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Immortal Bloodlines

Page 2

by Taige Crenshaw

  “That woman doesn’t make me on edge.” Killian slid his hand around her, hugging her close.

  “Keep telling yourself that.” Kaitya touched his cheek. “You can’t put her in a category and that disturbs you. I like her and what she does to you. Since we’ve been raised from the dead, you’ve gotten more…”

  He waited for her to finish, but when she didn’t, he added, “Anal. Tightly wound, straight-laced or, as Storm likes to say, having a stick up my ass.”

  “All of those.” Kaitya laughed then sobered. “We’ve not talked about it, but being brought back and having firebird added to us is a bit much.”

  Killian looked at her sharply and saw the slight strain on her face. He silently cursed himself for not noticing before.

  “You’ve felt it too.”

  “Yes. Like there are two parts inside of me battling for dominance. The Amazonian Warrior that I was born as doesn’t want to cede control to the new part of me that is firebird.” Kaitya rubbed her thumb and index finger along the bridge of her nose. “It’s difficult keeping both from ripping each other apart, and me in the process.”

  Killian knew she meant it literally. He was feeling the same since he had been brought back. Uneasy in his own skin that used to fit him so well.

  “Kaitya, why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” she countered.


  “Like to protect those you love from things you think will make them worry or hurt them.” Kaitya patted his cheek. “Even if they can help you.”

  Killian didn’t like seeing the pain in her eyes she’d been hiding.

  “What is your plan?” He knew her well enough to know she had one.

  “We need to talk to hybrids born of different types of parents and see how they feel. If they have experienced the same thing we have.”

  “I’ve already done that. Many said when they were young they had to adapt to the parts of themselves. But none were so at odds with the parts of themselves that one wanted to dominate the other, or eradicate it.” Killian frowned. “It seems us being brought back by Eve and made with her power to be also a firebird is an anomaly. It is a rare thing. I haven’t been able to track down someone who was made and not born as a hybrid.”

  “You’ve been looking into it?”

  “Yes, older sis of mine.” Killian smiled. “I thought of it before you.”

  “That smirk is so wrong.” Kaitya chuckled then said, “I’ll see if I can find a hybrid who was created and not born.”

  “I’ll keep looking too.” Killian kissed the top of her head. “We’ll figure this out.”

  “We will.” Kaitya sighed. “We need to tell Kalina and Mom we were with them all these years. At least in a ghostly way.”

  “We’ve discussed this. What good will it do for them to know?” Killian asked as he had all the other times she’d brought it up.

  “Maybe nothing. She and Mom are rebuilding their relationship. All of us are learning how to be a family again. I don’t like keeping this from them.”

  Killian opened himself to actually consider what she was saying. The pain Kalina and his mother had suffered at their loss for so many years still ate at him. He’d been powerless to help them and that hurt him so much. When his dad had died, he’d made a silent vow to keep his family safe. He’d failed. Trusting his aunt, someone so close to their family, had been a mistake. His aunt’s duplicity—first killing their dad, which they hadn’t known about at the time, then later him and Kaitya. Killian wished he could confront her face to face, but his mother had decreed her punishment. He blew out a breath then inclined his head.

  “It’s the right thing to do,” Kaitya said.

  “What’s the right thing?” The air wavered as Kalina shimmered into view.

  Kaitya glanced at him and shook her head. He took that as they would tell her at another time.

  “Nothing,” Kaitya replied.

  Kalina put her hands on her waist and scowled. “I felt your pain.” She was staring at Killian then looked at Kaitya. “Both of you. As well as your sorrow.” She closed her eyes. “It hit me hard but I reveled in it. I won’t take that connection between us for granted again.”

  With a thought, Killian brought her to them and set her on the other side of his lap. Kalina curled against his side and reached out to touch Kaitya. They gripped hands. Contentment at being with his siblings filled Killian. Someone touched his shoulder and Killian didn’t even need to look to know who it was.

  “My children.” Niya—Mother Earth and, more importantly, their mom—enfolded them in her arms.

