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The Uprising (GRIT Sector 1 Book 2)

Page 15

by Rebecca Sherwin

  Iris nodded without hesitation. She'd already been served the lesson of submission. Primarily it was to trust, but that line had been obliterated the day she'd been taken on her way home from school. The only saving grace she had now was to comply without resistance.

  "Good girl." Lilin stroked Iris' hair, tucking it behind her ear. "You'll be rewarded for good behaviour."

  Iris nodded again, this time in thanks. There was a strange sparkle in her eye that told of her desire to be rewarded.

  "Now," Lilin said, continuing to pace in front of the pillar with her hands behind her. "Our guest would like a show. Are you prepared to show him a good time?" Iris nodded. Lilin turned to me. "She doesn't talk."

  I nodded. There was so much nodding going on, but I didn't want to talk beyond the lump of lust that had lodged in my throat and made my trousers tight.

  "Do you have any requests?"

  "No," I rasped. "I told you, I want to watch."

  "Very well." Lilin kicked a chair towards me and pointed. "Sit and enjoy."

  I shook my head and said nothing. After a beat, Lilin realised I was good where I was and turned back to Iris.

  "You won't need this." She grabbed the top of Iris' corset and picked up a pair of scissors from the surface next to her. "This might sting a little bit."

  She parted the blades and snatched the corset between them. When she dragged down, tearing the lace with a harsh rip that echoed around the room, a garbled cry from our prisoner accompanied it. Lilin had cut her, digging the tip of the scissors into her skin and penetrating it just enough to tear. Blood bubbled at the surface but remained in place for now. Iris took sharp breaths through clenched teeth and shook her head, as if willing her brain to cooperate and help her cope. Lilin ripped the corset away; Iris' breasts bounced in reaction and Lilin rewarded one with a harsh slap that smudged the blood onto pale, sun-deprived skin. Lilin dipped lower, her high-heeled leather boots giving her a menacing height advantage over her toy. When she closed her mouth around a nipple and bit down hard enough to elicit a cry from Iris, I moved to get a side-on view. She sucked, slurped on tight flesh and pulled back, her front teeth encouraging the skin to break. Iris' flesh held strong and refused, but her areola was a violent red where blood had been drawn to the surface. My cock twitched in my pants and begged for attention, but I growled in audible self-refusal. I would wait, and I would ruin my wife later. My body seemed to agree, relaxing enough to keep me focused on the task at hand as Lilin abused the second nipple with the same merciless aggression as the first. Iris was a good student, absorbing the pain with eyes squeezed shut, hands gripping the chains that held her captive. I watched Lilin mark her body, sucking on supple flesh until the young woman looked like a tantric dot-to-dot. Lilin got to her knees and I crouched down to find an angle that would give me a view of everything. I knew Iris had been kidnapped; I knew this was forced and non-consensual, but the mewls that left her and the way the engorged lips of her pussy glistened with arousal, told me that perhaps I may not be able to carry out punishment after all.

  "Iris?" I said, looking up into the girl's chocolate eyes. "Can you talk? Do you lack the ability or do you just refuse?"

  "She'll talk if she's ordered to," Lilin said with a slap to Iris' inner thigh. "Won't you, sweetie?"

  Iris nodded and waited for me to voice the command.

  "I'm going to ask you a series of questions. You will answer them and you will be respectful. Understood?"

  It was my first cue, my first demand for vocalisation. Iris hesitated.

  "I understand," she finally said, her voice a soft whisper.

  "Do you want this?"

  As I uttered the words, Lilin grabbed Iris' ankle and threw her leg over her shoulder. The toy opened up, pussy glistening, thighs quivering as she tried to accommodate the shift.


  Lilin parted her lips and thrust two fingers inside her. The girl gasped and shook her head.

  "Do you want to go home?"

  Lilin thumbed her clit and I watched her palm as her fingers moved inside her.


  "Have you asked to?"

  Lilin clawed at her stomach, making her convulse and tug on the chains. Red track marks lined her soft skin and a slap to the abused area made it glow an angry red.


  "But you were refused."

