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Mystic Luck (Mystic Tides Book 2)

Page 23

by Kate Allenton

  “No, I didn’t—” She looked to Zack for help, but he had concern written all over his face.

  “Let’s get you inside and have a look at you, dear.”

  “I’m fine!”

  “Let us take a look, Paige. It’ll make me feel better.”

  She let them lead her back inside the hospital, but she knew something was off with the old man. He was hiding something from Zack, but he couldn’t hide from her. She’d felt it. What she didn’t understand was how Zack couldn’t see it.

  “I do hope that first impression won’t be difficult to forget, my dear.” His words were pressing, an urgent whisper in her ear as he helped her onto a wheelchair and pushed her into an exam room. “Zack, let me.”

  “I can do it. I’m on duty.”

  “It’s a conflict of interest.”

  Zack laughed. “Fine but be careful with her. She’s one of a kind,” Zack shouted as the door was closed in his face.

  “I’m fine. Really.”

  “I know. But I needed to talk to you alone,” he said, rubbing his face from forehead to chin so hard it was as though he were trying to pull the skin off in one swipe. “This is a pickle, isn’t it?”

  “What? I really don’t know what you mean,” she lied. She was curious why it was “a pickle” though.

  “Don’t insult my intelligence, dear. I felt you trying to heal me.”

  “I wasn’t trying. It just happened. That’s never happened before. At least not to someone who would reject it. What’s wrong with you?”

  He sat down in the chair near the door. “Do you really think you need to know more than you already do? This is not a good situation for you, dear. As it is, you’re already going to be hiding something from the man you love. Why would you want to add to it?”

  Paige considered him. “Because I care for him deeply and he loves you very much. I want to help you.”

  “You can’t.”

  “You don’t know that. I felt my power pouring into you—”

  “And your collapse was due to my body rejecting it. You may be a very strong healer, but you aren’t the only healer. Others have tried.”

  She tried hard to isolate his feelings using her power of empathy, but she couldn’t get a read. However, her bullshit-o-meter was going bat shit.

  “With all due respect, sir, you’re lying.”

  “Excuse me, young lady?”

  “Don’t feign insult. I can’t feel what you’re feeling, which means you are blocking me somehow. Is that why Zack doesn’t see how unwell you are? Do you have a spell on him or you?”

  He laughed and began nodding his head. “Yeah, I have a spell on me, all right. But not the kind you’re thinking of. Are you sure you need to know this? You can walk away right now and you’ll be none the wiser.”

  “I need to know.”

  “Helena-Marie was right. You’re just like your mother. Your beauty. Your persistence. Your powers.” He shook his head, relaxing back into the chair.

  “Tell me.”

  “Did you know that your mom and dad had a curse put upon them?”

  “Yes. Duke. He loved Francesca so he tried to spell her to love him back, but it turned into a curse or something and ended up killing them all. What of it?”

  “Did you know that your mother found out?”

  “Yes. When Duke lifted the curse, she found out, but she was too bitter to forgive.”

  “Bitter,” the man laughed. “I wish it had been just bitterness. She had pure hatred running through her, but not for your dad. The story was a tad different than the town tells it. Although it is true they were killed before they ever made amends, had they not been, had they made up, things would’ve turned out much differently. Your mother was a kind woman. She would’ve made things right had she survived and made up with your dad. Their love would have conquered it all as true love usually does.”

  “What does any of this have to do with you?”

  “My parents, Zack’s grandparents, were earth witches. They unknowingly supplied Duke with the ingredients for his spell slash curse. When Francesca found out that her husband, Dylan, had been under a spell that had caused them so much turmoil and misery, she released a hex so fierce it touched three generations.”

  “Sheesh, I think less and less of my birth parents each time I hear a story about them.”

  “Don’t. It wasn’t their fault. It was Duke’s and his alone. Really, it wasn’t even his. It was never his intention to hurt Francesca, only to love her.”