  Killian drew her in front of them and they all embraced. He closed his eyes and inhaled the familiar scents of earth, wind, air and the world from his mother. His sisters’ scents mixed with hers and Killian felt something inside him ease.

  I will do anything to protect all of you. Nothing will harm you again as long as I have breath in my body. Killian held them tighter.

  Storm, with her usual disgruntled look, flashed in his thoughts. He didn’t know why, but he included her in his vow. Killian used his energy and moved them all to the couch. They curled around each other and talked quietly.

  “We’ve been putting off dinner with each other with everything that’s been going on. No more. We will have that dinner. This will be the restart of our monthly dinner we used to have.” Niya glanced at each of them, using that firm ‘mother’ tone that brooked no argument.

  “You mean a mad man trying to bring back the end of the world.” Kaitya pursed her lips. “Yeah, that would put a crimp in planning.”

  “Only if we let it.” Niya waved an elegant hand adorned with a ring with words in the Amazonian language. “I bet Blagden is living his life even if he is bat shit crazy and plotting the end of the world.”

  Blagden, the previous Shadow King, was on the hunt for his love and didn’t care that she would bring about the end of the world. He was determined to find her, no matter the death toll it would take to accomplish it.

  “Oh God, Mom, you have such a way with words.” Kalina chuckled.

  “And I’m right.” Niya shrugged. “So, dinner next week. Bring your mate with you, Kalina. It’s about time I got to know him better.” Niya smiled at Kaitya and Killian. “And you two feel free to bring someone you care about for me to meet.”

  “Uh-oh. She has that look in her eye,” Kaitya whispered to Killian.

  “I see it. She’s thinking of getting us matched up and settled,” Killian said in a low tone. “Don’t worry, I’ve got a way to throw her off.”

  “You do know I can hear you.” Niya scowled. “I’m sitting right here.”

  “So, Mom, who are you bringing to dinner?” Killian glanced at his siblings and saw them smirk. He winked before focusing on their mother. “Perhaps Christos?”

  Their mother stiffened and glared. “He’s your best friend. You can bring him if you want.” She faded from view.

  Killian chuckled and said to Kalina and Kaitya, “A sure-fire way to get her to leave. Bring up Christos and she is poof, gone.”

  “Those two are stubborn.” Kalina shook her head.

  “I think that since Dad died, Mom is afraid to let anyone close again.” Kaitya stretched. “We’ll just have to help them get over their stubbornness.”

  “Yes.” He and Kalina agreed.

  Kaitya met Kalina’s gaze then jerked her head toward Killian. “Like someone else who is in this room.”

  They both stared at him. Killian narrowed his eyes. “What?”

  “Nothing,” they said in unison.

  The women rose and strolled away.

  He heard Kalina say, “It’s going to take a brick to the head to wake him up to what is going on.”

  “Uh huh, I bet it’ll take a Storm.” Kaitya laughed.

  Kalina joined her and they walked out of the room through the wall.

  “Using a door is a good thing,” Killian called.

  They stuck th
eir heads back through the wall. “But the wall is so much more fun,” they said together then laughed again.

  “Unlike some people, I have work to do.” Killian rose and returned to his desk.

  They continued to laugh then it faded as they left. Killian sat at his desk again and picked up the file he had been reviewing earlier, before going after Storm. He read through the reports of sightings of Blagden, checking off the ones that had already been completed by those who knew the reason behind the man going rogue. Killian flipped the page then frowned as he read the line again. He put it down and typed in his computer. He opened the protected research files they all shared on Blagden, the previous Shadow King. Killian realized no one had followed the lead. He rose and decided to go. For a moment, he thought of getting Storm to go with him but dismissed it. The leads they had been chasing hadn’t netted anything—this was probably another dead-end and would only take moments to check.

