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Liam (Hawthorne Brothers Romance)

Page 14

by M. L. Young

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  I stood around with Brianne, acting like everything was okay, even though it was far from it. This was my last final, a combination presentation and short exam, and obviously Brianne was in my group.

  She didn’t know that I knew about her and who she really was or what she was doing. I thought it was better that way, because I was able to really study her and see the kinds of things she said to me. She hadn’t asked about Liam or anything of that sort yet, but we also had been doing some work and listening to other presentations, so the opportunity hadn’t presented itself. Even if she did ask, though, I’d just have to go along with it until after this was all over. I couldn’t risk getting into a fight and ruining the hard work we put into the group project. My grades and future as a lawyer were more important than her.

  It was finally our turn, and Ian, Mike, Brianne, and I all went up to present. We had poster boards, a PowerPoint presentation, and a script for all of us to talk from. We took turns, and I wasn’t even all that afraid of the public speaking part, mainly because I kept my eyes on her the entire time. She looked so happy, so joyous, but little did she know about the verbal smack-down I was going to lay on her once I found her in the hall. Now I just had to hope I got done with my exam faster than her.

  Luckily, I could tell she was struggling a little once we got to that part of the class. She was never all that great at taking tests, and I’d studied my butt off to secure a good grade. Our desks weren’t too far away from one another, and I only glanced over once or twice so Professor Ingle wouldn’t think I was trying to copy off her or feed her answers. She never even saw me looking, and I finally finished my test with about half of the class already over.

  “Thank you. Have a great summer,” Professor Ingle said, giving off a smile that was mostly absent during the semester.

  “Thank you, professor. You as well,” I said with a smile, grabbing my things from my desk and heading into the hallway.

  Passing by Brianne’s desk, I snuck a peek down and saw she was about three-fourths of the way done with the exam. I shouldn’t have to wait too long. I flipped through my phone while I waited, not talking to anybody, but just reading articles online about dating and relationships. I didn’t want to get riled up by talking to Liam, and I knew Taylor and Emily would just make things worse for me. I needed to be alone with my thoughts and use my own words when I saw her, instead of just repeating what they thought I should say. This was my battle, after all.

  Finally, after what seemed like a lifetime of waiting, she walked out, looking through her bag, before I stepped out and stopped in front of her. “Oh, hey, what’s up? How do you think you did?” she asked, chipper as could be.

  “Do you think we can go somewhere and talk?” I asked bluntly.

  “Yeah, that’d be fine. I don’t have another final for about an hour,” she said.

  I didn’t know where to go, so I took her to a quiet part in the corner of the common room that was mostly used as a hangout and waiting room for students. I felt butterflies, but not the good ones, as nerves came over me. I almost felt like throwing up but didn’t. I knew I needed to be strong. I couldn’t back out now. This stuff had to be said.

  “So what’s up?” she asked.

  “I know what you did,” I said.

  “I don’t know what that means,” she said.

  “I know you used Sarah to talk to me that night at the bar. The night of Liam’s fight,” I said.

  “She told me later that she’d talked to you, but I can assure you I didn’t tell her to do anything. I don’t know why you’d think that,” she said.

  “Yeah, she told me how Liam cheated on you and this and that. I know that didn’t happen,” I said.

  “Yes, it did, actually. I don’t know why you wouldn’t believe me about that. Why would I lie?” she asked.

  “Because you want him back. It’s obvious. You did this stuff to his last girlfriend, and now you’re trying to do it to me,” I said.

  “Did what? Warn her about the kind of pig he is?” she asked with a little laugh.

  “You try to sabotage the relationship so you can try to get him back. It’s pathetic,” I said.

  “The only thing that’s pathetic is him, and quite frankly you, a little bit,” she said.

  “He dumped your ass and wouldn’t take you back, and you can’t handle that. He’s cute, smart, successful, and you’re a controlling, manipulative bitch who can’t stay away and mind her own business,” I said.

  I wasn’t sure what came over me, whether it was anger towards her or just anger at the fact that she wouldn’t admit what she did and what she was doing. I probably wouldn’t even have acted like this right now if she’d just owned up to her actions and claimed responsibility, but she wouldn’t. Who knew if she even believed what she did was wrong.

  “I’m the bitch? No, honey, you’re the bitch. You come here, drag me over, and then yell at me and call me names, yet I’m the bitch?” she asked.

  “Yeah, you are. The only cheating that was done was you cheating Liam out of a healthy, stable relationship. You might think that you were going to do it again and screw me over, but no. You almost did, sure, and I even doubted him, but now I know I was in the wrong and have since apologized to him for ever even doubting him. He’s the greatest man I know and he’d never do something like that. Dating you was the biggest mistake he could’ve ever made in his life,” I said.

  “No, cheating on me with that ho was the biggest mistake he ever made and will ever make. I was good to him, I took care of him, and we did everything together. I made sure he was happy. He threw it all away to get his dick wet, and he got what was coming to him once she left him,” she said.

  “She left him because you wouldn’t go away! When will it go through your head that you are the issue here? You’re like a parasite that just won’t go away. You put all this energy into trying to get him back or to stop him when you could use that energy to find a new man and move on with your life. It’s not healthy, Brianne,” I said.

