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The First Spell Weaver of Airendell: Book Two of the Airendell Chronicles

Page 25

by Audra Hart

  Brynhold smiles and relents, “I will go get the other three.”

  “Thank you, Brynhold,” says Morna as she turns to hug one of her friends. She notices Rinda and Heimdall have just entered the hall when she crooks her finger at her dearest friend in the world. The couple slowly walk over to Morna but Rinda hangs back. Morna smoothly covers the distance between them and kisses Rinda’s lips softly and hugs her, as is their way to greet each other. “Sorry about last night love. I couldn’t take a chance until I had fed.”

  “What’s that mean?” asks Micah who is standing behind Morna and piling his plate high with food from the buffet.

  “Morna had to hunt last night. The craving for blood that Gullveig warned her about had been getting stronger for days, but she didn’t know what it was that she was craving.” Heimdall says quietly.

  Micah turns pale as a sheet and says, “Until she hugged me last night, I guess.” He looks at Morna seriously, “I guess that’s why you practically pushed me away from you after the exam.”

  Shame colors Morna’s cheeks bright red and she ducks her head before saying quietly, “Yes, Godson. Forgive me? I didn’t realize what it was until that moment. I swear!”

  “Morna, I know that. You wouldn’t deliberately endanger any of us. I am glad to know why you acted that way though. I feel like a knucklehead saying this, but it kind of hurt my feelings at the time.” Micah admits feeling rather stupid about his reaction to what she did.

  Rinda chuckles and says, “Micah you aren’t the only knucklehead in the bunch. I saw Morna before she hunted last night, and I really got my feelings hurt because she wouldn’t get near me. But I was being silly. Heimdall explained to me the intense blood thirst that she was experiencing. But you would have never known it by the way she acted. She just acted like Morna, remote, but calm and cool like always.” Then Rinda giggles and says, “Well she did snarl and hiss at me. I had forgotten about that.” Everyone laughs at that.

  “I sure didn’t feel calm and cool, I can assure you. I admire my mate now more than ever.” Morna says with intense feeling.

  Micah nudges Morna and points toward Luca and Nora seated at the table. Nora is happily eating her pancakes and chatting with her Daddy. But for every third or fourth bite she takes, she feeds a bite to Luca from her plate. Luca graciously accepts each proffered bite with a happy smile. Morna chuckles. “How can he do that?” Micah asks quietly.

  “Luca told me once that he can eat food, but the taste and feel reminds him of the time a bully made him eat dirt when he was five years old and living in that orphanage in Italy.” Morna confides and then chuckles. “I’ll have a talk with Nora. He certainly won’t tell her no from the looks of things.”

  Aideen has walked up to join Morna when she says, “Nope, not our Daddy. He’s a big softie with his little girls.”

  Morna turns to hug her oldest daughter. She was only able to speak to her briefly yesterday. Morna is happy to see that Aideen looks content, even happy about her father’s interactions with her younger, half-sister. Aideen reaches up and strokes her mother’s face. “How are you Mom? You have had tons to deal with the last few days.”

  “I am amazingly good actually.” Says Morna with a big smile on her face. “I guess you heard the comments about my additional nutritional needs these days?”

  “Yes, I did. Gullveig had already told Agnar and me that is was likely to happen. You accepting that okay?” Aideen asks calmly. When she sees that Morna is at peace with it, she nods and says, “Good. So, do we go to Chicago today?”

  “I believe that is the plan. I guess we need to decide exactly who needs to come. The rest can hang out here until we all meet up in Airendell if they want. Guess we can all discuss that when everyone has eaten.” Morna says. And when her stomach growls, she says, “Speaking of eating…”

  Aideen laughs and says, “I’ll leave you to it Mom. Looks like you, Daddy and Auggie put out a good breakfast spread. George peeked in on you guys earlier and said it was a true scene of domestic tranquility in there. He was surprised that you and Daddy are so comfortable working in the kitchen together. I told him you two are comfortable working at any task together. I remember watching you two build that barn in Wyoming, and working the cattle together. You are a natural team.”

  Heimdall laughs and says, “You have not seen a natural team until you have seen those two in combat together.”

