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The First Spell Weaver of Airendell: Book Two of the Airendell Chronicles

Page 19

by Audra Hart

Vali chuckles too. “Good for Breena! I always knew she would pick a strong mate. He a good man?”

  “Yes, he really is. Morna adores him, so you know that says something about his character.” Luca informs the Norseman.

  “Good, good! Breena deserves the best. She is one of our favorites,” the giant blond man admits happily. “I guess my granddaughter is excited about being a Mama again?”

  “Yes, we both are excited about another child.” Luca says as he sweeps Vali’s legs out from under him and brings him down with a thunderous crash.

  Vali immediately leaps to his feet and roars in laughter. “Damn, son, I am happy to see you truly are a fine warrior. I am glad you can keep up with Baby Girl. She needs a strong man to keep her reined in. She’s a fine leader and a wise woman, but I bet as a mate she is damned handful.” Vali and Luca both chuckle at that. Vali stops and motions Damian over to join them. “Come on over here kid. You came out here to practice didn’t you? Surely you want to do more than to watch.”

  “Damian this is Morna’s grandfather, Vali.” Luca says as he tosses a sword to Damian. “I guess you should learn to use one of these properly.” Luca and Damian start sparring and Vali coaches Damian from the sidelines. The trio continues to work this way for a few hours when Luca says, “I better get back. Morna wakes early, and I didn’t leave a note. She might get worried and track me down here.”

  Vali laughs and says, “You will have a hard time keeping her off this practice field while she is pregnant.”

  “I don’t plan to,” says Luca. “I have an idea how to protect our babe growing in her belly so that she can spar and train as much as she is able. She plans to start training Aideen soon. Aideen wants to help her take Kyera out after the baby comes. Morna is determined to remove that threat from her children’s existence.”

  “Well you two won’t be able to help her,” says Vali. “I found out that bitch controls vampires. I worry that Morna might even be susceptible.”

  “How?” Asks Luca in consternation.

  “Probably uses one of Mars’ damn curses. The rumor was he was trying to develop a vampire army that he could control several centuries back. But I think he long ago abandoned that idea. I think the old blood thirsty bastard has mellowed over time. Sorry Luca, I just remembered that Mars is your grandfather. Guess I should not speak ill of your kin.” Vali says lightly.

  Luca shrugs. “I know nothing of him, except it is reputed that he made my mother abandon me in an orphanage in Italy when I was a small tyke.”

  “Well I am glad Morna is planning on giving Aideen some responsibility and real training as a warrior. She has some talent already. She has trained at times with Agnar and Thor. But I think they take it easy on her, and Baby Girl won’t. She will make a real warrior out of the girl.” Vali says with obvious pride.

  Luca agrees heartily with Vali’s assessment. “Morna will make her swear fealty to the Guild and herself as first warrior before she trains her seriously. That’s our way.”

  “Just what the chit needs.” Vali chuckles. And then looks at Damian says, “You are Morna’s bonded protector, right?”

  “I am supposed to be, but so far I haven‘t been very good at it.” Damian mumbles.

  “Well keep practicing with that sword boy, and the other weapons around here. She will need you on the Assylian Plain, if it comes to that.” Vali says ominously. “Probably before then. I suspect Morna’s enemies will send several of their minions after her. It will be a full time job for you to keep my grandchild alive.”

  Luca nods solemnly in agreement. “I am going home to check on Morna. I would hate for her to come down and kick my ass in front of everyone.” Luca laughs happily at the idea. Vali does too. Damian isn’t sure it’s funny. He suspects Morna could really do it.

  Luca looks at Vali, “So you will come by to meet your great grandchildren soon?” Luca asks before he departs.

  “Yes, I was planning on coming by about lunchtime. Auggie puts out a great spread. Morna should make every effort to keep her in her service.” Vali roars with laughter and Luca nods his head.

  “I will tell Morna and Auggie to expect you,” Luca says with a chuckle. “Good to meet you, sir.” Luca leaves Damian and Vali sparring on the practice field and hurries back to Morna.


