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Second Chance on St. Patrick's Day

Page 93

by Mia Ford

  I dropped my phone on the couch and pressed my hands to my face. I didn’t know what the fuck I should do now.

  I was brought to reality when someone pressed my shoulder, making me blink as the dim light of morning filled the small living room. “Liam? What are you doing here?” Marie’s soft voice filled the air, and I ran a hand through my hair as the nightmare of last night played back through my head. “Liam?”

  I reached for my phone, finding it dead beside me. “Where’s your charger?” I asked as she tilted her head worriedly at me. “Marie. Where the hell is it?”

  Her eyes narrowed as she pointed towards the kitchen. “There’s one in there.” I stumbled when I tried to stand up, and she sighed. “Let me plug it in for you since I’m going to make coffee anyway.” I gave her the phone and watched as she headed into the kitchen before I rested my head in my hands. Coffee might straighten me out and get my mind thinking clearly.

  I yawned and stood stiffly in my jeans, realizing that I was only wearing a wife beater under my sweatshirt. I fixed the zipper and headed into the kitchen to join Marie and fill her in. I told her how Elena left last night, late. I explained how I drove to her apartment and didn’t find her car there and that all I knew was that she was in the hospital.

  Marie sipped her coffee with concern on her face as she listened to me. “Does she have family here?”

  “I don’t know. I met a friend of hers one night that goes to school with Elena, but I only know her first name.” I stirred the coffee again, watching the cream mix with the liquid.

  “What hospital?” She pressed, and I told her. “I have a friend that works there. She’s in labor and delivery, but she might be able to tell me something.” The look on her face was tragic. “You can’t go there at all.”

  “I don’t need your shit right now,” I growled at her as she gasped. The look on her face was a mixture of fear and anger, and I blinked. “I’m sorry. I am just stressed out to hell. I don’t know what happened to her.”

  “I know, Liam. Let me text Robin and see if she can tell me anything, okay?” The shock in her eyes said that she was surprised at my worry. She took another sip of coffee, and I offered to get her some of her favorite donuts while she did that to make up for my shitty mood. She smiled weakly, and I grabbed my keys before heading out to my car. It was the least that I could do, but I took a bit of extra time to drive past Elena’s apartment again out of curiosity.

  Her car wasn’t there, and I felt a headache begin at my temples. I grabbed a bag of pastries for Marie at the bakery a few blocks away and made my way back to the house. I wanted to go to the hospital and demand that they tell me how Elena is doing but that shit wouldn’t get me anywhere.

  Marie was sitting at the small kitchen table with a fresh cup of coffee, staring outside. I checked my phone, turning it on to stare at the screen as it warmed up. “I found out that she was in a car accident. She is still there, but Robin hasn’t had a chance to pop in and see her. It’s been busy in delivery.”

  “She’s going to see her?” I asked dumbly as I walked the bag over to Marie. I set it down with my coffee and joined her. Marie selected something chocolate from the bag, nibbling on it as she looked curiously at me.

  “Robin is going to tell her to call you as soon as she can.” Her eyes were soft as I nodded slowly. “You’re messed up about this, Liam. This is serious, isn’t it?”

  “We talked about letting the semester end before taking too many chances. She hasn’t been spending the night for fear of being caught,” I told her in a rough voice. That explained why the cashier at the shop gave me such a weird look. I’d been in zombie mode. “If I let her stay, she wouldn’t be in the hospital.”

  “Liam, please don’t think like that. This is just a terrible accident.” Marie reached her hand across the table and held mine. “She’ll be okay.”

  “I feel so helpless. I haven’t felt this way since Mom…” My voice broke as I pushed away the memories of my gaunt mother dying in her bed. “I can’t do it again.”

  “Mom did everything that she could to fight the cancer. It was just too advanced, Liam. Please don’t blame yourself.” Marie soothed me as I felt the raw images wash over me. I’d held them in since Mom’s death; focused on work, friends, women, and anything else that might distract me.

  Meeting Elena opened up emotions that I wanted to forget that I had. This accident opened pain that I didn’t want to revisit.

  “It’s hard. I just wanted to fix everything for Mom. I want to fix everything for Elena. This is so hard after shutting myself down for these last few years.” I took a long sip of coffee and stared out of the window into the backyard. Mom loved it back there and was always planting new flowers or pulling weeds. It was like a sanctuary back there when she lived here, and while Marie tried to keep it going, she was busy with her life. My sister had her own way of distracting herself, and I knew that working was the main way.

  We all had our demons, and I looked into Marie’s eyes, seeing her pain.

  I ended up eating a couple of the pastries as I sipped coffee, jittery and worried. The minutes seemed like hours, and I remembered why I told myself to never get involved with a woman.

  Marie’s phone chimed, and she reached for it as I stilled. Her brows furrowed as she read the message and I watched her bite her lip. “Robin said that she saw her. Elena has a few injuries, and she’ll be at the hospital for a few more days to be looked over. She is going to be okay, though. Robin told her to call you.”

