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Baron of Bad: Lords of Scandal Book 5

Page 6

by Andresen, Tammy

  Her stomach clenched, realizing she was failing at acting like her smart sister. Would Cordelia ask a favor? Likely not. “I’m afraid to be alone in my room tonight,” she confessed.

  He set down his spoon. “Grace, I really should sleep in my own—”

  “We could pull your mattress into my room. You’d be comfortable and in your own bed.” She reached for his hand and after a moment’s pause, he allowed her to clasp his hand in hers. “Please. I’m scared.”

  He closed his eyes, his muscles tensing. “Love.”

  She could hear the no in the single word. “I won’t tell anyone. I swear.” And she laced her fingers through his.

  He sat looking at their joined hands, indecision making the lines in his face taut. “It’s not a good idea.”

  She rose then, keeping their hands joined, and skirted around the table. She wasn’t certain how Cordelia would act now, or Diana for that matter. But she knew what Grace would do.

  Grace let his fingers go, then wrapped her arms about his neck and slipped onto his lap. He didn’t stop her but he didn’t hold her either. Taking his lack of action as consent, she curled into his body, resting her head in the crook of his neck. She was tempted to continue talking. Try to convince him otherwise, but once again, her intuition told her it was best to remain quiet. So, she did.

  Slowly, Ben lifted his hands from his sides, one wrapping about her knees, the other resting on her backside.

  Tilting her head back, Grace placed a soft kiss on the base of his neck. He shivered under her lips.

  “What is it you want from me?” he asked, the rumble of his deep voice reverberating through her.

  Grace slid one of her hands up into his hair. The best answer was the truth, though perhaps not all of it. If she confessed her love, he might run screaming in the other direction. “I want you to want me the way I do you.”

  He squeezed her tighter, lifting her up so that her head tipped back. That was when his lips brushed across hers. Sparks of desire sizzled along her flesh as she clutched his hair. He responded, pressing their mouths together again and again until he slanted her lips apart and brushed his tongue along her bottom lip.

  A moan ripped from her lips but he swallowed the sound as he kissed her again, his tongue dancing along hers. Never had anything felt as good as this and she mimicked his gesture, wanting to taste more of him.

  He kneaded her bottom’s flesh, then caressed his hand up her side until he rested it under her arm where he palmed her breast, weighing the flesh in his hand, finally tweaking the nipple. She arched into the touch, pleasure rolling over her in waves. “Ben,” she moaned, her head falling even further back.

  Somehow, his name seemed to loosen his control. Suddenly they were up out of the chair, her weight firmly cradled against his chest.

  She wasn’t aware they were moving until her back came in contact with the mattress but she didn’t have much time to think about it, because his weight pressed to her front. Then she knew several things all at once. She belonged under this man. His hips settled between her legs and the hard press of his flesh pushed into her soft womanly parts making her cry out in desire. It curled inside her, making her forget all her fear, worry, and doubts. She wasn’t too sassy in this moment, too silly, too vain. He was perfect and he made her feel the same.

  Her chemise rode up her thighs, allowing her to wrap her legs around his, creating even more pressure where she needed it most.

  He slid his mouth from hers, kissing a trail down her neck as he untied her chemise. His hips were sliding away too and she whimpered out her protest. She wanted his pelvis cradled against hers.

  He smiled against her collarbone. “Patience, my love.” Then he pulled the chemise to one side, exposing a nipple. When his tongue dragged across the sensitive flesh, her insides convulsed and her fingers dug into his back.

  “Yes,” she hissed as his mouth closed around the dark skin, sucking it into his mouth.

  Then, he reached for her chemise and began dragging the fabric higher up her thigh, his hand stroking her leg as he did so. When the fabric had reached her waist, he stopped, tracing her belly button, before cupping her most private area with his large hand.

  Funny, she’d always liked the size of his hands without really understanding why. But now, in this moment, she knew. His fingers touched her everywhere all at once and pleasure near exploded from her insides as she bucked against him.

  “Not yet, love. I’ve got something even better for you.”

  Better? How could anything be better than this?

  * * *

  Bad had died and gone to Heaven. That was all he could think as he sucked one of her nipples back into his mouth. Her skin was a shade darker than cream and her nipples were the pink of a pale rose. And her taste…bloody hell she tasted of vanilla. He’d once heard vanilla described as boring, which was ridiculous. It was the perfect mix of earthy and sweet. The sort of flavor a man could happily sip on for the rest of his life.

  He slid one of his fingers into her silky wet channel, and it tightened about his digit, causing his cock to pulse with need, his seed leaking from the tip. He was going to spill it at any moment like a damned schoolboy on his first go.

  Not that it mattered. He wouldn’t take her today and she’d be none the wiser.

  Not that he planned to let her go either. Now that he’d taken a bite of her forbidden fruit, he’d not let another man sample it. She was his now. That much was clear.

  Kissing a trail across her chest and down her stomach, he wished he’d removed her chemise but he was too impatient to do so now. He wanted to taste the nectar between her legs, and he was growing frantic.

