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Highland Messenger (Scottish Strife Series Book 4)

Page 11

by Dana D'Angelo

  “Excellent,” Makolm said, clapping his hands together. “We can make a man out of ye yet. Can ye wield a sword?”

  “Nay, I have never had a cause tae wield one.”

  He handed her his claymore. As soon as it was in her grip, the tip of the blade dropped heavily to the ground.

  “I dinnae think that ‘tis necessary for her tae learn how tae handle a sword,” Thom said.

  “Aye,” she said, relieved. “I dinnae intend tae fight anyone. I just want tae see Blane.

  “Ye keep talking about this Blane,” Makolm said. “Who is he?”

  “He’s the reason why she’s going tae Bracken Ridge,” Thom said, giving a wry twist to his lips.

  “Well, he’s a fortunate man tae have such a bonny lass come after him,” Makolm observed.

  “I’ll be equally as fortunate,” she said. “My brother intends that I marry a neighboring laird. In truth I’m nae keen in forming a union with anyone.”

  “I’m sure ye just have tae tell your brother of your wishes, and he’ll accommodate ye.”

  “’Tis nae as simple as that,” she said, shaking her head. “Since my mother died a few years ago, I’ve cared for my family, and assisted Rory with the running of the castle. Since this kept me busy, I’ve had little time for myself.” Mairead hugged herself and tilted her face to the sky. “But at night when I became temporarily free from my burdens, I dreamed about faraway places, and envisioned that I might one day visit them.”

  “Sae what do ye hope tae gain when ye meet Blane?” Thom said, studying her.

  His regard made her uncomfortable, although she didn’t want to show how much he affected her. Straightening her shoulders, Mairead forced herself to meet his gaze. “He’ll give me the liberty that I desire. Once he marries me, I might convince him tae allow me tae travel with him every so often. ‘Tis my belief that by choosing my husband, I’ll have control of my destiny.”

  “Very few people gain liberty in a marriage,” he said. “If ye continue with your objective, I fear that ye might find yourself disappointed.”

  She frowned at him. When she revealed her intentions to him earlier, he appeared as if he understood her.

  “Ye are wrong of course. We have spoken enough about my troubles.” She sent him a pointed look, desiring that the scrutiny be directed away from her. “What about ye? As I said earlier, I dinnae think ye should avenge the death of Cristiona. Nothing guid will come of it.”

  He closed his eyes briefly as if to hide the truth, but she already saw the pain and anger reflected there.

  “I dinnae want tae speak about this,” he said, his voice hard.

  “Ye are content on discussing my situation, yet ye are reluctant tae speak about yours,” she said, her eyes narrowing.

  “All ye need tae ken is that Lester MacLeaburn is going tae die,” he said flatly.

  “More than one person can die in conflicts like these.” She didn’t have to tell him that he could be the one killed.

  “I dinnae care,” he said. “I failed tae protect Cristiona from the bastard. The lass was a gem among ordinary pebbles. She had never troubled anyone, and was loved by many. Lester took away her life for nay reason.” He clenched his fists, and he looked like he wanted to slam them into his enemy. “I suspected that she struggled in her marriage, but I never knew how much. The last time I saw her, she appeared tired and distracted. Unfortunately my visit was short, and I wasnae able tae question her. But I wish that I insisted that she told me about her difficulties. Perhaps then I could have saved her.” He fell silent for a moment, and when he spoke again, his voice cracked. Swallowing, he glared ferociously at the tree beside Mairead. “Now ‘tis too late.”

  His icy anger blasted her and caused her to sit back on her heels. Behind his cool exterior he was a man of passion and intensity. His love for Cristiona ran deep, so deep that he was willing to die for her. Mairead felt envious of the lass. In her heart, she knew that Blane cared for her, but was his feelings as ardent as Thom’s? Somehow she didn’t think so.

  Chapter 14

  All throughout the next day Mairead used every opportunity to mimic the behaviors of a lad. At first her attempts were pitiful, but she continued to practice, and Thom found that she became more and more convincing. This was a relief since her beauty had greatly distracted him. However her luxuriant hair was now safely tucked underneath her cap. And the grime on her face coupled with the masculine mannerisms made it easy for Thom to pretend that she wasn’t the bonny lass from Tancraig Castle.