  “Why does this matter? Did the hex cause you to be ill?”

  “Perhaps. I can’t be sure if it was that or just natural nor does it matter but I know this, if I allow the illness to run its course, the hex will be finished. It will not take root in Zack. It will be over. Over for good.”

  Paige felt herself tense. “What do you mean?”

  “Has Zack told you about his parents?”

  “Yeah, they fought a lot. They were apart a lot when he was little so you pretty much raised him. So what? People fight.”

  “No, not like that. Francesca’s hex took ahold of my parents immediately. Their love turned to hate upon their first kiss following the casting of the hex. They hated each other from then on, which wasn’t very long as it turned out. They were a part of what had ruined her perfect love story, you see? Everyone who had a hand in it was touched by the hex. Thankfully, that was only Duke and my parents. Or at least that’s what we thought.”

  Paige rubbed her forehead, feeling like this was indeed the opposite of every fairytale she’d ever heard.

  “Shall I go on?”

  “By all means,” she replied sarcastically.

  “My little sister Janis and I were adults by then. Wally Lewis had married Janis, and they were expecting Zack when my parents passed away. See, they and Duke went suddenly together with your parents. It was all very bizarre and untimely. I never understood that aspect. It was if they were all connected.”

  “They were. They were connected by the spell.”

  “Perhaps. Anyway, right away, Wally and Janis began this erratic arguing. They couldn’t stand to be in the same room with each other. No one could stand to be in the same room with them. It was then that I sought the guidance of Helena-Marie. She told me there were two roads to be taken and that I must choose.

  “The first road would allow me to experience true love. It would be euphoric but brief. A love unlike any other. Just as you and Zack are now. That road had promise, as I had eyes for a lovely lady. However, it would end just like Zack’s parents. The hex would be activated by true love’s kiss and then would continue on to Zack and my children if I had any.”


  “But wait!” Dr. Willis interjected, sounding like a car salesman. “I couldn’t bear the thought of that. I loved that boy from the moment I held him in my arms. He’s the flesh of my flesh even if he isn’t my own son. I inquired about the other road. I will never forget what Helena-Marie said to me that day about ‘The curse of True Love’s Kiss,’ as Francesca’s hex had come to be known: ‘Wayne, there’s only one way to break this curse of true love’s kiss. One member of your family must never experience it. Then and only then will your family be free.’”

  “Sacrifice,” Paige said.

  “Yes. True love sacrifices. So I did. I’ve sacrificed for my nephew, the man I raised as my son. I never allowed a woman into my heart. I’ve never known that love. But because of that, Zack will. He will have you, and you will have him. If you use your powers on me, I’m afraid the curse will trickle its way into your life, and I won’t risk it. Not after all of this time alone. Especially not now that I’ve seen love in my boy’s eyes. Just let me be and take care of my boy.”

  “Does Zack know about all of this?”

  “He knows a little. He knows what he’s heard around town, but he doesn’t believe it. He obviously doesn’t know anything about my illness, and I would like to keep it that way. See, he would sacrifice his happ
iness for me. I know it. But that’s not what I want.”

  “You want to live,” she stated. “I could feel it when my power was pouring into you.”

  “You’re right.” He laughed a humorless laugh. “But more than that, I want my boy to have the life I never had. You have the power to give that to him.”

  With that, he slapped his knees as he stood. “Good day, Ms. Willow.”

  “It’s Jessop.”

  “Not here. Here, you will always be a Willow. Remember that and respect it. Don’t think of the bad things that your parents did. Think of all the wonderful things your mother did before fate dealt her a bad hand. She healed, she played piano, she danced in the rain. She was the woman that every man wanted, and she never even knew it. She was the kindest person I knew before all of that happened. Please think of her that way.” He smiled and opened the door to reveal a pacing Zack. “She’s fine.”

  “Oh, thank God!” he exclaimed, running over to kiss her. Paige couldn’t help but accept his kiss on the cheek. She was a tad leery of kisses after all she’d heard.

