The Lagoon
Page 53
body, of, 146–150, 256–257, 262
household, of 146–150, 319–326, 311–313
eels, 228–229
life-cycle & reproduction of, 231–232
elephants, 52, 99–100
‘nose’ of, 137–139
Ellis, John, 278
elements, 27, 78, 80, 91, 158, 162, 165, 166, 242–244, 357
embryogenesis, 152, 193, 180, 195, 197–202, 215
Renaissance interpretations, 200–201
sex determination & genetic inheritance, 216–217
Empedocles, 21, 181, 288
cosmos, view of, 80
‘Love and Strife’, 80–81
metabolic theory, 165
On Nature, 20
Purifications, 20
sex determination & genetic inheritance, 216
Enquiries into Plants (Theophrastus), 33, 295
‘entity’ (ousia), 141, 159, 339
Epicurus, 81
epiglottis, 145
epigenesis, 201
Explanations of Plants (Causis plantarum), Theophrastus, 33
eyelids, 84–85
evolution, 86, 92, 113, 128, 136, 185n, 206–207, 208, 264, 273–274
experiments, discussion of, 362–365
family household & social structures, 311–312
fan mussel, 304, 321
fan mussel crab, 304, 321
females, view of, 187–188, 306
figs, 244–245, 246, 247
fig wasps, 227
‘first element’, view of, 331–332, 337–338
cartilagenous, 72–74, 129, 255n, 259, 322
bones and cartilage of, 109, 111, 125–126, 281
behaviour of, 45, 69–70, 69, 69q, 70, 259
embryos of, 194, 196, 258
fertilization and roe of, 258–259, 182n, 184
migrations of, 376
sexuality of, 190, 190n, see also ‘eels’
teeth of,
sounds made by, 44
spawning of, 240, 241n, 258
form (eidos), 88–90
Aristotle’s view of, 88–90
Plato’s view of, 88
fossils, 294
early knowledge of, 292–295
‘four causes’, 91–92
final cause, 372
‘that for the sake of which’, 86, 87, 136–137
frogfish, 73n, 137, 149, 239n
Gasparrini, Guglielmo, 246
gender differences, 306–307
female, 187
male, 184–186
Generation of Animals, The (Aristotle), 182, 289
bees, generation of, 249–250
fertilization & the acquisition of a soul, 189–192
figs, references to, 245–246
human characteristics, 308
‘Ladder of Nature’, 277
nurture of embryos, 347q
sexual intercourse & pleasure, 188
Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Étienne, 280
Cuvier, G., dispute with, 280–282
Law of Compensation, 283–284, 285
Philosophie anatomique, 291
teratology, foundations of, 291
Unity of Plan, 281
geometries of animals, 108, 110, 305–306
Gesner, Konrad, 101
Glaucon, ideas of, 24–25
goby (fish), 17
god, 336–337, 339–340
Greek Birds, Glossary of (Thompson, D. W.), 13
Greek Fishes (Thompson, D. W.), 143
‘guts of the earth’ (gēs entera), 229
Halieutica (Oppian), 153
Harvey, William, 200–201, 356–357, 357q
function of, 175–176, 305
in humans, 47, 60, 63–65, 64, 65n, 168, 171–172
in other animals, 60, 109, 167, 168
heat, understanding of, 166
Heavenly Emporium of Benevolent Knowledge (Borges, J. L.), 105
Heavens, The (Aristotle), 228, 347q
celestial bodies, 331
cosmos, view of, 328
Heraclitus, 20
Hermias (Tyrant of Assos), 28
death of, 29
Herodorus, History of Heraclea, 53
Arion, story of, 114
as source of information for Aristotle, 51
Hesiod, 18–19
Aristotle’s analysis of the theories of, 20
Hippocrates, 20–21
Corpus Hippocratium, 21, 213
genetic inheritance, view of, 218
Historia animalium (Aristotle), 3–4, 35, 42q
accuracy of? 66–67
Alexander the Great, as source of information, 48–49, 50, 52
analogues, 109–111
