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Page 19

by Alyssa Rose Ivy

“You don’t know that you screwed him. Maybe you helped him. Maybe his ex was the one, and now they’ll get married and have their perfect little family.” Roland sneered.

  “Do you have something against that? About happy little families?”

  “No.” He shook his head. “I’m going to go finish eating. You coming?”

  “I already told you I wasn’t eating.”

  “Even now? Even when you did the same thing?”

  “You just told me it wasn’t the same thing. You told me I helped him.”

  “You may have. On the flip side, maybe she was abusive. Maybe you just sent him back to hell.”

  “Ugh, why are you doing this to me?”

  He put his hands on my hips, in a gesture that might have been intimate but wasn’t. “Because you’re going to have to stop worrying about it. No matter which way it goes, it happened. It’s over. You had your fun. Don’t you feel good?”

  “No.” I shook my head, but I remembered the euphoria. It had felt good. But maybe that was because I was excited he’d left me alone. That was it. I’d never do something like that to someone who wasn’t coming on to me. Right? And it was only one time. I’d find a way to stop the effects of the magic.

  Chapter Eighteen


  “You really should have had some lunch.” Hugh said without turning around from his spot in the driver’s seat. He’d taken over the wheel again.

  “I’m fine.” All I could focus on was how close we were to getting to LA. Even though I knew it was doubtful that Owen was with their friend, I was still hopeful he’d help lead us in the right direction.

  “Your stomach is growling. You’re hungry.”

  “I’m fine,” I repeated. I didn’t need anyone paying more attention to me. I just wanted to get there.

  Roland leaned over closer. “It makes you hungry. Eventually you’ll get so used to it that it won’t affect you like that, but at first it’s going to leave you famished. It’s pretty much the only time you really want or need food.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Denial seemed like the best option. If I didn’t think about it, it would never happen again.

  “Roland told us everything. You need to accept it,” Violet said carefully. “It’s bound to keep happening. Just like with the attraction. It’s going to get stronger.”

  “Accept it? She needs to embrace it.” Hugh turned to look at me. He needed to keep his eyes on the road.

  “She will when she does it a few more times.” Roland stole a glance at me before turning away.

  “Are we almost to your friend’s house?” I was focusing on Owen again. I needed to keep my thoughts off the guy with the dog. What if Roland was right and I’d sent him back to a bad relationship? I couldn’t take the chance of letting that happen again. I needed to be more careful.

  “We’re getting close.” Hugh slowed down as we hit traffic. “Or we were.”

  “Oh, city life.” I sighed.

  “Have you lived in one?” Violet asked.

  “I went to college right outside of Atlanta, so I understand traffic a bit.”

  “Yeah, I’ve heard the traffic is bad there.” Violet seemed intent on keeping the conversation moving.

  “We’re flying back to Louie’s after this.” Hugh rolled down his window. “I’m not doing this drive again.”

  “That’s fine,” Violet said simply. “As long as we stay together.”

  “Do you guys always stay together?” I asked. “I mean how come Roland and Hugh had been to that restaurant but you hadn’t?”

  “Sometimes we need breaks.” Violet popped a piece of gum in her mouth. “Want a piece?”

  I shook my head. “No thanks.” They weren’t the only ones who needed a break. I needed a break. I needed a break from all of the insanity in my life. Not only were the things around me going crazy, but things inside me were going crazy too. How had I not even realized what I was doing?

  “Let’s hope Cade can help us track down Owen. We don’t have much time.”

  “Do you guys have some place you need to be?” I thought I was the only one in a rush.

  “Not exactly.” Hugh tapped the wheel.

  “This whole random cryptic messages thing is getting old.”

  “I figured you’d like some stability in your life. You know, keep something the same.”

  “I’d prefer to know what in the world you guys were alluding to.”

  “Looks like traffic is opening up. We’ll be there in no time.” Violet snapped back into happy mode.