  “You’re going to see one day. You’re going to see what kind of man he is,” she said.

  “I’m sorry that you’re so delusional to think that he did these things to you, but you guys were broken up, for a while, and he moved on while you thought he was coming back to you. That sucks, it does, but he made it clear that you guys were through, and you just should’ve moved on,” I said.

  “No, I’ll never give this up or move on. I took care of him, I pushed him to do the MMA thing, and then he goes on and makes a name for himself and forgets me while leaving me in the dust. He owes me, and I’m going to get my payment one way or another,” she said with a nasty tone.

  “That’s what this is about? Because he had a successful amateur career and then went pro? You think you’re owed some lifestyle or money or whatever because you encouraged him to really go after MMA? No, that’s not how that works, Brianne. He put in the work, he did the training, and he went after his dreams. You aren’t owed something simply because you took him to a practice or egged him on to do this with his life,” I said.

  “I’m done talking to you about this. He’ll get his day,” she threatened.

  “Actually, you’ll get yours. I’m going to advise him to get a protection order against you, and if you come near him you’ll go to jail. How about that?” I asked.

  She stopped in her tracks, looking at me and scowling like a rabid wolf. “How dare you,” she snarled.

  “You deserve it,” I said.

  At this point, people started crowding around, mainly because of how we were yelling at one another. I couldn’t even be bothered about them, because at this point I was riled up and not nervous any longer. My adrenaline pushed all those fears out of me.

  “Have fun in jail,” I said with a smirk.

  She lost all control, my comment sending her over the edge, and she started to run at me with her fist cocked back. She was moving in s
low motion, her snarl like nothing I’d ever seen before. I moved to the side and she tripped over her own feet while running up the stairs to the platform I was on. She tried to catch herself, but couldn’t find anything, and her face, her mouth, rammed straight into the side of a wooden table that sat between a few chairs in the lounge.

  I watched as she hit it, the crowd gasping, before I noticed two of her teeth, a front tooth and another, bloodied and falling to the floor. Her eyes welled up, her hand going to her mouth, before I heard a few snickers in the crowd while others seemed to be shocked.

  “I’m going to have you arrested for this!” she screamed.

  “For what? Moving out of the way while you tripped?” I asked.

  “I have witnesses,” she said, crying.

  “Yeah, a few of them are even taking video. I’m sure the cops will see how you tripped over your clown feet and crashed into the table. Maybe if you controlled that temper you would have all your teeth right now. I’d pick those ones up from the floor, the dentist might be able to drill them back in,” I said, pointing to her bloody teeth on the ground.

  She screamed before grabbing her teeth and running off, this time not tripping over her own feet. A guy with the video got my e-mail and sent it to me, telling me that I could use it if she tried going to the cops. I guess she was taken care of now. All that was left to do was to tell Liam and hope that she finally went away. I had a feeling now that she’d think twice before trying to come between us.


  “How did your final go?” Liam asked as we sat in a Chipotle later that night to celebrate my end of the year.

  “It went…well,” I said.

  “Why that voice?” he asked cautiously.

  “I confronted her,” I said.

  “Wow. How did that go?” he asked.

  “She’s missing two teeth now,” I said.

  “No, Jess, what did you do? You’re going to get arrested now,” he said, sounding genuinely scared.

  “Relax, it wasn’t me. She did it to herself,” I said, smiling a little.

  “She punched herself in the face?” he asked.

  “She tripped over her own clunky feet and smashed her face into the edge of a table. She was trying to attack me when it happened, but fell before she could get to me,” I said.

  “Wow. How did the talk go otherwise, though?” he asked, without any concern about her mouth or face.

  “She obviously won’t admit to anything she’s doing or that she’s done. I really chewed her out and got very upset and angry, but it didn’t seem to faze her,” I said.

  “Because she doesn’t have a conscience or a soul,” he said, laughing.

  “Yeah, I could tell. It just amazes me that she’s so good as a con-woman. She can sit there and scheme behind your back, but then be your best friend to your face. She’s really got some kind of personality disorder. I almost feel bad for her,” I said.

  “It sounds like her that she wouldn’t own up. She didn’t admit to doing anything?” he asked.

  “Not really. She was just deflecting everything, but she did say you owe her because your career is apparently all because of her,” I said.

  “Oh, what bullshit that is. She encouraged me, yeah, but I’d already taken a few lessons and had my wrestling background, so it isn’t like I started from scratch. She did what any girlfriend would do and supported my decision, but it isn’t like she’s the reason anything started. Besides, she’s not entitled to anything but a thank you for that,” he said.

  “I know! She acts like she’s taking you to court because she thinks she deserves part of your winnings,” I said.

  “Well, good fucking luck getting paid,” he said.

  I tried to lay off the subject, realizing that he was getting a little heated and upset thinking about all this. Today was supposed to be a happy day, the start of my summer and our increased time together, and I didn’t want to taint it with her nonsense. I just wanted to spend quality time with my man, and that was it.

  “My mom called today,” he said.

  “Oh yeah, what’s up with her?” I asked.

