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Arielle Immortal Passion (The Immortal Rapture Series Book 3)

Page 24

by Lilian Roberts

“I feel so happy! I can’t even express my emotions right now,” Arielle said after a few minutes of drinking in the delicious view and wondering what Sebastian had up his sleeve.

  “That’s exactly what I want. I want you to be happy with me,” he said. She turned her face towards him and his mouth fastened around hers in a hot kiss.

  “You’re everything a girl could ever want,” she whispered as she kissed him back hungrily.

  “I’m only interested in one girl,” he said.

  “Oh! And who is that?” she asked impishly.

  His mouth was on hers once again, fast and furious, leaving her breathless.

  “I think you know,” he said, his lips lifting playfully.

  Pulling away from his embrace, she threw her arms up in the air and twirled in circles from exhilaration. He watched her, mesmerized as the light breeze swished through her hair, moving her tresses around her face and across her lips. She was a picture to behold, with her sapphire eyes glittering with excitement, her cheeks touched by a soft blush, and her lips lifted into a beautiful smile. His breath held in his throat as he reached and brushed the windblown tresses away from her face, tucking them behind her ear.

  “Do you know how beautiful you are?” he asked, captured by the sight of her. Closing his eyes he drew in a lungful of air and he knew he was a happy man.

  Early the next morning, they left for the airport. Sebastian was still not giving her any information; he just smiled at her eager questions. At the last gate at the end of the international terminal, Arielle’s mouth dropped open while her eyes opened wide.

  “Florence? Italy?” she whispered.

  Bending down, Sebastian whispered in her ear, “Do you have a problem with Florence?”

  “Oh, my God, are you serious?”

  “Arielle, we are at the gate. Does this look like a joke?”

  She threw herself into his arms, forgetting about everyone else as he held her tight and smiled. He pressed her softly and whispered in her ear, “Be careful, you’re getting me excited.” He chuckled under his breath. She pulled back giggling, but stayed close to him, nestled in the warm circle of his arms.

  She didn’t care that everybody was staring at them. In any case, she knew the attention they were receiving was mostly due to Sebastian’s outrageous good looks and not because they were holding each other so closely.

  His face was glowing. He knew that he had surprised Arielle even more that he had hoped.

  The flight was smooth and went by quickly. When they had landed and collected their bags, they walked out the sliding doors to a sporty black Mercedes that was waiting for them. She smiled wide as pleasure surged through her veins. He was absolutely amazing. He held the passenger door open for her and pressed a soft kiss on her lips before she slid into the comfort of the seat. He walked around the car with that seamless gait of his without taking his eyes off of her. He thanked the man that held the door open for him and after they had exchanged a few words in Italian he got into the driver’s seat. He turned to look at her and reached over to take her hand, pressing it on his thigh. They pulled away from the airport and he drove with no hesitation, heading toward some unknown direction. He must have lived here a long time ago, Arielle thought. But he had never said anything about it to her.

  “What’s going on in that little head of yours?” he asked as he looked over at her smiling.

  She had to draw a breath before she could find her voice.

  “I was wondering where we’re going. And why you’re not consulting a map, or asking anyone for directions.”

  “We are going to Tuscany. I lived in Tuscany for several years a few centuries ago.”

  “Oh! Well, no wonder you know your way around. I guess you will be my private tour guide,” she said, eyes glistening with joy.

  “That’s the plan,” he laughed as he pressed her hand again and held it while driving. “Florence is one of the most exquisite cities in Italy,” he said. “It is called the city of flowers and many thousands of people visit here every year. There’s no way we’ll be able to see everything or understand the importance of all the monuments the paintings and museums in the short time we’re going to be here. But we’ll try. People always leave here with a fascination about the city and its glorious past,” he added. “I’m pretty sure you’ll feel the same way.”

  Arielle was busy looking out the window at everything—eyes wide open, feeling like a small child.

  “I’ll take you to many places that I think you would like, and show you a lot of things that other visitors don’t get to see. Would you like that?”

