Book Read Free


Page 36

by Blake Severson

  Armor: 55

  Durability: 120/120

  Rarity: Uncommon

  Quality: Well Crafted

  Weight: 5.0 kg

  Slot: Crafting Item

  Traits: An Intricate Iron Breastplate, created using magical techniques. This armor will have more capacity for absorbing magical power. Combine with lining to create Intricate Mage-crafted Iron Breastplate.

  With that done, it was time for him to make the last piece he planned on outfitting Samson with. He was going to make a helm. He decided the best design would be to make a barbute style faceplate. He decided to make the opening in a Y shape and to make the raised edge with scroll-work on it for the added flair. It would also match the style of the rest of the suit. Knowing what he wanted, he heated up an iron ingot and cast his spell.

  Congratulations, you have unlocked Mastery level 2 for Crafting Spell: Arcane Forging. The mana cost for this spell has decreased by 5.

  Congratulations, you have reached level 6 in Blacksmithing. You are granted a 15% bonus to forging speed. It’s all about that molten metal.

  Intricate Mage-crafted Iron Barbute (Unfinished)

  Armor: 30

  Durability: 75/75

  Rarity: Uncommon

  Quality: Well Crafted

  Weight: 3.0 kg

  Slot: Crafting Item

  Traits: An Intricate Iron Barbute, created using magical techniques. This armor will have more capacity for absorbing magical power. Combine with lining to create Intricate Mage-crafted Iron Barbute.

  Arthur now had his Earth Magic to level ten and was quite honestly, eager to get back to his talent tree. He pulled up his Earth Magic talent tree and had a bit of a surprise.

  You have 4 unused Talent Points.



  Tier 1

  Earthen Will (1/5)

  Increases effectiveness of Earth Magic spells by 5%

  Solid Foundations (5/5)

  Strengthens any walls made by Earth Magic and allows them to hold more weight before becoming unstable by 15%

  Earthen Focus (0/5)

  Decreases the resistance of Earth Magic when using a material not touching the earth by 15%

  Tier 2

  Hard as Stone (1/1)

  This ability will temporarily increase the hardness of your skin for one minute. You gain the following buff from it:

  15% decreased damage taken by physical attacks

  15% increased strength

  Edged weapons are 40% less likely to penetrate your skin.

  Cost: 50 Mana

  Cooldown: 3 Hours

  Earth Commune (0/1)

  Enter a meditative state and become one with the Earth increasing your health and mana regen by 100%. You may enter and leave this state at any time but once used there is a 1 hour cooldown before it can be used again.

  (Hidden Ability)

  Transform Earth: Stone (1/1)

  This ability will only become available if you have the following prerequisites:

  Earth Magic > Level 5

  Fire Magic > Level 2

  Have learned at least one combination spell

  This will teach you the combination spell Transform Earth: Stone. This spell will turn a desired section of earth measuring one foot deep by one foot wide, by one foot tall to solid stone.

  Cost: 40 Mana

  Tier 3

  Advanced Stonework (0/10)

  Increases the size of your Raise Stone Wall spell by 4 foot in length per talent

  Earthen Projectiles (0/1)

  Teaches you the spell for Earthen Spikes. This spell allows you to learn the secrets of pulling earth from the ground and launching spikes of earth at your targets.

  Cost: 35 Mana

  Power of Prospecting (0/10)

  Modifies your Magical Prospecting spell to scan an area 20 foot wide and 30 yards deep for minerals and ore. Each point after the first increases this size by 5 feet and 10 yards respectively.

  The talents showed a lot of promise, but Advanced Stonework was the one that was getting all of his points. The talent points had been ignored at levels 9 and 10, so he had 4 points to use. He was pleased to see Tier 3 talents available now and assumed it unlocked at level 10. The advanced stonework would make his spell more effective every time, and now each time he cast the magic, it would stretch thirty-two feet with his bonus instead of 10 for the same cost.

  He needed to get the enchanting done on each of the pieces. He decided to use the same enchantments he used on the shield on the bracers. Once again, he used the durability enchant on the rest of the pieces, but he changed some up a bit.

  The sabatons he added a rune set for weak, power, and speed. For the gauntlets, he decided to try a different rune set by using weak, power, and grip. On the helm, he used a rune set for weak, power, vision. The chest piece he used another two enchantments in addition to the durability enchantment. The first was a rune set of weak, power, and strength. The second additional rune set was weak, power, and defense. Finally, on the greaves, he used a rune set of weak, power, and armor.

  He set to work and got all of the pieces inscribed with the necessary symbols and then got to work enchanting each one. He decided to hide the experiences on these as well.

  Enchanted Intricate Mage-crafted Iron Bracer (Unfinished)

  Armor: 25

  Block: 7-11

  Durability: 75/75

  Rarity: Rare

  Quality: Well Crafted

  Weight: 0.8 kg

  Slot: Crafting Item

  Traits: An Intricate Iron Bracer, created using magical techniques. This armor will have more capacity for absorbing magical power. Combine with lining and straps to create Intricate Mage-crafted Iron Bracer.