  Iris nodded. I hadn't asked a question, but I had asked for confirmation and luckily, the camera had captured her answer.

  "Do you want to be fucked by your mistress? Do you want her to make you come?"

  "No, sir," she said, bowing her head to try and compose herself as Lilin finger-fucked her to the point of pain. "I want you to."

  Lilin grabbed the scissors off the ground beside her knee and scraped them down Iris' thigh. The skin broke instantly and the girl cried out, growling as she lowered her chin to her chest.

  "I warned you."

  Iris nodded. She wouldn't do that again.

  "I won't make you come, Iris," I said, refusing the images of me doing just that. "But Lilin will. I want to know if you want her to continue."

  Iris shook her head as Lilin inserted a third finger and her other hand rubbed her clit with frenzied force.

  "I don't." The first tear spilled over as her cheeks flushed and her stomach tightened. "I want my mother."

  Fuck if I didn't feel something. Hell if I didn't want to stop this, to take her from here and find her mother. But there were other girls in this house and I had to protect them all. Trace should have been here. He would have been able to deal with this, while my base needs told me to persevere and see it to the end. Lilin leaned past Iris and pulled on a lever to give the chain some slack. When it had lowered Iris' arms, just enough to grant her fingers blood flow, Lilin turned her around to face the post.

  "Bend," she instructed, slapping the girl on the back of her leg.

  Iris complied, bending at the waist and gripping onto the wooden post.

  "Don't move."

  Lilin got to her feet and I followed, keeping my eyes on Iris whose legs were quivering with the effects of denied orgasm. I tried to make eye contact with her, to tell her it would be okay and I was here to save her—after I'd seen enough to sate my own desires—but she'd pressed her forehead to the pillar and closed her eyes. Lilin pulled open a drawer and retrieved something from inside. When she turned, she had a J-shaped hook in one hand and a length of rope in the other. As she walked towards me and stopped behind Iris where her ass was poised and ready, she muttered something about relaxing. She wasn't going to give her any aid. There was no lube in her hand, no bottles in the vicinity of the pillar. Just the hook and the rope. I knew what she was going to do, I knew she was going to break into an area of the girl never explored before, but I loved it. Anal play was my weakness and I would fight the urge to batter Lilin's ass in cruel punishment, and focus instead on the innocent girl about to be violated. Again. Lilin spat on her hand, then allowed another line of spit to fall onto the balled end of the hook.

  "Would you mind, sir?" she asked me. "I've run dry."

  She was testing me. I knew she wouldn't suspect a thing. I'd been a willing and demanding spectator until now. She wanted me to get involved, for her own desires that would condemn me if I complied.

  "Get a fucking drink or something then. I told you I wanted to watch."

  Instead of doing as I'd suggested, Lilin grinned before pursing her lips and working her cheeks to produce more saliva. I should have helped. For Iris. Lilin spat on her ass and worked it into her, stroking the end of the hook at the same time. At least she wasn't totally brutal.

  "This is going to hurt, sweetie," she said, her voice carrying the tone of a gentle caregiver as she pressed the ball against her anus and prepared to penetrate.

  "Just do it," I growled, growing impatient as empathy worked its way in and asked me to save the girl.

  Lilin shot me a wicked glare and the girl mewled, her ass clenching in fear. Lilin
pushed, forcing the body's natural instinct to resist intrusion, and twisted the hook as she probed. I watched on, shoving my hand in my pocket to tend to the effects of an opening ass. The hook nudged in, stretching Iris as she cried out and bit into her bottom lip. I wanted to reach out and stroke her hair, to tell her to relax and it would be easier. But I couldn't. I was transfixed as the hook slinked in, finally passing all walls of resistance. Lilin threaded the rope through the loop and tied it in place with a simple knot. The slack ends were fed under Iris' arms, across her chest and over the opposite shoulder. Wrapping her hand around the rope, Lilin pulled tight, forcing Iris' back to arch as the bondage rucksack forced her into place.

