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Daddy’s Lost Love

Page 11

by Roberts, Laylah

  She knew. She could feel it. Did he like it, though? Then he brought his finger to his mouth, his finger that was coated in her dew and sucked it like it was the finest thing he’d ever tasted.

  And so, she figured it was a good thing.

  “My girl is going to stay nice and still while Daddy makes her come,” he told her. “And she isn’t going to hold anything back. Is she?”

  She shook her head.

  “Words, baby girl. Very important. I want communication open and clear between us at all times. Don’t ever want to do something you don’t enjoy. You say no, it means no and I stop. Understand?”

  She nodded. Eyes wide. He waited.

  Words, Daisy. You idiot.


  “Yes, Daddy. Or Sir, if you’re not ready for that. Dragon is acceptable when we’re alone.”

  She grinned. Which she guessed was his intention.

  “Good girl.” He placed his finger on her clit, slowly circling it slowly. Her hips rose, wanting more. “Keep still, baby girl. I want you to move, I tell you.”

  Her breath was coming faster, harder. “That’s not that easy.”

  “Will get easier,” he muttered, watching her closely. “Damn, my baby wants it bad, doesn’t she? When was the last time you had an orgasm?”

  “Last night,” she told him. Then she froze as he did.

  He moved his finger away. “What the fuck?”

  “I-I gave myself one,” she explained, looking away in embarrassment.

  There was a moment of silence. Then his finger returned to her clit. But she was wound up too tight to pay much attention.

  “What’d you think of as you made yourself come?” he asked as he lay on his side next to her. He grabbed the leg closest to him, lay it over his thighs, stretching her, widening her to his touch. He moved his finger away from her clit, ran it up and down her folds.

  She wanted it back on her clit. Suddenly, he smacked his hand down lightly on her pussy. She let out a surprised cry.

  “Daisy, asked a question. Not real keen on you not answering me.”

  Shit. Shit.

  “You,” she said quietly.

  “Yeah?” he asked in a pleased voice. “I like that.”

  She blushed. Good Lord, were they really talking about her fantasies while she made herself come?

  “But you don’t do it again without me being here.”

  “What?” she squeaked. “I can’t do that with you here.”

  “Oh, you can. You will.” He leaned in, suckled on her nipple and played with her clit until she was so close, she could taste it. Until it pounded through her. Sweetness broke out in her mouth. She knew it was going to be good. So much better than anything she’d given herself.

  Then he drew back. “Or if I’m on the phone with you. Yeah, that could work. If I can’t be here to give you pleasure, I can direct you over the phone. Like that too.”

  Fucking hell. He was going to kill her.

  He lightly pinched her clit and she jumped. “Hear me, Daisy-girl?” His voice was strict.

  “Y-yes, Sir.”

  “That’s my good girl. Now, my baby needs her sleep. Which means she needs to come for me. Nice and loud. Give it to me, baby girl.”

  He moved his finger faster, harder and she peaked. She threw her head back as her body shook with the force of the orgasm that hit her. It started slow and soft then it slammed into her, washing her away and she drifted.

  From a distance she felt him shift. Felt his lips brush hers. Then her legs were spread even further and something warm and slightly rough applied to her lower lips. That’s when she came back. She sat up, reaching for the washcloth, he was using to clean her up.

  He sent her a look. “Where are your hands supposed to be, little girl?”

  Oh. Crap. She moved them back.

  “Your tally sure is getting large. Might have to spread it out so you can still sit to work. Or get you one of those standing desks. Yeah, that might be a better idea.”

  He stood, returned the wash cloth to the bathroom. No throwing it on the floor for Jed. She lay there until he walked back. Guilt filled her. She should do something for him. This felt one-sided. He sat and picked up the nightie he’d dropped.

  “Sit up, baby girl. Let’s get you ready for bed.”

  “Um, isn’t there something you’d like me to do for you?” she asked shyly. She had zero experience with giving a blow job, but she was willing to learn. Very willing.

