Book Read Free

Baby Maker

Page 19

by P. Dangelico

  “The hell are you talking about? You’re blaming me? Me?! You’ve been unbearable––when you’ve been around, that is. Usually you’re running in the opposite direction. But somehow in your twisted little male peanut sized brain, it’s my fault?!”

  “Yes, goddamit! Dancin’––smillin’ at that fucking cowboy!” His hand slashes through the air as if he’s indicating to someone in the corner. The veins near his temple pop up. Eyes impossibly wide, he advances on me, stopping a mere foot away. “You never smile at me like that!”

  Huh? “What does that have to do with anything?!”

  “Because I’m jealous! Okay! And you’ve made it very clear you’re not attracted to me but all I can think about is this!”

  He’s on me before I can blink, arms crushing me to him, kissing me like I hold the last breath of air on the planet and he means to steal it.

  A beat later he stops. His lips against mine he murmurs, “Kiss me back…please kiss me back.”

  The demands of my body override commonsense, the anger I was feeling less than a second ago…all of it. One brush of my lips against his and it’s over. I kiss him and I don’t hold anything back.

  Suddenly, we’re a tangle of arms and legs. My hands in his hair. His hips bearing down on me. My breasts smashed against his chest. His erection, long and thick and impossibly hard, pressing into my stomach.

  He picks me up off my feet, and I wrap my legs around his waist. The robe falling open, all that separates us is our underwear. Teeth clashing, noses banging, we’re so consumed with desire skill has no part in it.

  Somewhere in the background my senses take note of the taste of coffee and anger and months of pent-up frustrated longing. His silky lips on mine, warm and pillowy. The scent of him, Johnnie Walker with a side of sex. I’m talking fantastic sex.

  From my face, his hands travel up and thread through my hair. Tilting my head for a better angle, his tongue expertly strokes mine, tempting me to meet him halfway with stealthy seduction, and I do gladly.

  I am officially gone, swept away by a tide of lust, and need, and something deeper, something––

  “You kids about done?”

  Mr. Wylder’s scratchy voice cuts right between us. It cools the air without snuffing out the fire. It’s become increasingly clear nothing is snuffing out this fire.

  Clinging to each other, reluctant to let go, Dane’s chest rises and falls against my swollen and sensitive breasts, his heart pounding next to mine.

  His eyes have yet to pull away from mine, wide and filled with apprehension as much as wonder and longing. Dane’s grip slowly loosens. My hips, performing the slow slide down, get caught on the erection jutting out from his body. His eyes flutter at the friction, jaw hardening in frustration. I bite my bottom lip to stave off the sudden urge to laugh.

  “Bedroom, now,” he whisper-growls.

  “Now?” I repeat, gaping.

  His gaze falls on my breasts, visible under the half-open robe. “We need to talk.” He exhales sharply and lets go, allowing me to close the robe and tighten the belt.

  “Oh,” is all I can say, a goofy smile overtaking my face. Dane slides his hand in mine and turns to face his father.

  Standing in the kitchen with a smirk, Bill winks at his son while I do my best not to melt into a puddle of embarrassment now that the daze of lust has worn off.

  The Wylder men exchange a look.

  “You were takin’ forever.” That said, Bill picks up the coffee pot and inspects the contents with a frown. Then he dumps what little is left in the sink, and after rinsing it out, starts brewing a fresh pot.

  “’Scuse us, we have some business to attend to.”

  Without waiting for a reply, Dane drags me back to our bedroom, locking the door behind us. There are so many questions I want to ask I don’t know where to begin. Which is why I sit on the foot of the bed and wait for him to speak first.

  Standing before me with his hands on his hips, expression pensive, he’s a Greek statue come to life.

  Questions? What questions?

  My hungry eyes trace the perfectly contoured lines of flesh, every ridge and valley of the man whose child I’m bearing. It’s impossible not to stare. I’m only human for crying out loud.

  I follow the path marked by a strip of dark-blond hair until it disappears under his briefs. Under my watch, his dick twitches and hardens.

