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Page 2

by Madeleine Oh

  “An investigation costs money.” Branko wasn’t ready to give up.

  “Luc’s going to see to that.” For all she knew he’d already contacted Maître Poulain. “See what comes up. If it turns out she’s a former nun, forget her.”

  “A former nun?” Branko laughed. “Now that would be different.” It was surely his bad luck that Adele came in just at that moment with the coffee.

  “Thinking of taking Holy Orders?” she asked. “Maybe I’d better look for a new lover.”

  His look would have quelled a lesser woman. Adele laughed with the complete confidence of a submissive secure with her Dominant. “Better come help me load the dishwasher,” she told him. “I think I need direction.”

  “Are you wearing panties?”

  “Maybe,” she replied and swept out of the dining room. Branko was after her at once.

  “My instincts were right there,” Helen said, pointing out the obvious. Adele and Branko were a wonderfully matched couple.

  “Coffee?” Luc asked.


  He poured her a cup from the silver coffeepot. “You’re serious about this woman?”

  “I think she’s worth considering. She may be totally unsuitable, but in that case all you’ve lost is the cost of the search. Which is chicken feed compared to what Warburg cost you. If she does seem to be a possibility, think how you can tell your mother you’ve found the perfect manager just for her.”

  “You suggest I exaggerate to my mother?”

  “Yes.” Why not? It wouldn’t be the first time. She kept that thought to herself.

  A crash from the kitchen forestalled Luc’s reply.

  “Mon Dieu,” he said, as the metallic echo faded. “Sometimes one wonders about those two.”

  “I think they get very creative,” Helen replied. “Branko likes fucking her on the kitchen table.”

  “Where our meals are prepared?”

  “I think she’s careful to scrub the table afterward. He apparently has a nifty trick with the soup ladle handle.”

  “Dear heaven! Will I ever want soup again?”

  His mock horror was rather exciting.

  “They don’t use the soup tureen, at least I don’t think so.” There was another clang, definitely metal hitting the flagstone floor. “There goes the soup ladle!”

  “He should spank her with it.”

  “I think he does that too.” Back to the subject. “What do you think about Poppy?”

  He said nothing, just sipped his coffee slowly as he watched her over the rim of his cup. She knew that look. Her body responded, her nipples tightened and, in a minute, dampness would gather between her legs.

  After what seemed ages, Luc set his empty cup in the saucer. “I will consider the possibility but it depends on you, Helen. On how obedient and submissive you can be. You will strip naked, right here, then go and take a shower. I want your skin soft and warm and ready for a thorough chastisement. I will be upstairs in thirty minutes and I expect to find you naked and positioned on the flogging bench, ready for my attention.”

  Body taut and mind whirling with expectation, Helen replied, “I will be. Do you require anything else?”

  “Yes, have ready the blue flogger and the matching butt plug. Your tight arsehole needs attention.”

  She took a deep breath, willing her body not to shake. Not yet at any rate.

  “I will do exactly as you ask.”

  “Then why are you still dressed?

  Taking clothes off was easy. After all, she’d had enough practice these past few months. Helen spared just a fleeting thought on the possibility that Adele or Branko might come back but dismissed it. They were too absorbed in each other. And what if they did? She was giving Luc pleasure and herself a naughty thrill, which was more than enough reason to slip off her shoes, jeans and sweater. Socks, bra and panties followed quickly. She folded each carefully, making a neat pile on a chair. Luc had once threatened to take a cane to her when she’d dropped her clothes in a heap on the floor.

  She didn’t think he would do that—canes being one of her limits—but there was no point in taking risks when the alternative was kinky pleasure.

  “Come closer,” he said as she turned to him and smiled.

  She stepped toward him and he stood, his eyes taking in every inch of her. Seemed he never tired of having her naked for him. “Should I kneel?”

