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Opal aln-3

Page 9

by Jennifer L. Armentrout

  “We’re kind of damned if we do and damned if we don’t.” He shifted, sliding his hands along my lower back. “But I’ve given it some thought.”

  “What? The whole ten minutes it took us to get home?”

  “I think it’s cute that you call my house home.” His grin spread to his eyes, deepening their lustrous hue. “By the way, it is my house. My name is on the deed.”

  “Daemon,” I said, sighing. “Nice to know, but it’s not important right now.”

  “True, but it’s good knowledge to have. Anyway, since you went totally off topic there—”

  “What?” How did he figure that? “You’re the one—”

  “I know my brother. Dawson’s going to go to Blake if we don’t agree.” All his humor was gone in an instant. “It’s what I would do if our positions were reversed. And we know Blake better than he does.”

  “I don’t know about this, Daemon.”

  He shrugged. “I’m not going to let him turn you over.”

  I frowned. “He’ll turn you over, too, and what about your family? Bringing Blake into the fold is going to be dangerous…and stupid.”

  “The risk outweighs the possible consequences.”

  “I’m shocked,” I admitted, disentangling my arms. “You didn’t want me training with Blake because you didn’t trust him and that was before we knew he was a killer.”

  “But now we’re both going into this knowing what he’s capable of. Our eyes are open.”

  “That makes no sense.” At the sound of car doors shutting, I glanced out the window. “The only reason you’re going to work with him is for Dawson and me. That’s probably not the wisest decision you’ve made.”

  “Maybe not.” He shifted quickly, clasping my cheeks and laying a deep one on me, and then he unceremoniously dumped me on the cushion beside him. “But my mind’s made up. Be prepared. This meeting isn’t going to go well.”

  Half sprawled across the couch, I gaped at him. Damn straight this wasn’t going to go well. I dug the water bottle out from underneath my thigh and sat up as the alien pit crew made their way in.

  Dee immediately took up pacing in front of the TV. Her long, wavy black hair streamed behind her. An unfamiliar, feverish glint lit her green eyes. “So Blake is back?”

  “Yes.” Daemon leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees, watching his sister.

  She glanced at me and then quickly looked away. “Of course he would talk to her like nothing happened. They were BFFs.”

  What the hell was up with the BFF statement? Anger stirred inside me, but I pushed it down. “It wasn’t a particularly friendly conversation.”

  “Then what do we do?” Ash asked. Her cap of blond hair was slicked back into a tiny ponytail. On anyone else it would’ve looked too severe, but she pulled it off like a model going on a go-see.

  “Kill him,” Dee said, stopping in front of the coffee table.

  At first, I thought she was kidding, because this was Dee. Over the summer, I’d once seen her scoop up a pile of dirt full of ants and move them out of the flowerbed so they wouldn’t be suffocated under the mulch. But as I stared at her—as the whole room stared at her—I came to realize she was serious.

  My mouth dropped open. “Dee…?”

  Her shoulders squared. “Don’t tell me. You’re against killing him? I already know that. You convinced my brother to let him live.”

  “She didn’t convince me,” Daemon said, fingers curling under his chin.

  I jumped in before he could continue. It wasn’t his job to always rush to my defense. “I didn’t convince him to do anything, Dee. We both agreed that enough people had died that night. We didn’t think he’d come back.”

  “It’s more than that,” Matthew said. “He’s also connected to another Luxen. He dies, his friend dies. We aren’t just killing him. We’re killing an innocent person.”

  “Like Katy and Daemon?” Ash asked, her voice lacking the usual venom. Her bitchiness must’ve transferred to Dee at some point.

  Guilt dug in with barb-tipped fingers the second that thought finished and I squirmed, picking at a worn section on my jeans. That wasn’t fair. Dee and Adam had a long history—a history spent ignoring what had probably always existed between them. Love and affection. And they’d only gotten to know each other on that level right before he was snatched away from her.

  Ash glanced at Dawson. “And like you and Beth?” When the two boys nodded, Ash sat back and glanced at a silent Matthew. “We can’t kill Blake knowing it’s going to kill an innocent Luxen. That’s like killing Katy and it taking out Daemon.”