  Killian thought of the location he wanted to go to and transported himself there. In seconds, he reshaped his form and stared up from the earth below to the majestic Statue of Liberty. He smiled, wondering what the humans of this world would do if they knew she was actually one of the most powerful weapons of this world. He lowered his head and went toward the entrance. He could have popped to the crown but decided to make the trek upwards as it had been a while since he had been here. As he melded with the crowd, a coldness suddenly filtered across his skin. He stopped and pushed out with his power, moving those before him from his path. A man exited the statue and Killian’s eyes narrowed. The man lifted his head, met Killian’s gaze then smiled.

  Killian glanced at the body he held in his arms, her hair flowing down to the ground. He clenched his fist, preparing for battle.

  “Blagden, I can’t let you take her.” Killian pitched his voice so only Blagden would hear and shut off the view of the humans to what was happening.

  Blagden lifted her and set her to float before him. Killian stared, surprise filling him as he watched the woman who seemed to be in some sort of stasis. They had mentioned that she looked exactly like Eve but it was eerie to actually see it. If he hadn’t known better, he would think Blagden had Eve. However, in his gut he knew it was her sister. Her eyes were open but she was in a coma. Killian sent a blast of power to send her to the agency—it didn’t work.

  “A’rm Ageddon is mine. And soon she will live again.” Blagden flicked his hand and she floated to the side. “Then all of you will be dead.” Blagden threw a bolt of power at him.

  Killian caught and returned it, enforcing it with his own power. Blagden captured it then held it, staring at him.

  “Strange I couldn’t tell what you were at first, but now I know. An Amazonian Warrior.” Blagden smiled. “This will be fun, especially how it will hurt Niya. She and that bitch Eve are best friends. How shall I kill you, warrior?” Blagden threw the energy between his hands as he strode toward him, pushing people out of his way. “But first, give me your name so I can send a condolence card to Niya.”

  The humans went about their way, unaware of what was going on in their midst.

  “I’ll make sure to give your son your ashes.” Killian lowered his head.

  Blagden stopped briefly and his expression morphed into rage. “He thinks he can usurp me. I am Shadow King.”

  “Not anymore.” Killian strode toward him and materialized his sword then lit it with white light.

  Blagden’s eyes narrowed then he whispered, “There is something familiar about you but I can’t place it.”

  Killian didn’t want him to know who he was, not yet. He was an Amazonian Warrior, but more importantly, he was his mother’s son, imbued with the powers of the earth.

  “Ailllellelell Detetetethhh Crulliiie!” Killian’s war cry filled the air, making the atmosphere pause then pulse. He flew straight up before pushing himself across the clearing, heading right for the center of Blagden.

  Chapter Two

  Blagden stood still and Killian knew he wanted him to advance. He continued but tempered his power to meet him. When his sword tip touched Blagden, he shifted to smoke. Killian smiled at the expected response. He briefly recalled the test he’d done when Lennox, a Shadower who worked for the agency, had done the same thing. Killian shed his skin and met Blagden with his light. Blagden paused and Killian felt his shock then tasted his fear.

  “Niya’s son,” Blagden whispered. “It is not possible. We had you killed.”

  Killian stopped. They had only known his aunt and someone who worked in the agency had plotted to kill him and Kaitya. This was the first he knew of Blagden’s involvement. Blagden lashed out with his power and Killian skidded back. Killian brought up his hands, slapping his palms together, and pushed out with his power. Blagden roared and his shadow rose, rushing Killian. Seeing the swirling mass, Killian was sure he would defeat Blagden no matter what it took. He would not let this man hurt anyone else he cared about, even if it meant giving his life to take him with him. He cut off his connections with everyone so they would not know what was happening then attacked.

  He released all he had and pushed it into Blagden, who moved back, causing deep furrows in the ground as he shifted under the power of Killian’s wrath. The earth whispered to Killian and he embraced her and shoved it up to enfold Blagden. As the dirt flowed over him, Killian started at his shocked gaze. Blagden suddenly smiled then he flowed out of the shadows before he rematerialized whole.

  “Good try, young man.” Blagden brushed off his clothing as he strode to him. “But with age comes wisdom. Let me school you in the ways of battle.”