  “Yes, I would love that!” she said, leaning over for a kiss. They were driving through narrow coastal roads and country roads with wineries on either side nestled into the sides of the gentle rolling hills.

  “Where are we now?”

  “We are in Tuscany. We’re going to a place where we’ll stay for two weeks. Later, we can take a ride around the town.”

  Arielle was so excited she felt like screaming, but instead she giggled blissfully. He could lose himself in the sound of her laughter.

  “Would you like to hear some Italian music?” he asked, glancing at her.

  “Sure,” she said, intrigued. His smile deepened.

  He reached up and took a CD from the visor storage sleeve. He slipped it into the player. Lovely Italian music filled the air. Arielle turned to look at Sebastian, who gave her a smoldering glance. She drew in a sharp breath and her ears caught his soft chuckle over the sound of the music. Smiling slightly, she glanced out the window, drinking in the amazing view. Sebastian’s humming to the music made her turn slightly, and her gaze flickered on his beautiful profile. His chiseled features, with a distinct aristocratic cast, Roman nose, strong jaw, muscular arms, and broad chest, mesmerized her. Mmmm… she thought, stifling a giggle. He is gorgeous! And he’s mine!

  She watched entranced as his fingers tapped the wheel steadfastly, keeping to the rhythm of this foreign piece of music. The breeze blew against his sandy hair, swirling it around his handsome face.

  “I love you,” she said, leaning close and pressing a kiss on his jaw line. His gaze returned to her and the obvious direction of his thoughts stole her breath away. His sensual heat fascinated her and she shook her head, trying to rein in her desire. Settling her shoulders comfortably against the seat, she leaned back on the headrest and glanced out of the window.

  They remained silent, listening to the music and enjoying the drive. Soon she could smell clean, salty vapor in the air and she smiled wide, knowing they were getting close to the ocean.

  Giving Sebastian a side look, she noticed that he was lost in thought. She was sure that she couldn’t recognize his distant gaze for what it was. But he seemed mysterious and his expression a bit quizzical. Maybe he was lost in the beautiful piece that was blaring through the speakers. She turned her attention back out to the view as Sebastian kept his eyes in front of him.

  His thoughts were lost somewhere in time, into another period, a different era. The place was the same as it was then, but it didn’t look the same. The centuries had brought some astonishing changes to the surroundings, the roads, the buildings, and the way of life. The only things that remained the same were the vineyards that were nestled into the same rolling hills, the full trees, the rich foliage, and the aroma of the blooming flowers. He could vividly see himself along with his brothers and his best friend Gaston back in those days riding along these fields, on the way to attend a family or friend’s soirée.

  He smiled as he thought of Abbacus, the horse he loved as much as his own life, and suddenly he tensed. Gaston Bertaud, he thought, whatever happened to Gaston? They had grown up together like brothers and had loved each other until one night in the 1500s. He barely remembered the falling out they’d had during the ball his parents were hosting when he was twenty years old. He frowned as he tried to recall the details, but he couldn’t. He remembered how much he had missed Gaston after that, but he had n
ever seen him again. What happened? Was it over a girl? What was really the problem? He truly couldn’t recall.

  He sighed and tried to shake off the sadness he felt. He tried to recall some of the obstacles they had faced and how they had protected each other from harm. He felt stressed and uneasy. What ever happened to him? he thought again. Shaking his head, he tried to stop his thoughts from spinning through the centuries as he tried to recall old memories. It was the here and now that had turned out to be the realization of his dream come true. He had searched each and every corner of this earth in that long span of his miserable life, to find what he now had within his grasp. That dream was sitting right next to him and suddenly he was overwhelmed by delight, a pure joy that turned him giddy. He almost felt like he was human again, finding the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. He smiled wide and turning, he caught Arielle’s stunningly beautiful blue eyes, filled with an enigmatic look. “What?” he asked quizzically.

  “Where have you been?”