  Aideen smiles at Heimdall and says, “Yeah, I bet you are right.” Then she turns her attention to Rinda. “I didn’t mean to ignore you Rinda.” she says as she lightly kisses her friend’s cheek.

  Rinda pats Aideen’s shoulder and says, “I know that, kiddo. How are you feeling? You had a ton of things to deal with yourself.”

  “I am very good,” she assures her friend. “Agnar has made all the difference. He asked me to marry him, and I accepted. I guess once the baby comes, the curse is broken and everything gets back to normal, well as normal as possible for this bunch, we will get married. I am thinking a June wedding.”

  Morna laughs and happily hugs her daughter. Luca hears the news and excuses himself from Nora. Damian and Breena distract the disappointed Nora as Luca strides over to his oldest daughter. He hugs her and then looks into her eyes, “You really ready to completely devote all of your life, your love and your energy to another person? Because that is what a really good marriage takes.”

  “Yes Daddy, I really am. Agnar would not have asked me if I were not ready.” Aideen assures her father.

  “Good! I am happy for you, my darling girl!” Luca says sincerely as he hugs his daughter again. And then he turns his attention to his mate. As he wraps his arms around her and leads her toward the buffet line, “My very pregnant mate needs to eat. We have much to discuss this morning, and I would like it if we have time for her to take a nap before we go to Chicago.” Luca looks at Heimdall, “You can deliver us there at any time of the day, correct?”

  “That’s right, Lucian. Morna can sleep the day away if she needs to before I transport you. As long as you decide to go before the sun sets in Chicago, I can make you arrive at whatever time you would like to get there.” Heimdall quietly assures Luca.

  “Thank you friend. You have been very hospitable to us during our stay here.” Luca says sincerely.

  “You do plan to come back and have the baby here, right?” Asks Heimdall somewhat worriedly.

  “Of course we do. Besides Morna plans to start training Aideen and I will be acting as Kyle’s lore father and ascension guide. This place is the only place we have that will accommodate all of us. And it is probably the safest place for the children. But we do have business in Airendell with the Guild and plans to renew our vows on March 22.” Luca happily informs Heimdall.

  Heimdall chuckles and hugs Morna. “Under your oak tree, I assume?”

  “Where else?” giggles Morna. “Okay, Luca is right, I am starving. Let me at that food. Plus I have yet to hug one of my children this morning.” Kyle is deeply engrossed in conversation with Fionn, while they both eat their breakfast. Aiden is enjoying his breakfast with Maria helping a little here and there. Maria had met Morna in the hall after she helped Aiden get dressed and put him in his wheelchair. Maria had requested to spend some time with Aiden. This was agreeable to Aiden, so Morna had gone off to find Luca and Nora in the kitchen. But she had not laid eyes on Kyle until she walked into the dining room with Auggie earlier. Kyle feels her eyes on him and looks up and smiles at her before returning to his obviously engrossing conversation with Fionn. Morna suspects they are talking cars because Elias and Micah have joined them now, and Damian looks like he is chomping at the bit to join in.

  Morna walks over to the buffet and fills her plate and then she sidles up to Luca and whispers, “Let’s get these folks down to business so that I can go take that ‘nap’ you mentioned.”

  Luca laughs and turns to kiss her. “But I really did mean that you should sleep a little before we go.”

  “Well, I guess
it will be up to you to tire me out enough so that I fall asleep.” Morna says with a wicked grin and a wink.

  Morna’s flirting with her mate is cut short when Sammy, Valliant and Vali enter the Great-hall. Morna is so happy to see her adopted daughter that she quickly abandons her plate and runs to her side. Sammy is obviously equally excited to see Morna, she runs up to hug her and then hesitates for a split second and says, “You fed last night, right?”

  “Oh no! What did you see?” Morna asks quietly.

  “Just you jumping out of a tree onto a wild boar before you ripped his throat out! Too cool Morna!” Sammy gushes. “But I did see a big fight in Chicago with what was left of that vampire army. The Stone Breakers have been having problems tracking them all down. I suspect Kyera is having her head vamp make more. We may have to send someone down to help them clear it out. Those visions aren’t clear yet. Kyera wasn’t around this time though. But seeing that was enough to make me redouble my efforts to persuade my mother to let me rejoin you. She insisted that Vali and Valliant act as my bodyguards. Can you believe that?”