  “Not right now, sugar. Although I appreciate the offer. But I want my first time with you in your pussy and I got to work you up to taking my cock.”

  Probably more than he even realized. She pushed that thought back. That was for another day. She yawned as he pulled her nightie on then picked her up and stood her by the bed.

  “You need to go potty, sugar?”

  She stared at him in horror. Did he just ask her that?


  “Do you need to go potty?”

  “I. . .ah. . .”

  He gave her a knowing look. “Take it that’s a yes. Come on.”

  “Well. . .this is more than a little embarrassing.”

  He stopped at the door to the bathroom and drew her close. “Sugar, ain’t nothing that you and I can’t talk about. No need to be embarrassed. I’ll even let you go by yourself. This time.”

  This time?

  She gawked at him for a moment. He turned her towards the door and gave her a gentle push. “Off you go.”

  Somehow her body rallied and she stumbled into the bathroom, firmly shutting the door because. . .yikes, she wasn’t ready for that. Wasn’t sure she ever would be. Then she did her business and wandered back out in a sleepy stupor.

  “You wash your hands?”

  “Yes,” she whispered, knowing her face was once more an unappealing shade of crimson.

  “Good girl. Come on, in you go.” He’d already pulled back the covers.

  When she was in the bed, he tucked her in tight he reached over and grabbed blankie, giving it to her. She studied his face, looking for any signs he thought her a complete freak. But all she saw was reassurance and acceptance. “Gonna sleep well now, baby girl?”

  “Uh-huh,” she murmured, her eyes already closing, her thumb slipping into her mouth automatically.

  “Good,” he told her. “Happy dreams, sugar.”


  “Hi,” she said breathlessly into the phone.

  “Hello, sugar.” His voice rolled over her, instantly filling her with happiness. “Where are you?”

  “Just walking up to the house. I went to the grocery store.” She’d only needed a few things and decided that wasn’t worth doing an online order for.

  “Call me back once you’re inside and groceries are put away.” He ended the call before she could answer. As she walked up to the front door, a weird feeling assaulted her. Like someone was watching her.

  Don’t be silly.

  Once inside, she locked the door and hurriedly put the few things in her shopping bag away before calling Jed back.


  Because of his schedule, she hadn’t seen him since that night he’d given her an orgasm and tucked her into bed, but they’d talked a lot. He’d put her to bed each night over the phone.

  It was easier than she’d thought to relax and be herself around him. She guessed he was right. All she’d needed was a place where she knew she was secure, and out her Little side came.


  “Groceries away?”


  “Good girl.” Those words still filled her with warmth. “Got good news. Working late tonight, but then I’ve got the next two days off.”

  Excitement filled her. And a hint of nerves.

  “Gonna pack a bag and come stay. If that’s okay with you.” There was a note of hesitation in his voice. Her nerves melted.

  “I would love that,” she said quietly.

  “Good. Me too. Remember, not
hing happens you don’t want, but while I’m there I want to be in your bed, holding you. Been dreaming of that for a while now.”

  Her breath hitched. “Me too.”

  “You up to date on your work? Can you take some time off?”

  “Yep.” If she got her butt into gear now.

  “Good. Because also been thinking we need to start getting through that tally you’ve managed to accumulate.”

  Her mouth dropped open. “I don’t think that’s necessary.”

  “Got to do it some time, baby girl.”

  “But I don’t want to,” she said with a pout.

  “Not about what you want, is it? It’s about what you need.”

  “I don’t need a spanking.” She stomped her foot. Then she looked at it in surprise. Where the hell had that come from?

  “And I would say I’ve waited too long to give you what you need. Now, I can tell that someone didn’t get enough sleep last night, am I right?”


  “Little girl. . .”

  “I woke up at three and couldn’t sleep,” she admitted.

  “Early to bed for you tonight.”

  “Nooo,” she groaned.

