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Rebel Doc on Her Doorstep

Page 10

by Lucy Ryder

  Carefully balancing his weight on one elbow, he lowered his body over hers, groaning when her warm silky skin slid against his.

  “Like what?” he murmured against her throat.

  She turned her head, silently inviting his mouth to feast on her tender flesh. “Like you…want to, um…” ended on a sigh as though she’d forgotten what she wanted to say.

  “Take a couple of hundred greedy bites out of you?”

  “Yes…that.” She sounded distracted, humming in the back of her throat as her hands explored his shoulders, his back and his butt. As though she needed to touch all of him at once.

  He drew back far enough to see her eyes, soft and clouded with desire. Realizing he was studying her; she tried to cover herself.

  “Nuh-uh.” He laughed softly, catching her hands. “No hiding.”

  He stroked his hand up her belly to cup her breasts, thumbing her velvety areolas and watching in fascination as they tightened.

  “Ty…” she choked out, squirming against him until he bent his head and took one nipple in his mouth, his hand skimming south, between her legs. “Omigod,” she whimpered when his thumb bumped against her little knot of nerve endings. It had her undulating into his strokes with growing urgency.

  He’d been watching his hands explore her but at her gasp his gaze flew up and he couldn’t look away. Her eyes drifted closed as he slid a finger between her tight folds, a flush of arousal staining her lightly tanned skin a deep beguiling rose. It was the hottest thing he’d ever seen.

  He must have touched a particularly sensitive spot because her body spasmed and her eyes flew open, dazed and dark with arousal.

  “Oh… I…” she breathed, and just when he thought it too much too soon, she moaned and parted her legs. Her hands rose to clutch his biceps as though she was afraid he might stop.

  “Tell me.”

  “I…uh…” She gave an inarticulate little cry, bucking, straining against him when he added another finger.

  He could feel her trembling on the edge and again ordered, “Tell me,” as his thumb slowly circled the knot of nerves at her center.

  Strung as tight as a bow, she breathlessly demanded, “Omigod, you want to talk now?”

  “Tell me you want me and I’ll give you what you need.”

  “I…want… I…you,” she managed, her head tossing from side to side as she made soft huffing sounds, her face a mask of agonized pleasure.

  “Good enough.” He chuckled, keeping her balanced on the edge several moments more before finally giving her what she needed—an orgasm that took her apart as completely as it took her by surprise.

  Her eyes flew open and locked on his as she shattered and it was the sweetest, most erotic thing he’d witnessed.

  Finally, she collapsed beneath him, her eyes drifting shut on a ragged sigh. Quickly retrieving the condom from his jeans pocket, Ty rolled it down his shaft and then, lacing his fingers with hers, he lowered himself between her quivering thighs.

  The moment his erection bumped against her damp flesh, Ty saw stars. He gritted his teeth against the urge to thrust home and find release but he wanted to see her eyes go all misty with pleasure when she climaxed again.

  “Again,” he rasped.

  She gave a ragged, breathless laugh and clutched at him. “I… I can’t,” she gasped, whimpering and squirming until he pinned her hips, rocking…rocking against her as he stared into her dazed expression.

  The sight of her deepening flush was enough to make Ty go a little crazy then. His hand smoothed the length of her thigh, his long-fingered surgeon’s hand detecting the fine quivers rippling just beneath her skin. Then he wrapped his hand around the back of her knee and gently lifted.

  Positioning himself, he slowly pushed into her, groaning when her tight flesh clamped down on him. She immediately wrapped her legs and arms around him and bucked. Once. Twice.

  Gritting his teeth for control, Ty sucked in a ragged breath and began to move. Slowly. He wanted it to build, to savor the incredible sensations, but Paige had other ideas. She gave an impatient growl and reared up, sinking her teeth into his shoulder. The unexpectedness of it jolted him and they fell off the couch, Paige landing on him with a surprised “Oomph”.

  After a startled pause, she gave a muffled giggle that ended in a long low groan when Ty rolled them across the floor and thrust deep. Then he stilled, dropping his face into her neck to keep from having a brain explosion. Or maybe another kind of explosion. One that threatened to streak up his spine like a bolt of lightning and fry all his neuro-circuits.

