salve while Ian enjoyed a beer. They decided to spend the rest of the day horseback riding. Riding was an obsession for the immortals, but it was acceptable to Ian as well.

  The next day, Sebastian, Troy, and Ian returned to Brighton. Their friends stayed behind to enjoy some time at St. Jean de Luz. The weather was fantastic, the beaches were warm and inviting, the house was wonderful, and the local girls were very pretty and very willing to party with them. They did promise to visit Brighton in the near future.

  Sebastian and his friends boarded the flight, happy to be going home. Gabrielle, Eva, and Arielle were going to pick them up at the airport and they couldn’t wait.

  “Sebastian, thank you so much,” Ian said sincerely as they settled into their seats.

  “For what?” Sebastian asked, raising a brow.

  “This trip was unforgettable. Eva and I had a great time.”

  “It was my pleasure,” Sebastian replied.

  “Your place is great,” Troy added. “Gabrielle spent hours in front of the bedroom window just gazing at the cliffs. And I must say, the views are amazing.”

  “I don’t think I’ll ever forget the excitement,” Ian chuckled meaningfully. Glancing between Troy and Sebastian, he added, “Your friends are really nice. I don’t think I could pick better friends. I’d say you both are very lucky to be surrounded by that bunch.” He held a permanent grin on his face. Troy and Sebastian laughed out loud at his expression.

  They had formed a wonderful friendship between the three of them. They settled back into their seats, happy that soon they would be reunited with their girls.

  Chapter 17

  IT WASN’T LONG BEFORE they walked out through the baggage claim doors at the Brighton airport and three beautiful girls fell into their arms, holding them tightly. Their faces beamed with happiness. After warm and passionate exchanges all around, the friends said their goodbyes to each other, and the couples walked to their respective cars smiling.

  Sebastian placed his luggage and the big package he was carrying into the car and reached for Arielle. He put his arm around her waist, drew her to him, and set his lips on hers.

  “I missed you, baby,” he whispered fervently. He kept one arm wrapped around her as he opened the passenger door with the other one.

  “I missed you too,” she said. She sank into his embrace and her lips pressed the curve of his jaw, slowly moving her mouth gently until their lips met again.

  “Mmmm… you did miss me,” he purred. Arielle chuckled and pulled away from him.

  “What’s in the large package?”

  “The painting I had made for you.”

  Arielle’s eyes glittered with excitement. “Oh, Sebastian, thank you so much for remembering! I want to put it up in our house.”

  “Yes, I remembered you saying that.”

  Holding the passenger door open, he bent down and pressed his hungry lips on hers one more time. “I love you so much!”

  A passionate surge of lust coursed through every fiber of her body as she hung onto him. Sebastian let her go reluctantly and she watched him walk, with his exquisite grace around the car, and get in on the driver’s side. His eyes rested on her face lovingly, and heat raced through her veins. He didn’t try to dazzle her, but looking into his beautiful green eyes, she could have sworn that he looked both troubled and bewildered.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  He stared out the window while he started to talk about what had taken place since the girls had left. Arielle listened carefully to every word, a serious look on her face.

  “So, she is still out there?” she finally asked, her voice quivering.

  “Yes, but she probably won’t come anywhere near us for a while. In the meantime, there are eight of us now actively looking for her in all the places she is known to visit.”

  He reached over and held her hand, seeming so disappointed and so upset that it broke her heart. She reached over and caressed the side of his face, running her fingers softly over his lips. Smiling, she leaned over and kissed him gently on the cheek.

  “I love you so much,” she whispered softly in his ear. They didn’t say another word until they were home. He held the door for her and helped her out of the car. He opened the trunk, took the painting out, and set it against the wall. He then turned and lifted the suitcase with one hand and shut the trunk with the other. Arielle stepped in front of him and gazed into his eyes.

  “Welcome home, my love,” she said with a happy smile. Reaching up on her toes, she wrapped her arms around his neck and set her lips softly on his sensuous mouth. He dropped his suitcase and looped his arms around her, pulling her tightly against him. His kiss was hungry, passionate, and fervent. She felt heated anticipation and heard him moan softly with desire. They held each other in a heated embrace, savoring the moment.

  “I am so happy to be here with you. That’s all I’ve been thinking about since you left.”

  “You sure don’t show it,” Arielle teased.

  “Why would you think that?” he asked quizzically.

  “You were quiet all the way home,” she said, feigning a frown.

  “I’m sorry, darling, I’ve been so frustrated with missing the opportunity to get rid of Annabel! It’s a bit hard to think of anything else, even how much I miss you.”

  “There will be another time for that, Sebastian. Right now it’s our time. I don’t want Annabel to interfere with us when we are together. This is the time we’ve planned for a long time and we should enjoy it.”

  “As usual, you’re right,” he agreed, chuckling.

  He brought the luggage and the package inside the house. He shut the door behind them, picked her up, and strode purposefully to the bedroom. He threw her on the bed and lay down next to her. He cradled her in his arms and held her tight as he whispered, “You are the very air that I breathe. You are the center of my universe.”