  Iris cried freely, sobs shaking her torso and pulling on the hook. Her sobs turned to moans of torture and desire and fear and disgust. Her nails dug into the post, her cheek pressed to the rough wood. Lilin stood back and looked at her work, watching on with a smile as Iris broke down in front of her. She’d been a child. Just a child. Just like Richard and Edward had been. I couldn’t allow this. It had become a test on myself, wondering how much I could watch and feel drawn to before my humanity popped up and told me it was time to end it. I didn’t want to end it; I wanted to watch Lilin fuck Iris, but there was something niggling deep inside that I refused to ignore. My instincts told me to run…and I never ran.

  “What happens to her now?” I asked as Lilin pulled on the rope and shoved her fingers inside Iris’ pussy.

  “I’m following your lead, sir. I'm testing out the things you like.” She twisted her wrist, pushing four fingers into her victim. “The point of this house is that you instruct, I follow, the girls receive. Without your commands, I don’t know what it is you want to see…” She looked at my crotch, at where my cock was painfully hard. “I know I’m doing something you like, so I’ll continue.”

  “What kinds of things do others ask for?”

  Iris cried out when all four fingers disappeared and inside her and continued to stretch her to take a hand. Lilin’s free hand scraped her fingernails up Iris’ legs, over her waist, down her back to pull on the rope and bow her downwards.

  “The usual.” She shrugged. “Cutting.” She broke Iris’ skin as her fist pushed past the final level of refusal and she buried her entire hand inside her. The girl screamed, launching her body into the post, but the ropes stopped her standing upright. She was forced to take it. “Fucking.” She rammed her hand in and out, smashing Iris into the post so her breath escaped in heavy huffs and garbled cries mixed with her sobs and pleas for mercy. “Beating.” Her fist landed on Iris’ back, sending it bowing into an unnatural shape. Gripping her hair, she pulled her head back and punched her jaw. I grimaced as the girl screamed and Lilin held her head back with her fingers hooked against her cheek as her fist dived back into her red pussy. She kicked her legs apart and Iris fell forward, her hair covering her face and sticking to the tears and snot streaming from her in thick rivulets. Taking the pouch I’d offered her earlier from inside her corset, she sucked on her finger as she kicked Iris who was a crumpled, abused mess on the floor. She dipped her finger into the powder and straddled her victim, sitting on her back and holding her head back. She forced her mouth open with one hand and the other scraped the powder along her top gums.


  “Yes, sir?” she asked, covering Iris’ mouth and holding the pouch over her nose. Every breath she tried to take forced more into her nostrils.

  Fuck. I hadn’t expected her to give the cocaine to the victim. I hadn’t foreseen how evil this place was going to be. I’d expected to burst in and arrest the men commanding such debauchery…I hadn’t expected it to be controlled by a woman willing to go to any lengths to please a man. The cocaine had been for the criminal.

  I’d laced it with GRIT’s original nerve-agent. Entirely synthesised in Sector 4, CompleXV was lethal. One hundred per cent of the time. Fuck, this was all on me.

  “You really did want death, didn’t you?” she asked, as she watched me work on a swallow and glance down at Iris.

  I took a deep breath. I’d never had a plan backfire. I’d never been caught out or tested. Still I didn’t give the word to attack. Guilt slammed into me; paralysis seized me when Iris began to shudder beneath Lilin. Her legs gave way and she fell to the ground, no longer able to feel the pain of the hook tearing into her. Lilin sat on her, her knees bent up, feet pressed to the floor to add pressure to the victim.

  “Looks like you wanted to participate after all,” she said, licking her lips. “This is my favourite part, when death moves in. What did you use?”

  “A little something I cooked up earlier.” I shrugged and smirked, pretending this was going to according to plan. “I didn’t care who took it.”

  “I figured as much.”

  I knew Iris would be sweating. Her nose was running as Lilin pressed her cheek to the splintered floor, and the girl’s breath became short as her pupils became pinpoints.

  “She’s going to be sick,” I said, knowing Iris’ body would try everything it could to purge the poison from her.

  “I know.”