  Paige’s breath hitched and she brought up her knees to hug his hips and score her nails down his spine. It was the impetus his body needed and before he knew it he was pulling out and shoving in deep, over and over again as he raced for the finish.

  Gasping out a triumphant laugh, she threw back her head, looking so gorgeous and hot that he lost his legendary control. In seconds her body began to ripple around his and he watched, fascinated, as her eyes went blind. A wild flush rose beneath her skin and in the next instant she arched up and came, a long low moan torn from her throat.

  The sight—and sounds—of her pleasure triggered his own and with a hoarse bellow he followed her over the edge.


  IT WAS JUST before six when Paige pulled into the hospital staff parking. Her shift didn’t start until seven but apparently good—okay, spectacular—sex gave her a massive burst of energy that left her tingling all over and raring to start the day.

  Or maybe it was the full-blown freak-out she’d been heading for ever since she’d awakened wrapped in delicious heat and Ty’s amazing man scent. Just the sight of him, sprawled face down across her bed, gloriously and edibly naked, had given her such a rush that she’d been tempted to jump his bones. Again.

  Fortunately the cool bathroom air had cleared her head of all the intoxicating pheromones temporarily rendering her stupid.

  Standing on the cold tiles, getting her breathing under control, it had seemed like a good idea to head into work early to avoid any awkward morning-after moments.

  She sighed. Okay, so she’d panicked and run. Big deal.

  It was over; she could finally get on with her life without obsessing about the sexy guy next door: blah-blah-blah. Besides, Ty wasn’t the kind of man to get stupid over someone like her and wanting more was just…stupid, okay. It was stupid. She got that.


  He was just one of those hot temporary flings every woman deserved to experience at least once in her life. At the advanced age of thirty she’d finally done it. Yay.

  Just then she caught sight of her reflection in the rearview mirror and did a double take. Yikes. She was wearing a sappy grin that just screamed… Paige Carlyle Got Lucky Last Night. And that wouldn’t do. So she promptly scowled to erase all evidence—along with memories—of the past eight hours.

  See, she told her reflection smugly. Easy as that.

  Mood lifting at the very adult way she was handling things, Paige got out and stretched all those aching muscles she’d forgotten she had. It also made her realize how hungry she was.

  In fact, she was starving. So, instead of heading for ER, she walked through the automatic doors and hurried down the passage to the cafeteria. It was still early and the tables were mostly empty.

  Grabbing a tray, Paige ordered coffee, a couple of pastries and then, because her breakfast looked unhealthy, added an apple just as her phone buzzed.

  It was a text from “kick-ass grl”. Turn around, it said, and when Paige turned, she saw Frankie holding up the far wall, booted feet propped on the chair beside her.

  Paige quickly paid for her breakfast and headed over.

  “How was your date?” Frankie asked casually the instant Paige got close. “The one I had to find out about from the waitress at Surf ’n Turf, by the way, because my best friend doesn’t tell me anything.”

  Paige shrugged casually, hoping her expression didn’t giv
e her away. “It was more like a…favor.”

  She mentally rolled her eyes at the lie.

  “Right,” Frankie drawled. “A favor. Like having dinner with a sexy surgeon on vacation is a favor.” She snorted and waggled her eyebrows. “So did he do you any…um…favors?”

  “What? No!” Paige spluttered in protest, covering her pink face by sliding into the opposite chair. She glared at her friend. “Get your mind out of the gutter, will you? It was a mutual dinner favor. My refrigerator was empty and he…well, he needed someone to have dinner with so people wouldn’t feel sorry for him.”

  Frankie snorted her opinion of anyone feeling sorry for Ty Reese. “And after?”

  “After?” Paige asked innocently, reaching for a stick of sugar. “What after?”

  Out the corner of her eye she caught Frankie’s narrow-eyed scrutiny and tried not to look as guilty as she felt. After a short pause the other woman’s eyes widened and her feet hit the floor with a loud thud. “You did it, didn’t you?” she accused. “You finally did it.”

  Startled, Paige paused in the process of dumping sugar in her coffee. “Did what? What did I do?”