  “This should be our last stop before we reach Bracken Ridge,” he said.

  “How long will it take tae get there?” she asked as Thom started to lead the steeds away.

  “We’ll likely arrive there by tomorrow afternoon.”

  “Tomorrow afternoon,” she murmured. Instead of being excited, there was a nervous tremor in her voice. “I cannae believe that we’re almost there.”

  “Isnae that what ye wanted?” he asked, cocking a questioning brow.

  “Of course this is what she wants,” Makolm cut in. “What will ye say tae your Blane?”

  “I dinnae ken,” she said, biting her lower lip in apprehension. “I was sae busy acting like a lad that I havenae considered much about what I’ll say tae him.”

  “Ye can start by telling him that ye love him,” Makolm suggested. “Perhaps it will help if ye can rehearse your speech with me.”

  Unable to help it, Thom made a derisive sound at the back of his throat.

  Mairead ignored him. “Ye are too kind,” she said to Makolm. She then closed her eyes as if she reached within her depths to form her speech.

  “Ye might also do well tae practice how ye will entice your man,” Makolm interrupted her thoughts. “It will greatly help your cause.”

  “I dinnae think ‘tis necessary,” she said, frowning. “Besides, I have nay knowledge about how tae seduce a man.”

  “Then how else are ye going tae convince him tae marry ye? Not by acting like a lad, I assure ye. From my perspective, a man disnae want tae enter into matrimony if he can help it. If ye have ways tae persuade him however, he might think differently.” He softened his voice when he noticed her downcast demeanor. “I’m sure that it couldnae be that hard. The wenches at the alehouses do it all the time. I’ve seen them flip their hair over the shoulders, roll their hips, and send smoldering looks at prospective men. It appears that their skills are effective, because they always have business.”

  “But Blane loves me sae he disnae —”

  “Does he really love ye?” Thom interjected. He wasn’t sure why he even bothered to interfere, but he hated to see the lass fail in something that was so important to her.

  “Aye,” she said, her tone becoming defensive.

  “If he loves ye as much as ye say, then I dinnae think ‘tis necessary tae use your feminine wiles on him,” Thom said.

  “Well, I think she still needs tae be prepared,” Makolm insisted. He nodded at her. “Ye need tae show him your love, otherwise your trip tae Bracken Ridge will be wasted.”

  “I dinnae want it wasted.”

  Thom shrugged when the two went off to rehearse.


  While Mairead and Makolm continued to prepare for the inevitable meeting with Blane, Thom used their remaining food supplies, and made soup and several helpings of oatcakes.

  “I’m going tae turn in,” Makolm said, after he finished his meal.

  “Sae soon?” Mairead asked, although she tried her best to mask her disappointment. “The day’s travel has tired me out.”

  The scholar walked near to where the horses were tethered and prepared his bed. A short while later he was snoring.

  As night fell, her nervousness increased. She had hoped that the scholar would continue with his coaching. Thom got up and appeared as if he was also ready to bed down for the evening.

  “Thom.” Her voice sounded so loud in the silence that she cringed. She glanced over to where the scholar sle
pt, and breathed a sigh of relief when she found that Makolm continued to snore. “I need your help.”

  He looked startled. “I thought Makolm has already helped ye.”

  “’Tis nae enough,” she shook her head. Her hands felt clammy and she clenched them into fists. “I’ve perfected my speech, but I have yet tae ken how tae seduce a man.”

  Thom watched her, his expression guarded.

  “Will ye help me?” It pained her to ask him for assistance, but she couldn’t very well wake Makolm up from his slumber. “I want tae ensure that all goes well since I cannae risk having Blane reject my proposal.” She grabbed a section of her plaid, and twisted it nervously with her fingers. “Please?” she begged.

  “Fine.” Raising his eyes skyward, he let out a rush of air.

  “Thank ye,” she said, relieved. “Makolm said that the serving women at taverns give men smoldering looks.” She glanced over her shoulders while she narrowed her eyes. “How’s this?”