  I turned my head and stared at my phone. It hadn’t sounded at all, and I wondered when Robin saw her. Was Elena busy with doctors and nurses and just too busy to call? Was she done with me? “I don’t know if that makes me feel better or worse.”

  “At least we know that she’ll be all right,” Marie assured me with a small smile. “She’ll call you. She might be in a lot of pain or tired…or something.”



  I stared at the pale pink walls of the hospital room blankly. The pain in my head was easing with whatever medicine was in the IV, but my body was still sore.

  I learned that I’d been hit by a car that ran the red light. The passenger side of my old car was destroyed, and it would more than likely be totaled out, but that was what insurance was for. I had medical insurance thanks to my parents, but that might be handled by the other driver’s insurance as well.

  It was a teenage girl on her way home from a friend’s house. She was texting and glanced down just as the light was changing and never even saw me.

  I thought about the last day and sighed. The pretty nurse Robin told me that Liam was worried and wanted me to call him, though my phone didn’t make it through the car accident. It went through the window and shattered on the street, and that was where all my numbers were, which was ridiculous. I would get it replaced in time, but I didn’t want to talk to anyone right now.

  I was dealing with the fact that I might not make it back to school next week, possibly changing my entire life plan. I knew that I was going to be sore for some time and was already informed that I was going to see a chiropractor and maybe a physical therapist.

  I didn’t have a car nor money to replace mine, and everyone knew that they low balled you when they gave you what they deemed it being worth. I would end up with a piece of junk, not that my old car was much more than that. But, it was mine.

  There was movement at the door, and I glanced over to see the pretty blonde nurse smiling as she walked in. She looked a bit like Gwen Stefani, and I took a slow breath as she came over to the bed. “I spoke to your parents. They’re out of the country right now but wish for you to get well soon. They’ll call your room as soon as they can.”

  My parents, the world travelers. They wrote for a popular travel magazine and were always gone. I wasn’t surprised that they weren’t coming to see me at all. This was my whole childhood. They might send me some money to help me out if I was lucky.

Thank you,” I told her gratefully as I looked back at the window.

  “How are you feeling?” She asked as she sat down in the chair. “Is the medicine working?”

  “Yeah. It takes the edge off,” I told her as I looked seriously at her. “How much did you tell my parents?”

  “Sweetie, you’re an adult, so they only know about the accident.” She frowned and leaned back against the thin cushion. “Are you going to tell them anymore?” She’d been with me when the doctor told me everything, checking on me and holding my hand during the harder parts. I felt closer to her than anyone else at this moment, and I sighed.

  “There are things that I don’t want to tell anybody,” I admitted as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ears.

  “You have to talk to somebody. I haven’t seen a single person visit you yet, nor heard about it. Who can I call for you?” She pressed, and I thought for a moment. I knew Ginger’s number off the top of my head, and I could talk to her. I told the nurse the information, and she jotted it down, which was when I remembered her name.

  Gwen. That was ironic.

  “I am going to call her and let her know where you are. You need someone to visit, and I have too many other patients to stay in here too long,” she told me regretfully as she glanced at the door. “I am always here if you need me though. Just press the button.”

  Gwen left, and I tried to get into the sitcom on TV, though my mind kept wandering. I knew that life was forever changed now and I didn’t have any idea where to go from here.

  Liam crossed my mind, and I closed my eyes. There was no way in hell I was going to contact him yet. He wouldn’t want me this way.

  A couple of hours had passed before a nervous redhead rushed through the door, making me wake out of my light sleep as she gasped. “Elena!! Why didn’t you call me sooner?”

  I blinked, and she sat down beside me. “I was taking all of this in. The nurse asked me who to call since my phone was broken in the…accident.” I swallowed thickly as she reached out to hold my hand. “Everything was. The car, the phone, and my body for a while.” I explained who had hit me and Ginger cursed her as I gave her a soft smile. “I forgive her, Ginger. She must feel awful, and everyone is okay. I’m sure she’ll get in a lot of trouble at home, but I’ll never look at my phone while driving again.” Tears filled my eyes, and she leaned forward instinctively.

  “What else is wrong?” Her eyes searched mine as I gave in to the emotions that were building up in me. “You’re going to be okay, aren’t you?”

  “I…yes. I am. I just found out more coming here.” I didn’t know how to say it since my mind hadn’t completely accepted the truth yet.

  “Tell me, Elena. I can’t stand you crying in front of me and not knowing why? Are you dying or something?” She reached an arm around me as I thought for a moment that might be a better ending to this. I snapped back and laughed bitterly.

  “No, nothing like that.” I sighed. “I’m pregnant, Ginger.”

  “What?” She asked as she pulled back enough to look at me. “Liam?”

  “Who the hell else?” I shot back before I winced. “Sorry. I’m in shock. I am on the pill and didn’t expect this.”

  “The pill,” she repeated as understanding crossed her face. “You did it without a condom?” I widened my eyes and looked around the room, thankful that it was empty.

  “On accident…the first time. I thought that I had it covered, but it turns out that there was a bad batch that came out.” I leaned back and closed my eyes, already exhausted.

