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Claiming Quinn (Other World Series Book Five)

Page 16

by Ramona Gray

  “Quinn?” Silas said in a low voice.

  “What is it?” She answered without slowing her pace.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “There’s nothing wrong. Keep moving, danen.”

  “I am,” he said patiently. He caught up to her and tugged absentmindedly at the collar around his neck. “Why are you so angry?”

  “Stop asking me questions,” she retorted.

  He laughed. “You might be forcing me into some type of breeding program but you can’t force me to shut my mouth.”

  Her temper snapped and she grabbed his arm before opening a door and shoving him into the room. It was one of the many bedrooms in the castle and she ignored the very tempting urge to push him onto the bed. Instead she pushed him up against the wall and glared at him. “Are you deliberately looking to be punished?”

  “That depends,” he said cheekily, “are you going to spank me?”

  She bit back her laughter and scowled at him. “You’re trying my patience, danen.”

  “Tell me what’s wrong?” He said. “Is it your back? I saw you wincing a few times tonight.”

  “Did you enjoy the queen’s touch?” She asked suddenly.

  He blinked at her. “What?”

  “The queen was touching you all evening. Did you enjoy it?” She hated the jealousy she could hear in her voice.

  “Of course I didn’t.”

  “You weren’t stopping her,” she said waspishly.

  “What’s going on with you?” He said. “Of course I didn’t stop her. I assumed she’d be pissed if I did.”

  She stepped closer to him, her nostrils flaring angrily. “So now you’re afraid of a woman?”

  “Are you going crazy, Quinn? Is that what’s happening?” He said.

  “No,” she said. She folded her arms across her torso and a twinge of lust went through her belly when Silas’ gaze dropped to her breasts.

  “You’re jealous,” he said.

  “I am not jealous,” she hissed at him. “Let’s go.”

  He grabbed her arm before she could leave and pulled her against his body. “You are jealous,” he said. “I like it.”

  “My jealousy will get us both killed,” she said sullenly.

  He touched her dark hair before running his fingers through the soft strands. “I like your hair tonight and I like your dress.”

  He ran his rough fingertips over her exposed collarbone and she shivered violently. It sent a throb of pain through her back and he frowned when she winced.

  “How bad is your back, Quinn?”

  “It’ll heal,” she said. “We have to go, danen.”

  “In a minute,” he whispered. He put his arm around her, being careful to rest it against her ass and not her lower back, and squeezed her hip. “Are you going to bid on me tomorrow night?”

  “You know I can’t,” she said.

  “Can’t or won’t?”

  “Does it matter?”


  “I can’t,” she repeated.

  “Why?” He dipped his head and tasted the tender skin of her throat. She moaned quietly and squeezed his arms, digging her fingers into the hard muscles.

  “Why?” He asked again before sucking on her earlobe.

  “Silas,” she whispered.

  “Quinn,” he muttered before pressing his mouth against hers. They kissed hungrily as he pushed his hand into the bodice of her dress and cupped one full breast. He kneaded it roughly before tugging her nipple into a hard little bud. He sucked on her bottom lip sending shockwaves of desire through her entire body. She wanted him so much it hurt and she didn’t object when he used his other hand to unbutton the back of her dress.

  She waited for him to push her dress down but instead he turned her around and gently spread her dress open.

  “Silas, what - ”

  “Oh my fucking God,” he said in a horrified whisper. “Jesus Christ, Quinn, your back – it isn’t any better.”

  She tried to pull away but he hooked his arm around her waist and held her in a tight grip. “Fuck,” he said.

  “It’s better than it looks,” she said.

  “I fucking doubt that,” he said. “How are you even standing let alone walking around?”

  “I have a high pain tolerance,” she said impatiently. “Danen, are we doing this or not?”

  He shook his head before pressing a tender kiss against one of the purple blotches on the back of her shoulder. “Not with your back like this.”

  She sighed impatiently. “I told you, it isn’t that bad. Silas, I want to fuck you.”

  “I want to fuck you too, Quinn, you know I do. But I can’t with your back like this. There’s no way I won’t hurt you.”