  Turning the wheel softly he slowed down and pulled to the side of the road. He stopped and pulled Arielle into his arms to deliver a scorching kiss. He kissed her witless, and deepened the kiss when he felt her heated response.

  Finally, she drew back, eyes wide, her breathing unsteady. “What’s that for?”

  “Tell me that you love me,” he urged her.

  Her eyes went even wider. “What has come over you?”

  He took her lips once again, sank even deeper into her mouth, causing her to shudder. “Tell me that you love only me,” he murmured into the kiss.

  “I adore you, Sebastian, you’re my only love,” she breathed into his mouth.

  He was so giddy, overwhelmed by delight and joy, just knowing that she was his for eternity. He finally pulled away, letting her out of his embrace reluctantly. Their eyes were still locked and she smiled softly. “Are you all right?” she asked, unable to hide the stunned surprise in her face.

  “Yes, I’m better now,” he chuckled, and starting the engine, he pulled out onto the road slowly once again.

  Clasping her hand with his, he entwined their fingers, and bringing it up to his lips, he trailed soft kisses on her knuckles. She stared back at him and got lost in the passionate green depth of his eyes. Arielle felt warmth envelop every nerve ending in her body and wished they were alone in bed. She pressed her lips together, realizing that she had been holding her breath for a very long moment.

  Turning her gaze away from Sebastian she blew out a lungful of air, and sighed deeply. He pressed her hand tenderly and looking back at him, she smiled blissfully. The ocean was now in full view. What a magnificent sight!

  “We’re almost there,” he said joyfully.

  “Oh, Sebastian, I’m so happy!” she cried and giggled enthusiastically, unable to restrain her delight.

  Chapter 20

  THE CAR CAME TO A FULL STOP as they arrived in front of a gate opening to a private location. Arielle peered curiously, but she couldn’t see anything beyond the gate because of the thick foliage. Sebastian pressed a code on the wall panel, and when the gate opened he drove through onto a narrow road surrounded by giant cypress trees and sculptured landscape on either side. As they drew closer, Arielle let out a cry of exhilaration as the view opened into the most striking sight in the Tuscan countryside.

  It was a splendid villa that looked as if it had been built somewhere between the fifteenth and sixteenth century. It was nestled in the midst of magnificent property that had been sculpted magically through the centuries. It was an obvious work of art, evoking both the skillful hands of man and the beauty of nature. Her eyes went past the house to the soft silhouettes of the hills covered with vineyards, green fields, and lush vegetation. This is a magnificent place. Who in the world could own such a castle, and rent it out to people like them? How did Sebastian find such a place?

  It looked as if it belonged in another era, giving visitors the feeling of tranquility and an awareness of standing at a magic spot belonging to times gone by. For a long moment, she couldn’t move. All she could do was stare at the view. Sebastian was already out of the car, coming around to her side to help her out. He took her hand and pulled her into his arms. Then, bending down, he pressed a soft kiss on her lips.

  “Do you like it?”


  “This is where we are staying.”

  “Oh, my God, Sebastian. This is amazing!”

  He smiled and took her hand, pulling her toward the front door. As they approached, the door opened and a statuesque woman stood in the opening of the doorway.

  “Buon giorno, Sebastian, I’m so happy to see you after so long.”

  “Hello, Geneva,” he smiled and gave the woman a hug. Arielle stood back feeling suddenly shy. But Sebastian pulled her close and said proudly, “This is my fiancée. This is the woman who has made me happier than I’ve ever been in my life.” Geneva smiled warmly and gave Arielle a hug. “Arielle, this is Geneva,” Sebastian continued. “She has been with me for over four centuries.” Arielle smiled back at Geneva as she conversed in Italian with Sebastian. He laughed happily at whatever she was saying and then he said “grazie,” which Arielle understood to be “thank you.”

  Unfortunately, that was as far as her Italian went. She smiled and didn’t know what to say, still trying to figure out what had been said. Her limited knowledge of the language left her in the dark. Sebastian looked at her, a wide grin on his face, picked up her luggage, and said, “Follow me!” She trailed upstairs after him in a fog.

