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Special Forces_Operation Alpha_Blackburn

Page 4

by Brynne Asher

  Chapter 7


  Gabriel Blackburn

  Fuck. Just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse.

  As she slept through the storm last night, I talked myself into the fact it doesn’t matter that she’s my employee. That I could step over the line, take a risk, and do what I haven’t allowed myself to.

  I could take her and make her mine.

  That is, if I can win her over after acting like a class-A asshole all this time.

  All morning, we’ve hiked as slow as she needed with me bulldozing the way through the brush for her. I’ve asked her about her life, her family, her education, and what drove her to become multilingual.

  I’ve learned that she’s an only child, she’s from the south—which explains her sweetness, and she had a crush on her seventh grade Spanish teacher. She laughed at me when I frowned at the mention of her childhood crush and she told me not to worry. There wasn’t a scandal because the middle school star point guard, Cody Worthington, swept her off her school-girl feet and was her first kiss.

  It was then I decided I fucking hated Cody Worthington and, should he ever cross my path, I might send him an email that would fry his hard drive faster than he put the moves on my sweet Lillian back in the day.

  Then she told me she missed her flight this morning to North Carolina. Her voice wobbled with worry when she said her grandmother wasn’t doing well—as in really not well—and she was supposed to see her this weekend.

  I stopped in my tracks and she almost ran in to me when I asked why she was in Central America if she had a family emergency.

  The look on her face said it all and it cut deep. She didn’t need to back up her awkward expression with words, spelling it out that she was here because her boss’s boss is an unapproachable fuckwad.

  That was the moment I focused on nothing but her, deciding I’d do everything I could to get her to her family—fast.

  That was also the moment I lost focus.

  I never lose my focus.

  But seeing her tied and gagged after being manhandled and thrown into the bed of a truck, I’ve never regretted anything more.

  Chapter 8

  This Isn’t Good

  Lillian Burkette

  Just when I thought nothing could be worse than yesterday, they came out of nowhere. They might as well have clawed their way out of the ground. One moment, we were standing in awkward silence as I tried to come up with an excuse why I didn’t have the courage to cancel my work trip, and the next, we were surrounded.

  It was four-on-two and I’ll never forget the look in Gabe’s deep blue eyes. Given I’ve been no help since this whole nightmare started, it might as well have been four-on-one. Gabe did all he could and grabbed me, pulling me into his chest, but this time we didn’t have the cover of a vehicle to protect us. They yanked me out of his arms, took his weapons, and then threw me to the ground. I couldn’t see what they did to Gabe, but I heard.

  Screaming and writhing—I did all I could but it was no match for my opponent. He had me bound and gagged—effectively shutting me up—in quick order. When I was flipped to my back, I saw.

  Gabe was on his side, moaning from what looked like a hit to the head. The guns he was carrying had been tossed to the side and they had him tied, just like me.

  Sitting across from me, Gabe was also gagged. But from the moment we were tossed into this truck, he hasn’t taken his eyes off me. As we bounce along this makeshift road surrounded by armed thugs, I cringe at what I hear.

  It was their friends Gabe killed yesterday and they know he owns a company. They’re expecting him to pay up big for our release. I have no idea what his bottom line looks like, but they’re angry about losing their comrades and have upped the ante because of it. They chat freely, not knowing I understand what they’re saying. But when they start talking about me—their plans for me and how much they’ll enjoy it—I know it shows on my face.

  Gabe’s eyes bore into mine and he gives his head one little shake.

  He doesn’t understand what they’re saying, but maybe it’s their laughing or the way they’re leering at me, he seems to know. Squeezing my eyes shut to keep my tears at bay, I know I can’t let on that I know what they’re saying.

  I need to focus and not freak out. Maybe this will be my way to help.

  I swallow hard and open my eyes to look to my boss. A man who, before yesterday, I swore hated me. But since our nightmare started, he’s been different. The beautiful asshole with the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen, sexy hair, and the most amazing hands on earth, has been a different man.

  He’s been sweet, caring, and, because of it, when he lays his hands on me, I melt in a way that has nothing to do with the humidity.

  So, I listen but focus on Gabriel Blackburn. My boss’s boss, the person who I pray can get us out of this mess, and the man I’m seeing in a whole new light.

  Once we get to their camp—which was like the Biltmore Estate compared to where we slept last night—they throw us into a back room where they’re taking turns guarding us. They have electricity and radios. I even saw computers when we walked in, albeit, they weren’t state-of-the-art. I can only imagine what Gabe, being the master of all things tech, thought of their set-up.

  We haven’t had anything to eat or drink since this morning and the sun has all but set. Gabe and I are on opposite sides of the room facing one another. We’re both tethered to hooks attached to the floor—our wrists bound behind us. Their medieval contraptions don’t make me feel any better about our situation. Metal hooks screwed into the floorboards scream they’re in the business of kidnapping and probably have it down to an artform.

  And here I thought I’d be sitting with my Gran at this very moment, if she hasn’t taken another turn by now. She’s been the only positive constant in my life.

  It kills me I’m not with her. Things really aren’t looking good at this point.