  “Don’t you want to find Owen?” Roland crossed his arms. “Because if you don’t, we could have probably have found an easier way to track down the witch.”

  “Of course I want to find him!”

  “Then stop complaining.”

  I groaned. “This Cade guy better be able to help.”

  “Or what? Is there a threat in those words?” Hugh chuckled.

  “There would be if I thought I was capable of harming you in any way.” I rolled my eyes. Hurting anyone else definitely wasn’t on my to-do list.

  “There are ways. I’ll teach you.” Violet sounded serious, but I couldn’t tell. All three of them were hard to read.

  Violet was right about the traffic opening up. Maybe she had a sense about it like she did about the rain. I tapped my foot impatiently as we wound our way through neighborhoods lined with beautiful mansions and palm trees. I felt like I was on a celebrity bus tour. Finally, Hugh stopped in front of a gate. Another gate. What was with these paranormal creatures and their gates?

  Hugh pressed the buzzer. A booming voice spoke. “State your business with the king.”

  Hugh leaned his head out of the window to talk. “We like Cade and he likes us.”

  “Speak in normal terms please.”

  “Tell Cade his favorite trio is here.”

  “One moment.”

  We waited until finally the gates opened. “He calls you his favorite trio?”

  “No, but I knew he’d understand.”

  “We’re not a trio anymore though,” Violet said excitedly. “We’re a quartet.”

  “I’m glad you didn’t say foursome.”

  “Such coarse humor, Daisy.”

  I shrugged. “Just being honest.”

  Hugh drove us up the circular brick drive toward the sprawling mansion. He parked behind a red Jeep, and even though no one moved to get out, I did. I was tired of waiting for everyone else to do things first.

  “You weren’t who I was expecting.” A guy maybe a few years older than me walked right over to where I waited. He was wearing a button down linen shirt with a few buttons open at the top and a pair of khaki pants. He was barefoot.

  “Neither are you. I guess it’s time I stop expecting kings to look a certain way.” Something was seriously wrong with me. I was incapable of keeping my thoughts to myself.

  He laughed. “I assume you’re referring to Levi then? He’s had the pleasure of meeting you too?”

  “I don’t know if he’d call it a pleasure.”

  “Well, I will.” He took my hand and kissed it.

  I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. Speaking my mind or not, I didn’t need to anger the guy who was supposed to help me.

  “I take it you know I’m Cade. May I ask what your name is?”

  “Daisy.” I gently pulled my hand back.

  “Daisy. Another flower.”

  Finally, the others got out of the car. I assumed they’d stayed inside to talk about me. Surprisingly it didn’t bother me as much as I would have thought.

  “Hello, Cade.” Violet smiled, but she didn’t walk over to him. Evidently she wasn’t as friendly with him as she was with Louie. Maybe they preferred to keep to their own.

  “Always a pleasure to see you.” He didn’t hold back. He walked over and hugged her.

  She laughed. “And I see you met our new friend.”

  “I did. I didn�
��t know you guys spent time with humans.” He watched Violet carefully.

  “She’s got something special to her.”

  He turned his attention to me. “I see.”

  Cade shook hands with Roland and then Hugh. “To what honor do I owe this visit?”

  “You’re looking right at her.” Violet nodded in the direction where I stood.

  Cade looked me over again. I tried to hide just how uncomfortable he was making me. He needed to turn away. “Is there something I can do for you, Daisy?”

  We were still standing on the circular drive. I was slightly surprised he hadn’t invited us in.

  “I’ve been told you might be able to help me find someone.” I forced myself to look him in the eye.

  “Have you, now? Well, that depends on who you’re looking for and why.” His tone was serious. His flirtatious mannerisms disappeared.

  “I’m looking for a Pteron named Owen, and I’m doing it because I need to say thank you.”

  “And because she needs closure,” Roland quickly added.

  “Owen Kaye?”

  “Blond hair from New Orleans Owen. I don’t know his last name.”