balance of nature & animal conflict, 323–324
birds & classification of, 135–136, 141
catfish, 69–70, 69q
chameleon, 46–47q
classification of animals, 111–113, 112q, 116–117
Ctesias of Cnidus, as source of information, 50–51
cuttlefish, 10, 10, 59–60, 154, 154q
description of & background to, 42–44
Diogenes of Apollonia, quotes from, 63
dogfish, 72–74, 73q
dolphins, 114–116
eels, 228–229
elephants, 99–100, 100q, 137–140, 138q
epiglottis, function of, 145
figs, 244–245, 245q
fish, 44–46
geometries of animals, 108, 110
goldcrest (bird), 135q
Herodotus, as source of information, 51
hieroscopic texts, 43
honey & honey bees, references to, 247–252, 251, 309–310
human anatomy, 62–66, 62q, 63q, 64
human embryo, studying of, 181
hyena, 53–54, 54
‘intelligence’, 83–84
‘kinds’, differences between, 107–108
Length and Shortness of Life, The, 260–261
lions, 52
mammals, 48
Movement of Animals, The, 86–87
myths & fable, 44
nature & efficient design, 148–149
paper nautilus, 72
Parts of Animals, The, 87, 90, 126, 136, 147, 318
plants, 109
Polybus of Cos, quotes from, 63
Pyrrha, lagoon (Lesbos), 14, 16–17, 376–377
reproductive biology, 186
ruminant, stomachs of, 118–119q, 119
sea urchin, edible, 67
sea urchin, long-spined, 142–144
sexual intercourse & pleasure, 188
shells, 3–4, 3–4q, 5q, 410
sources consulted, 43
spleen, function of, 145
structure & order of, 117–119
swallows, references to, 449
Syennesis of Cyprus, quotes from, 63
teeth, 81–82
Theodore of Gaza, translation of, 99, 99q
Thompson, D. W., translation of, 13–14
woodpecker, middle spotted, 67
Historia animalium (Gesner, K.), 101
History of Heraclea (Herodorus), 53
hoopoe (bird), 134
human anatomy, 62–66, 175–176
dissection, 62
heart, 63–64, 64, 65q, 175–176, 305
anatomy of, 62–66, 175–176
characteristics of, 307–308
embryo, studying of, 181
gender differences, 306–307
hands, importance of, 308
sexual desire, 187–188, 188n
hummingbird, 283
hybridization, 290–291
hyena, 53–54, 54
Iliad, 50, 230, 319
inheritance, 212–213, 290
ancestral reversions/atavisms, 219–221
Corpus Hippocratium, 213
inherited features, 217–218
pangenesis, 21
‘particulate’ v. ‘blending’ inheritance, 219
pleiotropy, 286
epistasis, 285
sex determination, 215–217
insects, 108n, 167, 168–169, 175n, 191, 192, 227, 230, 253, 261, 281
cicada, 235–236, 236, 261
fig wasps, 227
see also bees
Ischomachus, 310
Jaeger, Werner, 346
Jost, Alfred, 216
kingfisher, 240
Klein, Jacob Theodore, 67
Kuhn, Thomas, 228
La végétation de l’île de Lesbos (Cantartzis, P. C.), 15
‘Ladder of Nature’, 277–279
Law of Compensation (Geoffroy, É.), 283–284, 285
Le règne animal (Cuvier, G.), 279
Leake, William Martin, 30
Leeuwenhoek, Antonie van, 230–231
Length and Shortness of Life, The (Aristotle), 260–261, 373q
Lesbos, 30
Aristotle, moving to, 32
‘bird winds’, 135
description of, 14, 35
description of by Longus, 265
Eresos (Erresos), 32, 295
fossils, existence of, 294–295
Kolpos Kalloni, 15, 34–35, 377, see also Pyrrha, lagoon
modern day visits to, 34
Mount Olymbos, 14–15
Mytilene, 34
Mythymna, 142, 143
Petrified forest, 295
Vrissa, 294
Potamiá Valley, 205, 207
Pyrrha, lagoon, 14, 16–17, 376–377
saltpans, 15
Skala Kalloni, 269–270
Skamanoudi, 103
Vouváris (river), 135, 231, 257, 265, 318
