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Star Warrior's Mate: A Scifi Alien Romance (Star Warrior Book 2)

Page 6

by C. F. Harris

  It was all too much. I’d been playing coy for so long now. I’d been resisting these urges because of the conflict, the lingering loyalty to humanity, that made it so difficult to give in and give him what he wanted. What I so desperately wanted.

  Fuck it. I couldn’t take it anymore. I needed this. I’d needed it since that fateful day when we were bonded. If he was going to take it then I was going to give it to him!

  Jorav’s hands went to my clothes. It was some sort of tight number that I didn’t complain about too much. He said something about it being the standard uniform for human prisoners on his world, though I didn’t see any of the other enslaved humans walking around in what amounted to a catsuit. I’d been more than happy to let him have his fun because, to be perfectly honest, it was fun parading around in front of him and watching his reaction.

  The catsuit came off with a single rip from his powerful hands. One moment I was as decent as I could be in something like that and the next I was completely exposed to him. I gasped and smiled up at him.

  “You naughty boy,” I said.

  His only response was a growl as he wheeled me around. I pressed up against the wall and I was cut off from all sight but the wall leading down to a street that was still empty because I’d been firing off energy weapons into the crowd out there in an attempt to break free from the imperial assassins who came around to ruin my day. I could still see a smoking charred hole in the side of a building on the other side of the alley where one of my shots had landed.

  I didn’t need to see what was going on though. I could see what Jorav was doing through his mind’s eye. It was a trippy experience seeing and feeling everything that was happening on the other end of the encounter, but now that I’d experienced this I didn’t think I could ever go back to making love to a human.

  There was just no comparison to the Livisk. It was probably a good thing that the bonding killed most human women who were forced to endure it. Otherwise the Livisk would be able to defeat us in a generation by bonding their men to our women and destroying humanity through sheer reproductive attrition.

  I felt and saw Jorav exploring my body. I saw his hands moving over me and felt the desire welling up inside him even as goose bumps rose across my body at his caress. I knew he was feeling it from my end as well because his excitement only grew every time he hit a particularly sensitive spot that had me purring like an animal in heat.

  His caresses were incredible, but there was an urgency there as well. After all, I’d denied him for some time now. I could feel all the pent up desire threatening to break free and it was matching the pent up desire I’d been hiding and causing an explosion to rock back and forth between our minds.


  His hands moved to my bottoms. He ripped again and then I felt it pressing against me. That monstrosity of a sparkling blue cock that I’d only seen the one other time, but damn had I missed this feeling. It’s not that he was particularly huge compared to other humans I’d been with, but to be perfectly honest it really wasn’t the size that counted sometimes. His cock was perfectly shaped and perfectly proportioned to his massive body, which is to say it was a decent size, but more important than any of that was the simple fact that he knew how to use it.

  And oh was he using it to great effect now. Teasing me around the edges and holding himself at my entrance without pressing inside. Without committing the ultimate alien invasion, if you’ll pardon the pun. I could feel amusement dancing over the desire in his brain.

  The bastard. He was toying with me! He knew what this was doing to me and he was using it against me! I would’ve shielded the mental link so he was flying blind, only I was so overcome with desire that it was difficult for me to do much of anything. I certainly wasn’t going to be able to shield my mind when I was so overcome with lust.

  “Do it,” I said. “I need this.”

  With any other man he might have taken that as a sign that he needed to tease me more. That he needed to establish who was truly the dominant one in this relationship. Only that was the nice thing about Jorav. There was none of that bullshit. None of the games that I’d come to expect from human relationships back when I still pursued those.

  No, he was remarkably simple and to the point. So when I begged him for it he gave it to me.

  I squeezed my eyes shut and was shut off from the world for one delicious moment as he slid inside me. Explosions. Fireworks. A mass driver weapon screaming through the atmosphere, only the screams were my own and they were singing out across the bottom levels of the Livisk homeworld as he rammed inside me and filled me completely.

  It was a testament to how fucking turned on I was that there was no problem with him moving in that quickly. He held himself there for one incredible moment while I adjusted, while I felt the feedback from his own mind as he gazed down at my body in wonder, and then nature took over and he was slamming inside me over and over and filling me in an incredible way that I’d only ever felt once before.

  With him.

  How could I have denied this for so long? I needed this so badly. I had to have him in the worst way. I couldn’t believe I’d been denying myself this supreme pleasure. It was so wonderful. I felt as though I was on the edge and all it would take was a little push and then I would release all the pent up tension and desire that had been building between us since we were bonded and thrust together permanently.

  Jorav was like an animal. He was a creature possessed, and I could feel that streaming into my mind. I was surprised to realize that I was getting that same feeling. I was a mad woman. I was screaming without any regard for anyone who might hear us out in the street. I didn’t care about the lone assassin I’d incapacitated down at the other end of the alley. All I cared about was Jorav. He filled my world as he filled my body.

  “Do it!” I screamed. “Fuck me! Fuck you you blue sparkly alien bastard!”