  “Yes,” he said firmly. “Keep arguing and you’ll be spending the next fifteen minutes in the corner with your pants down at your feet.”

  That she did not want.

  “Sorry, Sir,” she whispered.

  “That’s better. Baby, I know you’re probably nervous. Unsure about all this. But I’m gonna keep you safe, you know that right?”

  Warmth filled her. “Yes, I know.”

  “Nothing bad happens to my girl while Daddy is around, right?”

  “Yes. I’m sorry.”

  “Go get what work you need to finish up done. I’ll call you at eight to put you to bed.”

  Eight! Man, that sucked.

  She knew better than to say that out loud, though.

  * * *

  The doorbell rang early the next morning and she raced to it, checking briefly to make sure it was him. Something she hadn’t forgotten to do since his warning. Then she opened the door, and unable to help herself, she launched herself at him.

  Thankfully, he’d seemed to read her intent because he braced himself and caught her. His hands on her ass as she wrapped herself around him and held on tight.

  “Hey there, sugar.”

  She could read the amusement in his voice. She didn’t care if he thought she was a dork. But then he stepped forward, through the door shutting it behind him. And then she was on her feet and he was kissing her.

  A kiss that was so hot, she thought she was melting. In fact, she was shocked to find she could still stand when he drew back.

  “Think my baby missed me,” he rumbled before reaching over to lock the door.

  “Yeah,” she said breathlessly. Then she just stared at him for a moment, feeling shy for some reason.

  He reached out and cupped the side of her face. “Missed you too, babe.”

  She gave him a smile.

  “How is my Daisy-girl?” he asked.


  “Got a present for you,” he told her. And for the first time, she noticed the dark green duffel over his shoulder.

  “A present?” Excitement filled her. “Really?”

  “Yep.” He tilted his head to one side, a slight smile on his face.

  She clapped her hands as she bounced on her feet. “Yay! Oh, but I didn’t get you anything.”

  He shook his head. “Not why I bought you it, babe. I bought you a few things. Might not like all of them, though.”

  What did that mean?

  “I’d like any gift you bought me,” she told him as he slid his hand into the back pocket of her jeans. Normally, she wore yoga pants when she was home doing nothing. But since he seemed to like to rest his hand on her ass, she’d put a pair of jeans on this morning. “I don’t remember the last time anyone bought me anything.”

  He glanced down at her and she couldn’t read his face. They reached the living room but instead of sitting on the couch as she’d expected, he sat down on the rug on the floor. So, she sat across from him. He opened the duffel bag and pulled out a large box that was wrapped in pretty unicorn paper.

  “Got the paper from Ellie,” he told her in a rough voice. “Ordered it online.”

  She held the large box in her hand. Something shifted around inside it. Excitement filled her. “Can I open it?”

  “Sure can, sugar.”

  She tore at the paper and he let out a surprised bark of laughter that had her stilling and looking at him.

  “What?” he asked.

  “Nothing. I just. . .I haven’t heard you laugh in a long time. I like it.”

  His eyes warmed. “Like hearing you laugh too.”

  She pulled the rest of the paper away. And stared down at what she held in her hands.

  “You said you liked building blocks; thought you might like this. But if you don’t—”

  She launched herself at him again. Only this time, he wasn’t expecting it and he hadn’t braced. So, she caught him off guard and he went flying back. She lay on top of him, pressing kisses over his face until, laughing, he sat up and pulled her onto his lap.

  He grinned down at her. “I’m guessing you like it.”

  “I love it.” She bounced around. “Can I open it now?”

  “In a minute. I’ll even help you build it.”

  “You will?” She stared up at him in wonder. “You’ll play with me?”

  “Of course, what is a daddy for if he won’t play with his girl?”