  “Eyes up, Shorty, or this talk ain’t gonna happen.”

  A deep flush crawls up my neck. My eyes snap up to his face, where I find a small smile. Not one of triumph but rather of affection. This man cares about me. Open and guileless, his eyes tell me so.

  One question answered––only a hundred more to go.

  “You’re not going anywhere,” he tells me, his voice quiet only in a way a voice can be when the message isn’t up for debate.

  My spine stiffens. Not the best start but I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt. It’s enough to clear my head of the lust fog though, sanity returning all at once.

  We can’t do this. There’s too much to lose and very little to gain. So we have sex. Probably great sex. Maybe even epic sex. Then what?

  For the rest of my life I’m forced to watch a revolving door of women coming in and out of his life. I’m not built that way. I can’t be casual about this.

  “We can’t do this.”

  “Why not?”


  “Why not?”

  “Because it’s against the rules,” comes out in one long frustrated exhale. “I’m not saying I haven’t thought about it––of course I have…it’s just that––”

  Stepping closer, he slowly sinks to his knees and pries my legs apart, fingers splayed on the sensitive skin of my inner thighs. I watch him do it as if I’m having an outer-body-experience, turned on, warring with myself. “I mean…I’ve thought about it…you know,” I mumble as I watch him wedges his hips in the space he’s created.

  “You’ve thought about me?” he mumbles back.

  He strokes the inside of my thighs with those callouses and an electric current travels up to where I’ve thought about having him. I’ve been turned on before but this…this is on a whole other level.

  “I’ve thought about you. I’ve thought about you so much it’s killin’ me, Stel.”

  Eyes beseeching, voice thick, he nuzzles my neck and I’m seconds away from possibly making the biggest mistake of my life.

  Tentatively my hands explore his biceps, where the skin is tight and warm, move up over his sculpted shoulders and wrap around his neck. I pull him close. Just this one time, I tell myself. It won’t hurt to touch him just this once.

  His hands, sliding over my ass, yank me closer, close enough that I can feel his hard length pinned between us. “I think about all the things I want to do to you.”

  “You do?” I say dumbly.

  All the aggression dancing between us a short time ago has changed into something tender. He cups my face and takes his time looking his fill. As if he’s committing this moment to memory and he doesn’t want to miss a thing.

  “I think about how good I wanna make you feel.”

  He presses closer, dragging his erection against my core, and my eyes squeeze shut. His lips hovering over my lips, slide right and place a light kiss on the side of my neck, near my ear.

  “Dane––” I gasp, on the brink of losing what little hold on sanity I have left.

  “Do you want me?”

  Do I want him? I almost laugh. Every cell in my body is ordering me to get closer and I know he’s feeling it too.

  His hips roll. Driven by instinct, mine lift to meet his. The feel of him through our underwear alone enough to make my toes curl. So, yeah, I want him.

  “Because I want you so badly it hurts. It fucking hurts, Stel. Wanting you is all I can think about…has been for a long time.”

  The moment stills, which road we travel soon-to-be determined because not only do I want this man, but I like h
im. I really like him. I like everything about him. I like his stupid country-boy routine. I like his tendency to always lighten the mood. I like the crinkles at the corners of his expressive eyes he's earned by smiling too much. I like that he's a reluctant hero. But most of all I like his heart. His great big heart. And I don’t want to lose all of him by asking for a little bit more.

  “Yes––I do.”

  Pushing out a sharp breath, he places the lightest kiss on my lips.

  “I’m taking you on a date tonight.”

  I don’t ask what this means––even though I’m dying to. I don’t ask how he feels about me. I don’t ask where this is going. I don’t ask the hundreds of questions sprinting in circles in my head because I don’t want to ruin this…whatever this is.

  For once in my life, I chuck caution to the wind, dispense with the spreadsheet, and just go with it. It’s only a date. What could it hurt to go on one date.

  “Hello?” Delia croaks.

  After Dane left for a business meeting regarding the ranch, I went straight to his office to get some work done. Delia hates interruptions when she’s working on a new book. Therefore, watching the time like a hawk, I wait for it to strike 5:00 to call my love doctor.

