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Steady (Pleasant Valley Book 3)

Page 23

by Anna Brooks

  “Be right back.”

  He disappears out of my bedroom, returning a moment later with a wet cloth to clean between my legs. What I thought at one point was a sweet gesture turns into another moment I have to endure his touch.

  “That was amazing.” He runs a hand through his curly blond hair and smiles at me.

  Even with the gag removed, I still can’t speak to him right now. I fake a smile and crawl under the covers.

  “I have to go to that conference in Boston this weekend. Be a good girl when I’m gone?”

  I’m not sure if he’s asking or telling; either way, I nod and shut my eyes. If he thinks I’m tired, he’ll leave sooner. He’s never stayed the night, not once in three years. He always says he has to go back to work. He doesn’t know that I know the real reason.

  “Good girl.” He kisses my forehead and shuts off the light.

  I watch his tall, lean figure exit my bedroom and wait until his car pulls away before I hop out of bed. I run to the bathroom and barely make it to the toilet in time. Once I'm done losing the contents of my stomach, I quickly brush my teeth, but avoid looking in the mirror, because I know what will be looking back at me: sad blue eyes that used to be bright with excitement and hope, framed by blond hair that is dull and too long.

  I grab the packed bags I have hidden in my closet and set them by the front door. I can’t be here anymore. Not in this house, not in this city, and definitely not in the same state as him. I know his routine, and he won’t know I’m gone until next week. I have time, but I’m still paranoid. Running back upstairs, I grab anything and everything that is of value to me. Not that there’s much; my mom’s jewelry, some photo albums, paperwork, things like that. I shut all the lights off upstairs, do the same in the kitchen, and make my way out the front door. I have to make a couple trips to my car, but once I have everything packed, I drive away without looking back.

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  A Preview of Easy Sacrifice

  Despite dancing among the crowd of steamy bodies, my skin doesn’t feel too heated, but when I get outside and see him, it begins to burn. He’s leaning on his truck right outside the club, watching me. Waiting, maybe? The door closes behind me, and the bass from inside dissipates as the pounding of my heart begins to echo in my chest.

  His eyes don’t move from mine. If I could walk, I’d run to him, but I’m paralyzed. I haven't seen him in six years; not since he told me from behind the glass partition that he never wanted to see me again . . . I was the one who pulled the trigger, but he took the blame.

  Now, he looks . . . fucking hot. His arms are huge. His eyes are still beautiful, but they’re definitely harder. His hair’s a tad longer than it was before. And in the pants he’s wearing, I can see the outline of his cock.

  “Ready?” he asks, pushing off the door.

  I don’t think I heard him correctly. “What?”


  He certainly can’t be asking what I’ve dreamed of since the first minute I laid eyes on him. Since he kissed me that night, all I think about is how I want more. I’ve always wanted more. “Huh?”

  “Jessa.” He sighs.


  “Are you ready?”

  “For what?”

  He walks right up in my personal space and crowds me against the closed club door without actually touching me. The warmth from his body ignites me even further, and I feel my face heating and my panties dampening. His index finger traces the outside of my mouth, and his eyes turn darker as he watches his finger.

  “Me,” he whispers.

  Available Now: Easy Sacrifice


  First shout out goes to my husband for being so supportive. Couldn’t do this without you. Love you so much!

  Marianne, Kelly, Crystal, Nicole, Megan, Piper, and KC, you guys are awesome. Best squad a girl could ask for.

  THANK YOU to Nikki Belaire, Crystal Singer, Heather Carver, Shannon Ferguson, Nicole Richard, Jennifer DiCenzo, Elizabeth Himsworth, and Kelly Lincoln for being the best beta readers in the world!

  My reader group and release team are always there to give me a laugh and share in the excitement for my books. I’m beyond grateful for you all.

  Melissa from MG Book Covers & Design, Jenny from Editing4Indies, Bree from Vivid Words Editing, Stacey from Champagne Formats. Words can’t express my gratitude for you guys and the phenomenal work that you do!

  Colleen from Itsy Bitsy Book Bits and Ena & Amanda from Enticing Journey, thank you for all the incredible work you do to help with the promotion of my books.

  THANK YOU, thank you, thank you to the bloggers and the readers. You are appreciated more than you can know. I’m grateful for your support.

  About the Author

  Anna began writing when she thought the world would want to hear her sick lyrics through song. Since then, she’s realized her childhood dream wasn’t so far-fetched, just misguided. Now she writes romance with real emotions and happy endings. If Anna isn’t writing or reading, she can be found by a space heater drinking a ridiculous amount of Diet Dr. Pepper. She also likes to hang out with her husband and two boys. If it weren’t for them, she wouldn’t ever leave the house. Anna was born in Wisconsin but now lives in the Evergreen State.

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  She can also be found on social media as @annabrooksauth.

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