  He appeared to consider the idea. “Not now,” he replied. “I’ll have you suck my cock before I’ve finished with you, but for now just stand there and think about what will be coming. Don’t move.” His hands came up to cup her breasts, his fingers stroking and gently kneading before closing on her nipples and tweaking them. They went hard at once. No surprise that, his touch always seemed to ignite a wild need in her body. He knew it too and took every advantage.

  He played with her nipples several minutes before trailing his hands down her chest and across her belly, stopping just short of her bush. He was definitely out to tease. “Are you prepared for a good flogging?” he asked.

  “I will be.”

  His wide mouth curled in a wicked grin. “Oh you will be. I’ll see to it, Helen.” His kiss was soft and gentle, just a brush of his lips against hers, but she felt it deep in her cunt.

  “No, Luc, I’ll see to it.” She turned to reach for her clothes but he stopped her.

  “I’ll bring them up. You get in that shower and be sure you are in position when I arrive.”

  As if she would lollygag around after what he’d promised.

  Helen went upstairs to her room, showered and slathered her body with scented lotion. Luc liked her perfumed and it was an indulgence she’d come to enjoy. All set, she walked into the room that connected her bedroom to Luc’s suite. She often thought it was a darn good thing this room had no doors connecting to the landing. If a stray visitor, not that they had many, ever wandered in here by mistake… She chuckled. Shock would be an understatement.

  The room was large, the long windows shuttered, the walls covered with dark-purple velvet and the floor with cork, warm for naked feet and sound absorbing. But it was the furniture that never ceased to catch Helen’s eye­­ and put the wild thrill in her groin. Where Luc had acquired this collection was beyond her. Was there a kinky furniture store somewhere in France? Or were they custom pieces made to order? Whatever it was, the articles in this room—with the exception of a couple of chests of drawers and a closet—were designed for pleasure or, more accurately, erotic torture.

  One particular article stood in the center of the floor and now awaited her. Luc’s whipping bench was a masterpiece, made of solid, dark oak and upholstered in soft red leather, complete with assorted straps and restraints. Its use and purpose could not be mistaken. Before long he’d have her strapped down and shaking with anticipation, but first… What had he told her to get out? The bright-blue flogger. She knew that of old, it had mixed tresses of soft suede interspersed with narrow leather ones and those nasty narrow ones packed a punch when they landed on naked flesh. Luc had, on occasion, used the curiously smooth handle to bugger her. Not that he’d do that today, she imagined, since he wanted a butt plug ready for his amusement. The blue one he’d chosen wasn’t the biggest in his collection but big enough so she’d know she was well and truly plugged. Helen put a tube of lubricant beside it. He wasn’t shoving that up her without a little gel to ease the way in.

  All set, she made a last trip to the bathroom then positioned herself on the bench.

  It was comfortable, incredibly so. The layer of foam under the leather conformed to her body, easing any pressure on her breasts as her shoulders and hips settled comfortably. Spreading her legs—Luc liked her open and available—Helen rested her shins and knees on the supports on each side. The headrest always made her think of a massage table. For all she knew, Luc had nicked it from one, but it gave comfort and support to her head and neck. As Luc always said, it was important to start feeling relaxed even if it only lasted a
couple of minutes. Her arms she let hang. Maybe he’d tie them down by her sides, or pull them over the head. Sometimes he left them free, but with the caveat to not move.

  Helen took a deep breath and waited. Luc would come when it suited him. What mattered was she ready and waiting. In the quiet, she heard a door close downstairs and footsteps ascend the main staircase.

  He was coming.

  She never heard the door open, probably because of the pounding in her ears, but she felt his hand on her head and let out a sigh as he stroked her hair.

  “Perfect,” he said. “You follow direction so well, my dear.” She’d learned to. Months back she’d taken out the wrong pair of handcuffs and he’d cuffed her to the foot of her bed for hours to consider how negligent she’d been to his request. She’d been primed and aroused and being left unsatisfied had been close to torture. Not an experience she was eager to repeat.

  “Are you ready, my sweet,” he whispered into her hair, “for a thorough flogging?”

  “Yes, Luc.”

  “Is it what you need?”