  “Not what,” Frankie snorted, pointing her finger reproachfully at Paige. “Who.”

  Heat climbed into her face and Paige grabbed the to-go coffee to hide behind. “I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.”

  Reaching across the table, Frankie nudged Paige’s hand down and snorted. “Oh, yes, you do.” Her eyes sparkled with laughter. “You did Ty.”

  Gasping, Paige made an attempt to shush her but Frankie smirked and chortled, “And by the look on your face, spectacularly too.”

  Paige hissed at her to be quiet and darted a guilty look around at the other patrons. “Dammit,” she muttered, turning back with a scowl only to find Frankie grinning like a loon.

  “So-o-o-o-o,” her friend said, drawing out the single word into about a million syllables. “Spill everything, Dr. Cutie. I need details.”

  Paige scowled. “What are we, twelve?”

  “Of course not.” Frankie snickered, looking cool and sophisticated even in her paramedic jumpsuit. “Not unless twelve-year-olds are having spectacular sex with hot surgeons. Besides,” she continued, clearly enjoying Paige’s discomfort, “it’s about time you did something stupid.”

  “What?” Did Frankie read minds now too?

  “Yep. Because getting involved with Ty?” She shook her head. “Stupid.”

  “Who said anything about getting involved?” Paige muttered irritably. “Besides, I told you it wasn’t a date.” Her face grew hot at Frankie’s derisive snort. “And how the heck can you tell, anyway?” she demanded huffily. “It’s not like I’m wearing a neon sign that says ‘Paige Carlyle got some last night’.”

  Frankie’s brow arched. “Maybe it’s the hickey on your neck and the deer-in-the-headlights look.”

  Paige slapped one hand to her neck and the other to her eyes. “I do not!” she gasped, horrified that despite her efforts to appear as though everything was fine…it apparently wasn’t even close.

  Frankie reached into her shoulder bag and withdrew a compact mirror. “You most certainly do,” she drawled, grinning when Paige grabbed for it. “You were also wearing a sappy grin when you walked in and no one smiles at the crack of dawn unless they got lucky.”

  Horrified, Paige fumbled the compact and finally got it open. Fortunately there was no sappy grin, but there was a hickey—no, two dammit. And then—Omigod!—she saw a third, on the upper curve of her breast when she pulled at the neck of her T-shirt.

  “I do,” she gasped, trying unsuccessfully to cover the damning evidence. “I totally do. I look like a…” She gulped and snapped her mouth closed.

  Frankie leaned closer and prompted, “You look like a what?”

  “Like a starved woman,” Paige said firmly, grabbing a pastry and shoving it in her mouth. She was absolutely not going to discuss how she looked in case she started freaking out again.

  “Satisfied and pretty darned smug, you mean.” Frankie chortled. “If I wasn’t so envious, I’d say good for you.” Paige made a sound of distress and after a couple of beats Frankie leaned forward, all signs of amusement gone. “I hope you know what you’re doing, Paige,” she said quietly. “Ty is…”

  She swallowed the pastry without tasting it. “Bad. Yep, got that.” But so good at being bad. She hadn’t thought she’d prefer Frankie’s teasing but the sudden turn the conversation was taking had turned her stomach to lead because the truth was…she didn’t know what she was doing.

  Oh, boy.

  She’d thought she could easily handle a casual fling, but she was beginning to suspect that she wasn’t wired that way. It might have something to do with her childhood, but Paige tended to want the impossible. She wanted permanence and Ty…well, he was the last thing in permanence. She knew that.

  She really did.

  “He’ll leave and—”

  “Break my heart. Yes I know.”

  Frankie’s expression was a mix of affection, exasperation and concern. “I just don’t want to see you hurt,” Frankie said quietly.

  “I’m not going to get hurt, Frankie,” Paige sighed, reaching over to squeeze her friend’s hand. “I know what I’m doing. Really.”

  But Paige didn’t know what she was doing and it was all Tyler Reese’s fault. Damn him. With his deep bedroom voice…and sexy blue eyes…and hot, hard body…

  Oh, my lord, Paige thought in dismay. I’m in trouble. Big, bad, sexy trouble.