  Other than the fact they’ve removed our gags. It’s the only thing I have to be thankful for at the moment, so I’m focusing on the pleasure of not having a dirty rag stuffed in my mouth.

  Even though Gabe and I can speak, we haven’t. He hasn’t initiated it and I take that to mean I shouldn’t either. Instead, I focus on his intense gaze that lingers from me to the guard and back to me again. I’m doing my best to decipher his blue-eyed, telepathic messages while focusing on what our captors are talking about.

  None of it is good for Gabe or me.

  They’ve sent messages—to whom, I have no idea—and now they’re waiting.

  We’re all waiting.

  They’ve also talked about separating us which scares me more than anything so far. If they try to take me away from Gabe, I don’t know what I’ll do.

  And I’m hungry—I’d literally kill someone for a brownie right about now. There are plenty of people around me I would willingly use as targets, that’s for sure.

  Gabe’s face tenses as an engine starts up outside. His eyes dart to the guard whose eyes have been on me way more than I’m comfortable with. We hear one of the cars that was parked out front drive off. Luckily there isn’t anyone else here—the four thugs who took us hostage are enough.

  Shouts in Spanish come from somewhere else in the worn building. I recognize the voice of the man who’s been barking orders since we got here, while the others somewhat grudgingly carry them out. He informs our guard that the other two have gone home for the night and he still hasn’t heard back from anyone at Gabe’s company.

  My eyes flit to Gabe, but I barely have time to register his still hard eyes and blank expression when I hear the next order barked through the darkened space.

  I’ve done all I can to stay calm, to pretend I don’t know what they’re saying, and make myself focus on the man whose arms I liked sleeping in last night more than I should have. The only way this whole situation has been tolerable without my freaking out in epic proportions has been seeing my boss in a new light. I’ve let my imaginati
on go to places it shouldn’t while being held hostage in Central America.

  My thoughts have traveled long and far. Gabe owns the company I work for and there’s an imaginary, but very important, line that can’t be crossed. I’m crazy to go there.

  Maybe it’s self-preservation, a mental vacation getaway from the situation I’m sitting in. Or, maybe, it’s just plain perversion. After he tended to all the sores and blisters on my feet, I couldn’t help but imagine those strong hands on me in other ways—better ways. That mouth that blew the sting away on my little toe, relieving other aches in a way I’d beg him for.

  But I can’t escape and I can’t stay calm any longer. My heart races and my blood turns cold despite the sticky, warm night air. The thing I fear most is about to happen—they’re going to separate us.

  “No!” I scream without thinking and push myself back against the wall, willing myself to disappear.

  When I look at Gabe, he’s tenser than ever and glaring at the guard—focused on his every move.

  The guard props his rifle in the corner before stalking my way and moves in front of me, blocking my view of Gabe. Sneering at me, he mumbles something about how he lucked out to be on duty tonight and when he bends to unlock my handcuffs, I do everything I can to fight him off.

  I kick. I scream. I writhe.

  I hear nothing besides my cries and the snickers from the man who’s wrestling me as he unlocks my cuffs. He’s bent over, trying to hold me as I do everything I can, which is practically nothing compared to his painful hold on my forearm pulled up my back. The more I jerk and pull, the more pain jolts through my body from his vice-like grip.

  Just when he gets my second cuff released, I pull my arm around to try and claw at him. He moves to stand but I refuse to cooperate, forcing him to pull my weight. When he starts to yank me toward him, I’m suddenly dropped—falling to the floor, but not with nearly the same thud as the big body behind me.

  I turn to find our guard laid out, blood seeping from his head where he hit the wall when he went down hard. Looking over the limp body, I see Gabe is stretched out as far as possible and I’m pretty sure he just kicked the legs out from underneath the guard.

  “Get his gun and unlock me, Lillian,” he whispers. “Hurry.”

  With quivering hands, I grab the keys and stand, stepping over the guard.

  Gabe turns his head—his face is so close to mine I can feel his breath on my skin as he encourages me with his steady words. “You’ve got it. One more and we’re good.”

  Heavy footsteps fall upon us at the same time the last click turns on his handcuff. He pulls me behind him and before I know it, he’s up, off the floor, and, as soon as the big body clears the doorway, Gabe charges.

  As if it’s his life mission to take down this man, Gabe goes at him. I would never have guessed the owner of a tech company could move the way he does, especially since his last meals were only made up of peanut M&M’s and half of a granola bar.

  His actions are swift and effective and, now that it’s one-on-one, my boss is getting back for what they did to him earlier. And he’s doing it in spades.

  The guy finally has a free moment to go for his gun, but Gabe goes at him from underneath, catching the bottom of his jaw, causing his head to snap back as he stumbles. Gabe grabs the gun and turns it on our lead captor. He takes no time to ponder. He pulls the trigger as if the choice was as easy as chocolate or vanilla—and everyone knows, it’s always chocolate.

  The second the captor hits the floor with a bullet through the head, the guy in front of me comes to and rolls. When he climbs to his feet, I yell, “Gabe!”

  Gabe turns and just as easily as he did before, he lifts his arm and shoots. I jump as the guy falls to the floor right in front of me.