  “Oh, yes it is.”

  “Am I the best one to deliver it?’

  “You are.”

  “Do you truly deserve this?”

  ‘“That is for you to judge.”

  “It is, isn’t it? However I do feel you need this very much, my dear. So, that said…” He broke off, as he picked up her left arm and tied it down on the armrest to the side. “I need you restrained, my dear. I want you helpless and immobile. You do consent, don’t you?”

  As if she’d refuse! “I do, Luc. I do.”

  “I thought you would.” He walked in front and took care of her right arm just as quickly. They both knew, in this position with arms restrained she couldn’t go anywhere. All she could do was wait for whatever he chose to administer.

  It was a couple of sharp slaps, one on each butt cheek. She wasn’t expecting them and gasped.

  “Hush, Helen. They weren’t hard, now were they?”

  “No, but unexpected.”

  “That was the whole point, my dear. “ He gave her naked bottom several more slaps and these she took silently. Might as well. No point in starting up this early in the game. “Let me show you something,” he said, walking away from her and coming back moments later, holding a miniature paddle. It was narrow, less than a couple of inches wide, and only about eight inches long. It would sting but not deliver the punch of a larger paddle.

  “This is special,” he said. “It goes with this.” He held up the blue butt plug. “It’s used to make sure the plug goes as deep as possible. And tonight I’m going to use it on you. “

  “May I see it?”

  He brought it closer. She couldn’t touch but it looked as if it were made of plastic or rubber. It would hurt. Probably. Helen wasn’t too sure about this, but he’d plugged her many times and she enjoyed the sensation of being filled and invaded. Would this be very different? Maybe more intense?

  “Going to object?” Luc asked.

  The both knew if she did it would go back into the drawer or his pocket, or wherever he’d produced it from, but then she’d miss a new sensation. “No, but I’m a bit scared.”

  “Good. That’s just how it should be and, since you agree, time to tie you down completely.”

  Straps around her ankles and thighs took care of that. Unable to move, Helen sagged into the bondage. Might as well, while she could. Soon relaxation would be the last thing she’d be doing.

  “I love to see you like this,” Luc said, stroking her back and gently rubbing her thighs. “Naked, helpless, ready and willing for whatever comes. You are quite splendid, my dear, quite wonderful and so deliciously submissive.” He leaned close and whispered, “Ready to get plugged, my dear?”

  “Yes, I’m ready.”

  “Good. Open wide and hold this for me, dear.” He held out the little paddle.

  “You want me to hold it in my teeth?”

  “Yes, it will keep you quiet. Come on.” Wouldn’t be for long if he planned on giving her a few whacks with it. She opened her mouth and he placed the paddle between her lips. “Don’t bite,” he said. “If I find teeth marks I shall have to punish you.”

  It felt odd, but not uncomfortable, to have it in her mouth but it was as effective as any gag.

  Luc came back, butt plug in one hand and a small jar in the other. “I see you presumed to put out your choice of lubricant. Sorry, Helen, but I have a special one I want to use. I think the effect might be interesting.”

  Damn, not one of those herbal potions he liked to bring back from his trips. The last one had stung like crazy and that had been on her nipples. No wonder he wanted her as good as gagged. He dipped the plug into the jar and it came up glistening. She could refuse. That was part of their agreement. It would be quite acceptable to open her mouth and let the dratted paddle fall while she delivered a resounding refusal, but one of those potions had given her the climax of her life.

  Helen closed her eyes and waited, breathing slowly in anticipation.

  He took freaking forever. Was he admiring the cellulite in her thighs? Or just making her wait, knowing anxiety was a powerful aphrodisiac? Probably taking pleasure in anticipating her reaction to whatever herbal cocktail coated the plug.