  Jorav growled and I felt a spike of fury course through him, but it seemed that he liked it as well because that fury quickly turned to desire. Interesting. So the big bad alien enjoyed being treated like a crazed invader.

  “Do it you fucking savage! Take me!”

  Jorav growled again and the anger flared hot inside him, but that anger was followed by an overwhelming desire as he filled me one final time and then he was filling me with his hot alien seed that almost burned, but it felt so damn good too!

  It was weird. His desire and his orgasmic pleasure flooded my mind and that was finally enough to push me over the edge I’d been sitting on the entire time he was making me his. I threw my head back and screamed, because what else was I supposed to do? He was an animal. He was incredible. He was everything I’d ever needed in a man, and who cares that I had to be captured by the enemy and taken captive on an enemy world to feel this?

  I was insensible. I went blind to the world and the only thing that filled my mind was the pleasure of Jorav filling my body. It was a pleasure that was almost too much for me to handle. It was more than my body could take.

  Slowly the amazing feeling started to lessen. I felt his mind pulling back and the feedback loop of pleasure slowed until there was nothing, leaving me with a massive hole in my mind that disappointed me more than when he pulled out of me and I was left with nothing. I nearly collapsed against the wall, but his strong arms were there wrapping around me and picking me up. Throwing me over his shoulder as though I was a prize that he’d won and now he was taking me back.

  Taking me back. Yeah, some time in the palace to decompress after all of that sounded like just the ticket. I could barely form a coherent thought, and I needed time to unwind.

  I was so overwhelmed that for once I didn’t stop to think about how that tryst was a betrayal of every oath I’d ever taken as an officer of the Combined Fleet. In that moment, basking in the afterglow of the incredible feeling of being taken mind, body, and soul, I didn’t give a fuck about those emotions.

  All I cared about was Jorav. Was feeling him against me. I didn�
�t even care that I was exposed as we made our way down a street that was finally starting to fill with Livisk and humans once more.

  No, I allowed myself to be carried away. After everything I’d just been through I honestly didn’t have the strength or the resolve for anything else. So I enjoyed being cradled in the arms of my sparkly blue warrior who’d just made me feel so damn good.

  Fuck the rest of the galaxy. All those problems could wait. Stars knew I had plenty of problems waiting for me here on this world.

  7: Old Customs


  I paced back and forth in front of a view of the city that included the Imperial Palace off in the distance. Then again that was hardly surprising that I had that view. Any building that looked towards the center of the city could see the Imperial Palace considering it was the tallest and most magnificent structure in the whole of the Livisk Ascendency.

  I felt conflict as I looked out at that magnificent building. There’d been a time when I was a younger man, before my successes had brought me close to the direct imperial sphere of influence, when I’d looked at that building and felt pride. I’d felt the sure knowledge that any species that could create something on such a grand scale was a species that deserved to have mastery of the galaxy.

  Back then I’d known that we’d sweep aside the strange pinkish creatures who were challenging our dominance of the galaxy from their home system in the uncharted backwaters of the western spiral arm.

  Now? I wasn’t so sure. That palace was the home of a child I’d seen grow up. It was the home of a creature who was continuing to wage a war that it was becoming increasingly obvious we might not be able to win despite our warrior spirit. It was the seat of a power that had just sent assassins to destroy the best thing that ever happened in my life even if she was also the source of many of the worst things that had ever happened in my life.

  Women seemed to be like that no matter what, only it was dialed up to the extreme with Talia.

  I turned and regarded her. She sat there looking so proper in front of my desk. She had a look of such complete and utter innocence that I almost couldn’t imagine that she would dare to do something like stealing one of my energy weapons when I had my back turned.

  I held out a hand. “Give it to me.”

  “What are you talking about Jorav?” she asked, her voice using a sweet tone that I’d come to recognize as meaning that she was trying something. She was also masking her thoughts which was as much of a giveaway as that tone.

  “I don’t know what you took, but I do know that I don’t want you to have it. You have no idea what sort of damage you might have done today by using an energy weapon in public like that,” I said.

  Talia arched an eyebrow. Well then. Now we were getting into looks that were very familiar. That one usually meant that I was in trouble for some reason. I suppose I should have stopped and been amazed that I could ever be in “trouble” considering I was technically the captor and she was my “guest.”

  Again, women. They were the same all across the galaxy.

  “And how could I be in more danger with an energy weapon than without? If you’ll recall they were the ones who attacked me, and that asshole we let live used some sort of weapon of his own. I call it evening the playing field,” she said.

  I frowned. “That’s impossible. They wouldn’t use an energy weapon for the mating challenge. It’s forbidden.”

  “It might be forbidden, but it looks like they decided to break a few of the rules,” she said. “I’m telling you, they used an energy weapon.”

  My frown deepened. I didn’t like the sound of that. Blades and unarmed combat were the rule of the day when it came to the mating challenge. Anything more advanced than that was strictly forbidden, and yet there was the way her mind had went dark suddenly. As though she was hit with a stunning weapon of some sort. If she’d been hit on the head then she would likely still be out and in desperate need of medical attention. These humans were surprisingly delicate when it came to hits to their skull.