  “She wants me to visit in late July,” he said.

  “Oh, that sounds like fun. Are you going?” I asked.

  “I’m not buying any tickets just yet, because I don’t know how many to get,” he said.

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  “I’m not sure if I should get you one, too,” he said nervously.

  Meeting a guy’s parents was a big step in any situation. It really showed that you were serious about the person, and that you saw yourself with them enough to bring them home and introduce them. Going out of state to meet parents, though? That was next-level stuff, and it really showed that he truly did like me and want to be with me. You wouldn’t take that kind of a risk unless you were damn sure about the person.

  “You want me to go with you?” I asked.

  “Yeah, I do. Things between us are really good, and we’ll have been dating a few months by the time it comes around. I think four or five months is a reasonable amount of time to meet parents, don’t you think?” he asked.

  “That sounds about right,” I said.

  “So you want to go, then?” he asked.

  I was nervous to take this big of a step, even though I was falling for him, but I liked him, a lot and I could actually see myself with him. I wouldn’t have confronted Brianne if I didn’t. Maybe it would be a good time, and I’d have to do it eventually, so why not then?

  “Yeah, I’ll go,” I said, smiling.

  “Wow, okay, great,” he said, looking incredibly relieved.

  “I’m excited. I hope they like me,” I said, starting to panic and wonder if they even would.

  “Oh, they will. You’re definitely the best girlfriend I’ve ever had,” he said.

  “Yeah?” I asked, feeling my cheeks warm up.

  “Hopefully that means at some point I can meet your parents. I think my mom is going to get Cash to come out as well. Just don’t get star-struck and try to leave me for him,” he said, laughing.

  “He might play Prince Charming on the big screen, but I already have mine, and I’m not letting go,” I said.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  Two Months Later

  Two months had passed and things really couldn’t have been going any better both in my professional life and in my personal life. I’d moved, thank god, and didn’t have to live in a crummy Lower East Side walk-up any longer. Taking an elevator up and down every single day was such a luxury, though I had to admit it made me feel a little lazy on more than one occasion.

  I’d scheduled another fight, though it wasn’t until the fall, so I still had a bit of time to prepare. My bank account was so padded that I didn’t have to worry about paying for a date with Jessica or going to a museum or buying a subway pass, though I wasn’t going spend crazy, either. I knew that the money wouldn’t last forever, and if I got injured tomorrow or lost my contract I’d want to make sure it would last as long as possible before I had to find another job or way to support myself.

  Talking about Jessica, things couldn’t be better. We hadn’t even heard from Brianne after Jess threatened her with a restraining order, and that fight, albeit not Jess’s fault, made everything for us much, much better.

  Just knowing that I didn’t have a shrewd woman behind me, calculating her moves to break up my relationship, was magnificent. She didn’t text me anymore, I didn’t see her on the street, and though Jess would likely see her at school once senior year started, I knew she’d do everything she could to stay away from her. Jess said she shouldn’t even have any classes with her, so that was good.

  I’d kept my word and spent a little bit of the money I won on plane tickets for her and me to go home, to my hometown, to meet my family and get to know them. I was serious about this girl, this woman, and I felt it was only natural that they meet her and greet her into their lives and our family. Af
ter all, when you know you want to marry somebody one day, you do everything you can to include them and make them feel welcome. Loving in-laws could be the make-or-break for a relationship.

  I stopped by Jess’s apartment and picked her up before we hailed a taxi to take us to LaGuardia Airport. Since she lived on the Upper East Side it wasn’t that bad of a commute, though traffic was always a nightmare in the morning. Our flight was set to leave in two hours, and I hoped that it would be enough time, since their security lines were known for being bottlenecked and horrible no matter when you were there.

  “Are you nervous?” I asked when we were a few minutes away from the airport terminal.

  “Yeah, a little bit. I’m treating this as a big deal,” she said, rubbing her hands together.

  “It’ll all be fine, babe, I promise. They’re very welcoming. Hell, Bentley and Cash’s girlfriends were welcomed with open arms, and now you will be too,” I said, grabbing her hand and kissing it.

  “Why are you so great to me?” she asked, looking a little more secure and mellow.

  “Because I love you, that’s why,” I said, smiling.

  She leaned in, giving me a soft kiss, before we pulled up to the terminal and were dropped off. We’d told one another we loved each other about two weeks ago, which was a few months into our relationship. I felt it was a good time, after about three to four months, and that was when you knew if you loved that person or not. Besides, I was bringing her home to meet my family, actually flying there from a few states over, and I wouldn’t just do that unless I loved the person and saw myself with them. Otherwise it was just a waste of time and a very big risk.

  We checked two bags, one for each of us, and got our tickets before trudging through the long and arduous process of waiting for security. We tried to lighten it up, talking and looking at pictures together on Instagram, but the constant scurrying like cows lined up for slaughter was too much of a burden to be fully distracted from.

  We were in a three-person row on the plane, with me on the aisle and Jessica in the middle. I needed the aisle for room, being so tall and large, and even though I offered to get her an aisle seat next to mine, she refused and said she wanted to be right next to me to hold my hand in case she got scared. She wasn’t huge on flying.


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