  I hear a muffled, “Colton, get off of me…yeah, I’m serious. Time to go.”

  “What are you doing?” I feel compelled to ask as I glance at my phone just to be sure. Yep, 6:10 in New York.

  “Taking a break from writing.”

  Right. I hear more strange sounds.

  “Hold on,” she says to me. “No, you’re not sleeping over…because this isn’t a slumber party, that’s why…I have an early meeting with a spin bike tomorrow…lock the door on your way out, thanks, sweetie.”

  Poor Colton.

  “What’s up?”

  “He kissed me,” I whisper as if there’s any chance of anyone overhearing. I locked the door before dialing her number.

  “Gee whiz, Jan, do you think you’ll go to second base with him?”

  I can always count on my best friend to turn my big deals into a whole lot of nothing.

  “I don’t know, Marcia, should I?”

  “Hell yeah. Get it while you can,” she practically shouts. How predictable. I don’t know why I ask when I already know the answer. “Ride that baloney pony across the plains of Oklahoma.”

  The snort cannot be helped. “Gross. That’s…you’re really gross sometimes.”

  “Oh please, you love it.”

  “I do love it,” I retort, snickering. “I don’t know…” My eyes wander to the wall, over the draft night picture of Dane holding up his Gladiator jersey. He was so young. The smile is the same though. “This could ruin everything.”

  “I’ve got news for you. It’s already ruined––at least, your intention of keeping this thing all business is. You’re half in love with him already so you may as well shoplift the pootie from the hot, single, soon-to-be dad.”

  “I can’t shoplift. I’m no good at shoplifting.”

  You know that gene that all girls get, the one that comes with the instructions on how to flirt? Yeah, I don’t have that.

  I can talk to men. I can work with them. I can negotiate with them. I can even hang with them. But I cannot flirt. The few times I’ve attempted it I end up sounding like I’m reading sports stats––or stock analysis. In other words, very unsexy.

  And I can’t even refute what she said about me being half in love because A– it would be a bald-faced lie and B–she would never buy it.

  “Jiminy Crickets, this is not brain surgery. Take your clothes off and I guarantee he’ll take care of the rest.”

  “And then what? What happens after? What if we can’t get along?”

  “Stop overthinking. Stop trying to put everything in a box with a label.”

  “I do not do that.” Maybe I do…a little bit.

  “Uhhh, yeah, you do.”

  “I do not.” A tiny bit.

  “What’s your favorite store?”

  “That means I’m organized.”

  “Say it.”

  Sigh. Big, heavy sigh. “The Container Store.”

  “Nuff said. I’m hanging up now. Happy shoplifting.”

  The line goes dead.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  By the time Dane returned from his meeting, around early evening, I was showered and dressed, having managed to salvage the black jersey dress I wore here by hanging it in the bathroom and letting the steam do the job.

  I step into the great room to find Dane waiting for me. He turns away from the massive television screen where a football game is playing and meets my gaze. It doesn’t look like a comb has been anywhere near that head, and still, wearing a simple white dress shirt and a pair of navy slacks, he just might qualify as the sexiest man on the planet.

  I don’t know where to look, what to say. Everything being out in the open feels awkward to me. Meanwhile, he’s as relaxed as ever. Story of my life.

  “Do you miss it?”

  When he stares back blankly, I point to the television. His focus remaining strictly on me, he slowly shakes his head.

  “Come here,” a rough-hewed voice commands.

  I’ve never been a fan of being ordered around but my feet seem to like it because they obey without question, carrying me straight over to him.

  He wraps a big hand around my neck, fingers raking through my hair. His gaze openly roams over my breasts, my hips, my legs with an expression that can only be categorized as hungry.

  “You look gorgeous…but then you always do to me.”

  Those vulnerable and honest words spoken in a low voice find the crack in the wall around my heart and get in. I can’t look up. I can’t because he’ll see it all. All my hopes and desires. All my doubts and fears.