  “Ye appear angry rather than seductive,” he said, crossing his massive arms over his chest.

  She frowned. That wasn’t the sentiment that she wanted to elicit. She tried again. This time she lifted her brows.

  “Now ye look shocked,” he said, the corners of his lips twitching.

  “This is more difficult that I thought,” she said with frustration.

  “Perhaps it would be more convincing if ye let down your hair.”

  “Why dinnae I think of that!” she exclaimed and let out a laugh. “Of course a man wouldnae want tae lock lips with a lad.”

  Her gaiety made him smile. But then his amusement disappeared as he watched her remove her cap. Tossing her head back, she allowed the thick tresses to tumble over her shoulders.

  “Is this better?” she asked.

  “Aye,” he said, swallowing. “What else do ye have?”

  What did she have? She had no experience with enticement, and could only rely on her imagination. Taking a fortifying breath, she pretended that she was a serving wench who was approaching a prospective customer. She slowly advanced toward him, twirling her hair around her finger, and swaying her hips as she walked. All the while, her heart began to race. Thom watched her slow, sensual movements, his gaze steady and impossible to read. When she was in front of him, she lowered herself until she was level with him.

  “I dinnae ken what tae do next,” she said softly.

  “Kiss me.”

  At the suggestion, a surge of heat coursed through her, leaving her skin feverish. Still, she somehow managed to nod her head. Reaching her hands to frame the sides of his face, she allowed her palms to skim slowly down his stubbly cheeks.

  “’Tis been sae long since I last saw ye,” she said, repeating the words that she practiced earlier with Makolm.

  Mairead stared deeply into his blue eyes, although she was uncertain at what she found there. Spreading her fingers, she trailed them along his jaw and then down his corded neck. The heat coming from him was almost unbearable and she wanted to stop. But she was committed to learning the art of seduction, and she planned to see it through.

  She slid her fingers through the fine hairs at his nape. “I missed ye,” she said and placed her lips on his. Just as their mouths touched, she felt an unexpected jolt. She leaned back to observe his reaction. Did he sense it too?

  “Is that all ye have?” he mocked.

  “Nay,” she said.

  “Then prove it.”

  His body was as rigid as stone. Ignoring the racing tempo of her heart, she took in a quivering breath. She licked her lips as she centered her regard on his mouth. Taking one final breath, she leaned toward him before she lost her nerve.

  But when their lips joined, the electrical charge hit her once again. She started to pull away, but his strong arms circled her waist, preventing her escape. His hand reached up to cup the back of her head, and he devoured her with a fervency that left her breathless. His manly scent encircled her, and she leaned into his hard body. She would focus on this moment with Thom.

  “Teach me what happens next.” The words sprang from her before she realized what she said. But this was what she wanted. And she couldn’t halt the intense desire to know how it felt to make love with him.

  He pulled himself away from her. “I cannae, lass,” he said, his voice sounding strained.

  “Ye can.” Her arms automatically wound around his neck.

  “Ye are making it hard for me tae resist ye.”

  “Then dinnae resist me.”

  He let out a tortured groan and fitted his mouth to hers. Mairead closed her eyes, giving into the wonderful, fiery heat that raced to the top of her crown and zipped down to her toes.

  Thom stood, pulling her up with him. His fingers fumbled with the clip at her shoulders. She reached up to help him release the pin, allowing the plaid to drop at her feet. Grabbing the hem of her leine, he tugged the material up while she raised her arms in the air. With the material gone, she felt the whisper of cool air brushing across her feverish skin.

  He tossed the material aside. Standing back, he let out a low, appreciative whistle. “Ye dinnae belong in a kilt,” he murmured. Then as if he was unable to help himself, he placed his hands on her hips, raking his rough palms over her bared skin, and causing gooseflesh to form in their wake.