  The place was as huge inside as outside, but whereas the outside looked reminiscent of Italy’s past centuries, the inside was completely modern. Sebastian walked as if he knew the house well. They climbed the carved marble stairs together. Arielle walked behind Sebastian, absorbing everything around her. He led her down to the end of a long hall where they entered a large, stunningly beautiful room. The furnishings were magnificent. There were large windows all around the room looking out on the park and gardens. Arielle walked slowly over to a pair of large double doors and pulled them wide open. She walked out onto a balcony with a floor made of smooth marble. The magnificent design of the columns that encircled it created an amazing picture. She gulped as she stepped through the doorway, her eyes hugging the beautiful stretch of coastline with its sharp, fitful cliff formation and the crystal clear blue bay of the Mediterranean Sea.

  “Oh, my God, what a place!” she cried.

  She felt his warm, penetrating gaze on her back before his arms came around her and closed tightly, pulling her back against him with a low moan. “Do you really like it here?”

  “Like it? Are you kidding?” she exclaimed, whirling around to face him without leaving his embrace. “Sebastian, this has to be a piece of paradise,” she said as she giggled jubilantly.

  “I’m so happy,” he said. “I was so hoping that you’d love it. It means a lot to me to see you happy in this house,” he whispered and gave her a meaningful look.

  Arielle blinked in surprise. She tilted her head inquisitively and searched his eyes. “Why is that?”

  “Because I would hate for you to own something that you don’t absolutely love.”

  Arielle’s eyes widened, and she tried to draw a breath past the lump that was closing her throat. Silence stretched and she shifted, confused, from one foot to the other. Blinking rapidly she gazed at him with a look of incredulity on her face.

  “What did you say?”

  “I said that I’m happy that you love your house.”

  “My hou—my hou—”she tried, but she couldn’t complete the word. His arms closed possessively about her, his mouth coming down on hers like a starving man in a food cellar. Heat spread like wild fire and rippled across every fiber as he groaned, pulling her even closer. Arielle broke the kiss, her head still whirling in confusion, and tried to catch her breath.


  “What, baby?” he murmured, his lips touching hers.

�The house, what about this house?”

  “I own this house, Arielle, and now it’s your home too.”

  Arielle tried to swallow the lump in her throat, but she was unsuccessful. She found herself gasping for air as she heard him laugh out loud.

  “What is it, my love? Too much for you?”

  Arielle tried to gather her thoughts and breathe normally. Finally it hit her. She pulled back and let her gaze glide over his large frame. “How come you never said anything about this before?”

  “I wanted it to be a surprise. It looks like I was successful.”

  Arielle was certainly surprised, and her eyes sparkled in stunned disbelief. It was such a magnificent place. She lifted her eyes and met his gaze, warm, passionate, waiting for her to say something. Sebastian noticed the perplexity that spread into her expression. Startling her, he reached around her neck and unhooked her necklace. Arielle drew in a sharp breath and shot him a shocked look.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I couldn’t take it any more. I had to know what you were thinking and how you were feeling.”

  “Well, now you know,” she said, and her lips curved playfully.

  “Yes, I do. You absolutely love this place and you wonder how many more secrets I’m keeping from you.”

  “Yes, that’s just about it. Do you see how much I still love you?”

  “Yes, I can see that very clearly. But do you know how much I love you?” he murmured, and his hands snaked around her waist as his lips remained a hair’s width from hers.

  Trying to hide her grin, she breathed softly, “No, how much?” All she could see was her own love for him, mirrored in his beautiful eyes.

  “Arielle, I can’t see anything, love anything, or want anything beyond you. You have bewitched me and I’m forever yours.” He pressed her slender frame against his hard body, and sliding his hand under her shirt he pressed at the small of her back. He set his lips to hers with mind blowing desire. His tongue invaded the softness of her mouth and delved into her sweetness, which left him groaning.


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