  I arched a brow, which earned me a knee nudge from Daemon.

  “I’m not suggesting we kill Katy or Beth,” Dee reminded everyone. “We don’t know who this other Luxen is. For all we know, he could be working with the DOD or whatever that other group is. Blake… He killed Adam, Ash.”

  “I know that,” she snapped, eyes flashing a brilliant blue. “I was his sister.”

  Dee’s spine straightened as she drew herself up. “And I was his girlfriend.”

  Holy smokes… It was like opposite day or something. I shook my head, stunned. “The group is called Daedalus.”

  Yeah, Dee couldn’t care less what the group was called. She turned to Matthew. “We have to do something before someone else gets hurt.”

  Matthew looked just as shocked. “Dee, we’re not—”

  “Killers?” Her face flushed red and then paled. “We have killed before to protect ourselves! We kill Arum all the time. Daemon has killed DOD officers!”

  Daemon flinched, and I immediately took offense to this. He may not show how much killing bothered him, but I knew it did. “Dee,” I said, and surprisingly, she looked at me. “I know you’re hurting right now, but this… This isn’t you.”

  She sucked in a sharp breath and behind her the TV flickered on and off. “You don’t know me. And you don’t know shit. That…that human freak—whatever he is—was here because of what my brother did to you. In theory, if you never came here, none of this would’ve happened. Adam…” Her voice caught. “Adam would still be alive.”

  Daemon stiffened beside me. “That’s enough, Dee. It wasn’t her fault.”

  “It’s okay.” I sat back against the cushion, feeling as if the walls had shifted closer. Andrew had said the same thing days before and even though hearing him say it sucked, coming from Dee’s mouth gave it a wasp-sting-like quality. Part of me almost couldn’t believe Dee had said it. Not hyper and cute like Tinker Bell Dee. Not the girl who whipped into my life during the summer, feeling just as lonely as I had. This wasn’t my best friend.

  And then it hit me.

  Dee wasn’t my best friend anymore.

  God, realizing that seemed more important than anything else that was going on. Yeah, that was stupid when the big picture was called into play, but Dee was important to me, and I had failed her.

  Beside me, Dawson shifted forward. “If Katy hadn’t come here, I would never have been freed. The world works in messed-up ways.”

  Dee looked like she hadn’t even considered that. She pivoted around, playing with a strand of her hair—a nervous habit of hers. Her arm faded out for a few seconds, and then she sat on the coffee table, her back to us.

  From the arm of the recliner, Andrew sighed. Every time I looked at him, he’d had his gaze fixed on Dee. “Guys, whether we like the idea of killing someone or not, we have to do something.”

  “We do,” Daemon agreed. He glanced at me quickly before facing the group. “Arguing about what to do with Blake is a waste of time. If we don’t help him free Chris and in turn get Beth back, he’s going to turn Kat and me over.”

  “Wow,” Matthew muttered, thrusting his fingers through his hair. And then he did something unheard of, for him at least. He swore.

  Dee stood again, her movement abrupt and jerky. “He said that?”

  “I don’t doubt he’s serious,” I said, hating that all of them we
re put in this position because of me. If I had only listened to Daemon in the beginning… So many would’ve, could’ve moments. “He’s incredibly desperate to free Chris.”

  “Then it’s done,” Dawson said, seeming relieved. “We help him, and he helps us.”

  Dee whirled. “You guys are freaking insane! We cannot help Adam’s murderer!”

  “Then what do you suggest we do?” Matthew asked. “Let him turn your brother and Katy over?”

  Her eyes rolled. “No. Like I said, we kill him. That will stop him from doing anything.”

  I shook my head, stunned by the ferocity in her voice. I also believed Blake probably had to die, because why should he live when Adam hadn’t, but hearing Dee like this cut through me with a dull knife.

  Daemon stood, drawing in a long breath. “We are not going to kill Blake.”

  His sister’s hands balled into fists. “Your call. Not mine.”

  “We are going to help him and we’re going to keep an eye on him,” Daemon continued sternly. “And none of us are going to kill him.”