  When he enters their bedroom she is still lying in bed. He quickly undresses and slides under the sheet with her. He pulls her to him and is surprised when she doesn’t immediately snuggle up to him. “Morna, love?” She still doesn’t stir. Luca becomes concerned and holds his hands over her head and moves down her body. “Something is desperately wrong!” he thinks to himself. “She’s in a coma.” He flies out of bed and throws his clothes back on before summoning Ingrid to send after Gullveig and Mordir.

  He runs back to their room. Morna still hasn’t moved. Breena has followed him and concurs with Luca’s diagnosis. Luca looks up and see’s Nora and Kyle standing at the foot of their bed. “Something is wrong with Mom.” Kyle says. “I went to get Nora up and she was crying. She had a dream that a tiny black haired lady kills her and Aunt Breena. She said that she kills them in their sleep. I feel like Mom is fighting with something. I can’t explain it.”

  “Kyle, your Mom thinks that you are empathic. Breena is too. That means you can read the emotions of others.” Luca says. “Yes, something is wrong with Mom. She’s in a coma. We have other healers coming.

  Kyle nods at Luca’s words. He hugs his little sister reassuringly. And then he looks at Breena pointedly. “Dad, something is wrong with Aunt Breena too.”

  Luca looks at Breena and realizes that she too is in some kind of stupor. He lies her beside his wife and asks Kyle and Nora to go help Aiden get dressed and for them to all go to breakfast. “Mom will be okay. We will find out what is wrong and fix it. I am sure of it. I won’t ever lie to any of you.”

  Ingrid speaks from the doorway, “Come on you two. Let Lord Lucian evaluate their conditions. Help will soon be here.” The two children come to her side and she looks at Luca. “If you need me, just think my name, I will be there as quick as I can. In the meantime, I will look after her babies.” With that she walks into Aiden’s room and cheerfully gets them ready for breakfast.

  Luca looks up suddenly from his beloved, he can hear Damian returning with Rinda, Heimdall, Brigid, Maria and Gullveig. “Great! The kid brought all of Asgard.” he mutters and then decides, it’s probably a good idea. When they make it to their bedroom Heimdall assures him that Mordir will be here soon.”

  Damian rushes to Breena and demands to know what is wrong with her. “The same thing that is wrong with Morna apparently. Nora had a dream that a tiny woman with black hair kills them both. Morna told me once that Nora is never surprised by anything, she always knows what people will do next. What if she is a seer?”

  Gullveig and Rinda have examined both women and Gullveig says, “It’s a damned curse. Someone is slowly draining their life force from them. I believe that it is Magdrid.” She looks at Heimdall and says, “Go back and summon Magdrid to Asgard. If she won’t come on her own, have those Spell Weavers bring her to your Great-hall, by force if necessary. It’s time for everyone to answer for their crimes against these women! I will put her in stasis, and Rinda can talk to her while Maria and I trace the curse back to its origin. Brigid can monitor the baby and Morna’s physical wellbeing.” Gullveig pauses to take a breath and looks at Maria, “Did I forget anything?”

  Everyone gets to work. Luca is feeling helpless. “Lucian, the stasis will slow down the curse, but it won’t stop it. I can’t remove it. It’s powerful. We need to make the person who placed the curse on them remove it. If they won’t do it willingly, we will have to…”

  “Kill them.” Luca hisses. “That will be my job.” He promises. His voice is full of fury and frustration. The love of his existence and his ‘sister’ lie dying and all he can do to help is contemplate murdering his mother in law and pray. These c
ourses of action do not go well together.

  Mordir soon arrives and agrees with Gullveig’s assessment. There is very little that they can do for them right now. He looks at the two vampires in the room with more than little concern. If they can’t save these ladies’ lives, will the vampires turn on those around them out of rage? He doubts it, but he certainly knows it is a possibility. He also knows that he is glad that isn’t the one who cursed these women. Whoever it is will probably not live to see another day.

  Valliant and Vali have gotten word of what has happened and have joined them in the bedroom. George comes in a few seconds behind them. Valliant sits by Luca and places a reassuring hand on the vampire’s shoulder. “They are strong women. Take heart. Heimdall says Magdrid refused to heed his summons, but Elias, Bronwyn, Brian, Carrick and Enya are transporting her here in a binding spell. I was on my way over there to make her drop the curse. I’ll kill the cow if I have to.”