  “I’m starving. Let’s go,” he says, snapping the living, breathing tension.

  A smile stretches across my face. “When are you not hungry?” I reply, laughing.

  Taking my hand, he leads me out of the house, to the truck in the driveway. Once I’m in the passenger seat, his hand hanging over the top of the open door, he pauses, watching me with heavy-lidded eyes.

  “Hardly ever,” he murmurs seductively, one corner of his mouth tilting up in a smile that says he can’t wait to demonstrate.

  My face catches fire, the dark of night saving me from looking like a neon sign. The kiss upped the ant-. He’s no longer hiding behind veiled suggestions, behind the jokes. He’s boldly staking a claim––and that claim is sex with me.

  Forty five minutes later, we’re back in Oklahoma City, pulling into a busy parking lot where a valet takes the truck.

  On the car ride over he explained that he spent the day negotiating the sale of the ranch––most of the land and the stock, that is. The houses and stables would remain in his family. I wondered how Bill felt about it but didn’t pry.

  “I can’t wait for you to meet them.”


  “My friends,” he says with a sweet smile.

  My stomach flips. He wants me to meet his friends? For reasons unknown, this feels like an important detail.

  We walk into the bar and all the people crowding it turn to stare. It’s busy for a Thursday night.

  The place beautifully decorated, contemporary. Gleaming dark wood and nickel accents. Lovely velvet-covered booths and a dance floor in the back. It has a sexy loungey vibe to it that wouldn’t be out of place in Manhattan.

  Behind the backlit bar, a very fit guy with a neat short beard and a trendy haircut eyeballs Dane. His hair is pitch-black offsetting his light-brown eyes and the blond freckles dusting his face. Tattoos on his neck peek out over his white shirt collar and cuffs. He’s handsome in a moody, broody way. In other words, not my type.


  “Fuck you, Dane,” Noah the angry bartender responds.

  “You still mad, boo?” Turning to me, Dane says, “Noah here is still mad I chose Not
re Dame over Oklahoma State. It’s a touchy subject for him.” Noah winks at me and I smile back.

  “What are you doin’ here?” Dane asks.

  “They’re short-staffed,” moody Noah answers.

  “Where’s Jbear?”

  “With the kids tonight. Nyla’s in the kitchen.”

  “Noah, this is Stella.”

  Noah turns his whiskey-colored eyes on me and grins, his perfect teeth splitting his neat beard. “What did you do to get mixed up with the likes of him?”

  “Long story.”

  The banter, the smiles and easy conversation amongst friends––for most people it’s a small thing. Not to me however. To me it’s all new.

  For the first time in my life, I feel like I’m not an outsider looking in. I’m accepted without judgment or stipulation. For the first time, I’m included without having to work my fingers to the bone to earn it.

  “We’ll catch up later, boo. I’m on a date.”

  That word hits me in the heart. But I’m not going to ruin tonight by second-guessing myself, or wanting answers to questions that haven’t been asked. I let fate run away with me. I live in the moment.

  Dane leans closer as we walk away. “It was always me, Noah, and Jermaine in high school.”

  “Did they play football, too?”

  “Yeah, Jermaine went on to play center for the Kansas City Chiefs. He retired three years ago. And Noah unfortunately got injured his rookie year and had to quit.”

  The look on Dane’s face tells me there’s more to that story but I don’t have time for questions; a woman approaches us with outstretched arms. A gorgeous black woman with long chunky cornrow braids.

  “Hey, beautiful,” Dane says walking into the woman’s arms. She laughs when his hug lifts her off her feet.

  “Where the heck have you been? I thought you were moving back to the ranch after you announced retirement?” she asks with a wide grin. Then she spots me and her expression turns curious.

  “Nyla, this is Stella,” Dane says cheerfully.

  “Nice to meet you, Stella,” she says with a genuine smile. “I take it you’re the reason this guy hasn’t moved back home?”

  “No,” I answer while Dane says, “Yes,” at the same time. Our eyes meet, Dane’s filled with affection. There’s no other way to describe it.


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