Leucippus, 79
Life of Luxury (Archestratus), 18
life histories, animal, 253–260
lifespans, animal, 260–262
Linnaeus, Carolus
Aristotle’s influence on, 276
hybridization, 290
‘Ladder of Nature’, 277–278
Systema naturae, 101, 278
lion, 52
lungs, 44, 109, 175, 175n, 177, 263, 454
Lyceum (Athens), 410
Apollo Lykeios, sanctuary of, 6
Aristotle’s school at, 6, 7, 345–346
library at, 352
Sulla’s razing of, 6
Theophrastus, head of, 350–351, 351
Magnus, Albert, 276, 354, 355
Maupertuis, Pierre-Louis Moreau de, 221
mammals, 48, 50, 66, 74, 108, 109, 118, 119, 184, 254
mantis shrimp, 75
Medawar, Peter, 353, 464
mechanistic theories, 360–361, 369–371
Mendel, G., 221
menses (see also wind eggs), 183–184, 189, 190, 197, 199, 215–216, 220, 307
metabolic theory, 163, 166–167
growth & transformation, 164–165
Metaphysics (Aristotle), 19, 39–40q, 90–91, 290, 378
altruistic animal species, 322–323
cosmos, view of, 319–320, 319–320q, 333
God & religion, view of, 336–337, 339–340, 339q
Hesiod, analysis of theories of, 20
Thales of Miletus, analysis of theories of, 19–20
theories and ideas, 40–41
Meteorology (Aristotle), 243
migration & seasonal habits of animals, 241
Mount Olymbos (Lesbos), 14–15
Movement of Animals, The (Aristotle), 86–87, 173–174, 174q
embryo development, 199q
Müller, Heinrich, 71
muscles, 172, 198
murex (snail) 16, 35, 225–226, 226, 235
mutations (lysis), 220, 292, see also ‘ancestral reversion / atavism’
Natural History Museum (London), Bird Hall, 97, 98
nature, balance of, 323–325
natures, 23, 75, 86, 90–91, 296, 299, 369
natures, formal, 75, 90, 296, 299
natures, material, 143, 144, 210
natural selection, 82–83, 326–327
Aristotle’s view of, 273
Natural Theology (Paley, W.), 84q
Argument from Design, 85
Naturalis dispositio echinodermatum (Klein, J. T.), 67
Naturalis historia (Pliny the Elder), 48–49, 100–101, 115, 254n
elephants, 100q
nematode (embryogenesis), 201, 232, 286
Nicomachean Ethics (Aristotle), 130q, 340
balance of nature, 325
noses, inheritance of, 137, 217–218, 218, 219–220
Novum organum (Bacon, F.), 359, 359q
nutrition, 108, 145, 148, 150, 163, 166, 168
octopus, 68, 71, 71, 72, 104, 124–125, 154
Odysseus (pelican), 269
Ogle, William, 274–275, 298
On Generation & Corruption (Aristotle), 375q
On Growth and Form (Thompson, D. W.), 13
On Nature (Aristotle), 77
On Nature (Empedocles), 20
On Nature (other writers), 77
On Stones (Theophrastus), 294
ontogeny, animal species, 253–257
life-history features & variations, 256
Oppian, 153
organs (‘instrumental parts’), 136
Organon, 124, 126
orgasm, 187–188, 188n
Origin of the Species (Darwin, C.), 207–208, 208q, 284, 284q
origins of the state, 311–312, 314–318
oyster, 205, 224
generation of, 226
Paley, William, 84
Palsson, B. Ø., 177
pangenesis, 214
Papadatos, George (bookshop), 3
paper nautilus, 70–72, 71
Parts of Animals, The (Aristotle), 87, 90, 292, 318
birds, 136
elephants, 100q
horns, position of, 147
human characteristics, 308
scientific method, 126
of progeny, 253–254, 277, 305, 403, 440, 450, 454
of adults, 253–254, 277–279, 305–308
pig (feet), 209
pipefish, 258
Phaedo (Plato), 84
soul, definition of, 156
Philip II of Macedon, 28, 49
Physics (Aristotle), 81, 181
Book II, 8, 233, 243