  “What did he say?” Ginger asked as I felt her rest her head on my chest.

  “I haven’t told him. My phone broke, and I don’t know his number anyway, but I don’t want to tell him. It’s really early in the…you know. I have time to decide what to do.” I heard her inhale sharply as she took my hand.

  “I can get his info, Elena. He deserves to know this.” Her voice was soft and chiding as I nodded.

  “He doesn’t even know what we are. I don’t know what we are. Working towards something with a baby in the mix is going to be impossible. I can’t tell him.” I resigned myself to that from the moment they told me about the tiny person living in my body that survived the accident. “I am not going to see him anymore.”

  “Oh, Elena. I know that this is hard, but you’ve looked happy lately. Are you sure?” Ginger asked. I nodded firmly. This was going to fade away, and I’d figure out my life while he was freed up to do the same. I didn’t know what I was going to do about the baby, but it was all on my shoulders. Not Liam’s. “When do you get to go home?”

  “They want to keep me for another night since I live alone. I hit my head on the window pretty hard, and they keep checking on me,” I admitted as she turned her head, probably to look at me. I was tired now, and my eyes were closed, thinking of Liam and the last time that we were together.

  I was going to miss him so much, but it was what I had to do.

  Ginger stayed with me all day and night, offering to bring me back to her apartment so she could take care of me. She had a spare room, and I honestly wanted the company. Being alone in the small hospital room sounded so depressing. The doctor agreed, since I seemed to be recovering nicely and I dressed in the clothes that I came to the hospital in until we could swing by my place and pick up some more stuff.

  I watched her park out front and gazed at my building. Someone was standing in front of it, and I searched around us for cars. This wasn’t a great part of town, to begin with, and I wasn’t willing to approach it in my weakened state.

  I saw Liam’s car across the street and groaned. “He’s here, Ginger. What do I do?”

  “Talk to him. He’s probably worried sick.” Her voice was stern, and I looked at her.

  “Can you get my stuff? I can’t deal with this.” She sighed and leaned forward.

  “Fine but if he wants to talk, open the window.” She took my keys in a huff and left the car as I pushed my dark glasses up the bridge of my nose. I was still battered and bruised and just wanted a bath and some sleep at Ginger’s. I wasn’t looking at my door directly, but I could see movement out of the corner of my eyes despite every attempt to ignore everything happening around me. When I was left alone for a moment, I glanced over to see Ginger in the doorway as she shrugged at me. Liam appeared, and she walked inside before he glared at the car, making me turn away.



  I stared at Ginger’s car, both relieved and pissed off to see Elena huddled in the front seat. I had checked the apartment before letting Ginger in, hating how small and run down it was. I had a brief thought that she could move in with me and we could start a life together. Reality hit me like a fucking train, and I knew that it wasn’t going to happen anytime soon.

  I listened as Ginger packed some things into a bag, longing for Elena to come to my place and not Ginger’s. I’d been so damned worried about her and even called in today so I could drive by a few times. I needed to know something…anything. I found my feet moving forward, towards the new Lexus as Elena leaned her head back. She had big glasses over her eyes, but I could see small cuts and bruises on her face that made all my anger drain from my body.

  I got to the window and tapped as she stared forward for a moment. She lowered the sparkling glass and looked at me as I leaned forward. “You shouldn’t be here,” Elena told me in a hoarse voice, as I raised an eyebrow.

  “Why the fuck didn’t you call me? I’ve been worried sick since you left that night, Elena,” I heard my rage leave my lips as she winced and shuffled her hands in her lap.

  “My phone is dead. I need to replace it.” That was her weak excuse? I knew that Robin stopped in and gave her my number the day after the accident.

  “You were given my number. Remember?” I hissed as a tear slid down her cheek.

  “You couldn’t come to see me anyway. I am sure that Robin told you that I was going to be okay.” Elena was right, but I still wanted to hear
from her and have her tell me what was happening.

  “No, I couldn’t, and I don’t know how many times I risked everything to do just that. I wanted to see your face and hold your hand. I hated the way we left things that night. I should have let you stay, baby. I’m sorry. You could have been killed.” I leaned in and reached for her shoulder, not wanting to hurt her face or neck. “Are you feeling better? Are you coming back to class soon?”

  “I am sore, so I’m not sure. I just want to rest,” Elena told me in a soft voice as I imagined not seeing her sitting in the class anymore. “I have to call and see how that works.”

  “Stay with me. I’ll take care of you,” I told Elena as she stared out of the window.

  “I am going to stay with Ginger,” Elena said to me as my heart sank. “It’s better, for now, Liam.”

  She was so shut off, so cold. I played back what I knew of the accident and couldn’t find a reason she’d be pushing me away. I knew she was in pain, but we’d made some headway over the last few days before the accident. I was giving her what I could. “Did I do something? You seem angry with me.” I waited after I spoke, not sure what she would say.

  “I have had a lot of time to think,” Elena told me slowly as she shrank away from my hand. “I don’t want this, Liam. I want to complete school and not worry about what this relationship might do to my life. It wouldn’t last anyway.”


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