  She smacked Iris’ back and together we watched death find her. She puked, blood surging up from her stomach and out of her mouth and nose. She didn’t make a sound. She was eerily silent, her body convulsing and seizing up as the poison tried to break free from her in any way it could. It was no good. There was nothing she could do. The substance had already seeped into her nervous system, begun tearing her apart from the inside out and, eventually, she would suffocate in her own body as her respiratory system shut down. Lilin didn’t move; she sat on Iris as she died, as if drawing every ounce of life as it left as bodily fluids and short breaths. I stood still, watching the murder I’d committed. I knew Iris was in pain; I knew she wanted to scream until her lungs exploded, but I knew she couldn’t. I knew she was powerless…and so was I. There was no cure for CompleXV.

  “How long does she have?” Lilin asked, smiling as involuntary squeals left Iris as her lungs began to constrict.


  “Aww.” Lilin pouted and crooked her finger for me to join her. “That’s too long.”

  I did take a step forward, because I knew Iris had sixty seconds before her body became rigid and she slipped away. I’d wanted to help her find her mother. I’d wanted to witness her rape, punish her rapist, and take her away to a place where she’d be safe. Instead, I’d killed her.

  The second I watched the last breath leave Iris’ lungs, I surged towards Lilin and gave the order for my team to attack. I grabbed her by the throat as the door downstairs burst open and I heard the heavy footfalls of my men. Lilin squealed as if she’d been waiting for this as I dragged her up from Iris’ toxin-ruined body and slammed her into the post. I dug my thumb under her chin, forcing her head back to the wood until she squeezed her eyes closed and winced.

  “Can you hear that?” I growled. “It’s over, whore. You just killed your last victim. You’ve just spent your last day on Earth.”

  “I have?” she choked. “What about you? That poison was intended for me. You had no idea if I were innocent or not before you walked in here and yet you were prepared to kill me anyway. So tell me, who punishes you?”

  Girls screamed from below, growls sounded out from the men who had been caught, and sobs erupted from the prisoners we had managed to save. I heard The Plough pull up outside, accompanied by the trucks that would take the criminals back to the Sector. We had enough space to accommodate them all…but I couldn’t wait to get my hands dirty murdering them one by one. The rage tore me apart, with the guilt as I looked at Iris’ dead body, still naked, the hook still in the same place Lilin had put it. She was in a puddle of her own puke, blood and urine. She hadn’t just been murdered; she’d been a victim of the heinous crimes I tried to stop and she’d been killed by a chemical weapon I had manufactured to kill, torture with agony and splice with a tragic end.

  “You know I’m going to kill you,
don’t you?”

  “Of course. And I know you’re going to enjoy every second of it.” She licked her lips and wrapped her leg around my waist. “See, I can feel it. I’ll bet you come when you spill the last drop of my blood.”

  Grabbing her hip with so much force I felt the bone splinter, I shoved her back to the post.

  I didn’t have time to talk. I didn’t want to acknowledge what she said, how she said it, and how fucking correct she was. I just wanted this to end.

  So I ended it.

  Pulling the gun out from the back of my trousers, I unclipped the safety, shoved the gun to her forehead and pulled the trigger.


  Elias’ tortured voice filled the room and jolted me from sleep. I’d retired to the front room for the night to wait for him, and fallen asleep on the sofa in front of the huge windows that looked out on the sweeping driveway of Blackwood Estate. For the second night in a row, my husband had returned home after nightfall, covered in blood, staring through me and heaving for breath like a hunter suffering the effects of plummeting adrenaline after a kill.


  I jumped up, unsteady on sleepy legs, and crossed the room to where he stood in the doorway, shadowed by the dim light behind him that held no hope of illuminating the darkness that consumed him.

  “What time is it?” I asked, stopping in front of him and resisting the urge to jump into his arms.

  Something told me he couldn’t be touched. Something told me I was in danger.

  “A little after three.”

  “Where have you been?”


  “Are you going to tell me more than that?”

  Shaking his head, he took a step back out into the foyer. I followed, my bare feet padding on the marble floor as Elias continued to edge back until he was standing next to the lamp and staring at the ground as shame overwhelmed him.


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