  Luca stands and heads for the door. “No, that will be my pleasure. I won’t have you risking your immortality, my immortality is not dependent on my magic.” Luca and Damian are gone before anyone can react. “Dammit!” Growls Valliant as he and his father set out after them.

  Maria looks after the four men and says, “Airendell will be looking for a new First Weaver very, very soon. It may be a fight to see who gets to kill her.”

  George gives his Granny a peck on the check and says, “Yes it will. I am going to help. If the witch can control vampires, Morna’s mother probably can too. I may need to help my two friends. I can break the incantation if it’s the Mars’ curse.” George leaves quickly as well.

  Maria shakes her head sadly. “I am going to go reassure those poor children.” When she arrives in the small dining room only the younger ones are with Ingrid. “Where is Kyle?”

  “He said he needed a few minutes alone. He is very worried.” Ingrid says as she turns her attention back to the children. Maria can tell they are in good hands with Ingrid so she goes back to Morna’s bedroom. She wants to try again to break the curse.

  By now Damian and Luca have arrived at Heimdall’s hall. It is full of Norsemen and Spell Weavers. Magdrid is standing in the center of the hall bound by chains that have forged by magic. She will not be able to break free. Heimdall comes up to Luca and says, “Magdrid is a half Vanir witch, as well as a Spell Weaver. She is much, much more powerful than anyone realized. She is holding Morna and Breena in some kind of spell right now. She has accelerated the curse and it is rapidly killing them. The other Vanir’s are trying to stop her, but they can’t find a way around her spell, and they daren’t destroy her, or they risk losing their own immortality at judgment. Damian is the only one who won’t risk judgment for killing her. I hope he has enough killer in him to get the job done.”

  “We need to get someone to distract Magdrid, and I will move in and kill her. Even if judgment strips me of my magic I still have my immortality, judgment will only banish me from all magic realms for doing what comes natural to a vampire in a magical realm. It wouldn’t matter if they could strip me of my immortality, I have to stop Magdrid before she kills Morna and Breena.” Luca insists.

  “I don’t think the ‘what comes natural to a vampire’ defense would get past the judgment. You have never, ever fed on a human.” Says Odin quietly.

  “But I have!” Snarls Damian. When everyone looks at Damian he appears every bit the vicious, man killer vampire he had been as a newborn vampire. He’s gone before Luca can try to talk him out of it. Or make a good plan.

  “Damned impatient kid! He’s going to get himself killed.” Luca mutters as he goes after him.

  As Luca nears the center of the main hall he sees that Damian is being held in some kind of spell directly in front of Magdrid. The tiny black haired Spell Weaver is laughing manically and repeating some curse in Latin. George comes up and tells Luca, “That’s the Mars vampire curse, leave now or she will control you too!”

  “Like hell!” Luca growls and goes forth. Luca is somehow resisting the curse and continues on toward Magdrid, but it’s an epic battle to not submit to the power of the curse. “Magdrid let the boy go. I am the one you want.” Luca tells the deranged woman.

  Magdrid suddenly orders Damian to attack Luca. Damian is battling to resist because he knows the binding spells that the Spell Weavers put on him when Magdrid first ordered him to attack them are failing. George suddenly wraps his cord around Damian and he is frozen in place and weakened. George whispers in his ears, “Kid, I sure hope this doesn’t kill you, but I don’t think it will because you don’t feed on humans any more. Please forgive me, I know it’s painful.”

  Magdrid screams in rage at being frustrated by the Stone Breaker. She finally turns all of her attention to Luca. “You puny little bastard! You thought you could come into my realm and have your way with my offspring, and become one of us. I knew what you were from the start. When I realized my little bitch daughter was going to give birth to another of your snot-nosed brats. I compelled Marcus to take you both out. But Morna was much stronger than I gave her credit for and she destroyed him and managed to keep you alive. I sent Kyera a vision of Morna destroying her beloved bloodsucker and taught her the reincarnation curse so that I could at least keep Morna weakened enough so that I could have my way with her precious little Guild.”