  She felt his hand on her arse, parting her butt cheeks, exposing her tight hole. He liked doing that, knowing she was slightly uncomfortable at having her most private place open to his inspection. She took another breath and exhaled slowly. He’d once held her open like this for ten minutes but tonight he moved much faster. The tip of the plug pushed against her muscle and then it was in. Shoved hard. There was no waiting for her to relax, no gentle insertion. The plug was large, well largish, and rammed in deep. Before she had a chance to become accustomed to the intrusion, the warmth of her body ignited whatever was mixed in the wretched lubricant and a wild heat hit her. She arched her back—as far as she could—and groaned through her clenched lips.

  It wasn’t painful, not really, but the waves of heat increased as she clenched her butt muscles. She forced them to relax and the sensation eased. So that was it. Relax or a least try to. It wasn’t easy but slowly she relaxed her back, hips and arse and sagged into the soft surface of the bench.

  She hoped he was enjoying this as she had distinct doubts.

  “How is that?” Luc asked, stroking her arse. “I see you reacted.” Damn him! How could she reply? She managed a grunt though her teeth and he chuckled. “Sorry, my dear. Let me take that away.”

  The paddle was gone and she could speak. She let out a gasp first. “It’s warm.”

  “I know, I tried it on myself first. I wouldn’t inflict anything on your tender flesh without testing. It’s not precisely comfortable but wait a little while and you will notice a reaction in other places. Your eventual climax will be more that rewarding, I assure you.”

  Helen wasn’t too sure she wanted to last that long. Should she tell him to take the damn thing out? No. It wasn’t getting any worse, or didn’t seem to and if this was all it was, she could take it. Assuming he was right about the incredible climax.

  “Easing off a bit, is it?” he asked.


  “Better see about that then.”

  As he walked behind her, she expected a swat from the little paddle but nothing happened. “Be patient, Helen,” he said. “I’m just getting myself ready because I want you to suck me after I attend to your delicious bottom.”

  And when was he going to do that?

  First, he kissed between her shoulders then trailed a line of gentle kisses down her spine before delivering a nip to her left butt check. It wasn’t hard but it was unexpected and she yelped.

  “Oh do be quiet!” he said. Or I’ll give you something to yell about.”

  She didn’t doubt he would and if he didn’t, she’d be bitterly disappointed.

  It came right away. A hard slap between her butt cheeks hit the plug, driving it in deeper as the lubric
ant reached farther inside. She restrained the gasp, but when a volley of slaps followed, she cried out. He called this interesting? Stinging was the word. The burning was easing but what followed was a niggling irritant that had her wanting to scratch, impossible since she was restrained and helpless. Might as well take a deep breath and accept what was coming.

  More slaps hit the plug, stinging the sensitive flesh around her arsehole. Pausing, he said, “I think that’s enough for your first time, Helen.”

  She let out a long sigh of relief but it was unlikely she’d be relaxing for long, not with Luc in charge. “How about you take out that plug?” He would if she insisted.

  “I will, but first, you must demonstrate your devotion.”

  Helen smiled, knowing exactly how and where he wanted her devotion. He was completely naked, always a treat for the eye, his cock erect and already covered with a dark condom. Licorice flavored, she thought, one of her favorites.

  He straddled the head rest, the tip of his penis almost brushing her lips. She stretched her neck—one part she could move even if her arms were tied securely—and opened her lips, looking up at him.

  He smiled, resting a hand on her head and angled his hips closer. Helen closed her lips over the smooth head of his cock, swirling her tongue to feel the skin beneath and taste the faint tang of licorice. He moved again, coming in deeper. Her tongue caressed him and she shut her eyes, to concentrate on the wild and glorious sensations of female power. She loved doing this, relished the great rush of excitement and pleasure as she took his precious—to him at least—cock between her lips and gently scraped her teeth up and down its length.

  She might be tied down, her arse plugged with that weird, herbal concoction, unable to move or resist but she held the ultimate power. His cock was in her mouth, she could bite or maim and he could do nothing to stop her. Who was the Dominant now? He sighed with pleasure and she moved her lips and tongue up and down his length as he guided her head.

  Wild sensations coursed through her, her breasts ached and her cunt flowed as she longed for his wonderful cock to plow her deeply and hard.


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