  “Bullshit,” she hissed.

  On his feet, Andrew took a step forward. “Dee, I think you need to sit down and think about this. You’ve never killed before. Not even an Arum.”

  She folded her slender arms and her chin went up a notch. “There’s always a first time.”

  Ash’s eyes widened as she slid a look at me that said, Holy crap. I wished I knew what to do or say, but there was nothing.

  Quickly losing patience, Daemon mirrored his sister’s stance. “This isn’t up for discussion, Dee.”

  A faint glimmer of white light shaded the outline of her trembling body. “You’re right. There’s nothing you can say that will convince me that his life should be spared.”

  “We don’t have a choice. Blake has it set up that if anything happens to him, Nancy will be notified about Katy and me. We can’t kill him.”

  She was undeterred. “Then we find out who he’s talked to or working with and take care of them!”

  Daemon’s jaw dropped. “Are you serious?”


  He turned away, seconds from losing it. My stomach rolled. This whole situation was all wrong.

  Beside me, Dawson leaned forward, taking on the same position that Daemon had earlier. “Is your need for vengeance more important than finding and stopping what they’re doing to Beth?”

  She didn’t look away, but her lips pressed into a grim line.

  All eyes were on Dawson. “Because, little sister, let me tell you that what Adam went through pales in comparison to what she’s experiencing. The things I’ve seen…” He trailed off and his gaze lowered. “If you doubt what I say, then ask Katy. She’s had a taste of some of their methods and she can still barely talk from screaming.”

  Dee blanched. We hadn’t spoken, not really, since New Year’s Eve. I had no idea what she knew about my brief capture or the methods Will had used to subdue me. Her gaze flickered to mine, and she looked away all too quickly.

  “You ask a lot,” she said hoarsely, lower lip trembling. But then her shoulders slumped, and she turned, walking to the front door. Without saying a word, she left.

  Andrew was already behind her, shooting Daemon a look. “I’ll keep an eye on her.”

  “Thank you,” he said, rubbing his palm along his jaw. “Well, that went wonderfully.”

  “Did you really expect her or any of us to be okay with it?” Ash asked.

  Daemon snorted. “No, but I have a problem with my sister so willing to kill.”

  “I can’t…” I couldn’t even finish. Going into this, I knew it wasn’t going to be good, but Ash and Andrew were the ones I expected to want to go all serial killer—never Dee.

  Matthew directed the conversation back to the present. “How do we contact Blake? It’s not something I can or wish to discuss with him in class.”

  Everyone looked at me…everyone except Daemon. “What?”

  “You have his number, don’t you?” Ash said, glancing at her naked nails. “Text. Call him. Whatever. And tell him we’re ridiculously stupid and plan to help him.”

  I made a face but reached for my bag and dug out my cell. Sending Blake a quick text, I sighed. A second later he responded. Knots formed in my stomach. “Tomorrow evening—Saturday.” My voice sounded weak. “He wants to meet tomorrow evening in a public spot—Smoke Hole.”

  Daemon gave a quick jerk of his chin.

  My fingers wanted to rebel, but I typed out a quick okay and then tossed my phone back in the pack like it was a bomb about to go off in my hands. “It’s done.”

  No one looked relieved. Not even Dawson. There was a very good chance that this was going to blow up in our faces like there was no tomorrow. But our choices were limited. Like Daemon had said, Dawson would go to Blake whether or not we did. And working with the enemy we knew was better than the one we didn’t.

  But something cold and icky opened up in my chest.

  Not because we were going to go down this road with Blake and not because Dee wanted Blake to die. But because deep down, underneath the layers of skin, muscle, and bone, hidden away from everyone, even Daemon, I also wanted Blake dead. Innocent Luxen or not… My moral code wasn’t at all offended by it. And there was something very, very wrong with that.

  Chapter 11

  I hung around their house, hoping Dee would come back and I could chat with her, but everyone was leaving and she and Andrew hadn’t returned.

  Standing on the front porch, I watched Ash and Matthew drive off, my heart heavy with regret and a billion other things. I didn’t need to look behind me to know that Daemon had joined me. I welcomed the warmth and strength his arms offered as they circled me from behind.