  “Aren’t you in the wrong place?”

  “I don’t know why I’m here. Violet seemed to think you could help.”

  “I see.” He looked over them suspiciously. “You thought I could help you find Owen even though you were just with Levi?”

  “Levi claims he’s off the grid. She needs to find him,” Violet argued on my behalf. “I’m afraid we might be running out of time.”

  “You’re Allures. You have all the time in the world.” He crossed his arms.

  “But Daisy doesn’t…” Violet said quietly. “Do I really need to say more?”

  “Oh.” Cade glanced back at his house. “Although I don’t believe in coincidences, I may be able to help you. Or let me rephrase this, a visitor of mine might be able to help.”

  “Who? The owner of the Jeep?” Violet asked. She pointed the red vehicle. “We didn’t mean to interrupt your company.”

  “It’s not that kind of company.”

  “Cade?” a girl with long red hair walked down the front steps. “Who are they?”

  “That one’s looking for your brother.” He pointed at me.

  Brother? Wait. Was this Hailey? The one Andrew was obsessed with?

  “My brother?” She quickly took the stairs and walked over. “What do you want with my brother?”

  I took a moment to compose myself. What was going on? Why was she here? “I want to thank him.”

  “Thank him for…”

  “Saving her life,” Cade filled in.

  “When and how did my brother save your life?” She crossed her arms.

  “In New Orleans a few years ago. I was nearly drained by vampires.”

  “Oh my god.” She grinned. “You’re Halloween girl.”

  “Halloween girl?”

  “Yeah. I heard Owen talking to Levi about it when it happened.”

  “Glad to know I was important enough to repeat.” I tried to play it off, but my heart was about to beat out of my chest. Owen had talked about me!

  “But why now? Why are you suddenly looking for him?” She stepped closer. “And why are you with these people? What are they?”

  Cade put a hand on Hailey’s arm. “They’re Allures.”

  “Allures?” Hailey asked with confusion. “I thought they all left.”

  Hugh laughed. “Really? You thought we all packed our bags and left your world?”

  “Yes…” Hailey’s face didn’t falter. If she was intimidated by Hugh she didn’t show it.

  “We’ve been here. We just don’t need to check in with The Society much.” Violet smiled in a way that once again let me know she was hiding something.

  “And you knew about this, Cade?” Hailey turned to him.

  “Yes. I met these three a few years back.”

  Hailey turned back to Violet. “And what are you doing with a human? You aren’t planning to hurt her, are you?”

  “Of course not!” Violet put a hand to her chest. “We’re trying to help her.”

  “Help her?”

  “She’s desperate to find your brother. We’re trying to help.” Violet sighed. “Why is that so hard to believe?”

  “What’s in it for you?” Hailey asked suspiciously. “No one helps someone to this extent if they’re not getting something out of it.”

  “She’s going to help us track down a witch we need to speak with,” Roland jumped in.

  “Meaning?” Hailey put a hand on her hip.

  “Meaning if something seems off with Daisy, it is. She was given a magic paste that contains our essence.”

  “Wait? What?” Cade stumbled back. “Is that why she has a strange aura?”

  “Off?” I asked. “What do you mean?”

  “I sensed it too, but she’s human.” Hailey moved her hair all over to one shoulder.

  “None of that matters now though. We need to help her find Owen.”

  “Why? This still seems extreme.” Cade shifted his weight from foot to foot.

  “She’s in love with him,” Violet said softly.

  “In love with him?” Cade and Hailey said at the same time.

  “Why is that so hard for you to understand?” Violet asked. “Don’t young people still fall in love these days?”

  “I never said I loved him.” Was it possible to love someone after meeting them once—kissing them once?

  “You do.” Violet kept her eyes on Hailey. “Don’t waste your breath denying it.”

  “Does he know that?” Hailey asked.

  “I haven’t talked to him since that night.”

  “You’re still into him, and you haven’t talked to him in what, three years?” Hailey asked incredulously.

