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Gregor's Search-The Filament Makers: Stories from the Filaments

Page 26

by Saxon Andrew

  Gregor stood up and said, “Before we vote!” Gold’s eyes whipped toward Gregor. “Majesty, I wish to speak to those that are being executed.”

  “Why would you want to do that?”

  “I believe it will help me better understand the Gramget we’re about to vote on.”

  Gold glared at Gregor and glanced at Gem, who was nodding. Gold said, “You may go and speak to them.”

  Gregor walked down the steps and Ana turned to Gem, “What is he doing?”

  Gem whispered, “We must have his vote to pass this! Gold understands that Gregor is the one that must be convinced about this and is giving him some leeway.”

  Gregor walked out into the clearing and stopped in front of the pole in front of the others. He looked up at the Insectoid bound tightly to the pole and saw him glaring down at him. “You’re against this agreement.”

  “I AM!”

  Gregor was startled; their conversation was being broadcast over the huge broadcast system. “Why?”

  “Because you can never be trusted!!”

  “And you believe this because…”

  “You are not honorable and keeping a Gramget is beyond your ability. We will be bound by our promise and you will one day use our promise against us and attack us.”

  “You don’t believe we can keep a promise?”

  “Tell me a term in your language that corresponds to Gramget?”

  “We call them treaties.”

  “Have any of your worlds ever violated a treaty?”

  Gregor stared at the large creature glaring at him with brilliant green eyes and replied, “Yes.”

  There was an immediate loud clacking noise that erupted from the huge gathering and the King said loudly, “YOU WILL BE SILENT!!”

  The Insectoid glared at Gregor, “You’ve made my point!!”

  “Treaties have been violated, just as you have not followed your King’s command not to attack us while this was being negotiated. Those who violated our treaties have been punished for those violations.”

  “The difference is, you can violate your, so called, treaties but once the Gramget is approved, we cannot. You will one day prove we are foolish to trust you.”

  “So, you attacked to protect your Kingdom.”

  “It was the only thing I could do to protect my people. I have to protect them from a bad decision.”

  Gregor stared at the insectoid, walked around the pole, and went to the female Insectoid laying on the ground behind it. “Did you know he was going to attack one of our planets?”

  “No, I did not.”

  “Do you agree with what he did.”

  The female looked up at Gregor, “I chose him to be my mate because he is one of the bravest and most honorable male I’ve ever known. He loves our people and chose to do what he did for honorable reasons. I will not minimize his sacrifice by not standing with him now.”

  Gregor saw three-small-insectoids laying in the dirt behind the female and saw them shaking slightly. They were terribly frightened by what was coming. Gregor glanced at the Insectoid warriors surrounding them with heavy blasters in their hands to keep them from running. He walked over to the pole directly behind the ship commander and asked, “Did you know what he ordered you to do violated the King’s commandments?”

  “I did.”

  “And you agreed with what he was doing?”

  “No, I did not.”

  Gregor’s eyes narrowed, “Then why did you do it?”

  “We are forbidden to disobey our commander.”

  “Even if you know it’s a violation of your King’s orders?”

  “I have no option to disobey. The commander’s orders must be followed!”

  Gregor glanced at the other Insectoids bound to metal poles, “What about the others?”

  “They cannot disobey.”

  “You must have known this would lead to your, and your family’s, execution?”

  “I did, but there was nothing I could do to prevent it.”

  Gregor walked behind the pole and the female raised her head, as she said, “I stand by my Mate.”

  Gregor nodded and shook his head. A brutal society kept order by brutal laws that were rigidly enforced.” He sighed and walked back to the insectoid, “If you could have stopped him…”

  “There is no possible way to stop what happened.”

  Gregor walked back to the leader and looked up at him, “Did you know you were sentencing your crew and their families to death by your actions?”

  “I believed then, and still do, that the price in saving our people was worth it.”

  Gregor stared at the Insectoid and shook his head. He turned around, walked toward the grandstand, and yelled, “Call for the vote!”

  The King turned to his left and said loudly, “DO YOU AGREE TO THE GRAMGET?!”

  “Every Alliance Leader raised their right arms and Ana leaned in close to Gem and whispered, “Gregor isn’t raising his arm!”

  “OH-NO!” Gem said softly.

  The King looked down at Gregor, “You have not voted for the Gramget, Gregor. It will not be approved without your acceptance!”

  “I will approve the Gramget if you will allow me one request.”

  Gold’s head came forward, “And just what is that?”

  “Why must all these families die?”

  Gold shook his head slightly, “I don’t expect you to understand our laws, and once we didn’t execute the betrayer’s families. But they were banished and ostracized from our society and the pain from that was worse than executing them.” Gregor turned and looked at the second Insectoid he questioned, and he nodded. Gregor turned back to Gold and said, “Then I request that all of the crew and families being executed today be sent with me back to Bellingham.”