  “We have to be fast and quiet,” she said, ignoring his last comment. “Can you do that?”

  “I’m tired of fast and quiet,” he said before pressing another light kiss against her bruised back. “Wouldn’t you like to see what it’s like when I take my time?”

  She shuddered all over before shaking her head. “No.”

  “Liar,” he whispered. “Bid on me tomorrow night, Quinn, and I promise I’ll show you.”

  “The queen will take you tomorrow night,” she said dully. “No one will have the chance to bid on you.”

  He sighed and buried his face in her hair and she squeezed his arm. “Fuck me right now, Silas. Please. It’s our last chance.”

  “It isn’t,” he said. “You can bid on me at the next claiming ceremony.”

  He quickly buttoned her dress as Quinn stared at the floor. He turned her around and pressed a kiss against her mouth. “Your back will be healed by then, Quinn.”

  “Aye,” she said in defeat. She couldn’t tell him that once he’d been with the queen she would never see him the same way again. It wasn’t his fault but she couldn’t imagine having him between her legs after he’d been with the queen. Not after everything that bitch had taken from her.

  So now you’re just going to roll over and let her take Silas from you too?

  She closed her eyes as Silas pressed another brief kiss against her mouth. “Maybe she won’t choose me tomorrow night.”

  “Maybe not,” Quinn replied.

  “If she doesn’t, promise that you’ll bid on me,” he said.

  “Sure,” she replied. He smiled happily at her and she forced herself to return his smile. It was easy enough to agree to something that would never happen.

  “Let’s go, danen. We have lingered too long,” she said.

  “Quinn, what about the women who were with us? Are they okay?”

  She studied him carefully. “Are you dating one of them?”

  “No,” he said patiently. “We just haven’t seen any of them and I’m worried.”

  “They all live,” she said. “They’ve been working in the kitchen and doing housework in the women’s quarters.”

  “Are your people being nice to them?” He asked.

  “I would imagine they are. The one named Veronica is making it difficult. She’s a spoiled brat and if she doesn’t learn to hold her tongue she’ll be punished.”

  “Like you were punished?” He asked.

  She nodded and he sighed. “Maybe if you let me talk to her I can convince her to keep her mouth shut.”

  “You’ll see her at the ceremony tomorrow night,” Quinn said. “The breeders are allowed to visit with all of the women the night of the claiming ceremony.”

  “Will we be chained?” He asked.

  “No,” she replied. “Do not think of escaping, Silas. You will be given your freedom tomorrow night but only to a certain extent. If you try to escape, you’ll be punished.”

  She eased open the door and looked up and down the empty hallway as Silas said, “What’s the worse they can do? Beat me?”

  “The queen doesn’t like to harm the breeders, you’re too valuable” Quinn said absently as she checked the hallway again. “Most likely she’ll make you watch as she mutilates one of th
e women that came with you.”

  “Mutilate?” Silas said quietly.

  “Yes. She’ll cut out their tongue or maybe one of their eyes,” Quinn said solemnly. She stared up at him before touching his face. “The queen is neither stupid nor blind, Silas. You would do well to remember that. All right?”

  He nodded and kissed her again before she could stop him. “Remember your promise, Quinn,” he said. “If the queen doesn’t choose me tomorrow night you have to bid on me.”

  A look of fleeting sorrow crossed her face. “Aye, I remember, danen.”

  Chapter 14


  Silas and Gage turned to see Angela and Veronica pushing their way through the crowd of women and children.

  “Gage, I’m so happy to see you!” Angela cried before throwing her arms around him.

  Gage hugged her before gently pushing her back. “Hi, Angela.”

  “Hi? That’s all you’ve got?” Angela said before trying to put her arm around his waist. He stopped her and she gave him an odd look. “I didn’t even know if you were alive. They wouldn’t tell me.”

  “I’m good,” Gage said. “How are you?”

  “Fine,” Angela said as Veronica put her arms around Silas’ waist and squeezed.

  “Hi, Silas.