  “Two years and almost seven months.”

  “Not that she’s counting.” Hugh laughed.

  “Do you think we can trust them?” Hailey asked Cade. “You think they’re telling the truth?”

  “Do you know where he is?” I stepped toward Hailey. “Could you help me find him?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “You don’t know where he is, or you don’t know if you want to help?” I wasn’t going to beat around the bush. Not when I was this close.

  “I don’t know if I should. He’s my brother. I don’t want to see him getting hurt.”

  “He’s going to get hurt.” Violet said it simply. “But that’s beside the point.”

  I glared at her. I thought she was on my side.

  “I’m not going to hurt him! How could I hurt him? I just want to see him again.”

  “Why?” Hailey turned to me. “Give me a reason other than wanting to thank him because if that’s really it, I’ll send him the message for you.”

  “I need to know if he feels the same way I do.”

  “Tell her about the kiss, Daisy,” Violet urged me.

  “The kiss? You guys kissed?” Hailey’s breath hitched.

  “Yes. I’ve never felt anything like it. It was like time paused and he seeped under my skin. It’s crazy, but that one kiss changed me.” I didn’t care how pathetic I sounded anymore. Nothing felt more important than finding him. I needed to find him.

  Hailey nodded. “I’ll take you.”

  “You’ll take me?”

  “If Cade doesn’t mind lending us his plane it will take no time at all.”

  “I won’t give you my plane to borrow, but you can use it if I come with you. I don’t mind tagging along to witness this reunion. Should be interesting.” Cade winked.

  “If Hailey wasn’t here, would you have been able to find Owen?” Things were working out too easily. I almost didn’t trust it.

  “Probably if you gave me enough time. I can usually find people even if they don’t want to be found.”

  “How soon can we go?” Now that I knew we were close to finding him I could hardly wait.

  “Anytime, d
o you want to stay and eat first?”

  I shook my head. “No. I want to go.”

  “Fine. Let’s do this.”

  Chapter Nineteen


  I shifted nervously in my seat as Cade’s private jet carried us to Owen. After years of searching, I was finally going to see him again, and now I didn’t know how to feel. What if he pretended not to know me? Or worse, what if he knew me but didn’t care? What if the feelings were all one sided, and he just stared at me like the first time we met and asked me what I wanted? I’d been rejected plenty of times before, but could I handle Owen’s rejection? Maybe it would be a good thing. As Roland liked to remind me, I was doing this for closure.

  “So you really like my brother, huh?” Hailey sat in a seat across from me. She’d been watching me for a while, but I’d tried to ignore her stare. I was too nervous and overwhelmed to worry about what his sister thought of me.

  I couldn’t ignore her question though. “Yes.” Now wasn’t the time to waver. I knew what my feelings were, as strange as they were after such a long passage of time. “He made quite an impression.”

  “He could use a girlfriend, but preferably one that doesn’t come with so much baggage.”

  “Yeah, well.” What was I supposed to say? It wasn’t my fault that I couldn’t get rid of the magic.

  “What are you planning to do when you see him?”

  “Say hello.”

  “Really? That’s it?” She arched an eyebrow.

  “I don’t know. I’ve been so busy figuring out how I was going to see him. I wasn’t worried about what I’d do when I did.” Although there were many things I wanted to do. Most involved his lips and mine.

  “She’s going to slap him and then kiss him.” Hugh slumped down in the seat next to me. He’d been sitting on the other side of the plane, but evidently he’d been listening in to the conversation. “We’ve discussed this before.”

  “If by discuss you mean that you told me that’s what I’d do, then sure.”

  Hailey laughed. “Owen’s going to totally freak out when we get there.”

  “Freak out?” My stomach dropped. Was it going to be worse than I thought? “Why?”

  “Because he went out to Colorado to be alone. He didn’t like me visiting, but I was one person. We’re a whole group, and he doesn’t know your friends.”


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