  A moment later, he dropped his hands away from her. He unpinned his plaid and quickly undressed. Now nude, the light from the campfire reflected off his tawny flesh. She had never seen a naked man before, and his powerful physique captivated her. His shoulders were broad, and the ridges of his abdomen were pronounced. Her gaze dropped lower, and she swallowed when she saw a line of dark hair at his navel. Her maidenly senses told her to glance away, but her curious eyes dragged to the patch of hair. It traveled down further to his arousal, to the part of him that stood proud and erect.

  All at once Mairead realized what this meant. When her mother passed away, she was forced to grow up. Since then she had learned a lot, and was aware that sexual activities occurred in private and in public. There were more than a few occasions where she had to deal with a pregnant servant at the castle. She knew the consequences of having intercourse with a man. But having relations once wouldn’t cause a problem, would it? And since Thom agreed to teach her about temptation, she should take this opportunity to satisfy her insatiable curiosity, and to learn all she could from him.

  “Ye are too lovely.” He circled her around until she backed him. Then sweeping her hair aside, he grazed his lips at the base of her neck. The arousing contact caused a sizzling fire to shoot down to her center. With his mouth occupied, his hands skimmed down to her breasts, fondling her until her nipples peaked. She arched her spine, pushing her breasts into his large palms. At the same time she felt his hot mouth glide along her shoulder. Lost in the sea of sensation, she barely noticed when he guided her to a flat rock. As he sat down on the stone, he brought her down on his lap with her back still facing him.

  “Mairead,” he murmured. She turned her head at the deep rumble of his voice. Bending his head, he captured her mouth as his hand moved lightly down her torso and covered her woman’s mound. He abruptly opened his legs, causing her thighs to part. Before she could react to the sudden action, he slipped a thick finger inside her, stroking her clitoris. She gasped as her head fell back to rest on his shoulder.

  For a moment, he broke his contact with her. “Ye drive me mad, lass,” he said, his warm breath brushing against her ear. “Ye cannae imagine what I want tae do tae ye.”

  She shook her head since there were no words to utter. In the next instant Thom removed his hand, and adjusted his position until the velvet steel of his cock rubbed against her. She moaned at the molten heat pressed intimately to her core. Lifting his hips, he angled his body so that his rigid length touched inside her. He glided his cockhead back and forth along her slick heat. A fire ignited within her as her body rocked instinctively to the sensual rhythm. And with each pass, the intensity grew until it
was almost unbearable. Then as if he couldn’t bear the erotic torture either, he grabbed her by the hips and spun her around to straddle him.

  A pained light reflected in his eyes. “This is madness,” he said just as he jerked her against him. “But it feels sae damn guid.” Threading his fingers through her hair, he jerked her head down to meet his mouth. His other hand ran up and down her back while his tongue pushed against the seam of her lips. When she yielded, he slipped his tongue into her mouth, kissing her with a fervor that stole her breath away.

  His hands gripped her buttocks, and he stood up, carrying her to the plaid that lay on the ground. Without losing contact, he settled them both on the material, and began a blazing trail of kisses along her jawline. She tipped her head back, giving him more access. Taking her offering, his lips dragged along her neck, her chest until finally closing over an erect nipple. The contact jolted her. She arched her back, inadvertently pushing herself further into his mouth. The movement caused a low rumble to emerge from deep within his throat, and he greedily sucked and licked her breast until she was light-headed, and gasping.

  He lifted his head, and she made a noise of protest as she felt a rush of cool air sweep over the abandoned peak. But the sound quickly died when his hot mouth closed over her other breast, giving it equal fervent attention.

  Thom shifted. Placing his arms on either side of her, he positioned himself between her legs. Looking down, he leveled his gaze onto hers. “I was wrong. Ye dinnae need a lesson on the act of seduction. Your abilities are far more superior than I imagined. Ye have the full physical evidence before ye.” He dragged his rod along her core to emphasize his point. Indeed, the proof of his desire was potent and ripe. He gritted his teeth and shuddered. “We’ll cease this game, Mairead.” As if he summoned momentous willpower, he started to come off of her. “If we continue, I willnae be able tae control myself.”

  “Nay, ye cannae stop,” she said, clutching his arms. The yearning inside of her was overwhelming. “I willnae let ye.”

  His voice was strained. “Ye dinnae ken what ye want, lass.”


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