  Her happiness washed away the last of her doubts about him accepting this. He’d listened to her when she’d told him she liked to relax by building things. He’d gone online and bought her the most kickass Lego set she’d ever seen, a princess castle complete with horses, knights, a moat and best of all. . .dragons. Then he’d gone to Ellie to get unicorn wrapping paper. And now he was going to help her build it.

  She reached up and lightly pressed her lips against his. “Thank you, Daddy.” God that felt good to finally call him that. “Best present ever.”

  And then he topped that gift by giving her an even better one. His eyes melted into pools of hazel-green and the widest smile filled his face. He hugged her tight. “You’re welcome.”

  His voice was slightly husky. But she got it. This moment was special. It was the moment she truly gave him her Little to protect.

  “Before you open it, baby girl, let me get the rest of your presents.”

  “Don’t think anything could be better than this, Daddy,” she told him solemnly.

  He set her back on the floor then reached back into his bag. Next thing he drew out wasn’t wrapped. She stared down at the binky in his hand. It looked far bigger than anything she’d ever seen a baby use.

  “I’m not a baby,” she told him instantly.

  “I want you to use this instead of sucking on your thumb. It’s an orthodontic one.”

  She scowled. “What’s wrong with my thumb?”

  “This is better for your teeth.”

  “I’ll probably lose it.” And maybe that would be on purpose.

  He raised one eyebrow. “I thought I could tie it to your snuggly so you wouldn’t lose it.”

  Damn it. He knew she would never lose her snuggly. She let out a disgruntled sigh.

  He rubbed her knee gently. “Give it a try, huh? For me? Don’t want you messing up your teeth.”

  Her tummy bubbled with happiness. “All right, I’ll try.”

  “That’s my good girl.” He reached into his bag again, brought out some Winnie-the-Pooh coloring-in books, story books and, best of all, three nighties. One with Tigger, one with Eeyore and one with Kanga and Roo.

  She picked them up with a squeal. “These. Are. Awesome!”

  He grinned. “Saw them. Thought of you.”

  “Thank you, Daddy! Can’t wait to wear them!”

  “That’s good. You
can try them out when you take a nap later.”

  That killed her good mood. “Nope, don’t need a nap.”

  “You look tired, despite going to bed early last night.”

  “I woke up early,” she told him.

  “Half a mind to put you back to bed now, but I thought you’d want to play with your Legos.”

  Damn him. She did want to play and she definitely didn’t want to go for a nap now.

  “Last gift. Doubt you’ll see it as such, though.” He drew out a small, flat wooden paddle.

  She froze. “What’s that for?”

  “This is Daisy’s naughty girl paddle.”

  She shook her head. “No, it’s not.”

  “Yes, it is.”

  “Nope.” She shook her head so hard, her hair whipped around her face.

  “Baby girl,” he said in a warning voice.

  “Daisy doesn’t need a naughty girl paddle,” she said, her voice growing more childish. She watched his face grow soft, but didn’t take much notice since she was too busy denying the existence of the paddle in his hand. Ouch. How much would that hurt?

  She couldn’t even imagine.

  “Daisy is a good girl,” she insisted.

  He nodded, surprising her. “Daisy is a good girl. But sometimes she does naughty things. And sometimes, she will get the paddle on her bare bottom to help her remember to obey the rules she has to follow.”

  She folded her arms over her chest. “Daisy doesn’t want it. Give it to another naughty girl.”

  This time when he smiled, it stuck. And it was beautiful. And for a moment she forgot about that stinking paddle and just stared at him.

  Then he turned it. “But it has Daisy’s name on it.”

  And yes, it did. In flowing script. Right along the handle.

  “You had it engraved?” she yelled.

  “Yep,” he replied. “Now, just got to find a good place to put it.”

  “The fireplace?” she asked hopefully.

  He gave her a stern look. “Nope. And if it ends up in there, I won’t be happy. I also ordered a back-up for my cabin at the ranch.”

  Did that mean he was going to invite her out there one day? So far, they’d spent all their time at her place. Not that she minded, she loved this house.


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