  She smiled with pleasure because she didn’t know if she should shout ecstatically or cry from happiness. This was her dream come true, and she was still having difficulty accepting that she was actually living that dream. His fingers touched her lightly, giving her maddening pleasure and making her moan with desire for him.

  “I can’t live without you,” she murmured. “I need you near me to feel complete.” She ran her fingers gently down his chest over his t-shirt, and he groaned with delight. He propped himself on his elbow and, looking down on her, grinned blissfully.

  “What?” she said playfully.

  “I want you out of your clothes. Do you need help?” he said, still grinning.

  She tugged on his t-shirt. “What about your clothes?”

  “I’ll help you with yours if you help me with mine.” His lips curved.

  Clothes came off with fierce speed, and then she was on her back, skin against skin. His mouth came down on hers with intensity, and seared them both, sending sweltering heat across every fiber of their bodies. Her lips parted and his tongue found its way into the softness of her mouth. She shifted beneath him and his control vanished. Her breasts brushed against his chest and his jaw locked. Drawing a sharp breath, he found her mouth once again, and the kiss deepened until blazing flames coursed and burned every thought they had, sending them into a higher orbit. Their limbs locked and waves of ecstasy traveled through them, spreading delightful sensation through their veins. His hands cupped her breasts, kneading them softly and causing her breath to catch.

  Her hands skated over the planes of his back, and her fingers dug deep into his muscles. He growled with anticipation. He entered her with a burning passion and hissed through his teeth at the m
agnificent sensation that enveloped him. He looked into her eyes as he brought them into a sumptuous, delightful peak.

  Afterward, he gathered her in his arms and kissed her fervently, leaving her breathless once again. Breaking the kiss, she placed her head on his shoulder, and he rested his chin on her head, nuzzling her hair. They slept peacefully for a while and awoke to see a magical twilight falling upon the earth.

  She was so happy to open her eyes and see his beautiful face right next to hers. His lips were curved into that amazing smile she considered his special gift to her. They stayed in each other’s arms, enjoying simply being together. Arielle had ached for two days to feel his warm, naked body against hers, to feel his lips moving against hers. “You’re my miracle, my beautiful dream,” she whispered and snuggled even closer to him, sighing in contentment. He smiled and wrapped her tightly in his embrace, sending sweltering pleasure through her.

  “I love you, Arielle,” he whispered in his velvety voice, and she giggled with sheer elation. She closed her eyes and felt drunk with exhilaration. He’s going to be mine for the rest of my life! She couldn’t imagine greater happiness.

  Getting ready for classes consumed most of Arielle’s time for the rest of the week. They went out with their friends, sometimes including Paul and Loren. They dined at a couple of new restaurants and saw a new film. Arielle went shopping with Eva, Gabrielle, and Loren while Sebastian traveled to London to arrange his schedule. “I’m not sure how he’s going to do it with both school and work. But he’s the boss, so I guess he will work it out,” she told her friends.

  Sebastian had enrolled in the same courses as Arielle so that he could be with her as much as possible. She was pleased about this except for the fact that he was so much smarter than she was. It would be a huge challenge for her to keep up with him. He can read everyone’s mind, and he’ll be very aware of what the professors are thinking. How can I compete with that? she thought. She was determined to make it on her own without his help. When it came to school, Arielle was very independent. She liked to test her mind at the highest level. Having Sebastian in her classes would certainly help her to do that.

  Finally Monday morning arrived, and a new phase in their lives began.

  Their first class was at ten o’clock. They arrived early enough to find the classroom and get seated. The calculus professor was a short, bald man by the name of Mr. Brannon. He called out each name in the auditorium and proceeded with the lecture without asking any questions or requiring any input from students. Sebastian appeared aloof and uninterested, but then she knew that he already knew everything about every subject. She looked at him and smiled as she started to take notes, paying close attention to the lecture.

  Sebastian never took a single note in any of the classes, not trig, not geometry, not algebra. He mostly doodled and daydreamed during lectures. Arielle, on the other hand, had to study hard every night while he listened to music or watched telly in the other room. They had already agreed that he was not to help her; she wanted to study on her own. And though she fought her feelings, she was annoyed with the situation by the end of the first week. She had to remind herself that Sebastian was there only because he wanted to be with her.

  Sebastian was surprised to discover what a wide circle of friends Arielle, Eva, and Gabrielle had at school. They accepted both him and Loren with warmth and open hearts. He was a bit jealous of Arielle’s male friends, but she made sure he knew that he was the most important person in her life. After classes, they would often have a beer with friends before turning to homework. On some of the weekends, they allowed themselves to party.

  The routine was steady for the next six weeks. It was Arielle’s senior year and she had to work really hard to do well. Her classes were difficult and she put in a lot of studying time for every test and in every class.

  Every day when they got home Arielle studied, and at night she went right to bed, completely exhausted, falling instantly asleep. It seemed that school had taken over her personal life and she had forgotten about her beautiful dream. She was insecure about her ability to handle school as well as Sebastian did. She started to get frustrated, and it was difficult to overcome her jealousy, silly as she knew it was.