  “I’m so glad you’re all right. How are you feeling?”

  “I told you I’m fine. Stop making such a fuss.”

  “You’ve had a long day. I should get you home.”

  “I would hardly call the B&B ‘home.’ I guess I should start looking for a place,” she thought aloud as they walked out of the hospital for the second time that afternoon and down the sidewalk, hand in hand.

  “Stay with me,” Zack blurted out. “I mean…” He ran his free hand through his hair, turning to face her. “I’ve never felt like this before, Paige. That must mean something. Let’s just, if you want, I mean, we could just go for it. I just want to be with you…if you want to be with me…” he stammered.

  Paige put him out of his misery with a smile. “We don’t have to rush.”

  “We don’t have to play games, either. I guess when you know, you just know, and, Paige, I know. You’re the one for me. Besides, I don’t want to spend any time away from you. I want ‘us’ to start now.”

  She didn’t know what to say. She knew he was the one, too. It wasn’t that. It was something else. Fear mostly. She was still afraid of hurting him somehow, and now with all of the curse business looming over them, she wasn’t sure what she should do.

  Instead of answering him, she began to lead them back to the B&B. Zack didn’t protest. He just walked beside her, holding her hand until they reached the beach.

  “So, can I see you tomorrow?”

  “You have more work for me?” she asked with a smile.

  “No. I just want to spend the day with you. Just us.”

  “Okay.” She started walking up the walkway, but walking away from him felt like pulling two pieces of Velcro apart. She had to force every step.

  She lay in her room staring at the ceiling for about an hour contemplating everything she’d learned. A part of her felt as though Zack had the right to choose his fate; that he should know about his uncle. The other part respected Dr. Willis’ wishes. He had been the one to live a life of solitude so Zack didn’t have to.

  Suddenly, a “tinking” noise drew her attention to the window. She got up and walked over, finding Zack with a handful of pebbles.

  She pushed open the window. “What are you doing?”

  “Being romantic. Listen, it may sound creepy, but I’m finding it very difficult to stay away from you.”

  “I know. I feel it, too.”

  “Come down. I have a surprise for you.”

  As giddy as a schoolgirl, she slipped on her shoes and ran downstairs straight out into the darkness. There was no one out but her and Zack. She ran straight to him, stopping just short of his arms. Her feelings for him had grown. She was afraid she would blow every window out of the B&B if she kissed him there.

  He extended his hand to her. It was like he just “got” her and she loved that. She took his hand, and he led her down the beach a ways. In the distance, she could see an illumination of pink light in the darkness.

  “What is this?”

  “It’s for you.”

  As they neared, she found a white tent with a small light inside. Zack had made a pink bed with plush blankets and pillows.

  “I know you’re scared, but out here, nothing can hurt us. I’m not saying we have to do anything, but I want to be with you. Will you just let me hold you here?”

  She was so overwhelmed with love she rushed him. She let go of her fear of the kiss; she let go of all of her fears and pressed her lips to his, wrapping her legs around his waist. Waves rose and crashed behind them fiercely with their fervent passion.

  Chapter 8

  Paige awoke the next morning feeling like a different person. She felt stronger, more capable, and certainly more confident. Just as their limbs were intertwined like interwoven vines, she and Zack had become one. She felt as though it would always be that way. Nothing could change that. After their night together, she truly believed they would be that way forever.

  She sat up, gathering her long hair into a bun atop her head, tying it in a knot. She allowed the sheet to fall to her waist, letting her body be exposed. She felt completely transparent with Zack. It didn’t matter that he was still sleeping. She felt she didn’t need to hide anything from him… Except she did. She had to keep the one thing secret.

  She shook the thought from her mind when she noticed a small scratch on his upper bicep. She giggled a little thinking of how it had gotten there. She licked her thumb and ran it across the abrasion, and it vanished before her eyes.