  ● 10% increased chance to parry blows.

  ● This bracer loses durability 10% slower.

  Enchanted Intricate Mage-crafted Articulating Iron Gauntlet (Unfinished)

  Armor: 30

  Attack: 5-8

  Durability: 90/90

  Rarity: Rare

  Quality: Well Crafted

  Weight: 0.8 kg

  Slot: Crafting Item

  Traits: An Intricate Articulating Iron Gauntlet, created using magical techniques. This armor will have more capacity for absorbing magical power. Combine with a glove to create Intricate Mage-crafted Articulating Iron Gauntlet.


  ● 10% decreased chance of being disarmed

  ● This gauntlet loses durability 10% slower.

  Congratulations, you have reached level 3 in Enchanting. Your enchantments have a 6% decreased mana cost. Just pour mana into it, sure that’s always a good idea.

  Enchanted Intricate Mage-crafted Iron Greave (Unfinished)

  Armor: 35

  Durability: 80/80

  Rarity: Uncommon

  Quality: Well Crafted

  Weight: 1.0 kg

  Slot: Crafting Item

  Traits: An Intricate Iron Greave, created using magical techniques. This armor will have more capacity for absorbing magical power. Combine with lining to create Intricate Mage-crafted Iron Greave.


  ● This greave loses durability 10% slower.

  Enchanted Intricate Mage-crafted Iron Sabaton (Unfinished)

  Armor: 30

  Durability: 80/80

  Rarity: Rare

  Quality: Well Crafted

  Weight: 1.2 kg

  Slot: Crafting Item

  Traits: An Intricate Iron Sabaton, created using magical techniques. This armor will have more capacity for absorbing magical power. Combine with lining to create Intricate Mage-crafted Iron Sabaton.


  ● 10% increased movement speed

  ● This sabaton loses durability 10% slower.

  Enchanted Intricate Mage-crafted Iron Breastplate (Unfinished)

  Armor: 75

  Durability: 135/135

  Rarity: Rare<
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  Quality: Well Crafted

  Weight: 5.0 kg

  Slot: Crafting Item

  Traits: An Intricate Iron Breastplate, created using magical techniques. This armor will have more capacity for absorbing magical power. Combine with lining to create Intricate Mage-crafted Iron Breastplate.


  ● Adds +1 Strength to wearer

  ● This breastplate loses durability 10% slower.

  Enchanted Intricate Mage-crafted Iron Barbute (Unfinished)

  Armor: 30

  Durability: 85/85

  Rarity: Rare

  Quality: Well Crafted

  Weight: 3.0 kg

  Slot: Crafting Item

  Traits: An Intricate Iron Barbute, created using magical techniques. This armor will have more capacity for absorbing magical power. Combine with lining to create Intricate Mage-crafted Iron Barbute.


  ● 10% decreased chance to be blinded

  ● This helmet loses durability 10% slower.

  The armor set would be a bit of a masterpiece. At least Arthur thought it would be. Once some of the leather was finished, these pieces could be completed. He wanted to complete the parts himself to get the bonus experience. The previous items he made had great bonus experience when he finished them, and these had higher experience on the base pieces, so he was sure the bonus would be even higher.

  He reflected back on the day at his hidden experience gains as he saw he had gained 2,370 experience in Arcane Smithing and Blacksmithing, 795 experience in Earth and Fire Magic, and 1,210 experience in Enchanting.

  It was starting to get late by this point, so he stashed the pieces away in the shop, cleaned up his work area, and walked over to Rowan.

  “I finished up the gear set for Samson. It just needs leather to complete it. I hope when I get to the inn that Corianne has the first set of leather there for the delivery. I’m about to go back for the night, though. I plan on focusing on a bathhouse tomorrow, but I am going to try and finish the armor as well.”

  “Sounds good, I’ll see you tomorrow then,” Rowan told him.

  Arthur headed back to the inn. No one interrupted him on his trek to the inn, and when he entered the place, it was pretty crowded. Corianne approached him to turn in the first set of leather, and he was more than happy to accept that order. As an afterthought, he asked her if she had any thread to use with the leather. She told him she had a large spool of it she could part with. It was just a standard linen thread and nothing overly special, but it was what she had. They worked out a deal so Arthur could create a work order for it, and she would turn it in in the morning. She agreed and left the inn. He took the leather in question to Daniel and asked him to put it in one of the storage locations. He would need to use some of it tomorrow.

  He took a quick trip to the bath and grimaced as he remembered what he had found out about it. Despite this, the coal dust and dirt buildup he had on him had to be washed off, so he took a quick bath. He made his way up to his room and once again collapsed into a deep sleep.