  Luca seems to stop struggling against the curse for a few seconds, and cocks his head like he is listening to someone. Then he quickly looks back at Magdrid, and growls in a low quiet voice at her that she can’t quite make out. And continues to struggle against the spell, but he doesn’t move forward anymore. “Magdrid, you can’t defeat her. My Morna is more powerful than you will ever be.”

  Magdrid laughs at Luca. “You weak little fool. That’s just bravado talking. You are finally realizing that you can’t win against me. None of you can! You are too bound up by your little rules, and sense of duty and notions of right versus wrong! When I am done, I will feed you all to the pigs! And laugh my ass off at your foolishness.”

  Magdrid looks around the hall at all the so called gods and Spell Weavers watching her in frustration. “All these little worms can do is hold me for judgment. I am not attacking any of them directly, so they can’t raise a finger to harm me. These petty little ‘gods’ are made powerless by their own stupid rules. Don’t you fools know? If you would join me and my mistress, we would surpass all other magical clans. We could take over the human world and live as true gods! You are fools to fight against me!”

  Magdrid starts to laugh madly again just as a blur comes across the Great-hall from her right and knocks her over. Every Spell Weaver, vampire and god alike recognizes the battle cry! Morna has her mother pinned to floor with her knees and is raising her sword to deliver the fatal blow. “Mother, release Breena now and I will let you live to face judgment.”

  Magdrid laughs manically, “Fuck you little girl! You and that little twit of a sister have both been bitter disappointments to me. I will dance on both or your graves. Your little boost of power won’t save you long, my curse will kill you both, and these damned weaklings can’t do a thing about it.”

  “They can’t kill you mother, but I sure as hell can!” And with that Morna brings her sword down into her mother’s chest with such force that the sound of thunder fills the hall. The clank and clatter of the broken chains crash to the floor around the First Spell Weaver’s body. Morna swiftly withdraws the sword and swings it again, this time the head of the half Vanir witch goes skittering across the floor, like some macabre ball in a sick, twisted child’s game.

  Morna turns to Heimdall, “Godfather, please find out if my sister is still alive? She was fading fast when I left.”

  Morna slowly rises and wipes the blood off her sword on her mother’s garments and puts it back in its sheath. She is wearing nothing but a bathrobe and her sword belt. She strides over to Damian and places her hands before his face and recites an incantation in a language that only George understands. Then s
he cups Damian’s face gently and says, “Son, are you okay? Can I set you free?”

  “I think so Morna. At least get this cord off me, maybe hold me in the binding spells a little longer just to make sure.” Damian says quietly. “I really wanted to kill Luca few minutes ago, but I don’t feel that way now, but I am still very angry. Just give me a minute to get myself under control.”

  Morna looks at George and says, “See to it! Please brother!”

  Morna runs over to her husband. “Darling, you were magnificent. I can’t believe you were able to resist the Mars curse.”

  She leans in to kiss him when he snarls, “Back up, Morna!” Luca’s face softens a little and he says, “Beloved, I wasn’t wholly unaffected, use the incantation. I was going to do her bidding and kill Damian, but your binding spell held me in place.”

  Morna places her hands before her mate’s face and recites the incantation that neutralizes the Mars curse, he moves forward to take her in his arms and kisses her gently.

  “Morna, how are you here? How are you still alive? I could feel your life force ebbing away, then suddenly you were nearby, ordering me to resist the curse until you could get to Magdrid.”

  Morna starts crying and says, “Almeda! Ari died a few minutes ago. She was grief stricken and she showed up in our room. I was dying, make no doubt about it. Magdrid was going to win! Almeda came to me and told Gullveig and Maria, that she was not a warrior and could not stop Magdrid, but that I could. So she placed her hand on my face and gifted me with her life force and her entire aura. She disappeared into nothingness.” Morna collapses into her beloved’s arms sobbing for the great sacrifice that Almeda made for her.

  Elias steps forward to Damian. “Kid, you have yourself under control? We really want to drop our binding spells.” Damian nods and Elias signals for the Spell Weavers to release him. And then Elias looks at Luca, “Who was holding you in a binding spell? It wasn’t any of us.”

  Luca shrugs and says, “I thought it was Morna.”


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