  “I don’t blame her Sammy. I should send you back to your parents, but I am taking my children with me and I need all the advantages I can get. Were my babies safe in your vision? “Morna demands.

  “Yeah Morna, every one of us survive. You, Luca, Damian, George, and Rinda make pretty short work of the six vampires that come after us. I haven’t seen anything else since that vision. It suddenly disappeared, so I suspect something happened to change it.”

  Morna is visibly relieved by this information. “Come meet my babies!” Morna excitedly leads Sammy to introduce her to Nora. The girls immediately recognize each other as kindred spirits and spend several minutes chatting happily about iCarly and Justin Bieber. Sammy promises to come back and hang out after she meets her brothers.

  Maria excitedly greets Sammy. “Ganessa, I am so glad you are able to join us. I see you realize who and what you are now. Your aura is changed.”

  “Yeah, my mother made me see the truth. Please call me Sammy though, I really can’t get used to being called Ganessa.” Maria nods and Sammy continues. “I think my mother and my father have really been through hell because of me, but I just don’t feel much of a connection to them, yet. Maybe after I have completed my mission as Morna’s seer. But in the meanwhile, Morna feels more like my mother, than my real mother does. Does that make me a bad daughter?” Sammy asks uncertainly.

  “Not at all Sammy,” Maria assures her as she hugs the young woman. “Just a daughter that had her childhood stolen from her.”

  Sammy gratefully hugs Maria back and then turns her attention to Aiden. “You must be Aiden. Your Mom talks about you all the time. She really missed you little man.”

  “I missed her too. Nice to meet you. She has spoken fondly of you, and I can tell she’s really, really happy that you are here.” Aiden tells Sammy telepathically.

  “WHOA! That’s really cool! How did you learn to do that?” Sammy asks excitedly as she sits down beside Aiden.

  “The elves taught me.” Says Aiden simply. “It’s really pretty easy once you understand how it works.”

  “Can you teach me? What kind of range do you have? I mean how far can you transmit your thoughts? I could really be helpful to Morna if I could do this, especially over distances.” Sammy says excitedly

  “I could teach you. I have already taught a little bit to Luca. And because you are half Vanir witch, you could easily learn it.” Aiden says and then laughs happily. He is feeling very happy to be able to contribute something to his family and friends.

  “Valliant told me that your big brother is going to train to be a Spell Weaver. Do you plan to do that as well?” Sammy asks excitedly.

  “Mom doesn’t know yet, but I want Maria to train me as a Shaman. The way the Gila Order approaches magic makes more sense to me than spell weaving. They see their magic as a doxology, as a praise and service to God. They are more spiritual than Spell Weavers. I think it makes them more powerful. But not just powerful, more purposeful. I am trying to figure out how to tell Mom though. She may not like it.” Aiden confides in Sammy.

  “I think your Mom would respect your judgment.” Sammy tells Aiden with confidence. “Your Mom doesn’t try to make people be what she wants them to be. She encourages them to be the best they can with the best they have. I have seen her encourage total screw ups over and over do their best, to believe in their selves. I can’t imagine that she would be any less encouraging to her own son.”

  This part of the conversation really gets Morna’s full attention. She reaches over and strokes her son’s cheek lovingly. “What’s on your mind, little man?” She asks softly.

  “I want to train with Maria, to be a Shaman of the Gila Order.” Aiden tells his mother telepathically.

  “Wow! I guess I should not be surprised. I admit I did have some fantasies of my children all following in mine and Luca’s footsteps, but I can see how the belief system and views on magic that the Gila Order espouses would appeal to you. Have you asked Maria already?” Morna asks softly.

  “Morna, I told him that I thought he would be an excellent candidate, but that he needed to talk to you before we could discuss it any more. And there is also the matter of his physical condition. Our training is physically vigorous, not as vigorous as your training for warriors and protectors, but strenuous none the less. I was hoping to go with you to Chicago to help formulate a healing plan for him. My preliminary impressions are fairly promising.” Maria informs Morna and Aiden.