  Chapter 25

  A Matter of Hygiene

  Arthur woke up the next morning with a bit of a headache, and some of his muscles protested as he got dressed. He stumbled down the stairs in his half-asleep state and bumped into Daniel at the bottom of the stairs.

  “Good Morning, Arthur,” Daniel said.

  “Good Morning Daniel. Anything special happening this morning?” he asked.

  “No, just busy trying to keep people fed.”

  “I’ll take whatever you’re serving this morning then.”

  Arthur found an empty seat and sat down. Daniel brought out some food and a mug of water. The water was getting old, and it wouldn’t be long before he would need to find something else to take its place. He was sure if he could secure a type of alcohol for the village, the spirits of the villagers would improve.

  The food was excellent as usual, and Arthur made his way back to the kitchen. Daniel told him that Paula was to receive the work order for the current large pot of stew, so he turned in her work order for her. She looked rather pleased when she saw the rewards.

  “Hey Daniel, I am going to spend most of today working on a proper bathhouse. Is there any place in town that would be a good spot for this? I would like to keep it somewhat close to the inn, so it is easy for guests of the village to get to.” Arthur asked.

  “That sounds like a great idea but not sure how you will keep it clean. I’ll trust you on it, though, and tell you the spot of land directly southeast of this inn would work. As far as I know, there isn’t anyone that owns the claim to it for any reason.”

  “I’ll make it happen then. I’m off to work this morning. I’ll see you around. I’ll check in when I finish with the bathhouse.” Arthur told him as he left out of the inn.

  As Arthur made his way out of the inn, he was stopped by a handful of people. The father and son team of woodcutters had four work orders of wood to turn in, so he assigned and accepted two work orders for each of them. Both of Rowan’s apprentices were there, and each of them had six work orders worth of ingots to turn into him. He assigned and accepted all of their orders, and they left with smiles on their faces.

  Zeke made it to him next and had two more bows and three bundles of arrows. Arthur created orders for each of those items and accepted their completions. Corianne was there as well so she could get a reward for the spool of linen thread she told him about. He recognized that, and she moved on. Finally, he was surprised when Katherine approached.

  “Good Morning Katherine. How are you doing?” Arthur asked her.

  “I’m doing good, Arthur. Would you be willing to do a work order for me?” she asked sheepishly.

  “I am more than willing to issue work orders for anything useful no matter who provides it,” Arthur told her.

  “Well, I have skill with weaving cloth and have a bit of raw flax that I can spin into linen and have some spare linen I have already made.”

  “That is great. How did you end up learning that skill?” Arthur asked.

  “It goes along with my scribe skill. I need to know the art of cloth to make paper. I use a method to make paper from linen.” She explained.

  “That is great. I wasn’t aware the skills could go together like that. I am familiar with a method of making it with wood but hadn’t learned the method with linen.” Arthur told her.

  He asked her about the amount of linen she had and what she thought she could still make and made the necessary work orders for her. She walked away happy, and he continued on his way out the door. Arthur made his way toward the designated spot that Daniel had told him about and surveyed the area.

  It was plenty big and easily accessible. The first thing to do would be to level the land. He knew he was going to be burning a lot of mana today because he was going to have to make a bunch of new spells. The best part was, these spells could help him with repairs and building structures in the village.

  He focused his magic and pictured the landscape being flat around him. What he needed were scalable spells. Making spells for each size he needed wasn’t feasible. A scalable form of magic was what was really needed. He wasn’t sure how to do it, but he decided he would do it by completing the stage in multiple phases.

  With that in mind, he pictured a smaller area around him in a square shape and pushed the power to quickly level it. Before he let the power go, he made the space larger and pushed the power again. He waited one more time because he still had plenty of mana left and made the size a lot larger. The energy flowed one final time, and he let the power dissipate. He received the notice he was hoping to get.

  Congratulations, you have discovered the Earth Magic Spell: Flatten Earth. You have gained 250 experience in Earth Magic for discovering a known spell.

  Spell: Flatten Earth

  Requirements: Earth Magic

  Mana Cost: 10-50 MP

  Cast Time: 2-5 seconds

n: Levels a stretch of earth. The size affected by this spell ranges from a 6’ square to a 24’ square depending on the amount of mana used.

  Mastery Level: 1

  The spell was cast one more time at max cost to make a foundation that was 48 feet by 24 feet. Arthur needed it bare earth for now because he was going to dig the bathing area into the ground.

  The village didn’t need a place this large, but he didn’t want to have to rebuild this thing in a few months because of the increased population. He sincerely hoped to make this village grand. Since most of his mana was used developing the spell and casting the second one, he needed to kill some time to regain his mana.

  He took some time to look at some of the houses near where he was working. Checking the buildings for their level of disrepair allowed him to see the true scope of the work needing to be done. He determined that these buildings needed to be replaced by sturdier stone buildings. They could salvage the current premises for their wood and use the better pieces to make solid wood floors. This would lead to a comfortable walking surface and a solid structure that was very sturdy.


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