cosmic change, 328
physiologoi, 18–19
Anaxagoras of Clazomenae, 83–84, 215
ideas and theories of, 20
Socrates’s view of, 22–23
pigeon, 8, 182, 185, 207–208, 254, 256–257
pilchard, 103–104, 116, 238, 258,
plants & flowers
figs, 244–245
lifespan diversity, 261, 262
plant transformations, 296–298
seasonal growth of, 244
study of, see ‘Theophrastus’
Academy of, 24
Aristotle, at The Academy, 22, 27–28
definition & understanding, 106
Forms & ontology, 88
intelligent design, 85–86
mathematical reasoning, 26–27
origins of animals, 26
Republic, The, 24, 28, 210, 318
Socrates, writings on, 24–25
soul, definition of, 156–157
Timaeus, The, 25–26, 85–86, 87, 88, 277, 289, 306, 321–322, 332
works by (mentioned), 411
Pliny the Elder, 48–49
Naturalis historia, 100–101
Plutarch, Aristotle, teaching of Alexander the Great, 49q
pneuma, 172–173
fertilization & the acquisition of a soul, 192
Politics (Aristotle), 147
balance of nature, 324q
classification of states, 317
democracy & origins of the state, 314–318
family household & social structures, 321
Politics I (Aristotle), 311
Politics III (Aristotle), 105–106, 106q
Polybus of Cos, 63, 193
Pomponazzi, Pietro, 356
Popper, Karl, 92
porphyra (snail), see ‘murex’
Posterior Analytics (Aristotle), 124, 126, 129–130, 348
preformationism, 201, 220, 441
Problems (Aristotelian text?), 234
Purifications (Empedocles), 20
Pyrrha, lagoon (Lesbos), 14, 16–17, 376–377
Aristotle at, 270
Historia animalium (Aristotle), 16
Questions on Nature (Seneca the Younger), 19
Redi, Francesco, 230
regeneration, 253n, 254, 262
religion, 336–337
Metaphysics (Aristotle), 339–340
Metaphysics (λ, 10), 310, 322, 323, 333
structure of, 336–337
reproductive biology
female genitalia, 187
male genitalia, 184–185, 186
sexual intercourse & pleasure, 187, 439
women & sexual pleasure, 187–188
Republic, The (Plato), 24, 28, 318
eugenics, 210
soul, definition of, 157
resource allocation, 149, 256
rock rose, 12
Royal Society, The, 359
ruminants, stomachs of, 118–119
saltpans (Lesbos), 15
Sappho, 77
scientific method & syllogistic reasoning, 124–127
sea horse, 268, 270
sea urchin, 108
edible, 16, 58, 67
long-spined, 142–144, 142
Seneca the Younger, Questions on Nature, 19
senses, & sensory transmission, 169–172
sex determination & genetic inheritance, see ‘inheritance’
sexual intercourse & pleasure, views on, 187–188
bio-geography of, 206
on Lesbos, 205, 207
Syrian fat-tailed, 204, 210
shells, 410
collecting, 4
Historia animalium (Aristotle), 3–4
Simplicius, 81
background & ideas of, 22
Cicero’s view of, 23q
eyelids, 85, 85q
physiologoi, & their ideas, 22–23
Plato’s writings on, 24
Xenophon’s view of, 23q
soul, definition of, 156–159
Aristotle’s view of, 157–159
cybernetics, 176–177
‘explanatory causes’ of Aristotle, 160
functions of, 163
heart, function of, 175–176
interpretation of Aristotle’s view, 160–162
Phaedo (Plato), 156–157
pneuma, 172–173
nutritive, 163, 166–167, 175, 176, 190, 264, 325
Republic, The (Plato), 157
Soul, The (Aristotle), 157q
structure of, 163, 167–169
sensitive, 163, 169–174
vitalism, 161
vivisection, 168
slaves, 62, 311, 312–314, 320
Soul, The (Aristotle), 157q, 336, 336q
Aristotle, teaching of, 24
Plato’s Academy, 28
spleen, function of, 145