  “Majesty! You will be executing those that had no choice in their actions and some that didn’t even know it was happening. These warriors followed your laws to the letter and they’re going to die because of it. You’re killing them for being absolutely loyal to you. If they had a choice, it would be different, but they didn’t. I now understand the sacred nature of the Gramget and I can accept it willingly, however, I humbly request you allow me to take these loyal warriors and their families back with me to Bellingham to live out their lives, where we will accept them as a new clan.”

  Gold stared at Gregor and it was clear he was furious about being forced to do this. Gregor went down to a knee and said, “I am not demanding this, Highness, I am requesting it. To make sure you know that,” Gregor raised his right arm and lowered his head, “I approve the Gramget and promise that Bellingham will honor it and never betray the Kingdom. I request you allow my humble request.”

  “Why would you want them?”

  “Majesty, the loyalty they’ve shown to following your laws and orders is something every society wants in their citizens. I can only honor the brave warriors here that knew they were going to die but still carried out their duty as you’ve commanded them. They will be an asset to Bellingham.”

  Gold stared at Gregor, for a very long moment, and then announced, “THE GRAMGET HAS BEEN APPROVED AND THE KINGDOM AND ALLIANCE ARE NOW ONE PEOPLE.” The Announcement was greeted by silence, and the King announced, “Kill the ship commander.”

  Gregor shouted, “MAJESTY!!”


  “I have a proposal, I hope you’ll consider.”

  The warriors that raised their blasters to fire at the commander lowered them. “What now, Gregor?”

  “May I speak with the Commander?”

  “You’ve done that! He has no remorse!” Gregor stared at Gold and he waved a leg, “Go ahead.”

  Gregor walked up to the Commander and asked, “Are you allowed to make a personal Gramget?”

  “Why do you ask?”

  “Are you?” Gregor pressed.

  “I am, as long as it does not conflict with our laws and customs.”

  Gregor turned back to Gold, �
��Majesty, I want to make a personal Gramget with this commander and take him with me.”


  “Majesty, I am going to demand he make a personal Gramget with me agreeing to follow every order I give him. He will stay with me and watch everything I do. I know that he is not alone in his fear that the Alliance will not keep their promise and you’re only making it because of our ability to destroy your worlds. I will have him report to you every month on everything he sees and warn you if he see’s anything that looks like danger to the Kingdom.”

  “Why him. He deserves his sentence.”

  “Majesty, who better to send to make sure we keep our promise that the one that least believes we will?”

  “You have another reason for this; what is it?”

  Gregor looked at the convicted commander and said, “Perhaps it’s because I want to prove him wrong about us not being honorable.” Gregor turned back to Gold, “But we must show you that we will keep our promises and who better to keep you informed if we’re not?”

  Gold glanced at Gem and saw him hugging his mate, as he smiled, and softly shook his head. He turned back to Gregor, as he said, “Majesty, his actions came out of his love for the Kingdom. He will not allow anything to threaten you without telling you.”

  “How do you know he’ll agree to do this?”

  “That’s easy, Majesty. He’s driven by honor. How can he refuse to do it? He must do it to prove he’s right and to defend the Kingdom.” Gregor turned to the commander, “Right?”

  “Do not do this!”

  Gregor turned back to Gold, “Majesty, you can make this an asset to you or waste all these lives.”

  Gold stared at Gregor and shook his huge head slightly, “I will agree to your requests. You may take the warriors and families and they are banished from the Kingdom; they may never return.”

  The huge multitude exploded in noise. The giant clacking of the Insectoids filled the air and echoed off the hills. Even the Royal Families were cheering the decision. Gold realized that the Gramget was more feared by his people than he knew, but Gregor’s stepping in to save the innocent showed them that he and the Alliance would do the right thing. This act of Gregor’s would be what made the new order work. He also knew that making a new Insectoid Clan on Bellingham sealed it. Now they really were one Kingdom.

  Gregor walked up to the commander, “Make your Gramget with me.”

  “I hate you for this!”

  “But you will do it.”

  “I promise to follow your orders, as long as they do not endanger the Kingdom.”

  “My first order is that you will not deliberately take your life or willing allow yourself to die.” The commander glared at Gregor but then nodded. “You will also not harm anyone who is a member of our new Gramget or allow anyone to come to harm that is a member.”

  “I will do as you order. What do you expect to come out of this?”

  “I expect you to see just who the real enemies of the Kingdom are and that it isn’t us.” The Commander was cut down from the pole and Gregor smiled, “Stay with me.” The Insectoid followed Gregor to the reviewing stands where the King gave him a communicator. He hated his life but was compelled to live it.

  • • •

  Gold finally arrived in the Royal Residence and was greeted by his Prime Advisor. Gold looked at him and made a clacking sound, “So, you don’t agree with my actions?”

  “I do not, Majesty.”


  “I agree that releasing the warriors and families to Gregor was the wise thing to do; it brought the Royal Families in line. However, I believe you were wrong to banish them.”