  She ruffled his hair, scratching his scalp as she arched her body against his mouth. He’d known touching her would be like this. She was full of spit and vinegar when they argued. He’d known that those tendencies were the sign of a passionate woman. Grace hadn’t disappointed.

  He kissed over the soft triangle of curls, her hips undulating against him and he wanted to growl in satisfaction. Reaching out his tongue, he took a small sip, just a sampling of her flavor and need rocked through him. She was delicious and so bloody gorgeous that his teeth ached.

  “Please,” she begged, digging her nails so hard into his scalp, he was certain she’d leave marks. He liked it and he had every intention of teasing her some more.

  “You want more?” He gave her another small lick, his muscles tensing from the effort to hold himself back.

  She arched again, looking like a goddess. “Yes,” she hissed pulling at his dark hair.

  Again, another small touch of his tongue. She convulsed under the teasing. “Will you beg?” he asked.

  For a moment she stilled, her fingers loosening in his hair and he swore under his breath. If he’d scared her away he’d never forgive himself. It was just that he was growing to like their exchanges, but perhaps it was too soon to bring them into the bed.

  But then Grace did something he hadn’t expected at all. Suddenly her thighs tightened around his head, her calf hooking his neck and pushing his face closer. “Not beg,” she answered, squeezing him tighter. “Demand.”

  He grinned, damn that little imp and her vivacious personality. He had to confess that he loved it. “Yes, my queen,” he rumbled against her thigh and then he licked her fully, flattening his tongue against her sweet flesh.

  She moaned and jerked her hips but he didn’t decrease the pressure, rather he held her hips in his hands and increased it. Her thighs trembled around his ears as she twisted her head back and forth.

  She exploded against him, moaning his name in a loud cry that filled him with satisfaction as his own seed spilled. They hadn’t even been together, not fully, and yet this was the single best experience of his life.

  Climbing up her body, he lay next to her. “Grace,” he whispered, brushing her hair back from her face. He could comb her hair like this for hours.

  A sleepy, satisfied grin spread across h
er lips as she curled into his side. “Yes?”

  “You really are a queen.” My queen, he thought.

  She didn’t open her eyes but the smile turned down. “Is it because you think me spoiled?”

  He kept brushing her hair back from her face. “Oh, you’re that. There’s no doubt. But I was referring to the fact that you could turn me into your willing slave.”

  Her eyes opened then, one of her pale arms reaching about his neck. “And if I were to demand, as your queen, that you kiss me like that again?”

  He trailed his hand down her back. “What my queen wishes for, she gets.”

  Chapter Ten

  Grace woke just as the sun rose the next morning. She wasn’t tucked against Ben but his heat still lingered, making her warm and cozy. Lifting her head, she saw him standing near the window. “Good morning,” she mumbled, burrowing deeper under the covers.

  “Good morning,” he said turning back toward the bed. “I hope I didn’t wake you.”

  “Not at all,” she answered, pushing back the curtain of hair that had fallen into her face.

  He crossed the room and sat on the bed next to her, combing back the strands with his fingers. “I did find a comb for you. It’s on the table.”

  She nodded. “I saw it last night. I’ll put it to good use this morning.”

  He grimaced, just a hint, before he concealed his expression again. “That’s likely a good idea. You’ll need to look presentable.”

  “Presentable? Why? Because I’m returning home today? I was kidnapped, they’ll likely understand my disheveled appearance.” She rolled onto her stomach, her hands under her head. The idea of going home filled her with a certain dread. She liked being with Ben. More than liked it, she loved being tucked against him and she didn’t want all those people, meaning her family, between them.

  He continued to comb through her hair, his fingers simultaneously stroking down her back. “Well, you are returning to London today but…” he paused. “This morning I heard a familiar voice in the hall. Woke me from a dead sleep.”

  She scrunched her brows as she looked up at him. “Heard a voice? Who?”

  “Daring,” he said. “He’s here. And so is Exile and Jack.”

  She rolled back over, the blankets having been pushed down to her waist. Her chest was exposed to him but somehow, she’d lost any shyness with this man. His eyes devoured her as she lay there. Her tongue darted out to wet her lips. She didn’t want her time with Ben to end. “Are you sure you weren’t dreaming you heard them? You were asleep.”

  Ben traced her collarbone then drifted lower over her breast. Her body began to tighten in response. “I’m afraid not, love. Even after I woke, I continued to hear them. They’re here and they’re looking for us.”

  She sat up then and he gathered her into his arms. “Why? I’m perfectly safe with you. You’ll bring me back and—”

  “I didn’t have much time to write them a note. It was rather brief. They might be worried that Abernath or Crusher is still chasing us or, perhaps, they just want to protect your reputation by returning together. If no one finds out you’ve been gone, you might not have to marry me.”

  Her insides tightened and she pulled away. “But I thought we’d already agreed to marry. I’ve slept in your bed. I’ve—”

  He held her cheeks in his hands. “I didn’t take your maidenhead. You can go to your wedding pure enough.”