  Killian held back a mocking laugh. This man thought to teach him something—he was mistaken. Killian had learned from the most fearsome warrior—his mother, Niya. Blagden shifted his hands in an elegant motion, whipping power up, then he pushed his palm out. It raced to him and Killian stood straight, waiting.

  * * * *

  Storm glanced up from her work and rose, looking around. She didn’t know what had made her skin crawl and fear fill her. Reaching out with her senses, she couldn’t find anything amiss in the building. She searched again then paused, realizing that Killian wasn’t there. Using the path they shared, she tried to reach him telepathically and winced at the block that ejected her out of his head.

  “That fucker thinks he can kick me out.” Storm drew her Zuri Maji powers and sent them seeking over the city. Finding him, she scowled. “What is he doing at the Statue of Liberty?” She opened her seer powers and her eyes widened as she saw him in battle.

  Not even considering calling anyone, she made her body fade then moments later she came into form. She stared as Killian and another man fought. They were fierce and the power made her skin ache from how strong it was. Storm saw the people and she sent a subliminal message to send them away. Storm made sure they were unaware of what made them have the sudden desire to be elsewhere—some went inside and others on the boat to leave. When the area was clear, Storm glanced at the body floating to her left. She moved to stand before it and whistled.

  “Now that is freaky.” Storm studied the woman who could bring the end of the world. “So you’re A’rm Ageddon, the one who is the big bad.” Although the woman seemed to be comatose, Storm saw a flicker in her eyes. “You’re not fully asleep. It must be hell being like that and not able to at least say fuck off.” The woman’s gaze heated, making Storm chuckle. “Yeah, I know, a good ‘fuck off’ makes me feel better too. But you know, A’rm Ageddon, we can’t let you come fully awake. You’re this big bad who can bring the world’s end. So although I hate to disappoint your crazy assed boyfriend over there, you’re staying as you are.” Storm reached for her then hissed as power started to rise up her arm.

  Storm scowled then started to peel the energy off as it rose. “Now, now, that is just mean.”

  “Who is that woman?” someone asked.

  Storm glanced over her shoulder and saw that the man held Killian off as he glared at her. Storm pivoted and
strolled toward the battling men.

  “I’m Storm. And you are?”

  “Blagden.” The man scowled then said, “Why am I even replying to you, puny human?”

  “No need to be rude.” Storm continued closer to Blagden but still felt the power from the body climbing up her arm stretch as it followed her.

  “Rude.” Blagden glanced at Killian. “This human is your back-up. You have to be kidding.”

  “So you’re the other big bad.” Storm slid her hands into the pockets of her jeans. “You don’t seem all that awful to me.”

  The man looked at her. Storm stifled her laugh at his expression—it was one she was used to from most people. They thought she was a few bricks shy of common sense.

  “You’re kind of short.” Storm snapped her fingers. “Oh, I get it. You have a Napoleon complex. There is no reason to be peevish because you’re short.” She deliberately looked down her nose at him.

  Blagden blinked then threw his head back and laughed before he stopped as suddenly as he’d started. “I won’t kill you, human, for your impudence. I’ll keep you as a pet for A’rm Ageddon. She will find you amusing.”

  “A pet.” Storm smiled.

  “Yes. Humans can be very great pets, if trained correctly. Although their longevity isn’t that good.” Blagden pushed out with his power and Killian flipped in the air before coming to float a little away from them.

  Blagden turned to Storm. “Now, human, tell the warrior bye.” He lifted his hand and shot power at her.

  “That was your first mistake.” Storm quickly pulled her hand out of her pocket, creating Maji Stars and throwing them in quick succession. “Assuming I am human. It’s fairly new to me too. Not being human any longer.”

  Blagden staggered back as a star caught him in the shoulder and he twisted out of the way to avoid the others. Blood flowed from his wound and his gaze narrowed.

  “Zuri Maji.” Blagden scowled. “Phoenix Intelligence Agency doesn’t have any Maji.”


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