  I leaned back against his chest, letting my eyes fall shut. He placed his chin atop my head and minutes passed with only the sound of a lonesome birdcall and a horn blowing off in the distance. Against my back, his heart beat steady and strong.

  “I’m sorry,” he said, surprising me.

  “For what?”

  He drew in a deep breath. “I shouldn’t have flipped out over the whole Dawson thing last weekend. You did the right thing by telling him we’d help. If not, God knows what he would’ve done by now.” He paused long enough to kiss the top of my head, and I grinned. He was so forgiven. “And thank you for everything with Dawson. Even though our Saturday will take a turn into crapsville, Dawson… He’s been different since zombie night. Not the old Dawson, but close.”

  I bit my lip. “You don’t need to thank me for that. Seriously.”

  “I do. And I meant it.”

  “Okay.” Several seconds passed. “Do you think we made a mistake? Letting Blake go that night?”

  His arms tightened. “I don’t know. I really don’t.”

  “We had good intentions, right? We wanted to give him a chance, I guess.” Then I laughed.


  My eyes opened. “The road to hell is paved with good intentions. We should’ve blasted his ass.”

  Daemon lowered his head, his chin now on my shoulder. “Maybe I would’ve done something like that before you.”

  I turned my head toward his. “What do you mean?”

  “Before you came along, I would’ve killed Blake for what he did and felt like crap afterward, but I would’ve done it.” He pressed a kiss against my fluttering pulse. “And in a way, you did convince me. Not the way Dee thinks, but you could’ve taken out Blake, and you didn’t.”

  Everything about that night seemed chaotic and surreal now. Adam’s lifeless body and then the Arum that had attacked… Vaughn and the gun… Blake running… “I don’t know.”

  “I do,” he said, and his lips spread into a smile against my cheek. “You make me think before I act. You make me want to be a better person—Luxen—whatever.”

  I faced him completely, peering up at him. “You are a good person.”

  Daemon grinned, his eyes twinkling. “Kitten, you and
I both know that’s incredibly rare.”


  He placed a finger over my lips. “I make terrible decisions. I can be a dickhead and I do it on purpose. I tend to bully people into doing what I want. And I let everything that had happened with Dawson amplify those…uh, personality traits. But—” He removed his finger, and his grin spread into a smile. “But you…you make me want to be different. That’s why I didn’t kill Blake. It’s why I don’t want you making those decisions or for you to be around me if I am choosing those things.”

  Overwhelmed by what he’d admitted, I didn’t know what to say. But he lowered his head and kissed me, and I learned that sometimes when someone says something so devastatingly perfect, there isn’t a need for a response. The words said it all.


  I spent Saturday morning with my mom. We had a greasy, artery-killing breakfast at IHOP and then wasted a couple of hours dollar-store shopping. Usually I’d rather pluck my eyelashes out than meander those aisles, but I wanted to spend time with her.

  Tonight, Daemon and I were meeting Blake—only us, per his request. Matthew and Andrew were going to play parking-lot spies as backup, since Dee and Dawson, for very different reasons, had been banned from coming within a mile of the place.

  There was no telling what was going to happen, though. This could be my last Saturday, my last anything with my mom. And that made the whole experience bittersweet and scary. So many times over breakfast and while in the car I wanted to tell her what was going on, but I couldn’t. And even if I could, the words probably wouldn’t have come out. She was having fun—thrilled to spend time with me—and I couldn’t bring myself to ruin it.

  But the what-ifs haunted me. What if this were a trap? What if the DOD or Daedalus took us in? What if I became Beth and my mom never heard from me again? What if she moved back to Gainesville to escape the memory of me?

  By the time we got home, I was pretty sure I was going to hurl. My stomach twisted and turned around the food. It was so bad that I went to lie down while Mom got some sleep before her shift started.

  About an hour of staring at the wall later, Daemon texted and I responded, telling him to let himself in. No sooner had I hit send than I felt warmth shooting across the back of my neck and I rolled toward the door.


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