  Ty woke to the sound of banging and for several moments he wondered where he was. That was until he’d got a whiff of Paige’s seductive scent and went instantly hard when memories of the past eight hours flooded back in a rush of images.

  He rolled over but even before his hand slid to the spot where he’d last seen her, he’d known he was alone. And some idiot was banging on the front door.

  Grabbing a towel from the bathroom, he stomped down the stairs and yanked open the front door with a snarl on his lips.

  Nate leaned against the wall, looking cool and wide awake as he studied Ty over the top of his aviator shades.

  “What?” was Ty’s surly demand to the other man’s arched brow. He hadn’t had much sleep but should’ve been relaxed after all the physical activity of the night before. Waking up alone hadn’t been nearly the relief he’d thought it would be. In fact, he was feeling like a one-night stand—only in reverse because he was usually the one to bail before morning.

  “Good morning to you too,” Nate said holding up a food bag and a tray of to-go coffee.

  Ty scrubbed a hand down his face and demanded, “What are you doing here?”

  “I’m here to save you from the big bad Navy SEAL that was waiting on your doorstep, looking like he was ready to use his government-trained assassin skills.”

  Ty looked around. “What SEAL?”

  “Hey,” Nate said, sounding insulted. Probably because he thought he was big and bad. “I was actually talking about the one looking for his sister.” He offered Ty a large covered disposable coffee cup before adding, “Dr. Paige Carlyle. I can just imagine his reaction at finding some naked dude answering her door.”

  Nate laughed at the look on Ty’s face and Ty folded his arms across his chest and spent the next few moments rethinking his views on physical violence.

  “You should see the look on your face.” Nate snickered, clearly enjoying Ty’s predicament.

  “I’m tempted to wipe that smirk off yours,” Ty growled, wiping his hand down his face. “But I’ve just had surgery.”

  “Like you could,” Nate finally managed. “Relax, T. I sent him to the hospital. To see his sister.” He grinned when Ty’s eyes widened. “A good thing too or he’d have made mincemeat of you.”

  Ty wanted to say he could take care of himself, but his hand was in a cast and he didn’t think his shoulder would withstand a Navy SEAL attack. Especially after disco
vering Ty had slept with his sister.

  “What are you doing here?” he asked instead. “I thought you were working.”

  Nate shrugged. “One of the guys wanted to trade days, so I thought we could go sailing. I knocked at your door and called your phone but you didn’t answer. So I decided to try here.” He chuckled. “After I sent the SEAL away. Imagine my surprise when you actually opened the door, because the last time I asked, you said she was a pain in the ass. You were here because you needed peace and quiet and didn’t need any annoying distractions. No matter how cute they were.”

  Ignoring him, Ty looked up at the sky. It was clear, but in typical Pacific North West spring fashion, the wind coming off the strait was freezing.

  Dressed in only a towel, he was freezing.

  “You want to go sailing? In this weather?”

  Nate looked out at the morning and turned back with a raised brow. “What’s the matter? It’s a perfect day for sailing. If you’re too much of a California wuss to handle a little fresh breeze, I totally understand.”

  With a growl, Ty pulled Nate inside. “Get in here, dammit. Before the neighbors call the cops.”

  “Yeah,” Nate drawled, stepping over the threshold. “I can see why they would.”

  Pausing in the process of shutting the door, Ty demanded, “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “It means there’s a naked man in Dr. Cutie’s house again.” He pulled off his shades. “Why exactly are you in the cute doctor’s house instead of next door? Where you have a perfectly good shower of your own?”

  Ty slammed the door and turned, almost colliding with Nate, who’d stopped dead. “Never mind.” The other man chuckled, catching sight of the bits of clothing scattered across the entrance floor. “I can totally see what happened.”

  Ty shoved him aside and bent to gather up the discarded clothing. “Yeah?” Ty demanded. “Maybe she had intruders last night who left a mess. Ever think of that?”

  Snickering rudely, Nate hooked his shades in the neck of his T. “What I think is that you clearly have a thing for Dr. Cutie. If I’d known, I would have introduced you to her brother. You know, meet the family and all.”


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