  One night she was in her office studying for the next day’s test when she heard a door close. “Sebastian?” she called out, but there was no reply. She listened for the sound of the telly or music, but the house was quiet. She got up and walked around the house calling for him, but he was nowhere to be found. Her curiosity increased. Maybe he’s in the backyard. Many nights he would sit out there enjoying the quiet while she studied, but he wasn’t there either. She ran to the garage and found his car gone. A pang shook her. Sebastian had never done anything like this before. He had never left the house without letting her know he was going. Where had he gone?

  There was a dull, heavy ache in her chest. Her mind went into overdrive. What had she done? When was the last time she told him she loved him? When was the last time they had made love? Oh my God! What have I done? Is he gone? she thought. All these questions flooded her mind. She was drowning in distress. Tears blinded her as she picked up her phone and pushed his number. It went immediately to voicemail. She called again and again. It went to voicemail the hundred times she called him. This isn’t like him at all, she thought. In a panic, she called Gabrielle.

  “What is it, Arielle? You sound upset. What’s wrong?”

  “Is Sebastian there?”

  “No, why would he be here without you?”

  “Gabrielle, I’m going out of my mind!”

  “What happened?”

  “I think I’ve driven Sebastian away. He is gone,” she wailed and started to cry huge wracking sobs of despair.

  “Arielle, what happened?” Troy said. He had taken the phone from Gabrielle.

  “I’ve messed up big time,” she sobbed uncontrollably as she went through the details of her activities over the course of the semester. “I forgot all about him,” she said. “I was so jealous of the way he breezed through the courses, while I was working so hard just to catch up. I think I’ve lost him and I’m dev-as-ta-ted,” she sobbed. “I know I have an overactive imagination, but I think I’ve driven him away, and I can’t breathe knowing that he’s not here.” Unable to speak anymore, she continued to weep.

  “Arielle, please calm down. You need to stop crying.” Troy’s voice was soft and reassuring.

  “He left without saying a word. He has never done that before. I’ve tried to call him a hundred times and he is not answering.”

  “Let me try to get a hold of him and I’ll call you back,” Troy said.

  She hung up the phone and sat down on a chair, completely lost. She had no sense of time. It might have been only minutes but it seemed like hours before her phone rang. When he spoke what Troy said shocked her to her very core.

  “Arielle, Sebastian told me that he thought you didn’t want him around anymore, and he was trying to make it easier for you. He decided to go home. He’s at the airport waiting to take a flight back to St. Jean de Luz.” Arielle started to shake. She was astounded. She simply couldn’t believe this was happening to her. She thanked Troy and hung up. The pain of feeling abandoned became overwhelmingly and cripplingly intense. She was so disappointed in herself, so frustrated and angry. She had to do something, and she had to do it fast. She couldn’t let him go, she had to get him back, she needed him to forgive her.

  She picked up her phone again and texted him: “Sebastian, please don’t leave me, I can’t breathe without you. My love for you is the energy that infuses my life. It lies within the core of my soul. I can’t live without you, I love you so much! I can’t imagine my life without you. The feeling is so strong it is choking the life out of me. I’m so sorry! I love you, Darcy! Please forgive me. Please come back, please! Your Lizzy.”

  She hit the send button and prayed that he would see her message before he boarded the plane. God, what would she ever do without him? Sh
e walked outside and sat on the bench under the huge tree and stared across the now dark and unwelcoming ocean. Tears flowed down her face and the pain seared into her very soul. The moon cast a long and ominous light on her. This night will never become dawn unless he is right next to me. She had been crying for more than an hour when she came to the realization that her life was empty without him. The thought of trying to do anything at all literally made her sick. Her body was numb and the pain in her chest was unbelievable. She closed her eyes and pressed her lips together, still hoping that he had seen her text.

  Out of the darkness she heard a voice. “Hey, baby.” It was his velvety voice, caressing her soul.

  Her heart sped up and anxiety spread throughout her body. She looked up and there he stood, like a beautiful god, with a soft smile on his face. She rose to her feet and threw herself into his arms, sobbing. “Oh, Sebastian! Thank God you are back… I love you so much! I’m so sorry if I made you feel bad! Please forgive my atrocious behavior. I need you more than I need the air that I breathe.”

  Her knees gave in and she sat back down, her body quivering uncontrollably. Tears poured down her face as she sobbed. “I know I messed up real bad,” she said. “I should have been more understanding. You must have been bored to death, sitting in those classes with me, but you did it because you love me. Oh, Sebastian, please forgive me, I’ve been such a fool!”

  He didn’t say anything at first, just reached down and pulled her back up into his arms so they were face to face. He looked miserable as his gaze enveloped her.

  “Please don’t cry, Arielle. I love you so much, but I don’t know what you want me to do. You don’t seem to be happy with me anymore, we don’t make love, you don’t kiss me the way you used to, and you seem to be tired of me already. You’re happy around your friends, but as soon as we’re alone you avoid me. I thought the best thing to do was to go back home and give you some space.”


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