  “Hi, Veronica. Where are Paula and Gemma?”

  “They were chosen to work in the kitchens tonight making the food for the ceremony,” Veronica said. She sighed and rested her head on Silas’ broad chest. “It’s been so terrible, Silas. They make me clean every day and the other women are so mean.”

  “They’re not mean,” Angela said. “You won’t even talk to half of them.”

  “Why should I?” Veronica said. “I’m not staying in this horrible place. As soon as I figure out a way to escape I’m out of here. I’m not going to be a stupid maid for the rest of my life.”

  “There’s no way to escape,” Silas said. “Don’t try, Veronica. You’ll be punished.”

  Veronica shuddered delicately and pressed closer against him. “Like that horrible woman who captured us was? Frankly, she deserved to be beaten that way. She - ”

  She squealed and jumped when the handle of a sword was poked into her back. Quinn was standing behind them and Veronica paled as Quinn studied her quietly.

  “Hands off the breeder,” Quinn said.

  Veronica gave Silas a quick look. “They – they said we could visit with our friends tonight.”

  “You can visit but do not touch,” Quinn said shortly. “Or I’ll chain you in your room and leave you there for a day or two.”

  Veronica dropped her arms from Silas’ waist and took a step back. “You’re a real bitch, you know that?”

  “Veronica, be quiet,” Silas said.

  He waited for Quinn to either beat the crap out of Veronica or drag her away but Quinn simply smiled at her. “Aye, I know. Keep your hands to yourself.”

  She turned and walked away, sheathing her sword. She was dressed in the leather bustier and the blue cotton skirt again. Glimpses of her tanned thighs could be seen through the strips of her skirt and Silas’ stomach tightened. God, he wanted her. His gaze rose to the top of her back visible above the bustier. The bruising was just as bad as last night and he gritted his teeth against the anger rising in him. He could kill that bitch Akia for what she did to Quinn.

  “I hate that Xena wanna-be,” Veronica said sullenly. “She’s the reason we’re in this mess.”

  “If it hadn’t been for her we’d be dead,” Silas said absently. He was still staring at Quinn and Veronica poked him in the side.

  “What the hell, Silas? Do you have a thing for her?”

  “No,” he said before frowning at her. “I’m just smart enough to know that we got lucky in being picked up by this clan.”

  Angela was giving Gage a pensive look. “Gage, have you missed me?”

  “Sure,” Gage said distractedly. He was staring into the crowd and Angela followed his gaze. Kila, dressed in the same outfit as the other warriors in the queen’s guard, was standing with Fionn and Barkha. She gave Gage a quick smile before turning her back to them.

  “Yeah, I bet you have,” Angela said bitterly.

  Gage gave her a guilty look. “Angela, I’m sorry, but I – “

  “Don’t, Gage,” Angela said. “I’m not stupid. You are for thinking you’re going to have some kind of relationship with her. Forgetting that you’re going to be used by hundreds of different women for your goddamn sperm, she’s the queen’s daughter. Remember?”

  “I remember,” Gage said quietly. “I really am sorry, Angela.”

  She just shook her head and walked away. She joined a group of women standing near the long tables of food. One of the women put her arm around Angela’s shoulders and squeezed her tightly before giving her a warm smile. Angela rested her head on the woman’s shoulder and Veronica snorted loudly.

  “Angela thinks these women are her friends,” she said. “She’s given up completely on going back home and so have Paula and Gemma. Gemma’s already talking about trying to join their stupid army for God’s sake.”

  “You should try and make friends,” Silas advised. “There isn’t any way to get back home, Veronica.”

  She gave him a look of anger and horror. “You don’t know that for sure. Just because you’re looking forward to banging a bunch of different women doesn’t mean I should just give up and accept my new life. Asshole!”

  She stalked away, joining Angela and the group of women. Silas sighed loudly as Gage shook his head. “She’s going to get herself killed.”

  “Probably,” he said shortly. “Why are you being so rude to Angela?”

  “I wasn’t rude,” Gage protested. “There’s just no point in pretending we’ll ever be more than friends now.”