  I stare at the seventh and eighth dead bodies I’ve now seen in the matter of about thirty-six hours, my chest heaving, and I can’t seem to move.


  I look up and Gabe is sliding the gun into the back of his pants as he moves forward to hold a hand out for me. I want to move—I know I need to move—I just don’t know if I can.

  But I make myself because I don’t want any space between us. Someone will have to kill me before I leave his side.

  He pulls me up, but he doesn’t stop there. He takes a step and presses me into the wall, his big, muscular body covering every inch of mine as he takes my face in his big hands and, before I know it, his mouth crashes on mine.

  Gabriel Blackburn, my boss’s boss, the asshole who hasn’t been an asshole since our lives turned upside-down, is kissing me.

  I feel all his pent-up energy released in our connection. His lips are warm and firm as they consume me. His body is solid and I lift up on my toes to get all of him. When he presses his tongue in my mouth, I take it eagerly.

  How did him hating me turn into this?

  I have no idea and right now, I don’t care.

  His greedy hands move down my body, squeezing and touching every curve—the sides of my breasts, my waist, my hips—landing like vices on my bottom as he pulls me into him. His cock, long and hard between us, is pressed into my stomach. I almost forget where we are and what’s happened to us.

  He pulls his lips away from mine with a groan I feel rumble against my breasts. Gabe tips his forehead down and rests it on mine as he breathes hard. “Lillian. No one’s going to touch you but me. Do you understand? We need to get out of here but, trust me, we’ll get back to this later.”

  I nod because no one but him touching me is something I could get used to.

  He leans down, his eyes level with me and his voice is low, yet rough. “What did he say? You’ve been calm all day until there at the end.”

  I shake my head, not wanting to say it out loud.

  His blue eyes narrow as he repeats himself forcefully. “What did he say, Lillian? Tell me—now.”

  My voice is shaky and I have to swallow to get the words out. “He was going to take me away from you, but not far enough where you couldn’t hear…”

  My words trail off because the expression on Gabe’s face turns to stone and his blue eyes to ice when he mutters, “I wish I could kill them all over again. I’d make them suffer long and slow—they’d beg me to put them out of their misery.”

  I don’t agree with him because him killing them quick was just fine with me.

  “Nothing’s going to happen to you, do you understand?” he goes on and I nod as he rests his forehead on mine. “I’ll get you home to your grandmother.”

  I try to manage a small smile as I lick my dry lips, causing his eyes to drop to my mouth.

  When he looks back up again, he gives his head a small shake. “We need to find our way back to civilization. We need to eat, shower, and find somewhere safe to stay so I can get my mouth on you again where we’re not surrounded by dead bodies.”

  Wow. I never imagined anyone could make my panties wet while talking about dead bodies, but Gabriel Blackburn sure did it.

  Chapter 9


  Gabriel Blackburn

  I couldn’t help myself. I had to kiss her. Touch her again. Let her know how I feel. Throw all fucks aside and do what I’ve fought against for months—lay claim to her.

  I don’t give a shit about the rules anymore. There’s nothing like life and death experiences to make me realize it’s time to obliterate the line and take what I want. From here on out, that’s exactly what I intend to do.

  Because I want her.

  And I didn’t lie. I’ll never let anyone hurt her again.

  I have to taste her one more time, so I lean in where I still have her pinned against the wall in this godforsaken shithole and put my lips on hers. The look on her face is something I’ll never forget and it has nothing to do with what we’ve just been through.

  “Let’s get out of here,” I say.

  She licks those damn lips and, if we were anywhere else, I’d yank her dress up and take her here and now.

>   What comes out of those beautiful lips surprises me. “Yes. I could use some chocolate.”

  Standing amid dead bodies in a room where we’ve spent most the day shackled, I can’t believe it—I almost smile.

  But I wasn’t kidding. We need to get out of here.

  I drop my hands but grab one of hers to keep her close as we step over lifeless bodies. I peek out the door and see there’s a light on at the end of the hall of this ramshackle of a building.

  “I’m pretty sure they were the only ones left from the way they talked. The other two went home for the night,” Lillian says, speaking quietly.

  Without looking back, I mutter, “What else was said today?”

  “They’re waiting on a reply from your company about the ransom. I’m not sure if you should be concerned or not, but no one responded.” I look back at her and her eyes are big. “I mean, don’t you think they would have at least responded?”

  I shake my head. “They better not have. If these assholes think they’re gonna get a dime out of me, they’re mistaken. But them contacting corporate is a good thing. That means the authorities are involved and, by now, I hope, the Embassy.”

  The building is quiet and since she said there was no one else here, I move down the hall toward the light.

  “Please don’t tell me there’s a company protocol for when employees are taken hostage in foreign countries. I might have to start looking for a new job,” she says.

  I’m forced to look back and frown. “You’re not looking for a new job, Lillian.”

  Her eyes go big. “If this is how many of your business trips end up, I might.”

  I shake my head and we turn the corner into a room filled with gold. Not literal gold, but given our situation at the moment, we’ve hit the jackpot.


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