  “Why, they would have normally been banished for a lesser offence.”

  “But these families are going to Bellingham and you just removed their sworn loyalty to the Kingdom by banishing them. They will now swear loyalty to Bellingham and if their community grows…”

  Gold nodded, “You’re right! I should have thought of that.”

  “Can you change your mind?”

  “I may lose the throne if I do. What’s done is done.”

  “And we will follow the Gramget.”

  “For now.” The Prime Advisor nodded and knew the King was wise.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Ana sighed and looked at Gem, “I’m constantly amazed at the things Gregor pulls off. I would have never thought the King would allow those families to leave.”

  “I’m concerned that he did,” Gem replied.


  “I don’t know. There’s something going on and I don’t know what it is. The King should have executed all of them but didn’t. That’s something that’s never happened before. Something is going on and I don’t know what it is.”

  “Do you think the Gramget has something to do with it.”

  “I believe there is no way around a Gramget pledge. But the Royal Families weren’t as upset as I expected them to be.”

  “How can you find out?”

  Gem looked at Ana and then looked up, “Computer, see if you can connect me with the head of the Cartian Filament Maps.”

  Ana shook her head, “I doubt they’ll take your call; you know how they refuse direct contact.”

  Suddenly, a Cartian Female appeared on the monitor, “Good-day, Gem. My name is Madellee and I’m the Cartian Controller.”

  Gem’s face showed his shock and then he quickly asked, “I understand that the Cartians are historians, and I was wondering if you would answer a question for me about the Insectoid’s history.”

  “You’re wondering about the Gramget you just agreed to with the King.”

  “How could you possibly know that?”

  “There’s a lot riding on both sides keeping the agreement and you’ve sensed something that bothers you.”

  Gem sat back in his chair and glanced at Ana before responding, “I am amazed that you know about my feelings. How did you determine that?”

  “Because the King is not acting normally. He didn’t go through with his executions and by all rights, he would have.”

  “How can you know about this? It only just happened!”

  Madellee laughed and the sound was beautiful, “We pretty much stay on top of everything going on, Gem. Ask your question.”

  “Can a Gramget be violated.”

  “If properly executed, it cannot.”

  “What do you mean by, ‘properly executed’?”

  “The Gramget must be offered by the senior ranking royal in the Royal Families and must be accepted by the King and all other parties.”

  Gem’s eyes flew wide open, “The King made the offer!” Madellee smiled. “And he didn’t vote on it!”

  “I didn’t see him raise a leg,” Madellee acknowledged.

  “So, he’s not bound by the Gramget!” Ana interrupted.

  “That appears to be the situation,” Madellee agreed. “I suspect he allowed Gregor to take the ones being executed to get everyone from the Alliance off the planet as quickly as possible before anyone noticed. He put all the attention on Gregor to avoid being noticed not voting.”

  “Do you think the Royal Families knew about this?”

  “They had to, Gem. I suspect it was the only way the King could get them to go along with this subterfuge. The Senior Royal did not do his duty in offering the Gramget; they had to know something was up.”

  Gem’s eyes narrowed, as his anger began to grow. Ana touched his arm, “Alright, we know about it now. What can we do with this information?”

  “I’m so angry, I can’t think clearly.”

  Ana looked at the monitor, “Madellee, what do you think about this.”

  “Obviously, the Alliance is not bound by a Gramget made under false pretenses. I believe that if you now give them your technology, they will ultimately use it against you.”

  “Thank you for taking my call, Madellee.”

  “I did it for Gregor; I owe him.”

  The moni
tor went dark and Gem pressed a button. “What are you doing?”

  “The King may be dishonorable, but I’m not. I convinced Gregor to vote for this and he deserves to know.”

  “But he might do something…”

  “Whatever he decides to do, he should have the right. All of us were betrayed by the King.”

  Gregor appeared on the monitor and saw Gem’s expression, “I was hoping I was wrong.”

  Gem exhaled sharply, “How did you know?”

  “Jek was on the ship with Kaylee and listened to the King’s thoughts. Jek said the King kept careful control of his thoughts but he was hiding something. Please tell me the Gramget is binding.”

  “It isn’t.”

  Gregor sighed and lowered his head, “Why?”

  “The King did not vote.”

  Gregor looked up and thought about what happened and then smiled, “No, he didn’t, did he?”

  “No, he did not, so he is not bound by the agreement.”

  Gregor sat back in his chair and thought about the issue, before asking, “If he is compelled by force to agree, it wouldn’t carry any weight, right?”

  “It would not; he must willingly agree.”

  “Umm…and since we all agreed, we cannot force him to do it.”

  “We can claim the Gramget void due to his treachery.”

  Gregor shook his head, “That would only make his subjects believe we can’t keep agreements. He’s put us in a box with this.”

  “Yes, he has. Damned if we do, damned if we don’t!” Gem agreed.

  Gregor smiled, “Perhaps we can get the King to consider willingly agreeing to the Gramget.”


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