  That she’d awoken so quickly also screamed energy weapon in the hands of someone who didn’t know the proper setting for a human and was afraid of applying too much force and accidentally killing the subject they were trying to kidnap.

  Yet I refused to believe it. It was too dishonorable. Even the emperor passing judgment from his throne and acting as though he owned the world, which technically he did, wouldn’t go so far as to risk dishonoring himself by having his assassins cheat.

  It was impossible.

  “You must be mistaken, Talia,” I said. “The mating challenge is strictly unarmed combat. You must be remembering the encounter wrong.”

  Talia’s eyes flashed and I found myself preparing for combat. I did that a lot when she looked at me like that. It had to be some sort of delayed response from the first time we met and she’d been in power armor and in the middle of schooling me in ship to ship and hand to hand combat at the same time.

  Truly she was a wondrous creature.

  “You believe what you want sparkly,” she said.

  I frowned. I’d noticed that she tended to use that name whenever she was annoyed with me, and that in turn annoyed me. I didn’t draw attention to it, though. I’d also discovered, much to my dismay, that drawing attention to something I didn’t like was a sure way to guarantee that she would do it until the end of time and then some.

  “This is one of those dangers I warned you about,” I said, trying to change the subject. The assassins using an energy weapon and violating an ancient code that went back to the hazy days before the first great nuclear conflagration that united our world was so far beyond the pale that I didn’t want to think about it.

  So I didn’t.

  “A danger you warned me about? You said it was dangerous to go alone. You didn’t say anything about the emperor sending a bunch of assassins to try and kill me,” she said, anger flaring on her face and through the bond.

  “This is what I’ve been trying to tell you. There’s so much you don’t know about what’s normal on this world and what you don’t know could very well sneak out of an alley and try to kill you.”

  Talia stopped and stared at me with her hands on her hips. That combat itch started up again. That was never a good sign.

  “You’re telling me that someone trying to kill me is something normal? That I should just get used to the idea of someone trying to plant a knife in my back every time I go down to the corner grocery?”

  I frowned. “A corner grocery? I’m afraid you’ve lost me with your language choice. Is that some sort of place you go to test yourself in combat?”

  Talia sighed and rolled her eyes. A moment later my mind was flooded with visions of a place where humans went to get their food and other necessities. All of the food was packaged in neat little plastic wrapping and presented ready to be cooked without any need to be a part of the killing.

  It was dishonorable and it disgusted me. To think that Talia thought Livisk food was revolting when the humans didn’t even go to a hunting chamber like civilized people so they could kill their food as was proper.

  I shook my head. I was learning so many things about the humans through this bond, and some of it turned my stomachs.

  “Right, I get it,” Talia said. “You think the idea of packaged food is disgusting or dishonorable or something. It’s getting pretty damn exhausting trying to keep up with the list of things that bring me dishonor, you know.”

  I opened my mouth to tell her that it was fine. That I didn’t care. She was a human and they had different customs. I understood that even if they did turn my stomachs. I didn’t have a chance to even get the thought out before she was advancing on me again.

  I had another flashback. Her in that power armor grabbing my fist and holding it in place as the other fist came up to slam into my gut and send me flying across a room into a bulkhead that crumpled under me. It still brought me shame to think that the only thing that saved me in that mome
nt of single combat was a lucky hit dropping a part of the ship on top of her.

  In a moment I was back in reality. Back to an angry ball of feminine human fury advancing on me. An angry ball of feminine human fury that I now knew was more than capable of destroying me in hand to hand combat without the benefit of power armor if I wasn’t careful.

  I did the expeditious thing. I retreated until I was backed against the wall of my study and thought the entire time about how ridiculous it was that I was allowing myself to be intimidated by this human!

  She pointed a finger at me. Poked at my chest. “So do you want to tell me what the hell is going on with you and the emperor that you think it’s completely normal for him to send a bunch of assassins after me?”

  I blinked. Right. The mating challenge. I’d been so preoccupied with trying to avoid combat flashbacks that it had completely slipped my mind. I reached down and gently placed my hands on Talia’s waist which brought back an entirely different sort of flashback to what we’d done in that alley just a half hour ago as the humans reckoned it.

  Those flashbacks were far more pleasant.

  I picked her up gently and her eyes went wide. I moved across the room and sat her down on my desk so she had a view of the emperor’s palace in the distance. I thought it would be a good thing for her to have a reminder of just how powerful the emperor was on this world while we had this conversation. I also worried the entire time I was carrying her that she would find some way to cause me a great degree of pain, but part of the reason why I was so taken with this human was precisely because she was so dangerous.

  I sat down in my chair which molded itself to my current posture and stared up at Talia trying to think of the best way to describe the mating challenge.

  “You do know you’re doing a terrible job of covering up your thoughts right now, right?” Talia asked. “You can just come out and tell me what the hell this mating challenge thing is. I’ve already been attacked by assassins. It’s not like anything you tell me is going to make me more annoyed at his royal assholeness.”


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