  “Because of how you feel about Kila?” Silas asked.

  Gage nodded. “Yes.”

  “Gage, you can’t have a relationship with her. You know that, right?”

  “Yes. Just like you know you can’t have a relationship with Quinn.”

  Silas glanced around nervously. “I don’t want a relationship with Quinn. Keep your voice down.”

  Gage grinned at him. “Oh please, Silas. You’re my brother and I know you better than anyone. I see the way you look at her.”

  Silas sighed again. “We’re both fucking idiots.”

  “Yup,” Gage said solemnly.

  Silas took a sip of wine. The party had started nearly two hours ago and it was the first time that he and Gage hadn’t been surrounded by women. All of the men were very popular but he as well as Gage and his friends were obviously the most admired. Although the women had mostly just looked and not touched, he’d had his ass grabbed more than once. The party was taking place in the courtyard just in front of the castle and while hundreds of torches were lit, they were hardly needed. Almost all the women had a soft glow and their combined light kept the darkness away.

  Gage took a quick glance around before lowering his voice. “Kila said she was bidding on me tonight. Is Quinn bidding on you?”

  “If the queen doesn’t choose me, yes,” Silas said.

  Gage flinched. “God, I hope she doesn’t. How weird will it be if you’re banging my girlfriend’s mother?”

  “Kila is not your girlfriend,” Silas said. “Stop thinking that she is, Gage.”

  Gage just shrugged and for a moment Silas wanted to try and smack some sense into his younger brother. “Gage, if the queen knows that you’ve got a thing for Kila she’ll use it against you. Don’t you get that? You can’t let her - ”

  “Boys! What do you think of the party?” Lloyd approached them. He was carrying a boy of about three and he placed an affectionate kiss on the boy’s cheek. “This here is one of my boys, Lloyd Junior.”

  “Lloyd Junior?” Gage said.

  “Well, his mama actually named him Rardin but what the hell kind of name is that?” Lloyd said with a laugh. He kissed the boy’s che
ek again and the little boy stared solemnly at him for a moment before bursting into tears.

  Lloyd winced and awkwardly jiggled him before patting him on the back. “Don’t cry, little man.”

  A woman appeared and held her hands out for Rardin. Lloyd handed him over and the woman smiled briefly at him before disappearing into the crowd with the crying boy.

  “He don’t know me real well,” Lloyd said. “What do you think of the party?”

  A woman stopped next to them with a tray full of glasses of wine. He grabbed one and winked at her. She blushed and glowed softly before staring at Silas. Her glow brightened and Lloyd held up his hand to block the light before laughing and drinking the wine in one large gulp.

  “What I tell you? You’re real popular, Silas.”

  “A glass of wine, danen?” The woman said shyly.

  “Thank you,” Silas said. He took a glass and smiled at her. The light beamed out of her and another woman laughed loudly before taking the woman’s arm and leading her away.

  “So, what do you think? These gals sure know how to throw a party, don’t they?” Lloyd said.

  “Yes,” Gage replied. He was staring at Kila again and Lloyd nudged him.

  “You hoping the princess will pick you for her first time?”

  Gage just shrugged and Lloyd grinned. “She’s a pretty little thing. I’m hoping she’ll pick me sooner or later. Probably will. I ain’t much of a looker but the ladies love me because I’m just so damn good in bed.”

  He pumped his hips, laughing again when a few of the women around them glowed brightly. Silas rolled his eyes as a young woman stopped in front of them. She was light purple in colour and she had small sharp fangs. There was no doubt that she was an offspring of Vida and he smiled politely at her when she looked him up and down.

  “Hello, danen.”

  “Hello,” he said.

  “Tonight is my first claiming ceremony,” she announced. “I’m going to bid on you. I would enjoy having you between my thighs.”

  She walked away before Silas could reply.

  “If she wins you’d better treat her right,” Lloyd said. “Otherwise the big blue smurf will have your head on a pole.”

  “Who my daughter chooses to breed with is no business of mine.”


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