  Her breath caught and filled her chest making it ache. She looked at him, trying to speak but her voice wouldn’t work. They’d decided to marry. How could he say this now? Her stomach churned. It was because he didn’t want her. She was the spoiled, vain Chase girl and now that he’d had his way with her, he was done. Men thought her pretty, but no one actually wanted her for marriage. Why would he be any different? “You would hand me over to another man?”

  His face scrunched as if he was in pain but then he straightened. “I’m only giving you choices.”

  She’d heard just about enough. Yanking her face from his hands, she scooted around him and stood. Completely naked, she glared at him with her hands on her hips. “You mean you don’t want to be stuck with me.”

  “That isn’t what I said at all. I don’t want you to be stuck with me.” He stood too and reached for her, but she jerked back.

  “Don’t touch me,” she hissed. “Never touch me again.” She spun, then fled the room to her own. It was only after she closed the door between them that she realized most of her clothing was still in his room. Not knowing what else to do, she burrowed into the cold bed, the fire having gone out hours before and pulled the covers over her head. Then, the tears started. He’d promised to marry her and he was going back on his word. She should have known better than to give herself over to a rake.

  Grace should have known better than to take him at his word. Hadn’t her mother warned her that her virtue was her greatest asset? Of course she knew her sisters and her cousins had broken that rule, but she wasn’t them. Men adored them, found them deep, interesting, strong. She hiccupped. At least she did still have her maidenhead and if her family was here, her reputation might stay intact.

  Everyone was always telling her to be kinder, more considerate, less selfish. Perhaps this was the lesson she needed. She’d be a better person and find a man who would love that woman. Tossing the covers back off her body, she rose in the freezing room, wrapping a blanket about herself and crossed back over to the connecting door.

  She opened the door to find Ben exactly where she’d left him, his face in his hands. He looked up as the door clicked open and only then did she realize that she should have looked at her face first. It was likely red and puffy. “I forgot my clothes.”

  He stood and began collecting up the garments. “Your room must be freezing. I can feel the draft from here.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” she answered, straightening. She couldn’t look into his eyes. “Don’t worry about me.”

  He stopped in front of her and handed her the bundle of clothes. “As long as I live, I will worry about you, Lady Grace.” Then he gently moved her and walked into her room. “Let me get the fire going. You start dressing in here.”

  She clutched the blanket tighter. He’d worry about her for as long as he lived? What did that mean?

  * * *

  Bad knew he’d upset her, but he wasn’t entirely certain what he’d done wrong. Well, that was partially true. He’d dealt with women before. Emotional creatures the lot of them. He’d likely hurt her feelings but he’d done it for her own good.

  She could and should have any man she wanted. He poked at the fire, getting a few of the coals to ignite the new wood he’d placed on the embers. Why should she have to settle for a scarred, socially inept barbarian of a man?

  He pulled back the poker, realizing that he’d been jabbing the wood. Memories from the night before flooded his thoughts. He’d worshipped every part of her body as she’d bloomed underneath him. He might never be able to touch another woman again. She tasted sweeter, felt softer, hell, she even moaned at the exact pitch that sent his senses reeling. And then there were the times they weren’t in bed. Even today, she challenged him, pushed him to be a better man. And he liked that about her. She was slowly but surely bringing out the best in him.

  Her corset lay across the table and he picked the garment up, determined to set things right with Grace.

  Walking to the connecting door, he softly knocked. “Grace, I have your corset.”

  The door cracked open and a hand reached through. Her long slender fingers opened and closed indicating for him to pass her the garment. He bent down and kissed the back of her fingers instead.

  “Don’t,” she bit out.

  He reached for her hand and slowly opened it again so that he might lay a kiss on her palm. “I think you misunderstood me earlier.”

  “I did not. You said you would marry me and then you withdrew your offer.”

  “No, that is not what I said.” He reached fo
r the door and pushed it open a bit wider. Grace now stood in her chemise and he tried not to frown in disappointment. No woman had ever looked so good naked. “What I said was if you wished to choose someone else, you still could. I didn’t say I wouldn’t marry you. I’m giving you the choice. That’s all.”

  Silence met his words but her hand went limp in his. “You did say that, didn’t you?”

  “I’m not the likely choice for your hand, love.” He brought her palm to his lips again. “Think that over before you decide.”

  She stepped closer to him, her head tilting up toward his. “Will you help me dress?”

  “Of course,” he answered. Truth be told, he wanted to strip her clothes back off and tuck her back into his bed.

  Helping her put her clothes back on and then watching her dress her hair was a form of lovely torture. But when she was ready, he held out his elbow to take her down for breakfast. It was time to reunite her with her family.

  His chest tightened as he forced his feet to move. He wanted to keep her all for himself.

  Chapter Eleven

  They entered the common room and Grace looked around. She’d half expected various members of her family to be sitting in a row waiting for her.

  But only a few stray guests sat about, drinking tea and eating biscuits. “What should we do?”

  Bad gave her a sidelong glance. “Eat our breakfast.”

  She squeezed his arm. “You don’t think we missed them, do you?”

  He shook his head. “I heard them in what seemed to be the middle of the night. My guess is they’re still in bed.” Then he paused. “When we do find them, perhaps you shouldn’t tell them that we already knew they were here. That might lead to questions.”


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