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by Armand Marie Leroi

  Hero. FARRINGTON (1944–9) vol. 2, ch. 1 is vastly enthusiastic over the Pneumatics and, following Diels, credits Strato for it, but see LLOYD (1973) ch. 7 and BERRYMAN (2009) ch. 5.


  Styles of science. For the distinction between the two styles of science see KELL and OLIVER (2004). A. says we should theorize even when we have few facts, DC 292a14ff (on stars); cf. GA 760b28–32 (on bees). See also DC 293a25–31 for the relationship between proof and theory.


  A.’s natures and his critics. See HENRY (2008) for a discussion of Aristotelian organismal natures and its critics. LEAR (1988) pp. 23–4, remarkably, admits and defends virtus dormitiva arguments in A. BERRYMAN (2007), BERRYMAN (2009) and JOHNSON (in press) both give valuable, if rather different, discussions of the meaning of mechanistic and whether or not A.’s theories can be judged as such. I hope to discuss Thompson’s On Growth and Form, and its relationship to antiquity, in a future paper. It is now quite commonplace for scholars of A.’s biology to speak of mechanism, e.g. KULLMANN (1998) p. 292 and HENRY (2006a) on the mechanism of inheritance and GREGORIC and CORCILIUS (2013) on the mechanism of the animal motion. SHIELDS (2008) pins down what ousia means to A. with respect to artefacts and organisms. The invitation to biomedical science is from LBV 480b20. ANAGNOSTOPOULOS (2009a) discusses A.’s interest in medicine. ‘This our science’: THOMPSON (1913) p. 30.


  A. and Darwin. The Tuco-Tuco appears in DARWIN (1845) where he suggests that it is en route to becoming a blind fossorial animal such as a Proteus, mole or Aspalax – but cautiously attributes the thought to Lamarck. In DARWIN (1859), he draws the parallel with moles again, no longer attributes the evolutionary thought to Lamarck and suggests that natural selection for eye loss combined with the effects of disuse (for Darwin remains, in part, Lamarckian) might be responsible for the loss of eyes in burrowing animals. BORGHI (2002) investigates eye reduction in various fossorial mammals, and shows that Ctenomys has slightly smaller eyes than a squirrel, but much larger than any other fossorial mammals, and that they protect their eyes when burrowing by closing them. ‘Lack of experience is a cause’: GC 316a5; see LENNOX (2011).


  What A. teaches us. All men are born . . .: Deutsche Requiem (1949) in BORGES (1999) p. 233. Samuel Taylor Coleridge said it first, Table Talk, 2 July 1830.


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