  “Wow, you are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever laid eyes on,” Zack whispered, running his hand over her bare skin. “I want to wake up to this every morning.”

  She smiled. “Maybe indoors.” They both laughed as she lay back down next to him in the tent.

  He rolled over and began kissing her. “I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of you.”

  “I don’t want you to.”

  * * * *

  It was midafternoon before they emerged from their love cocoon on the secluded beach.

  “I need sustenance,” Zack exclaimed. They had made love, talked, laughed, frolicked in the cool ocean water, and made love some more.

  “Let’s go see if Mrs. Applewood will cook us up a late lunch at the B&B.”

  “I have a better idea. I want to show you my place.”

  “All right, but I’m warning you. You better put up your valuables, mister. You bring out the worst of the best in me. I can’t be held accountable for my actions.”

  He snatched her up into his arms. “You can break anything I have except my heart.” His eyes were vulnerable, his tone soft but serious.

  “I promise.”

  On the walk back, Zack had asked Paige again to come stay with him. She’d accepted his invitation with a smile and a nod.

  By the time they made it back to town, they were both a mess from the way they’d spent their day. They stopped by the B&B, showered, picked up Paige’s things, and started toward Zack’s place. Life as they both knew it had changed… for the better. Paige couldn’t imagine being happier. She’d never been so happy in her whole life. She thought that everything she’d been through had been worth it since it had brought her to Zack.

  As they walked down Main Street, shiny green shamrocks were in the process of being hung from each street lamp in preparation for the St. Patrick’s Day parade. Paige supposed they made a big deal about the holiday in Blansett.

  For the first time in her life, she didn’t mind being a part of a small town with small town traditions. The tuning of instruments from a nearby bar floated out into the evening air. The guys hanging the décor lost their grip and a giant shamrock came hurdling toward them, surfing the breeze. Zack tugged Paige’s hand pulling her out of harm’s way. They shared a laugh as the flimsy plastic whipped by them.

  With the sun setting behind them, the world seemed to suddenly stop spinning. All of Paige’s senses beca
me acute, the hair on her arms standing at full attention. The lighting; the huge shiny shamrock; the décor on the streetlamps; the music.

  It’s happening.

  “Zack…” She whirled around to face him, wrapping her arms around him as tightly as she could. She pushed her power through him, even though there was nothing wrong with him. She tried, just in case.

  They’d thought they’d already lived out the vision when she’d refused to heal Chuck the day before, but that wasn’t it. How could she have been so stupid?

  “What are you doing, Paige? You’re freaking me out.”

  “The vision!”

  “I thought we decided that happened already?”

  She looked up at him. “It’s what we wanted to believe, but look around. Don’t you feel that?”

  It wasn’t the vision they’d seen but the environment was exact. The supernatural darkness was absolute. It took only seconds for his body to stiffen as he obviously landed on the same conclusion. He kissed her forehead. “No matter what happens, I love you. Okay? I need you to know that. I love you, Paige.”

  She nodded.

  “There are the lovebirds!” Dr. Willis’ voice called out. “Get a room, would ya? Must everyone bear witness to your—” His smile faded, and he slowly sank to the ground, holding one arm out to his nephew.

  Zack immediately released Paige, running to kneel at his uncle’s side. “Uncle Wayne? Hey!” he screamed, slapping the older man’s face. “Come on!” His voice was desperate. “Paige,” he beckoned to her as strangers stopped to stare.

  She was already by his side. She already knew what this was going to come down to. He was going to hate her if she saved his uncle’s life due to the curse, or he would hate her if she didn’t. But she’d made a promise of sorts.

  Zack took to assessing, as a doctor does. He then noticed the pendant on his uncle’s chest. It was quite similar to the amulet he’d given Paige.

  “What is this?” He broke the chain, tossing the thing to the ground. As soon as it shattered on the concrete, Zack sat back on his legs in shock. The aura went from white to gray to fading darkness.


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