  “Luca and I had hoped that you and George would join us. We would appreciate your input and I was counting on George to help me keep my babies safe while we are away from Asgard.” Morna concedes easily. “Sammy informs me that we will be attacked by a large group of vampires while in Chicago. Also, Luca and I plan to renew our wedding vows and would certainly like for you to be there for that.”

  “Well, good, at least that part is settled,” says Maria. She reaches out and strokes Aiden‘s hand. “Whether we are able to heal you or not little man, you will be a powerful magical force. My gut tells me so, and my gut was only wrong one time.”

  Morna squeezes her friend’s hand, and says, “I hope to someday hear that story, but I want to take Sammy to meet my Kyle. And we really need to discuss our plans for the next five days.” Morna leans down and kisses Aiden on the forehead and whispers, “I am not stalling you little man, we will just have to talk about this later.” Aiden smiles at his mother fondly and nods his understanding.

  Morna leads Sammy over to her oldest son. Morna smiles when Elias nearly trips over his own feet as he eagerly stands up when Sammy approaches. Morna looks over at her son and smiles. She may not be one of the empathic family members, but she certainly recognizes a budding romance when she sees one. She wonders if Elias had heard the news that Sammy is actually twenty-one rather than the sixteen they had all believed when they had gathered at the Oklahoma gateway.

  “Sammy, well actually Ganessa, this is my oldest son, Kyle. He will begin officially training with Luca to become a Spell Weaver after the 22nd. But he is a natural at magic.” Morna says by way of introduction.

  “Gee Mom, brag much? “ Kyle says teasingly to his mom before turning his full attention to Sammy. “Apparently, I take after my mother in that regard. Pleased to meet you Sammy. You have made Mom very happy by joining us here today.” Kyle says as he flashes a friendly smile at the pretty girl before him.

  Elias comes around to face Sammy and quickly embraces her. “I am so happy to see you again Sammy. You look very well. Asgard seems to agree with you. You are positively radiant.”

  Sammy happily hugs Elias back and smiles nervously at him. “Hey Elias. You are looking good too.”

  “Have you eaten breakfast Sammy?” Asks Elias solicitously. When Sammy says that she has not eaten, Elias offers to escort her to the buffet line.

  Morna smiles happily as she watches them walk towards the buffet. Beside
her, Kyle chuckles. “Wow! Those two really got a thing for each other.”

  Morna laughs and agrees. “One doesn’t have to be empathic to know that. How did you sleep last night kiddo? It was pretty late when I heard you come back to your room.”

  “Yeah, I had a really good time hanging out with Fionn, Elias and Micah. Well, all the Spell Weavers, really. It’s weird Mom. They don’t treat me like a kid. They treat me like I am one of them.”

  “That’s because you are, kiddo.” Morna laughs and hugs her son again. “I love you son, but I really, really need to eat. Excuse me?”

  “Sure Mom.” Kyle happily returns to talking cars with Fionn.

  After Morna gets her food she settles down beside her sister to eat. Breena has really been having a good time enjoying the feeling of family and friends gathered in the hall. Luca joins them after a few minutes and Nora quickly reclaims her place in his lap. The group chats happily while Morna eats and then Brian stands up and says, “I think we ought to make some plans for today. Morna, how many do you want to come along as a protection detail?”

  “I would like for Damian, George and Rinda to come and help Luca and I with the protection detail. My father and Grandfather have already promised to come and keep an eye on Sammy and their own grandchildren. Any other warriors who want to come are certainly welcome. I won’t turn down any offers of help when it comes to keeping my children safe. Sammy says there will be an encounter with members of that vampire army that Kyera assembled in Chicago, but that we handle that easily enough.” Morna says as she gathers up dirty dishes and loads them into a large tub on the kitchen cart. She walks over to the coffee pot and goes around refilling cups as she talks.

  Carrick, who had been clearing dishes at the other end of the table speaks up. “Well, Enya and I certainly want to come. I think all the Spell Weavers should go, and then go on to Airendell as unified group. Who knows what we might have to defend against in Chicago, or Airendell for that matter. Besides, any one of us might have something valuable to contribute to Aiden’s healing, as well.”


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